Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Confessionals ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

::Grins widley and can't stop laughing::

Oh my you people! First off I must say I LOVE my reviewers! Ya'll have got to be the funniest, cutest, and sweetest people on the planet! As I read my reviews I could not wipe the grin off my face! I loved every single one of them and thanks to the reviews I'm writing this chapter so quickly!

Thank you reviewers, you guys rock and are sincerely an inspiration, not to mention a spur. However, I must say I was disappointed when I didn't receive any flames. ::pouts:: I had hoped some Relena-worshipping bimbo would come ranting about God's wrath against homosexuals…::shrugs:: oh well, guess I'll just have to be MORE controversial. ::giggles::

Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto:

**sevun- Hooray! A first-time reviewer! Welcome to my fandom, I'd like to direct you to my other fics which are open to reviews as well…::clears throat:: ahem sorry about that. ::beams:: thanks so much for reviewing and for the awesome rating AND for the cute puns! hehe your review was so sweet and very very encouraging. I'm thrilled that you mentioned about me adding it to a mailing list especially since posting on mediaminer takes up pretty much all of my courage…haha oh and TRUST me I am forgetting school. ^-^;

**Me-::jumps up and down and grabs ur hands in both of hers spinning around in a circle:: you gave me a 10-10 review! You know what that means… I LOVE YOU! Hehe sorry it's about four-thirty in the morning my brains fuzzing. Anyway thank you so very much, I've read reviews from you before which were equally kind, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! ::licks lips:: I am naughty aren't I? More updates are on the way! Enjoy!

**RitoruIkko- ::smiles uncertainly and looks around:: ne, I'm glad you thought it was wonderful, but the quote I'm-::blushes:: I'm afraid I don't quite get it, but thank you nonetheless! Thanks so much for reviewing, and please try out some of my other fics if you like sap-because I myself am a sucker for 2x1 sap!

**Backward- hey honey! ::laughs reading back over your review:: the all caps cracks me up…I can see an ecstatic ward-chan jumping up and down! OMG you got the final pun! I love you! Haha thanks for reviewing my beloved reviewer, you've been here since the beginning! Enjoy sweetheart!

**Chrystal kitten- ::kneels down and purrs at your feet:: thank you soooo much! Your adorable pet names made me feel all warm and cuddly! Hehe your review was totally sweet, and the 10-10 ratings were awesome! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm so happy you like my story and my writing style! Enjoy my little kitty!

**Princess2000204- ::grins and bows:: why thank you darling! After reading your awesome review I clicked on your name link and got your aim handle so if I see you on I'll be sure to IM you! Your review was one of the ones that really made my day…I hope this fic does slap some people in the face! Hehe but thanks so much and enjoy this chapter!

**Ailime- ::giggles:: I left you speechless? That's a first! I'm so happy you liked this fic! You've reviewed before and every time they're really sweet, so thank you very much for that and I hope this chapter renders you speechless as well! Review and tell me if it does, please. I'm sorry about all my other fics but I will be updating soon! Thanks!

** Fetsih- ::giggles:: aww you got me all up and excited when I saw the flamerish words! Hehe thanks so much for reviewing/flaming! I'm sorry to disappoint you but I hope this chapter makes up for it, and just know I hurried because of cute reviews like yours! Thank you and enjoy the fic!

**rebelskaterchik- ::beams:: Thank you soo much for the awesomeing rating! I'm so happy you loved it and I'm so sorry I left a cliffhanger…I was actually planning on making this all one long one-shot but I guess I got bored/anxious and posted it. Oh well sorry for the wait and I hope you like it! Thanks for reviewing!

**OtosuHanyou101- ::big green eyes widen:: OH you like Inuyasha? Or just a hanyou? ::giggles:: sorry Inuyasha's just too cute! Anyway thanks so much for the sweet review! The ten-ten rating made my day! Hooray thank you thank you THANK YOU!! Lol you're a hyper one, ne? Well I hope you enjoy this last chapter and please send in a review to tell me how you like my ending! Thanks hanyou-chan! 2x1 forever!


"Tell me father, " the words rolled off of the Japanese's tongue like velvet as he slowly slipped off the others black robes, "Do you like the missionary position?"


