Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Visitor ❯ Chapter 6

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I don't own Gundam Wing. If I did I wouldn't need to be writing this!!

I know a lot of you didn't like how the last chapter ended, and I'm sorry. Just bear with me a little longer for the final part. Midnight Visitor
Part VI

By Midnight Lover

He gasped for air as he slowly opened his eyes. Before him lay a mess of burnt metal scraps, dust and rocks, and behind him lay the remnants of a small building, having gone up in a ball of smoke and fire. He stretched out an arm, and nearly cried with the pain but the soldier inside him refused to show that weakness at a time like this. His hand was caked in dry blood and dirt as he reached out for a rock to steadily hoist himself up on his feet. His Prussian blue eyes scanned the surrounding area, nothing but broken mobile suits and upturned ground, could be seen. He came to his feet and stood still, pain flashing through his body, and he saw numerous cuts, bruises and felt the ache of numerous broken bones. Yet, he still began to walk forward, to a destination that would make his life worthwhile now, the Sanc Kingdom. "Relena." Heero muttered, brushing off the dirt and coagulated blood on his skin. "I'll be there soon."

Relena sat amidst her group of friends, each trying to comfort her in any way. It had been four days since her arrival to earth and that had been two days since the battle had ended. Everyone had decided to stay with her trying to keep her from doing something stupid no with the loss of Heero. But there was one thing at she couldn't gasp, and that was why she didn't believe that he was truly dead. The others said he was, and that the earpiece he was wearing turned to static not long after he had pressed the button commencing the detonation of the base. It was just she couldn't quite agree with it all.
"Relena, we're going for a walk, you want to come with us?" Hilde asked, holding a hand out to Relena who sat in the middle of the settee in the living room.
Relena's eyes remained distant as she continued to look at the floor. She could hear the words of her friend but she couldn't understand what they meant.
"Relena?" Sally asked, noticing that her friend had yet to move from where she'd been sitting all morning. "Relena, are you in there?"
The living room door swung open and Quatre slowly stepped inside, careful not to pull anything that would cause his return to the hospital he's been released from the day Relena returned home. "Hey Relena." He said, as he clambered over to her side. He looked at the others in the room and they nodded, understanding that he wanted them to leave.
She looked over at him and smiled before turning her eyes down to her folded hands on her lap. She'd heard from Kai earlier that Quatre had doubled over in pain mentioning Heero's name, she couldn't understand how, because Quatre was in the hospital, and Heero in Berlin.
Once the door closed, leaving the two alone in the living room, Quatre spoke up. "Relena, please don't torture yourself over this."
"No. He said he was coming back and I won't believe for a second that he's dead." Relena said angrily.
Quatre lifted her chin, and took her hand in his, "Relena I know it's hard to take in. But there was little chance of him getting out of there in time. I was told he had only two minutes to get out, the chances were slim, Relena. You had to have understood that before." Quatre said.
A tear slid down her cheek and she pulled away from him. "Yeah, but he's Heero, he can survive anything." She stuck to her belief.
"I'm sorry to say these things Relena, but even though he was Heero, he was human." He slowly got to his feet. "I know you loved him, and you don't want to accept that he may be dead, but I think that you might have to."
Relena shook her head. Who cares if Heero is only human, he'd survived self-detonation, atmospheric pressures, numerous blasts, falls from fiftieth story buildings, he could survive one more blast. He wasn't dead, she wasn't going to believe it or even consider it. "No. He's not dead." She looked at him through her tears and remembered her conversation with Kai. "Can I ask you something?"
Quatre nodded and walked to the window. "It's only fair."
"What did Kai mean when she said you felt it? How could that be possible? You were in a hospital and he was miles away. How is it possible you could feel his pain?" She could feel her temper rising at the blond. "Explain to me how that is possible."
Quatre looked out the big window, and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know how to explain it really. All I've ever been able to come up with, as an explanation is that I can feel intense pain of those I am close to. When Heero self-detonated his gundam, back during the war I could feel his pain. There have also been other incidents but never like Heero's pain. His pain is always so intense; I'm amazed he's survived things this long. But this was not like all those other times, Relena, as much as I wish it were, this was undoubtedly worse. I'm pretty sure he didn't survive."
Relena bit her lower lip, and looked away. "I see. Has anyone gone through the damage? Has anyone checked the surrounding areas? Has anyone tried to make sure that he was really dead?" She asked, "Well?"
Quatre took his seat back beside her, "I don't think so. I don't think that Preventers saw a need to. Duo told me in the hospital that the four of them searched the area but found nothing." He sighed.
There was a knock on the living room door and it opened letting Pagan inside followed by Lady Une. "I'm sorry to bother you Miss Relena, Mr. Winner, but Lady Une stopped by and asked to see you."
Relena smiled at her butler, "Thank you Pagan." The old man nodded and left the room. "Hello Miss Une." She said, feeling much anger towards the head of the Preventers office for asking Heero to do this.
"I'm sorry to bother you Relena." She said sympathetically, "But I wanted to see how you were doing."
Relena glared at the older woman, "I'm doing fine. But let me ask you, how's Heero doing? Have you bothered to see if you accusations were true?" She opened her mouth and was on the verge of a hysterical rant when Quatre covered her mouth with his hand.
"That's not the way to approach that subject." He advised, turning his attention to Lady Une. "Miss Une, what Relena wants to know, is if you have sent any reconnaissance troops see if you can locate any proof that Heero Yuy is dead. Have you?" Quatre asked.
