Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Serenade ❯ Chapter 3: Flashback 1 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Midnight Serenade
Chapter 3
Author's Note: This chapter deals exclusively with Duo's past. The next chapter will go back to the present, but it is important to see the past as well. This chapter includes some detailed violence, gore, rape, and several squick factors which may disturb you including slavery, mutilation, pedophilia, and torture.
Ten years ago…
“Ssh,” Anya murmured against her son's soft hair, wrapping her large black wings around him lovingly as he struggled to silence his cries against her stomach.
“It's going to be okay, baby,” she tried to reassure him as they hid in an abandoned shed deep in the woods. She stroked his hair, which was getting quite long for a five year old, but she had to admit, it made him look even more beautiful. She could only imagine what would happen to her poor child if they were caught. But, she vowed to protect him with her last breath. Even as young as he was, Duo understood the danger they were in after having fled home after home and tried his hardest to not make a sound. His ears twitched as he heard another sound from far away.
“They're coming.” Anya nodded.
“I know, which is why we have to be very, very quiet, ok? You tell me if they get any closer, alright?” Duo nodded against his mother's brown dress. Despite being in such danger, he felt safe with her wings around them. Why did everyone hate them so much? He hadn't done anything wrong, had he? He just wanted him and his mother to live in peace. Yet, everywhere they went they were chased. He didn't know what would happen if they were caught, just that it was something very bad if his mother was so scared. He also felt a surge of pride that she was relying on him to keep them safe. He knew he was different. He could hear and smell things that his mother could not and he had furry ears and a tail where she did not.
“I'm scared, mommy,” he sniffed, looking into her violet eyes for comfort. She smiled down at him, stroking his ears and large wings, the same color as hers. She loved her child so much, she just wished his father had loved him as well. Duo was beautiful, not despite his abnormalities, but because of them. The child was so precious, he didn't understand why the way he looked caused such an uproar. Anya had loved Naythan once, but after his reaction to their baby, she hoped he roasted in hell. She knew that it was him who had told everyone where they were. It was because of him that they were on the run. The worst was that nothing had happened to him while she knew that she and her baby would probably be executed.
“I know,” she told Duo, “but I'll protect you.”
“Mommy, you have to wake up!” Anya blinked her eyes open blearily as she felt someone shaking her. She was up in an instant, tucking a thick strand of curly auburn hair back behind her ear. Duo's concerned gaze met hers.
“What's wrong, honey?”
“They're almost here,” he whispered, terrified.
“Ok,” she said, trying to stay calm. They had exhausted their places to hide. All she could do was go farther and farther into the wilderness and hope they didn't run out of forest before they were discovered. She trusted her son's judgment and bundled him up in her jacket. It was far too cold for someone his size and age to be running around in. She smiled as he rubbed at her necklace which she had given him once she realized she had been betrayed. Naythan had given it to her when he had told her that he loved her. It would always be a symbol to her of what she believed; all people should be loved equally without prejudice. She was proud to see Duo honoring that idea. She hoped that he wouldn't grow up like his father, too scared to keep up with his own ideals. He had believed in the idea of equality enough to have sex with her, but not enough to love their child.
Mother and child hid low amongst the thick foliage. It was times like these that Anya was glad she had black wings. She covered the two them with them as they hid. Gaiiji with brighter wings were easily spotted while they were much more hidden. Duo was a little trooper, keeping completely still and quiet as he shook with fear. She had no idea how they were going to escape. The woods were completely surrounded by Gaiiji. Their only shot was to wait until there was a gap and to make a run for it. She once again found herself relying on her own fiver year old son to know when it was safe to come out of hiding. They were incredibly lucky when after two hours of crouching they couldn't see anyone else in the area. So, she ran with Duo in her arms. Anya had never had a family before. All she remembered was living in deserted houses and sheds in the woods. She liked to think that her parents had been enslaved like the rest of their race and had deserted her to save her from that fate. But, she promised herself that she would not desert her child. Duo needed protection from the evils of the world, even if his father was one of those evils.
