Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Serenade ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Midnight Serenade
Chapter 2
Duo awoke with a start, sitting up quickly and fell into Heero, who had been perched on his bed, watching him sleep.
“Ack!” Duo cried, unprepared to have met anything solid, let alone another person. They fell off the bed and onto the floor. The two of them untangled, embarrassed. Heero took the chance to grab Duo's wrist, holding him still, and kissed him fiercely. He poured all of his fear, anger, love, and passion into that kiss. The image of Duo, blood smeared on his back, his pants being pulled down, with that monster behind him tore at his heart. Duo blinked as they came up for air.
“That was… nice.”
“Sorry,” Heero apologized for bumping into him, “I was just waiting for you to wake up.” Duo smiled.
“Well, I'm certainly up now!” Heero smiled back.
“Once you get breakfast and get dressed, will you take a walk with me? Quatre and Trowa are in town, getting supplies and Wufei is hiding our Gundams. He managed to find them with the tracker that's implanted in them.” Duo finally realized that he was in a strange place. He had never been to this safe house before.
“Ok,” he said, intertwining his fingers with Heero's, “there's some stuff we need to talk about.”
The safe house was one of the more immaculate ones, with a cherry blossom orchard in the back. Heero smiled as they walked through the orchard. Duo looked on in awe at the blooming cherry blossoms. This was one of the many things on Earth that Duo loved that he didn't have in his home world. Etenesizen had trees, but none as beautiful as Earth's. Truthfully, he didn't miss Etenesizen at all. Duo stopped walking every time a gentle breeze blew a storm of petals from the trees.
“Beautiful,” he murmured.
“Yeah,” Heero responded, not looking at the trees. He cleared his throat.
“Duo?” The braided boy turned to face him.
“There are things that I need to know about you.” Duo sighed.
“I know. I'll explain everything.”
“How did you get here?”
“Well,” Duo paused, thinking of how best to explain it, “there's a space between worlds that acts as a sort of vacuum. Gaiiji have discovered a type of magic that enables us to move through that space. However, we cannot use any other power when we're moving in this space, or our physical bodies get torn apart. Also, when moving between worlds, we become powerless for days and once the space has been occupied in travel, no one can pass through it for weeks. Kind of like elastic that has been stretched too much. When using the magic to pass through worlds, all you really need to do is think of the place you need to go to. My mother used to tell me stories about this world. So, when I needed to escape, this place was all I could think about,” Duo sighed, “Etenesizen, my home world, used to be like Earth; beautiful with mixed races and loves. But, centuries ago, war hit us hard. Mixed races were purged and rare species were enslaved.” Heero frowned. It was so horrible…
“But if that's true, wouldn't there be more of your kind here?”
“There are rules. Dimensional travel is controlled by those with superior magic. Dimensional travel magic can only be done in spatially `thin' areas where dimensional rifts occur and only those with permission from our masters can even enter those areas. I managed to get in to one of those areas by,” he blushed, “servicing one of the masters that controlled it.” Heero paled. “But, I'm sure he told my master what had happened right after. My master's name is Miori and I'm sure that he's the reason that all of this is happening. Because of the number of worlds I could have traveled to, I have no idea how he found me!” Duo rubbed at his eyes. Heero hugged him tightly.
“Heero, I did terrible things when I was his slave. Nasty things…” Duo didn't have to say anything more.
“Those things on your back… he raped you.” Duo nodded.
“Among other things.” Heero clenched his fists.
“I'll protect you. Somehow,” he muttered against Duo's hair. Duo rubbed his head against his chest.
“Thank you so much.” They stood like that for awhile, just relaxing in each other's presence. Still, horrible images of Duo in bondage and pain, being raped by some horrible creature, filled Heero. He would never let anyone touch his love like that ever again. He didn't have any powers, but he didn't care.
“Do you have anyone waiting for you in your homeland.”
“No,” Duo said somberly, “the four of you are the only family I have left,” he clutched tightly at Heero's tank top. “Besides, I like being free.” Heero found that there was nothing he could say to that. Duo was right, even if he had friends he had left behind, he would just be a slave again. Not just a slave, but a sex slave as it sounded like. “I don't just fight in this war because it's the right thing to do, but because I love this planet and I don't want it to turn into another Etenesizen.”
“You care too much,” Heero murmured affectionately, petting Duo's hair. Duo didn't say anything, lost in Heero's warmth.
“Don't worry,” Heero said, kissing the top of his head, “I'll protect you. You're part of our family now. We won't let you go so easily.” Heero placed Duo's hands in his own. Heero leaned in close enough for their noses to touch in a sweet Eskimo kiss. Duo's breath caught as Heero's scent filled him. A light blush spread across his cheeks. Heero tilted his head and kissed him; their lips moved against each others and Heero took a chance, slipping his tongue past Duo's lips a little bit. Duo opened his lips in acceptance and sucked on Heero's tongue lightly.