Lady Une's brown eyes turned to the floor, and she couldn't bear to look at them. "No, I haven't sent out a scouting unit. But I do have some bad news along those lines. Before Heero left I gave him an earpiece to put in his ear when he went into the compound. That device had a pulse reading mechanism and a locating beacon. I've checked everything out, the device lost a pulse reading at the entrance of the control room 8 seconds after the detonation was set. It is highly likely that Heero was killed during that time." She explained.
Relena shot up out of her seat, "I can't believe that. Heero is too good at sneaking in an out of places to get caught like that!" she cried, tears in her eyes once more. "You don't have any proof of that theory! Why don't you send out some goddamn troops and find me his dead body then I'll believe it!"
"Relena listen to me --" Lady Une began.
"No, listen to me. You will do this, or I will find the least pacifist way to replace you as head of the Preventers department. Do I make myself clear?" The golden blond yelled, "Now if you have nothing more to say, get out."
"Relena, don't you think that you are being a little too dramatic?" Quatre asked from the cream colored settee. "I mean Lady Une does a good job as head of the Preventers."
Lady Une smiled, "Don't worry Quatre," she said, not disturbed by her angry comments and accusations. "I know how she feels, I understand. I'll get a team out there once I get back to the Headquarters." She bowed her head and left the room.
Relena went to the window and traced her fingers down the glass, "I know you're out there. That you're still alive, please come back." She whispered to herself.
Quatre got up, having heard her muffled whispered he decided it was best she be alone for a few little while. He walked over to Relena and lifted her face to his, "Just promise me you won't do anything stupid?" he asked. Relena looked up at him and nodded softly, "All right, I'm going to leave you alone for a while so you can deal with it how you wish, just remember that if you need anything, we're all here for you." He kissed the top of her head lightly and walked out of the room to change the bandage around his waist and shoulder.
~*~ Hilde sat in the head of the bed with Duo's head resting across her legs. She watched with sad eyes the sleeping face of her boyfriend, tracing the sides of his face lightly with her fingertips. She was glad that he was finally asleep. She'd begun to worry about him, because since his return he had done nothing but cry when he was with her. She'd never seen him cry so much. "Oh, Duo. I can't even imagine how hard it is for you that he's really gone this time. I know remember how disappointed you were when he left and you didn't hear from him and now he's dead, and you won't hear from your best friend again. Poor Relena, she must feel --" the door to the bedroom opened slightly and Quatre stepped inside, having heard her words.
"Torn, broken devastated, angry, take your pick." He said. "Can I come in?"
Hilde nodded but out a finger to her lips telling him to be quiet. "How are you feeling?" she asked.
Quatre shrugged his shoulders the best his wounded body would permit him, "Lucky to be alive. Not much more I can say except I'm in pain." He sat on the futon against the wall.
"Where's Kai? You too seem to be getting really close." Said Duo, who had woken up from his nap, "Good morning everyone."
"It's almost three o'clock, Duo." Hilde said, "How are you feeling?"
"Better. So where is Red, Quatre?" He asked the blond.
Quatre smiled, "She's asleep." He replied.
"Quatre, way to go!" Duo cheered, eliciting a deep blush from Quatre.
"Duo!" he squealed, "I didn't."
"Sure you didn't, Blondie. What was she doing in your room that night? What were you doing in her hospital room the other day? Hey Quatre buddy?" Duo laughed. "Don't worry, she cute, it's okay man."
"Duo! I didn't… we're just friends." Quatre hid his eyes behind his hand. "She is cute though."
Hilde laughed softly at Quatre's embarrassment. "Come on Quatre, you know you like her." She said, "Besides, judging by the way she looks at you, I think she likes you."
Quatre's head shot up, "Really?" he asked.
"Gees Q-man, you'd think you'd never had a girlfriend in your life." Duo stop and considered the possibilities, "Shit Quatre please tell me you've had a girlfriend before."
Quatre closed his eyes and hung his head, "I've had girlfriends before." He admitted, "Just not very steady girlfriends."
"Okay, Quatre, I believe you." Duo said. "Hey have you spoken to Relena? Is she okay?"
There was another knock on the door, "Come in." Hilde called. The door opened and in came Trowa and Cathy.
"Hey." Cathy said, as she took a seat beside Quatre. "How is everyone?"
Trowa sat in a chair and looked over to Quatre, "Where's Kai?" he asked simultaneously with Cathy.
Quatre cursed under his breath, "Why do you all keep asking that?"
"Because you two seem very close." Trowa said.
The blond sighed, "She's asleep." He understood the looks on his friends' faces and clarified the situation. "And no, I did not sleep with her."
Trowa kept in a chuckle at the embarrassed looked on his best friend's face. "We didn't say anything."
Hilde and Duo chuckled, before Duo asked his question again. "How's Relena doing?"
Quatre lowered his green eyes, and looked at the needle marks on his hands. "She's not doing so good. I spoke to her before and then Lady Une showed up. Oh God I've never seen her look so angry." He stopped. "She doesn't believe that he's dead, she won't even consider the thought. I'm scared that she might do something irrational."
"This is Relena we're talking about, the most down to earth person on this world." Hilde said. "She wouldn't do something like that."
Cathy nodded, "Yeah, she wouldn't do anything, besides she has us to lean on."
"Maybe." Trowa said.
Duo rubbed his temples, "I hope she doesn't do anything like that."
"You guys, do you think that there's a chance he's still alive?" Quatre asked his blond bangs falling over his bowed head. "Relena believes he could survive, even though Lady Une said that the earpiece had a pulse detector and a locating beacon that indicated the signal was lost outside the door of the control room, 8 seconds after the button was pressed."
"I don't know. It's always been hard to tell if Heero was alive or dead, but there was nothing when we searched, it's likely that he is dead. And I mean really for real dead." Duo said, hiding his teary eyes in his hands.