Anya cried out as she was struck on her side by something solid and powerful. As she fell, she tucked Duo tightly to her stomach to protect him from the blow. But, he tumbled from her grasp as someone grabbed her by her hair.
“Svenyan! Stupid bitch!” Her captor shook her harshly. She struggled violently as she saw a silver-haired feline Gaiiji grab her son as he tried to run to her.
“Let him go!” She shrieked, slamming her right wing into the Gaiiji that was holding her, but it was useless, it only seemed to piss him off. He shoved her to the ground and she felt her energy being drained away. Only a very powerful Gaiiji had that ability. She stared shock as green, cold eyes glared at her. Every Gaiiji in Etenesizen knew of Miori. He was a cruel creature who had gone through more slaves than any other. She had not seen any of his slaves after he was done with them, but she had heard enough stories to feel terrified of the wolf. He was incredibly powerful and it wasn't hard for her to see how they had gotten caught so easily. She would die before she would see her son hurt by this monster!
“Leave him alone, I beg you,” she pleaded. The feline laughed at her.
“How dare you talk to me like that?” Miori's voice was cold and oddly furious despite the fact that he had not raised his voice at all. “You are in no condition to make demands, woman. You have created a great sin and you will be punished for it,” he turned his cruel gaze to her son, “both you and your sin.”
Duo screamed and fought as Yun dragged him down the hall by his arm. The cat snarled and slapped him across the face.
“Be quiet and do as you're told.” Duo fell to the ground. He pressed his hand on his heated cheek. What was going on?! What was this strange place and why was this man being so violent?
“I want to see my mom!” He cried. Yun sneered.
“Don't worry, you'll join her soon enough. For now, you'd better do what I say.” He grabbed the child by the hair. Duo bit his lip in pain. He just wanted to see his mother.
Yun kicked open a door and shoved the hybrid Gaiiji inside. Duo looked in horror about the room. Strange, twisted items were on the walls and probably also in the various cabinets. But the worst was a bed with shackles and chains attached to it and an iron cage. Yun shoved him towards the cage.
“In,” he ordered.
“No, please!” Duo begged, sobbing. Yun grabbed him by the back of his neck and forced him into the cage and slammed the door behind him. He watched with a grin as the child curled up in the corner. He didn't say anything to the creature as he left the room, locking the door behind him. The boy would stay there until Miori decided what to do with him; he would either by subjected to a public execution like his mother or be enslaved. Yun licked his lips. He for one hoped it was the latter.
Duo shuddered against the bars of the cage. How could anyone be so cruel? What was going to happen to him? Where was his mother? She was all that he had in the world. He was terrified and couldn't sleep. He knew that there was no way he could get out of this one. They weren't in the woods anymore, they were in the city. Even if he escaped from this building, he looked different than everyone else and would be spotted easily. He didn't understand fully what was going on, just that it had something to do with the way he and his mother looked. These people couldn't be reasoned with; he could only hope that they wouldn't hurt them. He hoped that wherever his mother was now she was warmer than he was.
Anya glared at Naythan as he approached her. She didn't care what he had come to her cage to speak to her for. She had nothing more to say to the bastard. Because of her, her baby boy was either going to die like her or become slave to a cruel Gaiiji who would not care about his health in the least. Naythan paced outside the female black wing's cage.
“Why didn't you just turn yourself in?” He asked, his voice desperate, “You could have given them the baby and you would have been spared, but instead you ran for all of these years and now they must execute you!”
Anya narrowed her eyes at him.
“Fuck you, Naythan. You don't deserve to be that boy's father. Hell, he is only five and he is twice the man you'll ever be!” She laughed bitterly, “Do you really think that they would have spared me if I gave them Duo? Even if they had, I would just be a slave!”
“But you would be alive,” Naythan said in a small voice, his black feline ears flat drooped in sadness.
“That's no way to live,” Anya said, “But you'll never now that, you're kind never will,” she said angrily.
