Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Angel ❯ chapter ten ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title : Midnight Angel
Part : 10 / ???
Author : Me ^^
Email :
Feedback : Always craved ^^
pairings : pretty much open (still ... *sweatdrop*)
disclaimer: I don't own the G-boys. I only play with them^^
warning : general weirdness, language, AU, OOC...
rating : ummm... ??? NC17 maybe? *no clue*

Midnight Angel

Part ten

While Lucifer carefully removed the barbed-wire and the nails that
pinned his son to the wall, the others freed the unconscious Heero
from his awkward position.

//Shit, he's already turning blue from lack of oxygen...dammit
Heero, _breathe_ you bloody bastard!// Quatre hoped that they were
not too late. He punched Heero into the chest, and with a gasp,
Heero finally started breathing again.

When the last nail had been removed from Duo's wrists, Lucifer
caught his falling body and carefully laid him down on the huge bed,
next to Heero. Summoning a bowl with fresh water and a washcloth, he
gently began cleaning his son's wounds.

After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Heero slowly began to
stir and opened his eyes.

"Nnnngghhhh... somebody got the number of that MS... ?" Then he
seemed to recall the previous events and tried to sit up too fast,
but the world started to spin and his stomach flip-flopped. With a
pained grunt he fell back.

"Heero... are you badly hurt?" Quatre inquired worriedly.

//I don't know... I feel ... weird. Something is wrong, but I don't
know what...// Heero thought, but out loud he answered: "No, just
my pride. Where is Duo?" He was worried sick, but no facial or vocal
expression betrayed his emotions.

"He's lying right next to you." Wufei answered, casting a glance at
their still unconscious companion.

Seemingly content with that answer, Heero fell into an uneasy
sleep, feeling, as if someone or something took away his control.
Lucifer sighed deeply.

"What is it?" Quatre asked.

"It seems like your friend has been cursed... with a spell I don't
know of." Zechs' head shot up.

"What the fuck do you mean by that?"

"Well.. can't you see it? Black threads are woven throughout his
otherwise dark blue aura. It almost feels like a puppet spell...
almost. It _must_ have been that bastard elf... my poor baby..."
Quatre didn't believe his eyes. Lucifer practically _cooed_ at Duo.

"So you _know_ who is responsible for this... this... atrocity?"
Wufei felt like he could battle an entire army on his own, so
fueled was he with righteous anger. Lucifer stared him square
in the eyes.

I have a pretty good idea who is to blame, but I have no proof..."
Lucifer growled deep in his chest "but as soon as I _have_ a proof
I'll rip his heart out of his still-living body - with my bare

"Would you please calm down...?" Quatre shivered under Lucifer's
heated glare. "Your anger is washing over my uchuu no kokoro like
a tidal wave..." Zechs stared at Quatre.

"Oh, I almost forgot about that... Quatre, _why_ didn't your uchuu
whatnot react earlier? I mean... first you didn't react at all, only
when it was too late..." Quatre paled.

"You are... right... first I felt _nothing_ at all... then I felt
something _very_ powerful approaching - I guess that was you,
Lucifer - then suddenly I felt like a blanket had been pulled away
from over my senses... and only _then_ I could feel Duo's agony...
does this make sense to anyone of you?" Before the others could
react, Lucifer spoke up.

"Actually, that makes sense just _perfectly_ ! I guess that bastard
knew I was on my way to this place, so he shielded himself and
whatever he was doing, so I wouldn't be alerted too early on..."
Lucifer bared his teeth (or rather fangs)"That S.O.B. is _so_ dead,
once I get him in my hands..."

"Wait a minute... you did not come _because_ Duo was hurt? It just
happened to happen at the same time?" Trowa questioned.

"That is not your concern, mortal!" Lucifer hissed, his temper
flaring dangerously.

"You are wrong on that, Luci. If it concerns Duo, it concerns us as
well, since we are working as a team!" Zechs challenged, his eyes
sparkling slightly mad.

"It is family business, so it does _NOT_ concern you! And don't you
_dare_ calling me names again, blue eyes!" Lucifer roared, royally
pissed that Zechs had the nerve to contradict him.

"Duo's life is in danger, and Heero was attacked as well. That
_makes_ it our business. Besides, the six of us _are_ family. You
can't argue against that, _big daddy_ !" If one thing didn't sit too
well with Zechs, it was being chastised like a little child.

Trowa watched the verbal battle in silent amusement, once more
wishing for a camera (preferably one that would never run out of
tape or power in the important moments).

