Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Confessionals ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

::giggles gleefully with rosy cheeks:: oh my…

Well folks this is it my last fic…because God's gonna send me straight to hell for this one…::gulps quickly doing the sign of the cross over her chest then bows down with praying hands over her head:: please don't hurt me!

WOW you guys I had this great fic idea during religion class today…^-^; heh yeah…anyway I loved it and blushed immediately at my naughty thoughts…

But anyway I think you'll like it-or at least I hope you will! Maybe I'm just a huge role-playing hentai but I really thought the idea was cute so if you like it or even if you don't like it and wanna tell me I'm sick send in a review please? ^-^

WARNING: This story could prove to be slightly offensive in it's dealing with homosexuality, priests, and the Catholic Church…therefor you have been warned and I apologize in advance if you become offended…but hey why not gripe about it and flame me? I sure as hell don't mind! ::blows a raspberry::

Disclaimer: I own nothing but this story…I don't own the characters the church or Christianity period. Amen. ^-^

Whew ::wipes brow sighing:: sorry had to make sure my tail was covered! Mochimas tanoshi!


Heero squirmed uncomfortably in the hard wooden pew and tried to hold in a bored sigh; it seemed that today Father Maxwell had decided to be as boring as humanly possible. Shaking his head gently and tossing his silky hair over his eyes in the process, the Japanese reprimanded himself for the rude thoughts. He turned his head slightly taking note of everyone in the congregation.

Blushing lightly, wide blue eyes looked away quickly upon noticing the flirtatious gestures between the blonde next to him and the banged brunette not a few rows down. Clearing his throat quietly, the small boy nudged his fair skinned friend lightly in the ribs, "Quatre! Please not in church," he whispered without taking his eyes off of the priest.

Relaxing a little as he felt the other next to him turn around and fully face forward, the blue-eyed boy exhaled softly tuning into the last bit of what his priest had to say. The gray-haired man was smiling, "…he's going to be twenty soon and his dream is to travel to South America to evangelize, but he's going to start here first as my apprentice." As everyone began to clap, those soft chocolate locks shook once more as their owner turned his head looking for the explanation for the applause.

Still swaying gently, the longish strands came to a stop as cobalt locked onto amethyst, and full lips parted as Heero's breath hitched. A tall slender youth stood next to an older Father Maxwell, his fresh youthfulness glowed brightly in contrast to the priest's more mature features. The young man grinned out at the audience with a smile that seemed to hide a secret, and he tilted his head to see the entire group of people in the large cathedral.

Heero's eyes widened slightly as he took in the features of the young priest in training. He was tall, probably at least five inches taller then Heero's small frame and he couldn't be sure but beneath all those priests garbs he could see that there was some definition to the other's strong build. He had a honey tan, which hinted to outdoor work and charity help. The Japanese blinked and did a double take at the long rope of hair that hung gracefully down the other's back. The young man's grin dazzled the blue eyed boy, the straight row of perfect, alabaster teeth gleamed. He had full peachy cheeks set in a heart-shaped face with a long slender nose and large lips.

The boy in the pew gulped slightly and he prepared himself to once again look into those mesmerizing eyes, that were the color of irises, he gasped as those eyes swirled and pulled him into an undertow of emotion. Looking away quickly he fought to keep down a heavy blush and cleared his throat before he felt a gentle almost tickling pinch on his exposed upper arm. Frowning that he had jumped at the slight touch, blue eyes shifted to look into mirthful aqua's, "He's hot…" the boy next to him stated quietly raising an eyebrow, "but God-forbid I tell anyone but you." His friend smiled and swallowed a fit of giggles.

Slightly taken aback that his friend had noticed the other's beauty as well, the small boy simply nodded and concealed a smile between them both. Throughout the rest of the service the two friends shared secret smiles and moved around in their seats tentatively. Heero's prussian eyes remained fixated on the handsome priest-to-be and his ears stayed perked, catching every inflection in the other's voice.

Quatre, who had been discreetly still looking toward his boyfriend in the other rows averted his eyes momentarily to notice that his usually disinterested friend had become completely enraptured in what the young speaker had to say. `Or…' aquamarine eyes twinkled noticing the faint pink hue across the other's high cheekbones, `He likes this guy!' A positively devilish smile made it's way onto the angelic face and Quatre turned around in his seat once more to watch his obviously transfixed friend. Smiling at the openly staring boy, Quatre patted the other's knee affectionately and resumed sending eyes to his tall lover.