Five hundred years ago, a plague had hit Etensizen. It wiped out ninety three percent of the Gaiiji, however, none of them had been black wings. When the leaders of the Etensizen world studied the black wings, they discovered that due to a slight variation in the black wings' genetics, they were immune to the virus. The citizens of Etensizen were terrified by the virus, so the leaders decided to use the black wings as scapegoats, saying that the reason that the plague existed was because that the black wings had engineered it out of their own cells in order to dominate the other Gaiiji species. The black wings were captured, enslaved, tortured, and experimented on until a cure was found. Now, five hundred years later, the black wings are still slaves. Very few Gaiiji remember why, but that doesn't matter. Everyone knows that the black wings are evil.
They came for her early that morning. Anya knew what was going to happen. A public execution to reassure the masses that the council was doing their job. She only hoped that Duo would not have to witness it. She didn't know what she wanted anymore. She was so scared, she wanted to see her baby one last time, but she didn't want him to know what was going to happen to her. She didn't want Duo to be executed, but she didn't want him to live out his life as a slave. She felt tears running down her cheeks as she was led out of the jail. Why was this happening? All she wanted was for her son to grow up to know what true freedom felt like. But he would never learn that in this place. She was led out onto a platform where an executioner stood, his sword gleaming. Naythan was also there and Miori and Yun. Hundreds of people stood to watch the `show.' Some jeered, while others clapped as she was brought to the executioner. She heard someone crying and she turned to her right. Her eyes widened as she saw Duo in chains, watching her be brought out. She squeezed her eyes shut. How could they do this? No words were spoken, they did not need to speak to her. To them she was a mere animal. No one would need to talk to a rabid dog that was about to be euthanized, so why should they speak to her. The executioner stepped aside as Naythan stepped towards her. The hooded killer handed the panther his sword. Suddenly, she understood. This was Naythan's punishment for his sin. No, more like it was redemption. Kill the sin and save the sinner. She stared up at him in pure hate.
“You may kill me, but you're the one who is the slave, Naythan, never me and never my son,” she hissed. He paled and raised the sword above his head.
Duo screamed as he saw the panther slice off his mother's head. He tried to look away, but Yun grabbed his head and forced him to watch. He could feel anger bubbling up inside of him. He wanted that man to die. He had killed his mommy and he deserved to know what that felt like. He felt some sort of incredible power rising in his body. Yun yelped as Duo's body began to glow and he let him go in a panic. A surge of energy left Duo and hit Naythan in the back, tearing him to shreds. Duo felt good watching the bloody corpse fall to the ground before he lost consciousness. The audience screamed and several of them fled. Yun grabbed at Duo and neither he nor Miori spared Naythan another glance. The important thing was the abomination child. No one this young could use their power like that, but he had. Yun recognized the look of Miori's face. His lover was very, very interested in the child. Yun grinned. He had to admit, he was interested, too.
Duo screamed loudly as Miori manhandled him. He had no idea where he was, he had just awoken in this horrible place. Their was a large bed in the corner and large boxes around the room. The wolf, the cat, and Duo were the only ones here and he didn't like that at all. Just the sight of the two adult Gaiiji turned his blood cold. His mother was dead. He was all alone and in the hands of these blood thirsty monsters. Miori gripped Duo's neck as Yun held the boy down and the wolf put a collar around Duo's neck. He forced Duo to look him in the eye.
“You are mine, now, Nyet, do you understand?”
“Let me go!” Duo cried as the tight color bit into his neck. Miori slapped him across the face. Yun watched all of this with a smirk, the kid was stubborn. Miori had tried to get him to call him master for a half an hour now, but the boy refused, he just kept fighting them. Yun didn't mind at all, he liked the fighters. Miori hissed as Duo sunk his teeth into his hand.
“Jveshi!” He swore and grabbed Duo by the color, “I'll show the world who you belong to,” he flipped Duo onto his stomach, “Yun, restrain him.” Yun raised his hand in the air and tentacles that seemed to come out of nowhere wrapped around the child's arms and legs. The boy was already naked and seeing his ass swaying in front of them was making Yun hard. He wanted to get all of the business out of the way and just fuck the little spitfire, but this was Miori's show. Miori caressed Duo's shoulder. The boy's skin was perfect, smooth, and pale. He would change all that, though. He licked his lips as one of his nails grew long and became red as he made in red hot. He did this with all of his bed slaves, but this time was special. Just the idea of branding the gorgeous abomination made him feel hot all over.
