Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Visitor ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I don't own Gundam Wing. If I did I wouldn't need to write this!!

I'm not that good with action sequences, or big intricate battle scenes so I'm going to keep it low. There isn't going to be too much descriptions of the battle more what is going on in the minds of my favourite pilots.

Midnight Visitor
Part V

By Midnight Lover

The two crafts met up on the outskirts of colony L4, four former gundam pilots and one former Oz soldier presumed dead to the world. They flew alongside each other, to a docking bay on a nearby resource satellite owned by the Winner family, where they all exited their shuttles and exchanged information.
"Yuy, haven't seen you in a while, didn't expect you back." Wufei said sarcastically before turning to a more serious voice, "I've been informed that there have been attacks on the pacifist nations, numerous cities have been destroyed but all the citizens have been evacuated and are in a base supplied by the Preventers and the government. The President and all the delegates from the ESUN have been notified of the threat and are doing all they can to keep the panic of the people under control." He explained.
Heero glared at the Chinese man, "Any news on Quatre or Kai?"
The three gundam pilots shook their heads, "Last we heard was that Quatre may never recover, his injuries are too severe. And that girl, Kai, she has a better chance of waking up in the distant future than he does." Duo said sadly. "God Heero, you should see him, he's lifeless, hooked up to a respirator, heart monitor, everything. He's all wrapped up in bandages that need to be changed every six to ten hours. Why him? Huh? What could people possible hope to achieve from killing all the pacifists and declaring war against the colonies? The last time they tried they failed, peace is what this world needs, not war, not fucking war!"
Trowa put a comforting hand on the braided man's shoulder, "We have to leave here and contact Lady Une for further instructions, as soon as possible."
Zechs nodded and boarded the shuttle with Heero, "Then let's get going, we should be on earth in about 15 hours if we leave now from here." He waved quickly and began to shut the airtight door.
The others nodded and boarded their own shuttle. "Keep the line open if we need to contact you." Wufei said, entering the blue colored transport.
The trip back to earth was long and Zechs couldn't stand having to go back under these circumstances. He never thought that there would be any reason to use the tallgeese again. He never wanted to have to see the wretched machine again, but that didn't seem possible. He wondered if maybe he should just declare his existence to the world in hopes that they'd leave him alone because ever since he was presumed dead he'd found himself in another war, and now the beginnings of yet another. Leaving Noin home was the hardest thing he found he had to do, since they'd moved out to Mars he promised not to ever leave to fight, now what was he doing? He'd left to fight. But then he couldn't just let some old fools have their way and destroy the peace and happiness he and the others worked so hard to achieve. It just wasn't possible. So he pulled on his boots and little nametag, once again claiming the title of the Lightening Count.
Heero sat in the co-pilot's seat, trying to contact Lady Une. Finally he got through.
"Heero, is that you?" she asked, "Is Zechs with you?"
"Yes." Heero replied. "What's our status, what will we do once we reach the earth?"
Lady Une swallowed, "I've sent out several squadrons to attack the troops of this new organization. They call themselves the Superior Power, stupid name for an organization, but it's not time for jokes. They appear to have a weapon aimed at colony 3; it would probably destroy the entire colony should it be fired. They have made contact with us and told us that if in the next 72 hours we do not surrender the ESUN they will attack each colony, one every 6 hours until they are nullified. Heero, we have 72 hours to stop this. Get here as soon as possible." She banged her fist on the desk in aggravation. "Damn them."
"What about Quatre? Kai?" he asked.
Lady Une shook her head, "I haven't heard a thing." She lied, Sally told her that Quatre had woken up, but she found it better that they not know, at least not yet. "They're still out."
Heero nodded, "Thank you, over and out." He disconnected and hung his head. "We have 72 hours to get this under control or they attack the colonies." He said.
Zechs nodded, "Tell the others, I'll see how much faster this thing will go without causing either of us damage." He looked at Heero who shot him a look that said they survived explosions before, and that going mach 7 wouldn't kill them either. "I understand." He accelerated the speed of the craft up to three times and sped off.