Not even acknowledging the touch, the Japanese continued to listen, enthralled at what the braided boy was saying. He almost flinched in disappointment when he announced that he would begin communion, but then blinked nearly ecstatic at the thought that he would be able to get closer to the other boy. Keeping a straight face that he hoped conveyed a message of repentance; the brunette turned to his blonde friend, and nodded as the usher directed them up to the line.

Carefully keeping his chin down, the blue-eyed boy stood in line obediently, behind a rather large woman. Heero struggled to keep the stain from spreading across his cheeks when suddenly he felt gentle fingers guide his chin up to look into deep violets. Blinking slightly and losing the battle with his blush as his defined cheekbones began to shine red, sapphire never left amethyst. The braided priest's breath could be felt, as his mouth opened and he lifted the silver chalice to the other boy's delicate lips. The taller boy held in a groan as the brunette licked his lips clean of the dark wine, and he merely smiled a lop-sided smile wiping the side of the chalice offhandedly.

Casting a final glance at the beautiful boy, the braided youth quickly handed the chalice to the next member. Still blushing, Heero couldn't look his priest in the eyes and took the bread in cupped hands, walking away quickly. Popping the small cardboard cracker into his mouth the dark-haired boy mechanically took his seat again and waited for what he knew would be the end of the service.


"…and that braid! It's so cute don't you think?" Heero rolled his big blue eyes and sighed, his blond roommate had been chattering non-stop about their priest's new apprentice. "Oh here it is!" The small blonde said finally, folding his legs underneath himself on the couch. "It says here his name's Duo Maxwell and he was an orphan in one of Father Maxwell's orphanages. He must have taken the Father's last name to compensate for his own…" Trailing off, light sea green eyes roved over the paper as Heero completed the finishing touches to his fried rice for the two of them.

Reveling in the short-lived quietness, Heero turned around just as his friend continued, "hmm…" the boy's slim brows were knit together in concentration. "What is it?" the brunette asked as he came to sit next to the other boy with two bowls of newly fried rice. The blonde looked up and grinned, happily accepting his lunch, "Thank you…Oh nothing, just that…" he trailed off leaving his Japanese friend frustrated.

"Just what?" the small catholic boy finally asked. Platinum locks shook as the other nodded, "He's doing confession today." Those blue eyes widened and chopsticks stopped in the boy's mouth. The blonde continued, "You haven't been to confession in almost two weeks now!" he said, his voice holding a tone of reprimand, "I think you should go today, I mean you have nothing better to do." The Arabian smiled inwardly, `Perfect! He'll go off and flirt with that priest and Trowa and I can have the apartment for awhile!' That inner smile surfaced and Quatre grinned, "Go on Heero, if anything he's pretty cute."

Blushing at the words, the Japanese cleared his throat and removed the chopsticks from his mouth slowly, "This wouldn't have anything to do with a certain acrobat now would it?" he asked with a single raised brow. Aqua eyes widened impossibly large and an innocent mask covered the pale face, "Now why would you think that?" he asked, no sooner grinning and giggling at himself.

Heero rolled his eyes, but smiled at his friend's ways, "All right. You know, if you wanted to be alone with him all you had to do was ask. You don't have to try and get me to go fawn over some priest who would never like me anyway." Quatre frowned at this, "Now hold on. What makes you say that?" Nearly falling off the couch, the small boy's eyes bulged, "Oh I dunno…" he trailed off and Quatre smiled only to jump when the other blurted out, "Maybe it's the fact that he's a PRIEST?!" Blinking at the outburst, then giggling at the thought of it the fair-skinned boy shook his head, "Oh Heero, just because he's a priest doesn't mean he's dead from the neck down." He said suggestively.

Losing count of how many times he'd blushed today, and not liking it one bit, Heero sighed, "Whatever. I'm gonna get dressed then I'll leave for a while, just call me when you're ready for me to come home." Before the small brunette could stand up, the slightly bigger Arabian boy threw himself at him in a flurry of blonde hair and pillows on the leather couch, "Thank you…" he whispered, "I think it will do you good to go at least talk to someone other then us."

Midnight blue eyes softened at his friend's concern and Heero gently returned the hug, "I'll be back later tonight." Taking that as his queue, the blonde relinquished his hold on the other boy and leaned back smiling at him as he slid off the cushion. With a small smile, the Japanese walked into his bedroom to change and walked out the door to his apartment not ten minutes later, passing his roommates auburn-haired boyfriend in the hall and giving him a nod and tiny quirk of the lips in greeting.