Duo felt something hot pierce his shoulder and he screamed in pain. He could smell his flesh burning. What were they doing to him? He just wanted to be left alone!
Miori moved his nail with great precision. His claw made a scar the shape of a bat wing on Duo's shoulder. When he was done making the outline, he dug his claw into the middle of it and the skin turned black and decayed. Duo sobbed as he felt the claw leave him, but his shoulder felt seared and hot.
“Get me the needles,” Miori ordered Yun. Yun nodded.
“Which ones do you want?”
Miori's green eyes traveled over Duo's feline ears.
“The bells.”
Yun grinned, so Miori was in a playful mood tonight. He ran to one of the boxes and took out a small wooden box and handed it to Miori. Duo continued to struggle and fight. He wouldn't give in, no matter how much pain he was in! Suddenly, he felt drained and tired. Yun flexed his hand, taking just enough energy to keep Duo from moving around too much. It was fun causing him pain, but Miori wouldn't want his work to be messed up.
“Flip him,” Miori commanded. Yun flexed his hand again the tentacles turned him onto his back. Duo shuddered. The things holding him were warm and pulsating and slippery. They felt so weird against his bare skin and now he was too weak to fight them off. Miori opened the box and pulled out a jar of liquid, a pair of latex gloves and, Duo saw with horror, four long needles. Miori snapped on the gloves.
“W-What are you doing?” Duo asked, terrified. Miori slapped him again.
“You speak only when I tell you. You are my property now and if you can't understand that, I will only make this more painful for you.”
Duo whimpered. He didn't want to obey, but it hurt so much! Surely, if he could just say that one little word, he would be left alone.
“I'm sorry… M-Master,” he struggled with the word. Miori smiled.
“That was very good, Nyet, but this is not punishment, this is for my pleasure. I think you would look beautiful like this,” Miori said. Duo paled. He had said that nasty thing for nothing, he was still going to hurt him.
Miori spread some of the liquid on Duo's nipples. Duo squirmed, not liking the wolf touching him there. The liquid smelled funny, but it didn't burn or sting so Duo couldn't figure out what it was for. Miori picked up a long needle and a delicate, golden bell that made a beautiful sound and was attached to what looked like a silver earring. Miori gave Duo no warning as he pierced one of Duo's nipples. Duo screamed but the tentacles made sure that he couldn't thrash around. Miori felt himself grow harder at the sound of the child's screams and pushed the needle all of the way through, following the needle with the bell ring. The slight weight made the wound burn and the bell jingled as it fell on his chest. Duo shuddered. It hurt so much. His nipple throbbed and burned. Then, a twin pain occurred on the other nipple was pierced and another bell was attached. Miori was clinical and Yun loved watching his lover work.
“Spread his legs,” Miori ordered. Yun flicked his hand and the tentacles spread the boy's legs wide. Then, Miori spread more of the sterilizing fluid onto the head of Duo's small, underdeveloped cock.
“No!” Duo screamed, “Not there, please!” Miori ignored him and gave him an apadravya piercing, vertically through the head of his cock, attaching a bell as the needle went all of the way through. Duo screeched like the cat he was. Nothing had ever hurt so badly before. The tinkling of the bells merged with his hitching sobs. Why couldn't they stop? His chest and crotch were on fire. He barely felt Miori hands spreading the fluid onto his testicles.
“No, please,” he sobbed.
“Just one more,” Miori cooed, piercing Duo's scrotum and attaching one more bell. Duo lay limp, his body thrumming with pain and agony. He felt Miori's lips on his, but couldn't fight back, even when the wolf's tongue wormed its way into his mouth. The boy's pain tasted so sweet and he looked adorable with the bells on him. Miori jiggled the large bell that was on Duo's collar. The boy was a freak, but he was an erotic freak. He wanted to bury his throbbing length into him. But, the boy was inexperienced and Miori still had one more thing to do.