Duo leaned his head back against his seat. "Why does it have to be like this? Why do I have to be Shinigami again?" He rubbed his eyes and ran a hand through hair. The screen before him began to buzz, the screen gray and full of static, a little light flashed indicating where the call was coming from. Quickly Duo pressed the button and Heero's face came on the screen.
"Duo, tell Wufei and Trowa to accelerate your transport to full power, we have 72 hours to get this over with. I just spoke to Lady Une, They have started to attack the pacifist nations on earth, and they are targeting the colonies, L3 to be exact. " Heero said.
"Not again!" Trowa yelled from the cockpit. "Why always my fucking colony?"
"I don't know. But I've noticed that too." Heero said. "Anyways, they want the ESUN to surrender their government to them and if not they will open fire and destroy the colonies one by one every 6 hours in 72 hours." He tuned his head and said something to Zechs whose answer wasn't audible to Duo.
"Sure thing," Duo turned to the pilots, "Speed it up we got 72 hours to kick their asses and make it out alive."
Heero nodded on the other end of the screen. "I'm out."
"Hey wait!" Duo yelled Heero looked at the screen, "What happened with Relena? How did she take it?"
Heero's face darkened and he shook his head. "It's none of your business." He said in a cold voice.
Duo nodded and took it as a sign that things didn't go so good. But he couldn't blame him, he just came back in hopes of a new life and here he had to put his humanity on hold yet again. Just like he had to break his promise to Hilde to ensure that what he worked so hard to help achieve was kept and not destroyed. "All right buddy, talk to you later." He said, smiling even though he felt terrible inside. He sighed when Heero hung up.
Trowa looked over at Duo, "Nothing new about Quatre?"
Duo shook his head, "Nope, not a word, or at least not that he said."
Trowa bowed his head in sadness, "I guess you can't be lucky all your life." He said. "We'll tell his sisters after this is over, maybe by then there'll be a change in his state."
Wufei glanced over at his co-pilot, "Don't worry, Sally's the best medical doctor that Preventers can ask for, he'll be fine and she's promised to call if there is any change."
Duo spun around in his chair and looked at Wufei, he rested his elbows on his knees and his head on his open palms, "Hey, Wufei, did you know that girl Kai?"
Wufei nodded, "She was a good friend to Lady Une, Sally and Relena. She stopped by Preventers a lot and helped out whenever she could." He paused, trying not to show his emotions. "I met her a few times with Sally, she does a lot of peace talks, and she is a part- time Preventers agent." He turned his head back to the controls and accelerated the speed of the plane.

Sally shook her head, "How do you know this?"
Quatre shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, but I have the faintest memory of someone saying that there was only one way to beat them, and that was to destroy the main base." He paused and rubbed the back of his head, before he shifted uncomfortably and in pain on his hospital bed. "Sally, what happened to me?"
Sally sat at the edge of the bed, "I was hoping that you could explain that. From what I can tell through tests and scans, you were beaten pretty badly then you were shot. Kaiya too, but she's still unconscious." Said Sally.
Quatre rubbed the back of his head again, "Kaiya, why does that name sound familiar to me?"
Sally pushed down on his shoulders, "Get some rest, Quatre, don't strain yourself, you just woke up. And don't worry, Heero and the others will live through this, they won't die. But just incase, I'm going to report this to Lady Une."
Quatre shook his head, "No. I have to go help them! They need my help! I don't want to lie in this damn bed anymore!!" he began to pull at the needles and suction cups on his body, trying to free himself from the tangled web of medical appliances attached to his body.
Sally who was at the door turned sharply and glared at the blond lying on the bed "Lay your little ass right back on that bed and shut up. You are not going anywhere because even if you do try to get up your many injuries will prevent you from getting much farther." She turned to leave, "Besides, this room is being monitored so you can't leave without my knowing." She pushed the door open and walked out, leaving Quatre alone in the sterile white room.
The blond groaned when he tried to move, still trying to get out of the bed. His legs had no feeling in them and if he could just walk around the room he'd feel better. He pulled the rest of the needles and electrodes from his body and eased his feet onto the floor, slowly he tried to stand but winced in pain and feel back on the bed. "Oh god that hurt." She could see a small stain of red seeping through his bandage and knew he had just split open a wound. "Damn." He lay back on the bed and made up his mind not to get up again.