Duo shoved Heero to the ground as a chain flew from the air and wrapped itself around Duo's slender throat. Duo grasped the chain and tugged as the chain tightened. Yun appeared at the other end of the chain, smirking coldly. Duo recognized him immediately as his master… no, Miori's lover. Duo felt phantom pain attack every nerve at even thinking of his ex-master's real name. Fear tugged at his heart. He remembered how Miori would pass him to Yun and how Yun liked to burn him when they were fucking him at the same time. He shuddered around the chain. He had to get Heero out of here!
“What's the matter, Nyet?” Duo flinched at the name, “aren't you happy to see me?” Heero reached for his gun, only to realize that if the creature before him was like Duo, in this form he wouldn't be hurt by mere bullets. Duo gasped for breath against the choking chain.
“Oh dear, I forgot,” Yun's voice was cold yet oddly gleeful, “you're low on energy, aren't you? Too bad, looks like your surinn will have to watch while I retrain you.” Duo's struggles grew at the derogatory term for `human'. It had been so long since he had heard those words. And that name `Nyet', he had hoped never to hear that hateful word ever again. Yun jerked at the chain, sending Duo to his knees. He licked his pale lips. He loved seeing the little slut like that. Duo coughed harshly at the sudden jerking around his neck. The chain unwound from his neck and snaked around his wrists like handcuffs. Yun attempted to pull his captive forward. Duo put all of his remaining strength into staying where he was, but he had little to none magic left in him after killing Turov and getting them back to a safe house and he was damn lucky it had worked. But now it seemed it had been all for naught. At least Quatre, Trowa, and Wufei were temporarily out of danger.
“Come now, boy, it's time to go back to where you belong,” Yun snarled and tugged extra hard, forcing Duo to the ground. Duo's eyes narrowed at him and his pupils turned a startling red-silver.
“THIS is where I belong!” Duo screamed. A wave of energy flowed through the chain and broke the metal. Yun frowned as the chain rusted, turned to dust, and sifted through his fingers.
“Seems like we've greatly underestimated you,” he gritted out, furious.
`It's impossible!' He thought, `he doesn't have the energy to form even the slightest magic and yet he had enough to make an attack!' Yun's icy gaze turned to Heero, whose eyes were furious with indecision. It couldn't be possible…
Heero had no idea what to do. His lover was in trouble and there wasn't anything he could do about it.
“You are to come back with me,” Yun snarled as Duo managed to pick himself up and move back in front of Heero, attempting to protect him somehow.
“Need you forget, Nyet, you belong to us!” Duo clenched his fists.
“My name is Duo and I belong to no one!” Heero smiled.
`That's right, Duo. You are your own person. No one has the right to control you.'
“A Gaiiji living on Earth?! It's preposterous! Humans are cattle! They have no magic, no strength. The only creatures in the universe that are more useless are you soot-wings.” Duo flinched again at the slur. “You will come back with me.” Duo growled; a startling feral sound.
“These `cattle' you are referring to are my family! They are not much different than us and magic essence bares little strength here on Earth compared to their emotions. We have no right to judge these humans just because they do not possess the ability to gather spiritual energy.” Yun was growing impatient. They should have left by now, but he couldn't risk the boy using his power when they were traveling. He would have to settle for completely wearing him out, even if he no longer had any idea how much power he had. Duo took a step back as Yun moved forward. Heero placed his hands on Duo's shoulders.
“Duo who is that guy?” Heero whispered into Duo's ear.
“My master's lover,” Duo murmured. Heero glared at the white feline.
“Just how did you find me anyway,” Duo's eyes narrowed in suspicion, “there's no way you could have known which world I was in.” Yun grinned.
“Konyatvis.” Cold filled Duo. Heero watched in confusion as the color disappeared from Duo's skin and the air seemed to fill with cold, fear, and anger.
“You stupid shit! Piece of fucking filth!” Duo snarled. Heero paled. He had never seen him so furious. He wished he knew what they were talking about. Yun clenched his fists as Duo swore at him.
“How dare you speak to me like that?! You are our property and I will do what I like to you. It seems like we needed to beat your training into you once again,” Yun grinned toothily, “it's your own fault we're here anyway. Not only did you have the audacity to try to escape from us, but you were dumb enough to use your power.” Duo gritted his teeth. How could he have been so stupid? He had led them right to him!
“That is one of the mistakes that Miori made when raising you. He should have simply broken you as quickly as he could and kept you chained up in your cage so you could never escape. My love was very lenient. But we learn from our mistakes. We should have clipped your wings before training you to eat from our hands.” Heero saw red, furious at Yun's referring to Duo as an animal. “Enough of this,” Yun's temper flared once more, “I've wasted enough time already. We've come here to take back what's ours and that's what I will do.” Yun raised his clawed hand which glowed with a visibly blue energy.