“Give me the enema kit,” he told Yun. Yun frowned.
“What about a bed pan, then?”
Miori smirked.
“We haven't fed him since we caught him and he used the cage toilet yesterday, the bed pan won't be necessary, I just want to see it. Besides, I still need to punish him for being so rude to me.” Yun nodded and went to fetch the kit. Duo shuddered. He couldn't imagine what other horrible things they were going to do to them. What had he done to deserve this?
“You're a monster,” Miori whispered in Duo's ear as though he had heard his thoughts, “But you are still my property and you will do as you are told. If you don't act like the slave you are, I will hurt you. Do you understand?”
Duo nodded, tears running down his cheeks. He was nothing. He saw the other Gaiiji around him and was starting to realize the reasons why he and his mother were always hiding. These Gaiiji only had singular features. Duo was different. Miori had caught him and now he was his. Miori had complete and total control over his life now. If he didn't want to be constant pain, all he had to do was do everything he was told to do. It wasn't that hard, was it? After all, he had done the same thing with his mother. However, his mother had never hurt him.
Yun returned with a large bottle of watery liquid and a huge syringe. Miori dipped the tip of the syringe into the water and filled it up.
“I'm going to put all of this inside of you and you aren't going to let out a single drop until I tell you to, do you understand?”
Duo shuddered. No, he didn't understand. What was the point of drinking a bunch of water? But he nodded anyway.
The thin nozzle of the enema needle slid into Duo's ass. Duo gasped. What was going on? It made him feel strange. Suddenly, warm water flooded through his ass and into his stomach. Duo cried out. It felt really, really weird. His stomach felt hot and he had to fight his body's reaction to push the fluid out of him. His muscles cramped hard and it started to hurt to keep it in. The nozzle left him only to return again, pumping more of the liquid into his body. He sobbed and squirmed. He didn't like this feeling, yet it wasn't entirely painful. That was what made it so strange.
“No, stop!” Duo begged as the needle entered him for the third time. Miori frowned. After all of this time, the boy was still acting stubborn. Instead of pushing the liquid in a little bit at a time, Miori shot it up all at once. Duo screamed. He hated these feelings. His entire body burned and throbbed. He just wanted it all to stop. Having these men do these things to him was so embarrassing. He would give anything to be on the run with his mother again. Miori tossed the syringe back to Yun and turned Duo back onto his stomach. Duo cried as that put pressure on him.
“Please stop,” he sobbed, “I'll do anything, just please stop!”
“You say that, yet you continue to be rude to me,” Miori growled, “You will take your punishment like a good little Nyet and you will thank me for it.”
Duo felt something else on his aching entrance, Miori's fingers. Oh, please, make it go away.
Duo couldn't cry anymore, he was so drained, but when he felt two of Miori's fingers penetrate him he felt like sobbing, How could anything hurt so much.
“You let go and I'll beat you within an inch of your life, do you understand?”
Duo nodded. Miori added another finger and plunged them in and out of him. Blood started to stream down his legs and Duo squirmed at the strange feeling of fingers inside of his body. A fourth finger entered him and Duo just couldn't fight anymore. He didn't have anything left to give. He just wanted to retreat to sleep, somewhere safe where these monsters couldn't touch him. Suddenly, more and more of his ass was stretched to what seemed like impossible lengths as Miori started to work his whole hand into him. Duo whimpered in agony. His body tried to push the intruder out of him, but Miori continued to go deeper until he was inside the small child up to his wrist. He curled his hand into a fist and thrust it in and out of Duo. Duo felt like he was being torn in half as the wolf's hand stretched his delicate opening over and over.
“Please,” he begged once more.
“Please, what?” Miori growled.
“Please, master,” Duo said, his voice rough from crying. He found that the words came easy now. He almost cried in relief as Miori took out his hand. He was blessedly empty now, but then the wolf's hand was replaced with something worse, something almost as big as his hand, but even more painful.