Sally knocked on the door of Lady Une's office before entering. "Lady Une, Quatre is a wake and claims to remember being told that the only way to stop this Superior Power," she tried to keep a straight face as she said the name but found it impossible, "What a dumb name."
Lady Une looked up from her desk waiting for Sally to continue, "The only way to stop them is by?"
Sally shook her head, "Yeah, right. He said that the only way for them to be stopped is to infiltrate the base and destroy it from the inside out." She shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know how he would know that though."
Lady Une nodded, "Tell me the second Kai is awake."
"Yes m'am" she replied, and walked out of the room.
Lady Une got behind her desk, and pressed the button on the speakerphone dialing the number of her secretary.
"Yes Lady?" a woman's voice sounded over the link.
"Janna, get me online with Heero Yuy, he's on shuttle 65J-XLP, tell him to secure the line and use the headset."
"Right away Miss Une." Replied Janna hastily.
Moments later the screen flashed and Heero's image appeared on it. "Heero, glad to see you again." She said.
"What is it Colonel?" He replied, fixing the headpiece on his ears.
"What I'm about to tell you is not to be shared with the others, understand that?"
Heero nodded, "Go ahead."
"Quatre has woken up. He claims that the only way to defeat this enemy is to destroy their base; this is not old news to me. I had one of my staff pose as a member of the organization and they confirmed for me that that is in fact the only way to complete this because of the way it is set up. My agent sent the blueprints of the base and the weapons to me before he was killed." She paused, "May God rest his soul," she muttered under her breath, "I'm going to transfer these files to you. I hate to have to ask this of you knowing that the time and effort it will take for you to implode the base might get you killed, but there is not pilot as efficient as you are and you are our only hope."
"Why didn't you say that before?" He said calmly, cringing inwardly at the task she was demanding.
"I only found out hours, and I've been personally decoding all the data, please understand why I'm asking you this. There is no other way. Once all the Mobile suits are cut down by three quarters, the base will automatically deploy its beam canons and aim for the destruction of the colonies."
"Hn." Heero replied. "I'll do it."
"Thank you Heero, the documents are on their way." She pressed send and the files were sent. She terminated the connection and slammed her fist on the desk, "Why do I have to rely on them all the time? Why do they always have to be put in the situation where they face their death? I'm sorry Heero; please forgive me Relena, I wouldn't ask if I didn't have to." She let her tears fall, and continued to over look the blueprints.