It was a two day walk and the pain was nearly too much to take as he reached the nearest town outside Berlin. He could feel the broken ribs and knew that walking would only make it worse but he had to get there, to the nearest hospital just to get the supplies he needed to get cleaned up and find transportation home. Yes home, where his home would be if Relena would still allow it to be. To be with her, to love her, again.
He found the hospital once he entered the city, and checked in under the name Trowa Maxwell. There the doctors cleaned and stitched up his wounds, bound his torso with gauze to help his ribs heal and left him in a hospital, saying he needed rest. "Rest," Heero said cynically, "there's no way I'm staying here." Heero unhooked the machines and left the hospital the way he came, not being noticed by anyone.
He found a flight that was leaving for the Sanc Kingdom once he got out of the hospital and took whatever money he had left and bought a ticket for the flight the next day, "I'm coming home Relena." He said softly to himself.
They landed in mid afternoon the next day at the national airport on the outskirts of the Sanc Kingdom. It would be another half a day's worth of walk to the mansion but at least he was in the same city now. He walked as fast as his injuries would allow, which wasn't very fast, but he swore he would make it by the next day, yes before Saturday night, he would be back.

After hours of begging Hilde, Cathy, Duo and Quatre had managed to convince Relena that some fresh air would do her justice and they were getting ready when Kai had woke up and slowly came down the stairs, careful not to pull open the stitched up bullet would she'd received to the gut. "You know what?" the red head asked, as she entered the room where the crowd had gathered and persuaded Relena to join them for a walk.
"What?" Quatre asked, turning his attention to Kaiya.
Kai stepped further into the room, with a hand over her stomach wound. "Lady Une just called, she said that the Preventers base out in Germany are searching the area, but they've yet to find and identify the remnants. I know that's not good news, but it's a start, right?"
Relena looked like she was about to burst into tears once more, and she slowly fingered the ring he'd placed on her finger. "But there's still no sign he's dead or alive, right?" she asked quietly.
"No." Kai said.
Relena swallowed the lump that rose in her throat, "Well are you going to come on our walk?" she asked Kai.
The redhead smiled brightly at the change in mood of her saddened friend. Even if the smile was false, at least it could be assumed that Relena was trying to pull herself together, at least in front of her friends. "Yeah sure I'll come."
The group along with Trowa and Kai made their way out to the gardens for a peaceful stroll where the topic of Heero's dead would preferably not be discussed.
"Hey, Lena, where's Milliardo and Lucrezia?" Kai asked.
Relena bit her lip in thought, "I'm not sure actually, I haven't really paid much attention to things around me since I got back, I'm sorry." She said.
"It's okay Relena, you were preoccupied. "Cathy said.
"Both Zechs and Noin are with Lady Une at the HQ, they should be back tonight." Duo said, wrapping his arm around Hilde's waist. "They want to help out with anything they can."
"I see," Kai and Relena both said.
Trowa looked at the redhead and wondered how she came to be friends with Relena, and why she called Zechs Milliardo when he only allowed Relena to call him that. "Kai, Relena, how did you two meet?" He asked.
Relena smiled and Kai laughed, "You really want to know?" Kai asked.
"Yeah, actually we would." Duo agreed.
Kai laughed and brushed a strand of red hair from her eyes. "What do you want to know? How we met or my background?"
Hilde smiled, "Knowing them, both." She said.
Kai took in a breath and began. "I was born in the Sanc Kingdom in AC 179, and my parents knew the Peacecrafts. That's as much as I know about my past, except that I lived with some very distant relatives after the Kingdom was taken over by the Alliance. When the war was over I joined the Preventers as a sort of a secretary to Lady Une. I do a little bit of recon work for her here and there until I met Relena. That's when I got into doing peace talks and the like. But how I met Relena, let's have her tell you that." Kai smiled, and nudged Relena with her elbow.