Taking a deep breath Heero's eyes scrutinized the giant double doors to the entrance of the gothic cathedral, `no turning back now.' He told himself, as he gently placed a hand on the large rod iron handle and pulled, walking into the quiet, dimly lit sanctuary. Taking quiet apprehensive breaths and treading lightly on the stone ground, the brunette walked down the hallway taking turns here and there until he arrived in an even darker corner where the only light was supplied by candles.

Walking slowly closer to the concealed closet, he fiddled with the cross hanging beautifully from his entricate rosary in nervousness. Raising a hand gradually to knock tentatively on the wooden door, he stopped as an elderly nun suddenly spoke to him in the dark. "Excuse me young man," she queried in a cracked voice, "Are you here for confession?" Having jumped at the sound of the old woman's voice, the Japanese turned allowing a pleasant expression to cover his face, "Yes ma'am, I'm sorry, but do you know if Father Maxwell is in?"

Pleased by the young attractive man's politeness the woman's warm face cracked into a motherly smile, "As a matter of fact he's not, but his apprentice, young Duo is, and he should be more then happy to help you." Nodding respectfully to the nun, he turned to the wooden door once more after thanking her. Knocking slightly he heard a faint rustle behind the other door before a muffled voice allowed him entrance.

Holding the deep breath he'd taken, and grasping the rosary all the tighter, the small young man entered the cramped booth. He slowly lowered himself to sit, and continued to stare at the floor of the booth until he heard the small wooden door slide open to reveal a black screen. On the other side a deep voice floated through, "Tell me your sin, young man." He frowned momentarily at being called `young man' instead of the usual `my son' then, finally exhaling, and looking up into the hazy screen Heero spoke, "Father forgive me, for I have sinned…" he paused awaiting the definite encouragement.

"Go on, tell me your transgressions." Nodding to himself and feeling perspiration beginning to dew on his forehead, the Japanese pressed on through wetted lips, "I-I have had lustful thoughts Father…in my heart I have committed adultery with-."

At his pause he couldn't help but notice the bated breath of the other, he sounded nervous and almost anxious when he spoke, "With who young man?" The blue-eyed confessor licked his lips and steadied his breathing, "with another-another," he almost couldn't bring himself to say it. Would the beautiful man be disgusted? Would he have him excommunicated? He ignored the small questioning thoughts and spurred on, "another man." He whispered the last word so softly that the braided priest almost thought he'd imagined it through wishful thinking.

Dozens of thoughts shot through the violet-eyed man's head as he leaned forward closer to the screen. Looking hard with trained eyes he could make out the outline of the gorgeous young man he'd guiltily admired during the earlier mass. Squinting a little harder and feigning contemplation over the others confession, he finally clarified the strong shine of those gem-like eyes he'd looked into only hours before, and grinned signing himself with the cross and gently kissing it in repentance for what he was about to do. "Young man, tell me about your heart's lover," he purred, relishing in the gasp he received at the request.

Sapphire blues were wide and unsure as Heero looked up into the screen in disbelief, `oh God help me, what do I do?' he thought then resigned himself sighing and kept his head down as he described the handsome priest. "Well Father, if it matters, he's tall with long light brown hair, he's muscular but slender, he's got a broad joyous smile, and he's got the most beautiful shade of blue-violet eyes I've ever seen."

Duo smirked listening to the almost wistful tone in the other boy's voice, "And you like him?" he asked unabashedly. Blushing at the question, the Japanese blinked then nodded softly replying, "I do." As the smirk spread secretly over the braided boy's face he looked up with an idea, "Come to me young man, so that I may forgive you this grievous sin." Gasping aloud at the command, Heero stumbled over his words, "B-but Father, you're not suppose to see me, so that my sin might be concealed." Violet eyes twinkled, "This is true, but I need to bless you and see exactly how you've sinned against the Father."

Only blushing a deeper hue, the shorthaired boy gently undid the latch to the wooden door with shaky hands and walked across placing a slightly frightened and yet unexplainably excited hand on the door handle. As he pulled gently, the door slowly creaked open to reveal a larger area then that of the confessor's side (1). It was a mostly dark closet, so the smaller boy could barely make out the definition and outline of the young priest, "come in." was all he heard as a strong hand was extended from out of the thick shadows.