Endless violets glowed in the darkness of the booth as they widened in surprised satisfaction at the other boy's words, "Not really," he said looking away feigning disinterest. "Never was one for missionary." He smirked up and the boy sitting on his lap, who merely stared back him amused. "Besides I'm more of a master and servant type."

Hearing the whispered gasp, only fueled the growing fire in his groin and the braided young man continued, "Now, child you have sinned. What would you have me do?" Full lips twisted into a smirk at the question, and the small Japanese wriggled teasingly in the other young man's back humming to himself in thought.

"Hmmm…That's a tough one, Father. I've been so very," he paused licking his lip innocently and locked eyes with vibrant violet, "…sinful." The braided boy swallowed and resisted the urge to wince as the other rubbed roughly against his taught erection. He slowly ran his hands up and down the other's curved back quickly pulling the the small body flush against his own, "How do you plan on repenting for these sins, my child?" he whispered, his breath tickling the others cheek.

Suppressing a blush, the brunette placed his hands gently on the strong arms of the priest, gently sliding down the hard body to kneel on the floor, his face coming to eye level with the violet-eyed boy's stiff member. "First Father…" he said his hands coming to the hem of the dark pants and fingering their way to the small zipper. "I'd like to help the needy…"

Almost hissing out in laughter from the bittersweet sensation in his groin, and the smaller boy's choice of word's, Duo held in the reigns on his vocal chords speaking in a clear, if not strained voice. "Helping the needy is one way that would help, my son-ah!" The braided youth threw his head back as the boy kneeling in front of him plunged without warning to swallow his hot need fully.

Bringing slender, but strong fingers to thread themselves through full chocolate locks, the braided priest bit his lip in an effort to hold back a moan, but failed as a heady rumble fell from his lips. Heero smiled around the hard shaft, pulling his lips around it and bobbing his head up and down rhythmically. His teeth gently grazed up and he lick gently at the tip, leaving the rest of the throbbing member neglected.

Keeping his hips still, and forcing back the involuntary urge to buck them forward the priest swallowed another moan as the brown mop of hair delved down again quickly and the brunette took him into his mouth to the hilt. Long fingers held onto soft tresses tightly, feeling him coming closer and closer to climax. Gritting his teeth to hold in his moaning the priest couldn't hold back when the other lightly hummed around his arousal and he came shouting the other's name.

Lightly licking the sticky substance from his lips, the blue-eyed young man quickly made his way into the sated priest's lap and began to nuzzle his neck softly. Duo blushed at never having these feelings before and grabbed the slender chin in his hand and roughly pulled the Japanese into a deep kiss. He could taste himself on the soft tongue that danced with his own, and he held he other in his arms tightly, already feeling his arousal reawakening, and remembering that the brunette had not yet been satisfied.

Pulling back from the hot kiss Duo nibbled the full bottom lip tenderly and planting a chaste kiss before speaking, "Forgive me, Heero." Blue eyes widened at the sound of the other's voice, hearing his name drip off the other's lips, made him want the braided boy's touch more. "I have taken and not given. But God loves a cheerful giver and I happy to give you what you want." (1)

Heero smirked and leaned forward, his tongue darting out to tickle the other's lobe and he whispered into the ear, "Take what you will, Father." Hearing those words the braided priest leaned forward, as the Japanese continued his ministrations on his ears, he slowly kissed his way along the exposed neck, pulling at the other's shirt as he went.

Before either boy could finish their next breath, both of them were half-dressed with a light sheen of sweat covering both their toned upper halves. Hungry violet eyes roved over the supple body of the youth sitting on his lap he bent down gently licking along the firm chest, not missing pert peaks of flesh that stood at attention. Heero moaned as he felt the hot tongue of the other on his chest, and placed his hands on the hem of those dark pants again, tugging at them impatiently.

The American's lips pulled into a smirk and he helped the smaller boy pull his pants away along with his own. The two couldn't tame the moans that escaped both their throats as burning flesh met flesh, with Heero seated on the waiting Father's lap. "Hurry, Father. Please! I need you!" The boy's pleas were enough to make his arousal harder then before and violet eyes quickly scanned the dark booth for any form of lubrication.