Relena looked up at the sky, "I met Kai a few days after Heero left. I was in Lady Une's office having a fit I think," she chuckled softly. "Then suddenly the door to her office opens and in walks Kai with the biggest stack of papers I 'd seen on Une's desk. She looks at me as says something like, 'There ain't no guy worth so many tears.' Une introduced us and since then we've been pretty good friends. I told her all about you guys, well some things aside, and all about Heero, and asked her to be my assistant. She does peace talks as my representative when I can't make it. Like she'd been doing for the passed two weeks on L3, before this big mess."
"But Relena who come you never told us about her?" Quatre and Hilde asked, looking somewhat offended.
"Yeah, and what do you mean you told me all about them? I don't remember you telling me anything about Blondie." Kai interjected.
Relena shook her head and smiled, "You probably weren't listening then. I could have sworn that when I mentioned Heero all those times I mentioned Quatre, Duo, Trowa, Cathy and Hilde. You know my closest friends, the ones who saved the world a couple of times… gundam pilots? Does any of this ring a bell Kai? I know I didn't tell you guys and I'm sorry, but whenever you're over she's never around to introduce you to. So I left it at that." Relena explained, looking at Kai who smiled sheepishly mumbling something about remembering and too much beer with Milliardo. Everyone laughed and continued walking through the rose gardens at the far end of the mansion.
The sun was beginning to set on the western, coloring the sky with hues of orange, gold, pink, mauve and light blue, when they started for the house. Relena could honestly say that the air did some good, but herself, like her friends could find no peace with the death of Heero and the emotional toll it was talking on all of them. Once back inside the house, Relena went up to her room and sat before the vanity table with the teddy bear he'd given her years before.
"I don't want to believe that you're dead. You're too strong for that. I wish you could come back to me. That we can both start that wonderful life together." She told the plush animal. A tear slid down her cheek and onto the soft worn brown coat of the toy, as she held it to her and pulled the ring from her finger. "You'll be the one to put this back on my finger."
Outside Kai walked by Relena's room on the way to her and heard the whimpered sobs of her friend. Knocking softly on the door she stepped inside, "Relena, are you okay?" she asked quietly.
Relena turned from the mirror and wiped away the tears from her eyes as she looked at her friend. "Kai, do you really think that he's dead?" she asked with eyes full of tears. "I mean, I know everyone thinks he is but I can't believe he's dead, what do you think?"
Kai shrugged her shoulders and pulled Relena into a hug. "I don't know Relena, but if you don't believe he's dead, don't let go of that, not until you know the truth." She looked down at the floor and noticed Relena wasn't wearing the ring, grabbing her left hand she inquired, "Where's the ring?"
"I took it off." Relena replied flatly. "I won't put it on again until he puts it back on my finger." She looked at the floor and smiled meekly, "I know that he'll out it back on my finger, I just know it."
Kai nodded, "sometimes Relena, I just don't get you. Any normal person would wear it as a memory of their loved one, and you take it off." She said.
Relena continued to look at the floor, "I'm in love with a former gundam pilot, you expect me to be normal?" she chuckled sadly.
"Whatever. Are you coming down for supper? Your brother and Lucrezia are back." The redhead asked.
"Yeah, I'll be right down." Relena replied as Kai left the room. When she was alone once again, she walked to the window and looked outside for a second before she closed the drapes. "I have to go eat now." She told herself and left the room.

