Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Raven ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ohayo! Kadril's being slow **glowers at her muse** Well, between classes and work and another writing project, it may be slow going for a while. **snorts** Yeah right. Like I'm actually paying attention in class and not write this. **grumbles about stupid social psych**

Disclaimer: **points at Kadril** Like I said, hentai muse. If you don't like, don't read. These characters belong to someone of whom I am very jealous.

~~~Midnight Raven~~~

Chapter 2

Duo finally found the CD: "Songs you'd never think they'd do a techno remix to". His favorite. He popped it into the machine. Looking across the room at the silent pilot, Duo started to move to the Sesame Street theme. Heero watched him, sullenly crossing his arms and frowning. 'Well, I'll just have to coax him into it,' he thought, his eyes gleaming. His hips found the rhythm, and he held out a hand to his partner. 'Come on, take my hand,' Duo thought, inching toward him. "For the mission, Hee-chan," he murmured, barely realizing he had spoken the thought.

Slowly, almost grudgingly, Heero uncrossed his arms and reached out his hand. They touched. And the door flew open.


"Duo-kun?" Quatre was flustered. "We're, um.."

Duo nodded. 'Shoulda realized it wasn't gonna be that easy. This mission's gonna be a handful.' With a sad sigh, he let go of Heero and slung an arm around the upset blonde's shoulder. "What do you say we make dinner?" he said loud enough for Heero to hear.

Leading Quatre to the safety of the kitchen, Duo sat him down at the table and put the kettle on for tea. "What sounds good?"

"How about pasta salad?"

'Good, that means plenty of time to talk.' He put a pot of water on to boil and rummaged through the fridge for some veggies. He set a few on the table, handed Quatre a knife and a tomato, and plopped down beside him. Attacking a bell pepper, he asked, "So you wanna tell me what happened?"

The Arabian pouted, "Trowa wouldn't even look at me, and Wufei did nothing but look at me."

'Leaving Quatre "I'm a virgin" Winner to make the first move. Great.' Cautiously he started, "If it makes you feel better, Tro's probably just unsure of his boundaries. And technically, Wu-man's just doing what I told him to do, so that's my fault. Okay, new order: Wu can watch when everyone's comfortable." That elicited a half-hearted smile. "And we'll work on Tro, 'kay?" That got the real deal.

After a few moments of chopping in silence, Quatre smiled, "Maybe this mission will be okay after all."

"Mission. . . right. . ." Duo smirked, as he got up to work on the pasta. Quatre looked like a deer in headlights. 'Whoops, he doesn't know that I know. Eep! Quick make him feel better! How?' Duo argued with himself. "I don't know your plans for Mr. Stoicism in the club, but I can't wait to get Heero bumping and grinding with me on the floor." 'There did that work? What's with the face? Did I suddenly grow another head? What did I say? Oh, shit!' "On the DANCE floor." 'Eep, this is harder than I thought.'

Quatre's face softened. Curious and a bit timid, he asked, "You mean, you aren't uncomfortable dancing with a boy?"

Duo smiled as he stirred. 'The poor thing needs confirmation. He thinks I'll reject him if he's gay.' "Not at all. In fact, I actually prefer it." 'There, I said it. I'm out.'

"You're gay?" Duo nodded. "Really?"

"Yeah, but do me a favor?" Duo said draining the pasta. "Don't tell the guys? Please? I really don't want them to freak out before the mission. Let's just keep it between us ukes for the time being."

Quatre looked shocked. "How. . . How did you know?"

"If it helps, I don't think anybody else noticed."

"But how?"

"Quat-man, I've seen the way you look at Trowa. You two would make such a cute couple too." He mixed everything together while Quatre got out the tea set. "Anyway, I think you should relax and just enjoy yourself. I know I'm gonna. And remind me to take pictures of everyone in their clubbing clothes. With those guys, it's doubtful we'll ever see it again."

Quatre smiled and nodded, then headed out to gather the others.

Duo set the table and thought. 'So, must make them loosen up. . . . Saki? Nah, too obvious. Hmmm, I'll just have to be sneaky.'

None of the boys felt much like talking, so they ate in silence. Duo mentally went over his plans. 'Lessee. I should give them something easy to do while I'm at the club tonight. Heero can't really practice without me. . . unless he did it with Wufei. And that's over my dead body. And I really don't think Quat and Trowa can handle anything physical without a bit of supervision to start. Heero and Wufei can quiz the lovely couple about their relationship. Hmmmm, that'll work.'

He randomly stood up and left the room. He returned with a notebook and pen, occasionally scribbling down questions for practice.

'Okay, so they can do this, then tomorrow I'll help with the physical stuff and teach Heero to dance. Yeah, that should work. So all I have to worry about is a bit of recon tonight. What should I wear? My leather pants? Yeah, definitely my leather pants, with my new boots. Which shirt? My black mesh or my purple tee?'

"Hey, Quat-man," he spoke up. "Which should I wear, purple tee or my black mesh shirt?"

Quatre sized him up contemplatively, "With which pants?"

"My black leather."

"Hmmm, I'd go with the black mesh. But be sure to take a jacket, it's supposed to be a bit chilly tonight."

"Chilly?" Wufei said quizzically. "But it's 90-odd degrees today. And supposed to be hotter tomorrow."

"Don't ask me how the weather works, I just repeat what they say."

"Hotter, huh?" A light bulb went on in Duo's head. "Thanks for the info, Quat. I'll dress warm tonight."

Okay, okay, I know, not done. . . but I'm working on it! Kadril keeps poking me in the ribs at 3am. Don't worry, if that keeps up, it'll be done in no time.