“Come here or I can kill some of your human friends…”
“No!” Duo stepped in front of Heero to protect him. Yun's smile was sinister.
“Ah, I see,” he said, his tone thick with disgust, “you have `special feelings' for this animal. Stupid child,” he spat, “do you expect a human to care for you?” Duo glared, but he felt a tiny flare of uncertainty blossom inside of his heart.
“What are you talking about?” Duo snapped. Heero stared at him. Did Duo really think that he didn't care for him? He had thought that they had been through all of this already. But, Heero supposed that Duo's insecurities ran deeper than he thought.
“Don't you get it?” The white cat bared his fangs, his silvery eyes bore into Heero, who shuddered at the eerie gaze, “That surinn is only using you for your powers.” Duo's resolve faltered. He couldn't wrap his mind around why Heero would be in love with him, but he didn't want to believe that Heero would be so shallow. Heero watched all of this in anger, but he couldn't make up Duo's mind for him. He had explained his feelings and it was up to Duo to decide whether or not their relationship was real.
“No,” he shook his head, murmuring, “That's not true.”
“Really?” Yun persisted, giddy at seeing their old pet in such emotional trauma; it served the Nyet right for falling in love for a human of all things, “I beg to differ. Why else would a human want to be around you, especially when he knows exactly what you are? Not only are you not human, even amongst your own people, you're a freak.” Duo's low self-esteem overwhelmed him. Heero glared at Yun in hate for making his lover look so sad.
“I don't care,” Duo gritted out. It was finally Yun's turn to be startled. Heero felt happy at seeing Duo take control of the situation again. Though, that statement shocked him as well. Duo bowed his head and his bangs covered over his eyes, but Heero knew him well enough that there were tears in his beautiful eyes.
“I don't care whether or not Heero is using me. I love him. If I can help him, if I can at least pretend that he cares about me, it is enough. I'll do what I can to make the m all happy. Quatre… Trowa… Wufei… Heero… Their happiness is the most important thing to me. But beyond that, I know Heero and I trust him. If he says that he loves me no matter what, then I believe him,” Duo's words burned pleasantly inside of Heero, “I don't expect you to understand such a complicated, selfless feeling as all you care about is your own vices. However, it does not matter what you say to me. I will die before you accomplish any goals. I've lived my entire life terrified of you and Miori, but now I have no choice but to stand up to you. I will not go back with you and I will not be under anyone's control ever again. This is not a wish, it is a fact. So, I'm afraid you've come all this way for nothing.” Duo looked at Yun defiantly, his voice bold as he spoke, but Heero could see how pale he was and how he shook. He could only imagine what Duo's life had been like under two cruel masters. Seeing Duo like this, Heero couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. Yun growled and released a bam of energy right at Duo and Heero.
Duo held up his hands in a defensive maneuver, creating a barrier of shimmering energy around himself and Heero. The beam seemed to be absorbed by the large barrier. Yun growled again in annoyance.
“How the fuck do you have energy?!” Duo frowned in concentration. How was it that he had energy? His body was taxed and exhausted, yet every time Yun attacked, he was able to counter. It seemed like every time he thought of Heero and his family, the energy flooded his body. But, even with this bizarre unending source of energy, he couldn't form attacks if his body wasn't able to keep up and he was wearing fast. He had to end this, somehow, but Yun was so much stronger than him and Duo had already used up most of his power in the last forty-eight hours. He could barely stay awake or stand up and he couldn't keep the barrier up for much longer. As Duo was deep in thought and concentration, Yun focused his own energy. The ground cracked and the wind whipped his silver hair around him like snakes all because of the immense energy he was summoning. He gathered the energy into a wave and sent it at Duo, whose shield was weakening as his body shook with strain. Duo, realizing that Heero wouldn't survive the attack if the shield wasn't strong enough, unfolded his wings and flew Heero out of the way of the blast. Heero, who was so used to protecting others, wasn't used to Duo taking care of him like this. He wanted to fight against this monster so badly it felt like his body was burning. Duo dropped Heero from his grasp as they landed safely away from the blast and panted slightly.
`Fuck,' Duo thought, `I can't keep up with Yun.' Suddenly, thick, tentacle weeds that Duo was all too familiar with shot out from the ground and wrapped themselves around Duo.
“Fuck!” Duo cried out loud as he felt the energy that he had somehow managed to collect being drained by the vines. Heero was unable to help as Duo seemed to be caught in an electrical field. Duo fell limp against the vines as the last of his energy was taken from him.
“Duo!” Heero yelled. He ran forward and collided with the field and gritted his teeth as electricity flowed through his body painfully. Yun laughed at him.