Supper was quite, except for the idle small talk. Zechs and Noin gave confirmation that they were leaving on the upcoming Sunday.
"That's too bad," Kai said, "It fun having you guys around."
Zechs eyed Kai and laughed, "Maybe after you get better you can come out and see us, along with the rest of you guys." He said.
Everyone agreed, and the matter was settled that in about two months there would be a get-together out in Mars.
After supper everyone sat around in the sitting room chatting quietly. Relena nodded and added her comment when she found it necessary, but mostly she kept to herself, finding it hard to keep her eyes open from the lack of sleep she'd gotten in the passed few days. Around 10 that night, she excused herself and retired to her room. She took a quick shower and went to sleep.

"You guys, she's really taking this too hard." Kai said quietly after Relena had left the room. "She's taken off his ring."
The chatter throughout the room fell silent and everyone looked at the floor, "She took it off." Quatre stated rather than asked. "Why?"
Kai ran a hand through her red hair, "Because she wants him to put it back on for her." She said.
"She thinks he's still alive." Duo said. "Zechs, is there any possibility that the recon team find anything?"
Zechs looked nervously at Noin, "Not a very big possibility. There' s too much of a mess to find anything big. Even if they find Heero's body it won't be pretty." He looked at the room. "Lady Une is going to prolong the search for another few days, but by Sunday, she's calling it off, there's no point. I think he's really dead."
"She'll be heartbroken again," Cathy said, "She'll cry even more. Why does it have to be like this?"
"It's life Cath," Trowa said, "You live, you die. Heero's the lucky one who survives almost everything, but the human body can only stand so much, a blast like that is too much."
"But why did he have to do it?" Hilde asked, "Not that I wanted any of you to do it, because I don't want that. But why Heero?"
Kai looked at everyone, "Because Heero was the best of the best. I've seen his files, he's the only one who could have done it."
Duo shook his head, "We should take Relena out tomorrow. I mean like keep her mind off of this for a while."
"Yeah, I have to agree." Noin said, "Let's take her for lunch at the lake, we'll be back by sunset, should keep her mind off of him."
"Alright then. Tomorrow, lunch at the lake." The others said.

Heero checked into a hotel in the town and got himself cleaned up. He was only a few blocks from the mansion but he needed some rest before he could see her. Once he got his room he went straight for the bathroom to take a shower, the reflection he saw when he looked in the mirror was that of a bruised and tired man in desperate need of a hairbrush, though it would do little good to his unruly mane of dark brown hair. Surprisingly his ribs no longer hurt and he was feeling a lot better after the long shower. He washed his beat-up clothing and fell asleep on the big bed in the adjacent room with nothing on.
He woke up just as the sun was setting in the sky and dressed quickly furious with himself for over sleeping. He checked out of the hotel and made his way to the mansion. He climbed the surrounding wall the like he'd dome before, he snuck over to her balcony and scaled the trellis up to her room.
Upon entering the room he was relieved that she wasn't there. With the fading light of the daylight sky he noticed a shimmering object on the vanity table. He walked over to it and picked up the small ring. "She took it off." He stated sadly. Quietly he placed it back on the table and went out onto the balcony when he heard her coming from the hall, with Kai.
He watched from the window hoping to get some information as to why she'd taken it off.
"Well I had fun." Kai said, looking at Relena for the same admission.
"Hn." She replied, picking up the ring.
"I still don't get why you took it off, Relena what if he's dead? You're never going to look at it again?" Kai said.
"He can't be dead. I don't believe he's dead. And if he's alive, he'll come back to me like he promised and he'll ask me again to marry him so that we can put all this shit of enemies and blasts and death behind us and start all over again." Relena said.
"I see." Kai said.
From the window, Heero heard the conversation and nodded "I'll do that for you." He said, watching both of them leave the room.
He sat on the balcony for a few minutes pondering his next move. "I'll show you how alive I am Relena." He said finally, walking back into the room.