Swallowing an almost heavy lump in his throat, the catholic confessor grasped onto the hand gentle only to feel a firm squeeze and a tug as he was hurriedly pulled into the dark and the door was shut behind him. With wide eyes, black pupils dilated searching out light in the near pitch black booth. "Father?" he whispered feeling the heat of the other in front of him as he sat crouched on the bench. After a few moments he felt the breath of he other against his neck in reply, "Please…" the other purred softly, causing the blue-eyed boy to close his eyes in self-control, "Call me Duo…"

With that said deep brown bangs tossed in the dark, as the Japanese whipped his head around to look behind him and instead came face with his temptation's desire. The two could feel the other's breath brush along his lips and neither could have predicted the timing as they both suddenly melded together in a passionate kiss.

The braided man moaned as he quickly brought his hands up to caress the slender boy's back. Both young men held on tightly to the other, their tongues warring in a hot lustful kiss. Finally separating but keeping their lips lightly touching, the two heaved in much need air. "Father forgive me for I have sinned…" Heero murmured quietly, his eyes closed and his lips parted brushing against the other boy's. Gently bringing a tender hand up to caress the smooth cheek of the beautiful boy in his arms the young priest smiled sweetly in the dark, "Father forgive us for we have sinned," he reiterated.

Smiling slightly against the other's lips, the confessor slowly brought his hands around the other boy's back and grabbed hold of the long silken rope, a question burning in his eyes as he slid his palms down it. His innocent fingers finally landed on the small band at the bottom of the braid, and ever so slowly he slid the tie off releasing the cascade of chestnut and gold around the two. Running his fingers through the crimped tresses, the young man gasped as he felt a warm tongue lazily trailing along his neck, and lush lips attaching themselves to it as well. The gasp turned into a moan as pleasure ran along him in goosebumps, then that moan turned into a startled cry of surprise and pain as teeth sunk into his neck.

As suddenly as they had bitten the teeth had been removed, and two hands came up quickly to grab either sides of the brunette's face after a wet tongue licked over the mark lovingly. The longhaired young man hushed the other's cries gently placing light kisses all over his face. As the priest continued to kiss his face rampantly and as he cooed apologetic words, Heero smiled tugging lightly on some of the priest's hair to get his attention.

The butterfly kisses stopped almost instantly and violet eyes came to focus on his own cobalt, "Ne, Father…should-should we be doing this?" Shock ran through Duo's body at the question and as he was about to step out of the booth and beg forgiveness he looked down into coy eyes and a demure face. Hiding his own smirk, he schooled his face into a serious countenance, "No young man-" he said sternly, but lilac eyes twinkled with mirth, "We should be doing this…" As he said this he quickly maneuvered the lighter boy's body to sit on top of his own.

Both boys moaned at the feel of the other's manhood, as Heero straddled the auburn haired boy. Leaning forward, the dark headed boy boldly nipped at warm lips, nibbling and biting teasingly, as his hands slid up and down the strong chest beneath him. Not handling the taunting well, strong hands wrapped around the slender waist tightly, and Duo's hips rocked against the other boy's. The feeling caused the Japanese to moan into the mouth he teased and soon another hot kiss was initiated. The two kissed hard and strong, with roving hands and bucking pelvises.

When the two were out of breath and separated Duo quickly spoke up, "Show me your sin, so that I may forgive you." Dark midnight eyes stared into swirling violets, and Heero slowly slid off of the other's lap. Leaning back to admire the beautiful fey, Duo grinned as the Japanese began to slip off his shirt then his shorts. The darkness concealed almost half of the slender boy's body, but what Duo did see was heaven. Unable to control himself, the American's arm whipped out in a flash to grab the thin wrist and pull the nude boy over to him,. Letting his smile show in the darkness, Heero placed the other's hands on is bare hips and slowly undid the cotton priest garbs as he straddled him once more.

"Tell me father, " the words rolled off of the Japanese's tongue like velvet as he slowly slipped off the others black robes, "Do you like the missionary position?"



**(1) this isn't true…it needed to be added for the story, sorry for any other mistakes I haven't been catholic since I was like ten! ^-^; Gomen!

Tee hee…::rings hands nervously:: You guys I'm really nervous about how people are going to react to this fic so give me some feedback please? Should I continue this or have I utterly disgusted you? ::sniffles:: please tell me!!! ::big chibi eyes well with tears:: arigato!