Heero turned to Zechs; "I'm going to the back for a while. Call me if you need anything." He picked up the papers he'd printed from Lady Une.
"What was that about?" Zechs asked, looking at Heero questioningly.
Heero gave the older man a black stare and left the cockpit. "Call me if you need anything." He said again.
Zechs raised his eyebrows, "Whatever." He turned back to the controls.
Heero threw the papers on the floor to his room, before throwing himself onto his bed. "No, no, no, no, no!" he cried pounding his fists into the mattress. "Not another suicide mission. Not now. Not when I have something solid to live for, I don't want to do this." He scrunched the pillow at the head of the bed.
After minutes of silent sobs he retrieved the papers and began to look over them. "If I go in through here, and take the back stairwell to the main floor, then I shouldn't have much of a problem getting into the control room." He rubbed his chin and surveyed the sheets again. He pulled the bag he brought with him to his side and opened the zipper. Reaching inside he picked up a weapon he long since thought he wouldn't need anymore. He loaded the gun and placed it on the bed under his pillow. "I need to hack into the system, then I'll work from there." He opened his laptop and began to scan the systems as best he could from space.
Zechs put the craft in autopilot and walked to the back to hind Heero. "Yuy, where did you go?" He asked, before he walked by the door to the Japanese man's room. "Heero?" The blond walked into the room and found Heero asleep with his face on the keyboard of his computer. He lightly shook the younger man awake, "Heero, sorry to wake you?" he noticed the mess of papers around the man and bent over to pick one up, "What's this?"
Heero reached out and grabbed the paper from Zechs' hands. "It's confidential." He lifted his head and rubbed his cheek, feeling the indents of the keys on his face. "Want me to pilot?"
Zechs nodded, and left the room, "Would you?"
Heero gathered up the papers, and placed them under his mattress. "I'll be right there." He said, walking out of the room and locking the door behind him. When he entered the cockpit he took the pilot's seat and let the older man go for his well-deserved rest.
Heero flew the plane the rest of the way to earth, and docked the shuttle at the Preventer HQ, followed closely by the shuttle of the other three. Lady Une stood by the gates waiting for them to descend.
"Hello boys," she said in a grave voice. The five pilots stood in a line before her. "We have to move fast, there is only one chance. I have another transport ready and waiting for you at bay 6, it will take you to the former capital Germany, where the base of this organization is situated. There you at the secret Preventers base, you will be directed to the hanger where you will be handed a Serpent mobile suit. Now there are a few problems that must be told to you. Heero, have you found out you're infiltration route?"
"Yes Lady Une, the back stairwell on the first floor will get me to the main floor and the from there I can hack into the main computer and detonate the base." His eyes took on a cold stare as he looked at Lady Une. "It will give me about two minutes to get out of there."
"What?" Duo yelped, "Since when was there an infiltration plan? That's suicide!" he cried.
"I know." Heero replied monotonously.
Duo's violet eyes bulged out of his head and the others cringed with the task he'd taken on. "But… but Heero you can't do it you won't survive. You know that! What will Relena say?" Zechs asked.
Heero's eyes filled with anger. "Leave her out of this!" he said. "I made up my mind a long time ago, her life is more valuable to the world than mine, if I can help save her life and the world, I will do it gladly." He lied, despite how cold and determined his voice was he wanted to run out of the hanger screaming and crying for mercy from the greater powers. He didn't want to fight, he didn't want to die, and he couldn't die with Relena in his life, not if she'd be sad.
Lady Une choked back a sob, "This is the only way. The mobile dolls are directly linked to the beam canons of the base. Once three quarters of the suits are destroyed the base will deploy its bean canons and attack the colonies from earth." Her voice was forced and it was obvious she hated what she said.
"There has to be another way." Wufei and Duo exclaimed.
"No, this if final. I'm doing this and there are no two ways about it." Heero looked at his watch. "Now let's leave, we have little time."
Lady Une nodded, "55 hours left once you get to Berlin." She bowed her head, hiding her face from their view. "Good Luck men, we're counting on you, yet again." She looked up. "You'll receive your suits when you reach the hangar, and Heero, take care."
When the others looked at Heero, expecting him to respond, they found him walking to hangar 6 where their shuttle waited. "Heero?" Duo asked the spot where the Japanese man once stood.
Lady Une said a brief good-bye and let them off to the shuttle. The flight was three hours long, and it was extremely tense. The five men stayed in their respective part of the craft hoping and praying that this would be easy, and that it would be over. Heero sat musing over the mission he was given and the chances of his survival while Duo sat across the hall talking to Trowa.
"It's a suicide mission, Trowa. Don't you get it, there's little chance of his survival." Duo whined.
Trowa shifted his weight against the doorframe and looked over at Heero in the room across the hall. "He will survive, he always does." He stated simply, entering the room and closing the door so Heero wouldn't hear the conversation.
"What about if he doesn't? What the hell will we tell Relena?" Duo crossed his legs on the floor, "And if he fails, it's his fault that the world is brought back into an era of chaos. This is bullshit Trowa, there wasn't supposed to be any more wars. No more talks or threats. We're supposed to be retired soldiers here. Not puppets yet again."
Trowa nodded. "I know how you feel Duo, but some things never change." He glanced at the two guns lying on the desk beside him, "Just because I carry this around, doesn't mean I want to use it."
Duo sighed, "This better not waste my time. Those mobile dolls better be shit compared to the Serpents."
Trowa's visible green eyes closed, as he blinked for a long minute. "I hope so too." He looked at Duo who fiddled with a crucifix in his hand. "I'm going to go find Wufei and Zechs." With that he left the room, taking his gun.
Duo sat in the quiet room for a few moments longer, "They better not have good military power. Besides, how could they? They haven't had enough time to prepare.

The room was filled with about 400 mobile suits in total, all were mobile dolls and there were only a few actual pilots. A man stood at the door waiting for his superior to enter the room. "Sir, we have received noticed a Preventers shuttle heading to this base. We presume that it's the former Gundam pilots." He said, his starched kaki green uniform an exact replica of that of an Alliance member.
"Thank you Lieutenant Kopling, but even if they defeat our mobile suits there is now way that they would know that the detonation of this base would stop the assault on the colonies." Said the elder man, who went by the name of Colonel Markus.
"Do I have permission to shoot them down?" Kopling asked.
Markus shook his head, "No, let them be the ones to destroy the dolls and the colonies. That it the sole reason that my army consists of these dolls. The failure to detonate this base, and the annihilation of the troops will set off the bombs planted on the colonies." He said, sounding over-confident.
"But Sir, isn't that taking too much of a risk?" said the lieutenant, somewhat worried that his superior was making a stupid decision.
"Nah!" Vincent Markus said, waving a wrinkled hand in the air, "Without Yuy none of them will even think or get close to the base."
"But Sir --" Kopling began, but was silenced by a slap to the face.
"Do not question me. I've surveyed the former pilots, with the blond brain gone, and Marquis dead, and Yuy not in sight, we have all chances off winning. Do I make myself clear? Deploy the suits when they near 1600 meters from the base. I want to see then destroy their homes."
"Yes Sir." The younger officer replied.
"Dismissed." Markus said, and the lieutenant left.