The group talked for a few hours, and tried to gag Duo if it would keep him from complaining about his sunburn for more than two seconds.
"But it burns!" he whined, blowing on the reddened skin of his arm.
"No shit Duo, you were lying in the sun with no sun block and it's June." Hilde said. "So quit complaining, it's your fault."
"Did you have fun Relena?" Noin asked.
Relena looked up from her tea, "Uh, yeah I had fun. But don't think I didn't know it was a distraction."
Quatre, Kai, Noin, Hilde and Cathy blushed, "Uh, well sorry."
"It's fine. I guess seeing me walk around like a zombie." she yawned, "can give you the right to get me outside." She said.
"I don't like seeing you like this Relena." Zechs said. "You aren't sleeping, eating barely nothing, and you just stare off into space half the time." He looked at her, "You should go to bed little sister, get some rest."
"I'm not tired." Relena argued.
"I think he's right Relena, you need some sleep. You're getting pale." Quatre said.
"No. As your friends, we think it's best you get some sleep." Hilde said.
"Yeah, now go to bed." Kai ordered.
Relena reluctantly got up and strode to the stairs. "I'm 18 not two. I don't need mommy and daddy to order me around." She grumbled, "Good night."
"We love you too." They all said.

She slammed the door when she entered her room. "I can't believe this. Go to bed Relena. You look tired Relena. What do they know?" she walked over to the vanity and took down her hair, not noticing the figure in the corner leaning against the long window.
She brushed her hair and set down the brush in it's customary place and like she'd done the night before, reached out to grab the ring. "Where is it?" she couldn't see the small object on the desk and looked around the floor for it until her eyes came to rest on a pair of muddy yellow boots.
Her head shot up suddenly and she finally released the breath she seemed to be holding in ever since she arrived home earlier in the week, "Heero." She said.
His lips quirked up in a small smile and he twisted the ring in his fingers. "Looking for this angel?" he asked.
Hot happy tears coursed down her cheeks and she ran to hug him, pressing her lips against his just to make sure they were warm like those of a living man. "But how? They all said… The earpiece? …The blast how did you?"
He laughed a little at how her prior beliefs seemed to have disappeared now that he was here. "Like you told Kai earlier, I can't be dead. Especially when I have a beautiful angel waiting for me, and a life to start over." He held out the ring and got down on one knee before her. "Relena, want to put all this shit behind us?"
Relena eyed him curiously and smiled. "How long have you been here? I said that before to Kai."
Heero shrugged his shoulders, "What took you so long to get up stairs?"
"I was eating." She looked at the ring, "Were you going to ask me something?" Tears still streamed down her face but she didn't mind. She was too filled with joy and relief that he was alive, even more that he was here, with her.
"Relena, will you marry me?" He asked. It was short, simple, and to the point, because there was more he wanted to do before the night was over.
Relena cried even harder, this time the answer would be a straight yes, not a no like the last time. Getting down on her knees with him, she pressed her rosy lips to his and kissed him. "Yes." She said, "let's start over, and let's do it right this time."
Heero pulled her into his arms and kissed her hard, "I missed you. I 'm alive because of you, I couldn't let you be sad on my account, not again." He placed the ring on her finger once more.
"I won't take it off, ever." She wrapped her arms around him, "So how alive are you?" she asked nipping at his ear lightly.
Heero growled and lifted her up, "I'll show you just how alive I am." He said as he carried her to the bed in the center of the room. He kissed her hard, pulling open her bathrobe and sliding it off her shoulders. He kissed her shoulders as he pushed the straps of her nightie away.
Relena pulled his shirt out of his pants, and pulled away from him to rid him of it. He removed his pants and shoes while she rid herself of her pajama. He pulled her into his arms again and kissed her. His hands sought out her breasts and he massaged them gently, lying her down on her back. His lips traveled down her neck and fastened themselves on a pink nipple.
She moaned softly and rubbed her lower body against his groin, hardening his member. "Heero…"
He sucked on one breast then the other, letting his fingers roam down the length of her stomach to the junction of her thighs. His fingers worked her little nub, rubbing it and bringing her to the verge of climax then stopping. She groaned and tried to push against his hand, wanting more but he held her down. "Patience, love." He whispered in her ear.
Relena arched her back when his fingers entered her only to groan in frustration once more when he stopped thrusting them into her when she was on the verge of climax. "You're not playing nice," she said, pushing him off her and onto his back. Heero winced a little when he hit the bed, his ribs weren't completely healed; they simply didn't hurt much. "You know what it's like to be teased?" she asked, straddling his hips. "Well?"
Heero nodded and rolled his head back when she slid her lower body against his groin. Relena leaned over and kissed him, tracing her tongue over his lips before thrusting it inside his mouth. Her fingers pinched his nipples and she pressed her breasts against his chest. "I missed you so much." She breathed, kissing his jaw line to his ears, then trailing a path of kisses down his neck and collarbone. She traced the small scabs with her fingertips and looked up at him. "How hurt did you get?"
He shrugged his shoulders, "Doesn't matter, you're making it all better."
"I'm serious."