Miori sunk deep into the hybrid and hissed. Even stretched as much as he was he was still tight. Miori placed a hand on Duo's shoulder wound which was sluggishly bleeding. The force of Miori's thrusts moved Duo and he could feel the painful tugging on his pierced body parts. He felt like throwing up. He wanted that hateful thing out of him now, but the tentacles held him still. He felt Miori's fangs pierce his shoulder and the wolf muttered strange, alien words in his ear. Duo finally found that he was able to scream as something thick flooded his channel and he felt something… vital…. Being ripped from his body. He felt everything go gray and he detached from his physical body.
Miori groaned as he came into Duo and the Konyatvis was complete. A large chunk of Duo's soul came flooding into him and he gasped. The soul was warm and innocent. So beautiful, Miori wanted to cry. He growled at it. It was his now and no matter where the monster went, he would find him. He now owned him completely, body and soul.
Duo awoke numbly. Why had he woken? He didn't want to be here. He hissed as he felt someone moving inside of him, but it wasn't Miori, he could tell. In a matter of years, he would learn every inch of Miori's body, but even now he could tell the difference between Miori's cock and Yun's. He hissed again as he felt Yun burning his back with his claws. Yun licked his lips. He loved burning while he had sex. Miori didn't like to do it with him, so it was a blessing to have someone who didn't have a say in the matter. The smell of burning flesh gave him a raging hard on and the way that the person's body would clench up in pain was wonderful. Finally, he was able to cum into the tight body beneath him and he watched as his and Miori's cum, along with the fluid from his stomach that Duo had released in his sleep, seeped out sluggishly. Duo barely felt anything as he was lifted and taken back to his cage in the other room. Miori attached a lead to Duo's collar and hooked it up to a ring on the cage's ceiling. He locked the cage door and left. As tired as Duo felt, he couldn't sleep. He felt all of the fluids on his body startlingly considering that the rest of his body was numb. He curled into a ball in the cell, praying that someone would come for him, to take his life, but knowing that no one would.
Three days came and went. Yun and Miori only came to give him food and water. Duo didn't mind. He didn't want anyone to touch him ever again. The bars were freezing against his mutilated shoulder. Still, some deep part of him wished they would just do something and get it over with. He knew that they weren't done with him and the waiting and wondering if today would be today, if when the door opened this time, they would hurt him again, was wearing on him. He was alone with his thoughts. His mother's smiling face came to him over and over again, swiftly followed by the last look on her face that she had had during her execution. Finally, on the third day, when Miori refilled Duo's water dish, he didn't leave immediately. Duo hated how he was treated like an animal. He was Gaiiji just like Miori and Yun! He was not some sort of beast… Was he? What if… what if they were right and he was some sort of horrible monster? He was a freak, already. Miori sat cross legged outside of the cage and stared at Duo. Duo shivered. He hated the wolf's green eyes. They were so cold and seemed to pierce through him like a sword.
“You know, that man you killed the day your mother was executed was your father.”
Duo's violet eyes grew wide.
“Oh, don't feel sorry for him,” Miori said, nonchalantly, examining his sharp nails, “If it weren't for him, your mother would still be alive and the two of you would still be living out in the woods somewhere. As soon as your father learned that your mother was pregnant, he told the council. He betrayed you and your mother, his own son and wife, just so he wouldn't get in trouble. So you see,” Miori met Duo's eyes again, “It doesn't matter where you go, people will always betray you. Because of the way you look, people will always distrust you and became distrustful themselves,” Miori smiled, “But not us. We'll always be honest. Do you want out of the cage?”
Duo paused. The news of his father was shocking, but when he heard about what he had done with his mother, he felt no sympathy for the man that had abandoned them, only a dull rage. It couldn't be this easy; no way the wolf would just let him out if he asked him. It had to be a trick.
“Yes, Master,” Duo said. The torture and sensory deprivation in this room had made him a quick learner. He couldn't go through the pain again.
“Good pet,” Miori said and unlocked the cage door, taking his leash and leading him out of the room.