"Kisama! Stop quarreling like some stupid onnas, you two! You'd
better look, it seems like Duo is going to wake up soon!"

"Howgh, chief Wufei has spoken..." Trowa muttered under his breath
before he - like the others - turned his attention towards Duo,
whose breathing rhythm indeed had changed.

Lucifer held his breath, his fingers clasped together in a silent
prayer. Knowing just too well who had done this, he expected the
worst, since his son unknowingly had skidded into the affairs of
the high elven crown.

Finally, Duo opened his eyes. They were dull and lifeless, no
recognition sparkling in their once joyful depth. A crimson tear
escaped Lucifer's eyes, as he carefully searched for Duo/Azrael's
soul. As he had feared, he couldn't find it.

"Gone..." he whispered, unbelieving, then roared his sorrow out
into the world: "That bastard has stolen his soul!!!"

"What... what do you mean by that?" Quatre asked fearfully, his
voice shaking.

"Well... being my son, Azrael is half an angel. That part of him
is immortal. But being his mother's son as well, makes him half an
elf, too. And that makes him vulnerable. Iron hurts him, terribly
so, and without the immortal/long-living soul of it's bearer inside,
the wounds won't heal and his body will start aging rapidly. And
have you ever seen a mortal body that is several millenia old? A
living one, I mean? I doubt that. If we won't find his soul _fast_,
his body will start wilting away... and without a body, even _his_
soul can die..."

Wufei propped a finger into his ear, pretending to clean it.

"Excuse me... did you just say something about 'several millenia',
or is there something wrong with my ears?"

"Yes, young dragon, I said those words indeed. Your hearing is
excellent, don't worry." Lucifer quirked one fine eyebrow at the
antics of the young Chinese.

"_Now_ I _do_ worry..." Wufei muttered. The thought of being called
a dragon seemed to become _much_ more ominous all of a sudden.

"Why don't we go downstairs and talk there?... I don't want to wake
Heero." Quatre suggested shyly.

//Besides, seeing Duo like this really gives me the creeps...// he
thought to himself, shuddering at the thought of maybe losing his
friend. The others agreed and so they went downstairs, never
noticing Heero's lips curl into an anticipating grin.

//Hah, this is _much_ easier than I had expected// Lord Mithuril
thought, eyeing his 'new' body critically in the full-lenght mirror
at the wall.

//I have to get new clothes, this spandex-stuff is so... so...
whatever// Rummaging through Heero's backpack, he grabbed a pair of
faded jeans and a light blue shirt.

//So, beautiful boy... now to you...// he carefully approached the
still form of his opponent. Making wide sweeping gestures with his
arms, he suddenly held a diamond, Duo's soul trapped within it.

"Look, you little bastard. There's your body, untouched - for now.
I wonder when your friends downstairs will realize that it was not
you but your pretty friend here, I raped with that... thing... I
saved your body for a special occasion... in other words, for _now_.
Oh, not right away, no worry... First I will indulge myself in
touching it, knowing that you'll know it. Do you wish your friend's
soul were in control over this body right now? That _he_ would touch
you the way I do?"

Heero's fingers slowly traced the dark crescents of Duo's now-closed
lashes, trailing along one fine cheekbone then resting on full
lips, slightly parted. A soft whimpering sound escaped the diamond,
fear written clearly into the eyes of Duo's soul.

//That is interesting... even without his body, his soul can emit

With a fanatic gleam in his eyes, Mithuril, member of the elven
royalty, placed the soul-jewel onto the the pillow, right next to
Duo's head. Then he lowered Heero's body onto the one lying on the

"Are you watching, you little shit?" the elven lord whispered
through Heero's lips, with Heero's voice, moving his hands under
Duo's shirt, caressing every inch of the smooth skin below, before
he - almost gently - closed his fingers around Duo's nipples and
squeezed, hard. A strangled moan worked it's way through the
tightly closed lips of the trapped soul, arousing Heero's sleeping

Suddenly Duo understood. That man, which he didn't even know, had
not taken possession of Heero's body.. he was controlling Heero's
mind, which was still trapped within said body.

//Oh my... oh ancient ones... that can't be true...// Duo was
terrified. He was going to be raped by Heero... or rather, Heero's
body... against both their wills. And there was _nothing_ he could
do about it.

When darkness reached for his soul, pulling it into her warm
embrace, he gladly surrendered, not wanting to see what was about
to come.