"So am I. It's nothing, just some cuts and bruises." He replied, "Don't worry about it." He left no room for argument when he pulled her down for a deep searing kiss. Letting his tongue wrestle with hers and explore her mouth.
Relena fell under his spell again, and continued were she left off, sucking and nipping at his nipples, while her hand took hold of his member and pumped it. He groaned and pushed up in to her hand. She licked the rest of the way down his taut stomach and looked up into his pleading eyes as she enveloped his hardened shaft with her mouth. She circled the tip with her tongue, and licked up the small bead of precum that had formed on there.
Heero let out a hoarse moan and pushed up into her mouth before he could stop it. Relena eagerly took him in as far as she could and sucked his member hard. Heero felt his release coming, and he pushed on her head begging her to stop. "Relena… please, not this time. Stop, please." He moaned.
Relena stopped, "Why?" she asked, giving him the time he needed to push her onto her back. "Heero!" she yelped.
Heero looked at her with passion-glazed Prussian blue eyes. "Hey, I don't want them interrupting us. Not tonight." He kissed her firmly and let his hands wander over her body, down to her nether lips wherein he began his ministrations once more. He rubbed the hardened nub with his thumb, and placed wet kisses all the way down her abdomen to where his fingers played.
Relena moaned and arched her back to him, feeling his tongue begin to probe into her. "Oh, yes… Heero…" she gasped, reaching down and pushing his head into her. She could feel her muscles begin to clench and unclench around his tongue, and her head falls back against the pillows in a silent cry.
He pulled away after she reached her climax and looked up at her flushed features, "More?" He didn't wait of r a reply, and knew she wouldn't give him one when he licked his lips and moved in above her. He could feel the dull ache of his still broken ribs, but ignored it as he slowly pushed his throbbing shaft into her canal. He started a slow shallow rhythm, taking his time to savor the feeling sensation that had kept him going when he was hurt and further away from her than he liked to be.
Relena was enjoying the feeling of being one once more with her love, but his pace was too slow. She kissed his cheek all the way to his ear, her small tongue poked into the small hole and she captured his earlobe between her lips, "Faster Heero…" she moaned. "Harder…"
That was all it took to send Heero over the edge. "You want it, you got it, love" he grunted, before pounding into her quickly and roughly. He thrust into her wetness, impaling himself to the hilt, and then pulling out almost all the way before ramming his hard length into her once again.
Relena wrapped her legs around his waist and arched herself to meet his forceful plunges, "Oh, oh, yes, Heero!" She cried out, biting down on his shoulder and sucking the flesh she encountered. "Mmm…"
"Relena… That's it, come on." He pounded into her harder, feeling his inevitable release closing in even faster with her inner muscles tightening around him and her breasts rubbing themselves against his toned, but sore chest. The feeling was wonderful and he was glad he did survive the blast; this was worth living for, even more she was worth living for.
Her muscles began to tighten around his throbbing shaft even more and she felt her sanity leaving her, and his thrusts became more urgent, his body yearned for release and her pleas told him that she longed for the same. "Hheeeerroo!" she cried, her world suddenly becoming nothing but white-hot pleasure centered on her and Heero.
Heero drove into her a few more times and that was it for him, with a throaty groan, he pushed into her warmth and released. "Rreelleennaa!" he cried out, burying his head in the crook of her neck.
He collapsed on her catching his weight on his elbows, "I love you Relena." He said.
Relena smiled and brushed aside the hair from his face, "I love you too, I'm so happy you're alright." She said she cupped his face in her hands and kissed his lips softly, "I'm so glad that you're alive. I was so afraid."
He smiled and kissed the tip of her nose gently, "I'm glad to be back." He said, rolling off her and gathering her into his arms. "You look tired baby, go to sleep." She snuggled into his arms, and rested her head against his chest.
Heero reached over and pulled the blankets over them, kissing the top of her head. "I love you angel." He said.
She placed a butterfly kiss on his chest, "I love you more." She challenged.
He chuckled, "Get some sleep and I'll play that game with you in the morning when we prove to everyone that you were right. No explosion will keep me from you."
Relena sat up then and turned to him, "How did you survive that?" she asked, "And why were you nowhere to be found?"
Heero cocked his head at her from its resting spot on the pillow, "Well, I'm not sure how I survived, really, I just ended up out of there right before it went up in a big ball of smoke. I woke up in the middle of God knows where a few days ago and have been on my way here since then." He explained. "And the way they searched, this is the Preventers, they're probably going to cal off the search in the morning. Oh and the earpiece, I stepped on the damn thing, it got too annoying hearing Duo and Wufei argue about boxers, and underwear of lack thereof. Besides, it was bothering me and you know I don't like to be bothered when I'm concentrating."
Relena pouted, "Hey, what's that supposed to mean? I left you alone." She said. "Besides, you never squashed me with you foot. And you never got rid of me."
"Yeah but then I was never in love with a little device that was calculating my pulse." He said.
"How d'you know about that? Lady Une never said she told you about that." Relena asked.
"She didn't. I knew about it because it was obvious she'd do that." Heero replied.