They entered the hanger and were given the coordinates of the base, along with the order to Heero to infiltrate the compound after 65% of the suits were destroyed. With a curt nod the five pilots were lead to the awaiting Serpents and marched out to meet the new threat.
"Oi! Heero!" Duo's face flashed on the left screen of the Serpent Heero piloted.
"What is it Duo?" Heero asked, somewhat innerved.
"Gees, no need to get all pissed off. I just wanted to say good luck." Duo pouted.
Heero glared at the screen in hopes to make the other pilot get off his com-link, but his glare melted as he saw the raw concern in Duo's eyes. "Thanks Duo."
Suddenly Wufei's voice came booming through on the link and a beeping was emitted from the scanner. "There, up a head!" he called.
"Got it" the others chimed as they proceeded to attack the on coming mobile dolls.
Heero positioned himself the closest he could to the base leaving enough room so that the occupants of the base wouldn't be suspicious of his mission. Two Leo suits crept out of the forest surrounding them and Heero launched two missiles catching his targets on the mark. The sound of Duo laughing maliciously echoed over the com-link that he'd neglected to turn off. And he stared blindly at the button.
"Maxwell, this is not a game!" Wufei hollered. "Stop playing with that fucking bazooka!"
"Playing? Who said I was playing?" Duo laughed again. "I'm just bringing these suits to a slow explosion."
"Maxwell!" Wufei growled.
"Calm down Wufei! Don't get your panties in knot!" Duo said.
"I don't wear panties!" Wufei growled, using the gatling gun to shoot down the suits before him.
"Thanks Wu-man! I really needed to know you're not wearing underwear!" Duo laughed, shooting down more suits with his beam cannon. "Suckers!"
"Maxwell! I wear boxers!" Wufei yelled.
Heero couldn't suppress a laugh as he heard the inappropriate bickering of his comrades, he was thankful that he had shut off the link on his side so no one would hear him. "I'll miss this, honest to God I will."
"Would you guys stop arguing, just until this is over?" Zechs' voice appeared over the link. He pulled out his beam saber and sliced through a couple of suits letting the remaining lumps of metal fall to the ground in a heap. "Especially about underwear!"
Trowa was heard laughing over the link, a low sort of chuckle that could be considered a laugh where Trowa was concerned. "Heero, 45% of the suits have been destroyed."
Heero nodded to himself and pulled out the extra beam saber that Lady Une had had requested be built incase of his return. He sliced through the suits in his path, letting them drop to the floor. He listened to the continuing arguing of the other pilots and found it strange how they were able to concentrate and fight mobile dolls that were obviously superior to the ones they had fought during Operation Meteor. He slashed through three more Taurus' and used his beam cannon to blast his way through an oncoming brigade of mobile suits. "I'm going in." Heero loaded the mobile doll system that he'd been given to keep his cover hidden, and opened the hatch to the suit. Pulling his gun into the back of his pants and slipping two extra clips into his pockets, he grabbed his cable gun and fired it at a tree before hooking it on to the cockpit. Quickly he placed a communication device in his ear and called the others, "Can you hear me?"
"Gotcha buddy, good luck." Duo said sadly, "Make it out of there, got that?"
"Heero, take care, be careful." Trowa said, in a monotone.
"Go in, do what you have to do, and get out." Wufei said, "I'd like to see that onna of yours smile more."
"Hey, that onna is my sister!" Zechs said. "She needs you Yuy, don't go getting yourself killed."
Heero sighed and grabbed onto the cable. "You guys don't have much confidence in me do you?" He said as he slid down the metal rope.
"Nah, we do, it's just you have a reputation for leaving at the last minute." Duo said, his voice full of laughter as he blasted his way through a few more suits.
Heero nodded and took off for the base in a mad sprint. He was only about 500 meters away from the back entrance where he was planned to enter from.
"Keep in touch!" Duo said.
"Hn." Heero replied, pulling out his gun and shooting away the lock on the door. He entered the base and was forced to remove about five soldiers who came at a mad sprint in his direction, before he took off down the hall and up the back stairwell to the main floor.
It was a tangle of long hallways, all that he'd memorized while over looking the plans of the base. He dashed down the halls with his arms extended firing at all the soldiers who stood guarding the various doors and running security checks, leaving a mess of bloody corpses and fatally wounded men behind him.
He found the room in which he searched and found it stupid that the door had a big sign indicating it was the control room. He wondered how the organization had managed to stay hidden so long with the obvious stupidity of its leaders. He changed the clip on his gun, preparing himself for the obvious soldiers on the inside. He shot the lock and entered opening fire on everyone that moved.
He stopped when he came face to face with an old man, a little taller than average, with gray hair and small beady black eyes. "Yuy!" The man said in obvious shock. "How did you… What are you… Didn't you…. How did you know to come in here?"
Heero looked at the man critically, the dark green Colonel's uniform he wore gave away who he was and Heero remained unmoved when the elder man held out a gun, pointed at him. "Markus, right?" He said, coldly, his dark eyes thinning on the Colonel and his gun raised in firm arms directed at the man's head. "This is your doing."
Markus shook his head, "Bad move Yuy. I'm going to shoot you like someone should have done long ago." He said, pressing the barrel of his weapon to Heero's chest. "You shouldn't have come."
Heero glared at the older man. "You shouldn't have shot my friends. You shouldn't have scared those I care for. You shouldn't have started this and attacked the pacifist nations." With that he pulled the trigger, sending the Colonel to the floor into a pool of his own blood. "Because I make people pay for ruining good things." Heero turned to the control panel and began to overwrite the security system.
"Yo Heero, you in yet buddy?" Duo's voice came in over the earpiece, "What was all that noise you still alive?"
"Yeah Duo, I'm still here. Now leave me alone so I can do my job." Heero replied.
"Fine, if you want." Duo scoffed. "Just yell when things are done."
"Hn." He replied, and continued tapping into the system.

