Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Raven ❯ Chapter 4

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ohayo, minna! I'm back. Sorry I left the last chappy on a cliff, but it's all Kadril's fault! **Kadril shakes his head and points back at authoress** Well, you'll be happy to know that this fic is taking precedence over my bio lab. I must really like ya'll.

So I guess this is the part where I say this is shounen-ai and I don't own anybody. So here goes:

This is shounen-ai and I don't own anybody.

Now, on with the pretties. . . er, um, show. On with the show. ^_^;

~Midnight Raven~

Chapter 5

`First things first.' Duo pulled his shirt over his head. "Wow, I feel better already." The three other pilots in the room had a vague frown on their faces. `Probably wondering why they didn't think of it first.' It was so hot in the room that no one would want to wear more clothes than necessary. And shirts were not necessary. Duo's plan was doing well.

Trowa grunted and shrugged, then stripped off his shirt. `Not bad. In fact, very nice. Wow, way to go Quatre.' Duo sneaked a peak at the blonde, who couldn't quite seem to pick his jaw up off the floor. But the blonde made no move to take his own shirt off. For that matter, neither had Heero. Quatre was too shy and Heero too proud.

"Come on guys," Duo coaxed. "You're gonna fry, in a while if you don't try to cool down. It's not even the hottest part of the day yet." `By which time, with any luck, everything here will be fixed and I can go fix the AC. What, me, a devil? Nah.' Duo was preparing a nice mission-related quip when Heero finally stood up and lost the tank top.

All coherent thoughts the braided pilot had had, flew straight out the window. The only word his brain could form at the moment was `Yum'.

"Duo." The Japanese boy was calling his name, and for a moment, Duo wondered when he had started the daydream. He let his gaze slowly trail up to his Heero's face. The anger in the blue eyes quickly brought Duo back to reality. "Duo?" Heero had asked a question. And Duo was clueless as to what it was.

`Ignore it and go on with the mission,' Duo thought furiously at himself. He looked over and the blonde and sighed.

"Duo, what are you doing?" the Arabian boy asked nervously as Duo approached. The violet-eyed boy grabbed the hem of the tee shirt Quatre was wearing and with one smooth motion, yanked it off.

"There. We don't need anybody having a heat stroke." Quatre stood there blushing and half-heartedly trying to cover himself. `Too bad, too. He's really got a nice body.'

"Okay," Duo announced, "we're ready to start. First off, I think we should try something easy. How `bout a hug?" Thinking that they surely wouldn't need that demonstrated, Duo just watched the clown and the prince.

Trowa grudgingly stepped toward the blushing pilot and slipped an arm over his shoulder, and Quatre patted his back twice. A standard issue, guy-to-guy side-hug. About as romantic as mud.

Resisting the curse words on the tip of his tongue, Duo walked up to Heero. "Quat, you're me. Tro, you're Heero." Before the Japanese boy could protest, Duo wrapped his arms around the perfect soldier's waist. He held him close, and rested his head on his shoulder. As his cheek rested on the sweat-slick chest, Duo couldn't help but think how close his mouth was to that perky pink nipple. Heero stood there tensely. "Hey, Heero, relax. Act natural. Or else, you're the uke." As if to emphasize his point, grabbed both of Heero's hands, placing one on the small of his back and the other at the nape of his neck.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Quatre's eyes grow wide as he inched toward Trowa. He tentatively put an arm around the taller boy's waist and snuggled his head to his shoulder. Trowa looked down at the blonde, trepidation clear on his face. `He looks like he's afraid he'll break him. Like it's a lot more important. Like. . .oh. I see. Kawaii!' Expectant green eyes looked at him for guidance. Duo mouthed, "Go for it!"

Trowa swallowed visibly. One hand came up to touch the Arabian's cheek. The other wrapped around the slender shoulder, pulling him closer. Quatre seemed to melt, his hand coming to rest on Trowa's chest. It was utterly perfect.

"Maxwell you baka!" Wufei came running down the stairs, drenched in sweat and wielding his katana.

"Eep!" Clutching his beloved braid close to him, he leapt from Heero's arms and ran for the backdoor, Wufei close on his heels.

Short chappy I know, but to make up for it, I'm posting two. See? I really do care about ya'll.