Finally landing on a bowl in the corner of the booth, large amethysts winced in dismay, "Shit," he mumbled softly through the haze or arousal, and quickly signed himself with the cross. Hearing the soft curse, deep midnight eyes trained to see the slightly apprehensive look on the priest's face and turned to see what held his attention.

Azure eyes caught the focus and widened in shock as he noticed the only form of lubrication, blushing he merely shrugged and crossed himself as well. Not wasting anymore time, both boys hastily dipped their fingers in the tray of holy water, rubbing their hands together and applying the water to Duo's full arousal.

The braided boy moaned feeling the cold water on his hot length and bit his lip before hurriedly pulling the other into a hot kiss and stealthily placing a finger into the waiting virgin passage. Smiling in satisfaction, into the kiss, as he saw the other had failed to notice the intruder, the other quickly placed a second finger when the brunette gasped into the kiss, and held back a wince.

Quietly shushing the other he continued kissing him, prepping the boy as carefully as he could. Feeling accustomed to the wriggling digits inside of him, Heero rubbed his hips against the other's hard need, eliciting a soft moan. Not being able to hold back for much longer, and realizing it, the braided boy kissed the full lips harshly and whispered roughly, "Be ready."

With that he lifted the light body of the Japanese and gently placed him atop his hard member, hissing in pleasure as the boy slowly impaled himself. Heero cringed slightly, his eyes watering as he wriggled on the other boy's lap. However, he quickly grew used to the stretching and felt that he needed the older boy to move.

Moaning quietly, the Japanese began to twist, "Duo, please!" Although the request was whispered the raw passion behind it spurred the priest on, as he took hold of slender hips and carefully lifted the shorthaired boy off of his throbbing member. The brunette bit his lip in a n effort to control his voice, as he felt himself being lifted almost to the tip, and suddenly slammed down again against his groaning partner.

Bringing his arms to encircle the braided boy's neck, Heero panted as he was lifted again and again until the other couldn't pick him up. Sweat plastered honey bangs to the older boy's forehead as he panted with exertion, but the smaller brunette needed satisfaction.

Duo gasped throwing his head back as the boy straddling him began to move up and down furiously, "Fuck…yes! Ride me!" He couldn't contain his voice as he and the other continued to moan loudly. Snapping his head forward, he latched full lips to a hot neck and began suckling and kissing as the boy continued to pull himself up down along his length.

Down the hallway a nun, hunched with age, guided a visiting couple. The middle aged woman blushed as she neared the corridor where their elderly guide had said confessionals took place. Holding on to her husband's arm firmly she cleared her throat, "Mother, if I may?" she asked, looking down on the seemingly oblivious woman. The aged nun turned to acknowledge her, "Yes, my child?"

The hue that reddened her cheeks darkened as they grew closer and the moans became louder and more pronounced, "What is that sound?" The wrinkled woman blinked turning to look into the doorway that showed the small room where the confessional booth was held, she smiled as she heard the moans, "Oh, that. Today there is a new priest. He's such a charming young lad. He is doing confessions today, he must be helping some poor sinner now…"

As she trailed off the moans grew louder and the couple, became more uncomfortable, blushing and looking anywhere but into the room they hastily directed the nun elsewhere. Before they stepped even ten feet away twin screams echoed out of the dark room, causing the slender wife's eyes to bulge and her portly husband's nose to drip crimson. "Ah another sinner forgiven!" the small nun smiled up to her slightly horrified guests.

Heero gasped as he slumped forward onto the strong chest. Violet eyes were half lidded, as their owner sported a sated smile and lazily traced patterns on the boy's back above him. Not even bothering to remove himself from the other, Duo sighed kissing the sweaty forehead gently and closed his eyes as the other, who had come screaming, began to drift asleep. "We've gotta confess our sins more often…" he mumbled as his eyes slowly drifted shut.



**(1) um…yeah I kind of debated whether or not to put this line in about 50 times but then I was like fuck it and put it in…do think it was a little preachy and weird?

All right minna if you liked this send in your reviews pretty please! I worked pretty hard on this and could NOT figure out how to end it so there you go! Send in your comments, criticisms, and even suggestions to my review box or feel free to e-mail me!

Thank you and I hope you loved this sinful treat! ^-^