The amount of mobile suits were decreasing slightly, it seemed that the further into the lines they got, the tougher they became. The Leo suits and the Taurus' were easy to defeat, but the Aries proved to be a lot tougher.
"Zechs! Behind you!" Wufei warned the platinum blond about the on coming Aries suits.
"Thanks." The older man said, slicing through the suits.
"Just stop moving around!" Duo yelled as he chased an Aries suit before blasting it with his beam cannon.
The four continued their assault on the enemy suits, keeping track of their numbers just in case Heero wasn't through hacking into the system and therefore the colonies would be targeted.
"Their numbers are dropping! Heero get out!! Hurry up!" Zechs yelled at the com-link.
"Almost done…" came a reply.

Relena sat out on the deck of the house she was staying in with Noin. She had yet to hear anything from Heero, her brother or Lady Une and it was making her nervous. Noin walked up behind her and placed a comforting hand on the younger woman's shoulder, "They're going to be all right. You have to believe that. They know what they are doing, they always have."
"I know. It's just that I don't like it when they have to fight. I don't like that I couldn't keep my promise to them and prevent any and all wars no matter how small." She stopped and considered something then looked up at Noin, "How is it that there are still mobile suits besides in the Preventers where it is permitted?"
Noin shrugged her shoulders; "They probably never destroyed them when they should have. It just goes to show you how selfish people really are. I mean just the fact that they started this for their own reasons when it is clear that nobody wants this peace disrupted." She smiled weakly, "Just don't blame yourself for this. You know that it's not you fault."
Relena nodded and looked away at the mixture of red cloud in the atmosphere, " I know, I just can't help it." she paused, realizing how irritating the sky was. "How can you live in constant red? It's so angry, so dark."
Noin laughed, at least the subject was changed. "I don't know, it takes getting used to." she pulled the blond by the shoulder, "Come inside, it's getting cold."
Relena nodded, "I'll be right there, just give me a minute." She watched her friend disappear into the house. Her clear blue eyes drifted to the sky once again, "Oh Heero, come back to me. I know you can hear me."