“Too bad, it looks like I'll have to kill you now. That'll go a long way to breaking him down again.” Yun raised his hand and a familiar blue energy surrounded him. Heero felt rage fill him like a fiery blaze. He would help Duo, even if it was just breaking through this goddamn barrier and holding him…
Suddenly, fire surrounded Heero and destroyed the barrier and vines. Arcs of fire like claws tore through Yun and burning him. Heero didn't have the time to cheer as the cat bled profusely and disappeared into thin air with a yowl of anger and pain. Duo was lying on the ground looking broken and pale. That was the only thing that mattered. Heero would deal with the strange unknown fire and the enemy Gaiiji later. Duo struggled to get up, dry heaving and swaying alarmingly. His vision grayed as his nerves felt like they were on fire. He felt like his stomach was trying to crawl out of his throat. Duo moaned and tried to focus his eyes to see where Heero was, but the longer he concentrated on staying on two legs, the worse he felt. Still, he felt his tension disappear a little as he felt Heero's strong hands on his shoulders, steadying him. Heero gently wrapped an arm around Duo's waist to keep him upright. He had to get him to bed before he collapsed.
“Hold on and stay still!” Heero hissed as his boyfriend squirmed to try to walk on his own. Duo could be so stubborn and self reliant to the point of harm. Sure, he loved that about him, but at times like this it could be a real problem. Duo squeezed his eyes shut, hoping that a lack of vision would make him feel less queasy. He finally gave up and leaned against Heero, feeling better on his muscled side. Even as Duo struggled, he kept a tab on Yun's dwindling energy. The feline was still alive, but he was badly hurt. Duo knew that Miori would be pissed at knowing that his lover had almost been killed, but would have better sense than to run into a battle unprepared so they would be able to relax in peace for awhile. As long as he kept close tabs on their energy signatures, he would be able to know if they appeared near him. Of course, they were both able to hide their energy signatures, but there was always the off chance that Miori would slip up. Confident in the fact that they would not be attacked again, Duo allowed himself to fall unconscious.
Heero panicked as Duo went limp in his grasp. He gathered the boy into his arms and made his way back to the house. He had no idea how to take care of Duo anymore. He only hoped that Duo's unusual abilities would be able to heal him. Heero slipped into the safe house quietly, instantly glad that the others were still not back. He promised himself that he would tell them everything when they returned. They, like him, were helpless, but they deserved to know the truth. He tucked Duo into bed, worried that the boy made no movement, but there really was nothing he could do. Physically, the worst of Duo's wounds were bruises from the vines and chains. Heero pulled up a chair next to the bed and watched his partner sleep. Miraculously, as he slept, his bruises slowly disappeared and color reappeared on his skin.
`What's going to happen to all of us?' Heero wondered as he stroked Duo's hair; more of a comfort for himself than Duo, `That creature almost killed me and stole you away from us. You're the only one who can stop him. I'm totally helpless to protect you! Fuck, I hate this feeling! I want to be the one to save you, yet you're the one who has to help me… there must be something I can do… that fire… how did Duo do that? That fire surrounded me… but it didn't burn me like it did Yun.' Heero tried to get up to pace and think, only to find that something was holding him back. Duo had grabbed his shirt in a surprisingly tight grip. Heero smiled.
“Alright,” he murmured, sitting back down and stroking Duo's hair again with one hand and grabbing one of Duo's with his other. Duo's hand tightened in his and Duo made a small whimpering sound. He twitched a little. Heero recognized all of the signs of a very bad nightmare even though Duo was too exhausted to move around much. He also understood what Duo wanted as his hand tightened more on more on him. He slid into bed with him, pulling Duo against him. He felt Duo relax a little. On mutual agreement they had decided not to take the final step with sex. After meeting one of Duo's former masters, Heero realized that it had much less to do with Duo worrying what would happen if he lost control and more about what had happened to him in the past. Heero paled a little; images of disgusting things with Duo, his beautiful Duo, being subjected to them made rage rise once more in his gut. He didn't care if they never had sex; he would never put Duo through that kind of torment. Still, pressed against him like this… Heero was ashamed to know that he would be waking up with a hard on. He only hoped that that wouldn't cause Duo more distress.
Heero was right on both accounts. He did wake up with a raging erection and, to make things even worse, Duo was again tense. Heero untangled himself from his boyfriend. He wasn't doing him any favors by being aroused and pressed against him like that. So, instead, he let Duo sleep and left to take a cold shower.
End chapter 2
I want to take the time now to thank everyone who has ever reviewed any of my works. If you're a fellow fanfiction writer you understand how wonderful it is to get validation for something you love to do. So, thank you everyone. Okay, the weird words I'm using in this fic will be explained in the next two chapters.