The party downstairs had retired fro the night an hour after Relena had left the room. They were still terribly worried about the Princess and were drawing nothing but blanks with things to do about it.
Kai laughed as she and Quatre walked down the hall to the new rooms they'd been given due to the bad memories of the previous ones. As they walked by Relena's room they could swear that they heard her talking to someone. Kai knocked on the door,
"Relena, you okay in there?" she asked through the wood.
"Kai she's probably just talking in her sleep." Quatre said, pulling on her arm.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Relena called back after a lot of shuffling noises.
"Are you sure?" Kai asked, slowly turning the doorknob only to find it locked.
"Yeah, I'm doing good. You just woke me up." Relena replied. "Good night."
"Come on Kai, let her sleep." Quatre said, urging her to her room.
"Quatre, it sounds like there's someone else in there with her." The redhead said.
Quatre shook his head, "I doubt that." He said. "Come on, bed." He repeated.
"Yeah, yeah Blondie, I gotcha." She said as they continued to walk down the hall.
They reached their rooms and Quatre turned to Kai, "Goodnight, Red," he whispered in her ear kissing her delicately on the cheek.
Kai felt her cheeks grow warm at the softness of his kiss, even if it was on her cheek. "Good night." She replied, thankful for the darkness to hide her pink cheeks. She opened the door to her room and stepped inside, "See you tomorrow."
"Yeah." He replied, entering his own room across the hall.

"Phew, that was close." Relena sighed, after Kai and Quatre's bedroom doors were heard closing. "I think they think I'm nuts, talking to myself."
Heero laughed, "Well according to them you are talking to yourself, they don't know I'm here." He stopped, "How are they? Kai and Quatre?"
"They're good I guess. I know that they are both in some pain but they hid it, and they've been getting so cozy. It's so cute." She giggled.
Heero laughed, "Well, nothing I can do."
Relena yawned and rubbed her eyes, "I'm sleepy."
"I told you to get some sleep, didn't I?" Heero asked haughtily.
"Yes," she opened her arms for a hug, and he complied snuggling against her.
"Let's go to sleep, and surprise them all in the morning, no?" He said.
"In the morning." She kissed him soundly and fell asleep cradled in his arms.

They woke up late the next morning, and showered before going downstairs to bring the others news. As they walked down the staircase, they heard the voices of the other occupants of the house in the dinning room and Relena looked back at Heero and smiled. "Ready?" she asked, Heero nodded.
They walked slowly to the double dinning room doors and Relena opened them quietly and entered with Heero in tow.
The room fell silent and everyone stared at the Princess and her supposed dead fiancé.
"How is this possible? You were dead!" Duo and Zechs yelled.
"I was never dead!" Heero said. "Hello to you too."
"You're alive, and I'm guessing you showed up last night?" Quatre said.
They nodded and Kai cried out, "I knew it!!"
They all hugged Heero and Relena, happy that the Princess was happy and that her lover was back, "I'm so happy for you!" Hilde said seeing the ring back on Relena's finger.
"Me too!" Relena squealed, kissing Heero on the cheek. "He's back and we're getting married, again!"
They spent the rest of the morning obsessing over the fact that Heero was still alive and that Relena was happy once again. The wedding was set for late next spring and they all made plans to meet up before then.


How did you like it? Tell me what you think!! I'm planning to write a wedding/honeymoon story soon, how's that? What do you think of Kai and Quatre? Should she stay or go? I'm not a big Dorothy fan though.