Heero tapped furiously on the keypad, locking the system for detonation in 2 minutes. As if hearing Relena's words he smiled. "I'll try my best." He whispered.
There was only one thing left to do and that was hit the big red button that would commence the countdown. "I'm done." He said in to the mike.
"Good now press the fucking button and get you Japanese ass out of there." Trowa said. "There's not much more we can do."
"Hurry it up Heero." The others said.
"Hn, I will." He said, before pulling the plug from his ear. "Goodbye." He hit the button and dropped the earpiece on the floor, squashing it with his foot before he dashed out of the compound, and having to shoot more oncoming soldiers who ran towards him. The notice of an emergency evacuation the detonation of the base was booming from the intercoms throughout the compound.
"Fifty seconds to detonation." The announcer voice said.
Heero ran down the stairs, the way he came having to fight off more soldiers who were frantically trying to either block his escape or save themselves. The seconds descended steadily, each number was announced after they reached the 30 second point. "Fuck I got to get out of here." He told himself, turning down a hall that would lead his to the door he'd entered from.
There were more people blocking his way, and he kicked and punched trying o break though the barrier, "No! You can't leave!" they yelled at him, pointing their weapons at his head.
"I'm going to." Heero pulled out his gun and opened fire.
"5 seconds until detonation. Good bye." The announcer said.
Heero pushed through the crowd he killed and was about 20 feet from the back entrance when the base exploded. The blast sent him flying, throwing him somewhere amidst a pile of rocks, debris and green grass.

Quatre sat at the edge of her bed, brushing away strands of fire red hair from her face. Her green eyes were open now and she smiled weakly at him. "Hey there Blondie." She said in a murmur. "I missed you."
Quatre smiled back, he had regained most of his strength by now and remembered her when he walked by her room one day with Sally. "How are you Red?" he asked, still brushing away her hair.
"Sore." She said. "What happened?"
Quatre shrugged, "You came into my room, to tell me something and then out of nowhere some guy bursts in and shoots us."
"Go pacifism!" she said, "I remember the threat now, it was when I was out in space, I met a guy at one of my speeches, he said that pacifism was the ideals of idiots and it would never work. We argued over it, and he told me to watch out because not everyone was pacifist."
"You and I both are, well, I think I am. I mean I was a gundam pilot, but I do believe and support pacifism." Quatre said.
"Yeah," Kai smiled, "Quatre? Quatre what's wrong?"
Quatre's hands clutched his heart and he doubled over in pain, sliding off the edge of the bed and onto the floor. "It hurts! It hurts." He cried, tears streaming down his face. "I can feel it."
"Quatre! Quatre what are you talking about. What hurts? Quatre?" she yelled, pressing the button on the wall for a doctor, "Quatre wake up! Quatre what is it!?"
"It's him, he's hurt. Dead." Quatre whimpered.
Sally and Lady Une came rushing into the room, "What it is?" they both cried, "Quatre!" The two women helped the blond man into a chair, and slowly watch him calm down.
Quatre's eyes remained shut, "He's dead." He said.
"Who?" Sally asked, fearful that the pilot might say one of those she loved.
"Heero." Quatre said.

"Hey buddy? You there?" Duo asked the link, but received only static.
"Heero?" Zechs asked, worried that the reason for no answer was that he was dead.
The mobile suits and all stopped operation on the onset of the blast, and now the four pilots were on the ground searching for Heero. Yet they found nothing. The explosion was huge, though the base was rather small, and they feared that their friend didn't make it out.
"Yuy!" Wufei called. "Come on, no time for games."
"Heero!" Trowa called several times before dropping his head, "You guys, I don't think he made it out of there." Trowa admitted what they all secretly assumed. "Even the static on the head piece can second that.

Relena was on her way home after a call from Lady Une saying it was all over. The shuttle came and picked her and Noin up transporting them to earth. The shuttle landed and Relena went home to a partially ruined Sanc Kingdom, where she was met with the grave faces of her friends. "What happened?" she asked, "Where's Heero?"
Duo wiped away his tears, "Sorry Relena, Heero's dead. He died in the blast."
Relena shook her head. "No, no I won't believe it. He can't be dead he promised to come back! NO!"
Zechs took his shaking sister into his arms, "He's gone little sister. I'm sorry."
Relena cried, adding her tears to the ones gathered already in the eyes of her friends. "He's dead?" she questioned them once more, the thought still seeming impossible to her…

To be continued …

Okay, okay, it's crap; tell me if you think otherwise, and what I can do to fix it if it is. There should be about one more installment and depending on your opinion maybe a little more romantic sequel… tell me what you think… please!!