Two years later…
Duo scrubbed hard at the blood and semen stained sheets. Two years had passed and he still was not used to the sex and training and he didn't think he ever would be. At first, Miori had kept him confined to the cage or their bedroom, but now that Duo had become a competent slave, always doing what he was told, he was allowed to walk around the building. It was a communal; a place where several Gaiijin lived with their families and slaves. It was a huge place and Miori and Yun lived in the richest sector. However, Duo had to come into other sectors to do the laundry. The other places were strange to him. He was so used to his own place and Masters that seeing other slaves and Gaiiji Masters was confusing. Because he was a slave, he had to do what the other Masters told him, but he wasn't allowed to be fucked by anyone else unless his Master told him so. Duo had stopped calling Miori by his first name a long time ago. Every time he felt the name forming on his lips, his body would undergo an overwhelming, psychological pain. Duo saw a flash of bright gold walking by him and lifted his head. It was a beautiful, blonde dog Gaiiji, her hair long and curled and her gold eyes were soft, matching the color of her furry ears and bushy tail. Yet, she was wearing a color. Duo was perplexed. He had only ever seen enslaved black wings, but this girl had no wings at all. The dog noticed him watching her.
“What do want, soot wing?” She snapped. Duo winced at the name. He hated words like that.
“Are… are you a slave?” He asked timidly, not used to talking to other slaves. Usually they steered clear of each other, just focusing on their own tasks. The girl snorted and tossed her beautiful locks over her shoulder. Like Duo, she was naked and her nipples were also pierced like his, but hers were connected by a delicate golden chain. Her breasts were large and perky, but Duo didn't feel anything looking at them bob as she moved.
“Of course I am,” she said as though she thought that Duo was an idiot and she probably did. She was much older than him, probably in her twenties.
“But why?” He asked. She sighed.
“I once was the daughter of one of the leaders,” she said. Duo gasped.
“I had everything until I met this stupid male soot wing,” she said bitterly, “The patrol found him and to save his own life, he told on me. I didn't do anything!” She said and Duo could tell that she was lying, “I mean, we just chatted a little! But still here I am and he got his head chopped off anyway! My father didn't want anything to do with me after that and I got sent to this… place!” She rubbed her stomach as she spoke. Duo bit his lip to keep from asking what she had done with the baby. He had a good idea of what she had done to it. His mother was so much braver than this stuck up, ex-noble. She had kept him.
The dog narrowed her golden eyes at him.
“You know, I've been here for years and I've never really talked to anyone,” she said, smiling softly, “It would be nice having a friend here,” she leaned in close, “I know how to get out,” she whispered. Duo's ears perked up.
“But, then why haven't you escaped?”
The girl snorted.
“I'm too big. There's a hole in the barrier, but only someone small like you could get through it. Beyond the barrier is a field and a little beyond that is the woods. You could hide in there.”
“Why are you helping me?” Duo asked, even as hope burned in him. Her smile was sad.
“You may be a freak, but you're still just a child,” she said, rubbing her stomach again.
Duo waited for dark before making his move. Miori and Yun had fucked him and put him back in his cage. Sometimes they let him sleep in bed with them, but only if they were feeling especially playful. During their time together, Duo had managed to swipe a bit of metal wire they sometimes used to tie him up with and hid it in his hair. Neither of them noticed. Now he used the wire to open up the cage door. It took some effort, but after an hour he managed to spring the lock. Now, he was running through the halls to the outdoors. The moonlight burned his eyes but it was a pleasant thing. He hadn't been outside in two years since the night of his mother's death. Twenty feet from the building was a sort of invisible field that would shock anyone wearing a collar. However, someone had been lax when putting it up and there was a small gap near a certain tree. Duo used his advanced senses to locate the place where the electricity didn't flow and slid through it. He had expected that this had all been a trick, but he didn't get shocked. He was free. He ran. Running felt so good against his ears and tail. He would have cried out in joy at feeling the soft grass under his bare feet once more, but the field was too open and too close to the building and just because he had made it past the barrier didn't mean that nothing could go wrong. He made it to the woods without anything happening, so he slowed down a little, taking in every little detail of the world around him. He was finally free of all of the horrible things that had been forced upon him. Suddenly, something thick, warm, and wet wrapped around his ankle and he was pulled backwards. More of the wet things wrapped around his neck, arms, and thighs, forcing his legs wide apart.
“Naughty boy,” Yun's familiar voice came to him. Duo cried out as he felt the tentacles tug at the bells he was wearing on his nipples. He felt the thick things wrap around his cock and balls tightly, moving up and down and playing with his piercing. He screamed when a thin one forced itself into the slit of his cock and fucked him through his dick. The piercing at the head of his cock throbbed as it was stretched by the tentacle. He screamed again as two thick ones thrust into his ass, moving oppositely of each other and rubbed their burning fluid in him. As he opened his mouth, another tentacle went down his throat, forcing him to swallow the fluid and it burned his stomach. Duo screamed against the thickness in his mouth. It hurt! It felt like he was being torn apart from all of his holes. He felt like he was going insane. Suddenly all of the tentacles left him and he fell limp on the ground. Yun smirked as he saw the creamy fluid left by his tentacles cover Duo and leak out of him. He grabbed the boy's hips and thrust into him. He hissed in pleasure. The fluid made his cock feel hot and tight and the boy's walls spasmed against him. He came hard. The boy took the chance to try to run once more, but Yun grabbed his ankle and pulled the boy to him. Miori was not going to be happy. Yun grinned. That wasn't such a bad thing.
The stupid bitch had ratted him out, Duo discovered as he was dragged back to their sector. The golden dog was waiting for them with a smug look on her face. But that look was short lived when Miori cut off her head anyway. The shocked look on her face was almost enough to make up for everything that happened afterwards, almost but not quite. The mutt should have realized what was going to happen to her. Helping a slave escape was punishable by death, even if that person did trick them. Miori had been right, he couldn't trust anyone.
Four years later…
Duo approached the `gate' with a heavy heart. Ever since that one night when he was seven, Duo had not tried to escape again. He came to realize that it didn't matter where he ran to, as long as he was in this world, he would never stop being a slave. However, there was a way. His mother had told him stories about different worlds beyond their own. One particular world Duo continually dreamed about; Earth. He knew very little about the gate system, only that there existed ways to move from world to world and that these gates were carefully guarded. It felt like his way to freedom was just outside his reach. For four years, Duo tested the barrier around the building. He finally found another gap, just big enough for him to squeeze through without getting zapped. He had tried to get the collar off, but it was infused with magic and over the years had bitten into his neck. Still, though he knew he had a means of escape, he didn't have enough power to move through the gate. Then, he hit puberty at age eleven, just three months ago, and his full power came to him. Finally, he had a plan.
Duo stood in front of the gate. Miori would be coming soon, but that didn't matter. The gate keeper had been easy to convince with Duo's narrow hips and his power, he had managed to both seduce and bully the serpent Gaiiji. But Duo knew that the man had run off to get his Master. None of that mattered. He was leaving here, even if he had to kill himself. He focused all of his energy on the gate. His collar tightened around his neck as power surged from him in a glowing wave. He felt the gate open for him. He imagined the Milky Way Universe with its stars and oceans and colonies. He felt himself being pulled forward like a rubber band. It took only a matter of minutes, then new noises and strange smells came to him. He opened his eyes. He was someplace dark. A narrow alley that smelled of trash and waste. He could hear loud, angry voices around him and the smell of smoke burned his nose. It was beautiful. With the last vestiges of his fading energy, Duo focused on a single image; what he would look like if he was human. He felt his ears, tail, and wings sink into his strange new body. The trip had sucked away his power and felt himself losing consciousness.
Sister Helen of Maxwell Church gasped as she saw what looked like a dead body in the alley. She had gone shopping for milk and bread for the orphans of the church when she had spotted it. It was a boy, completely naked, wearing a collar, and smelling of sex. He had weird piercings and bruises on him.
“Oh, you poor little thing,” she murmured, taking off her jacket and wrapping it around the shivering child, she swept him into her arms.
End Chapter 3