Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Visitor ❯ Chapter 4

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I don't own Gundam Wing. If I did I wouldn't need to write this.

I know how I left the last part, you probably have lots of questions about why, and how, but don't worry, and it's going to be all right.

Midnight Visitor
Part IV

By Midnight Lover

Heero docked the shuttle at bay four and debated on waking up Relena who slept in the passenger seat. Since the night that Quatre and Kai had been shot, four days ago, Relena had spent every night curled up on herself crying, and pretending nothing had happened during the day. He'd hold her to him as they lay in bed at night just letting her cry. She cried for the peace that was at stake, for the condition that her friends were in and for the war that would break out leading to himself and the other pilots fighting once more.
"Relena," he shook her gently, "Sweetie wake up." He shook her again, gently and she woke up.
"Where are we?" she asked in a sleep-roughened voice.
He kissed the top of her head, and squatted down beside her seat, "You're staying with Noin for a while. I'm really sorry. I know I said I'd never fight again, but I have to now, if it can keep you, and everyone else alive I'll have to." He said.
There was a knock on the door to the cockpit before it slide open to reveal Zechs and Noin standing in the doorway. "Heero," Zechs acknowledged, "Glad to see you're back." He added sarcastically.
Heero nodded, "You ready to go?" he helped Relena stand up, letting her lean against him.
Zechs shook his head, "In the morning we'll leave." He said.
Noin stepped into the cockpit and ran to hug Heero and Relena; there were tears in her violet eyes that she refused to let fall. "How is he? How are they doing? Oh, Relena I'm so sorry." She buried her face between their shoulders.
Relena looked at her sister-in-law with empty blue eyes, "I don't know. They never told me." She said in a monotone.
Noin looked at Heero who told her that he'd tell her later. And she hugged him tighter, letting Relena run to her brother. "Thank you for bringing her here." She said.
Heero smiled meekly "I want her to be away from what is going to happen, she's been through hell twice before, I don't want her going through it again." He said, his dark blue eyes never leaving Relena.
Noin backed away and looked at Heero, she saw the way he gazed protectively at Relena and understood why he wanted her to be safe. "You love her a lot, don't you?" she asked.
Heero nodded, "I do," he answered. "I just wish I could do something to make her feel better, she's been like a zombie since it happened, hardly eating, crying, that's all she does."
Relena let go of her brother, "I don't want another war, Milliardo, where did I go wrong?" she looked at the floor, "How could somebody want to return back to the era of the Alliance? Of militarization and unnecessary sacrifices of people's lives? What for?"
Zechs shook his platinum blond head, "I don't know Relena; some people just don't like peace I guess." He replied.
"Zechs, would you mind helping me bring her bags into your house?" Heero asked.
The older man looked away from his sister to Heero, "Yeah, sure." He walked towards Noin, "Take her inside." Noin nodded and he continued on his way to the back of the shuttle.

Dinner had been quiet, no one said much except, could you pass this or that please. Relena had told her brother and Noin about the engagement to Heero, but it brought tears to her eyes instead of a smile. After dinner she retired to her room, with a swift good night to everyone and a promise from Heero he'd be up soon. She stood now in the dark looking out of the window from the room she'd be staying in, yet she saw nothing. Her eyes were distant as she heard Lady Une's last words to her ringing in her ears, ceasing to stop. It was like the violent waves of the ocean during a storm, pounding in her ears. Over and over and over again.
"Operation Rewind was a rumor that was started after the Eve's war when peace was achieved. I had my Preventers check it out thoroughly at the time, but found it to be just that, a rumor. It was said that this operation originated from the former Alliance members, who didn't want to be unified with the space colonies, like the treaty signed by the ESUN declared. Like the Alliance, the operation will commence by annihilating the pacifists. Kai was out on L3 promoting just that, from what we've recovered so far she appeared to have engaged in an argument with someone from earth who opposed your pacifism. In her travel log, she made a few references to Operation Rewind, though she never stated she comprehended it. Also she linked the operation with a man, Vincent Markus, former Alliance leader who lead the soldiers into military action." She'd stopped then, and turned away from her before continuing. "From what we know, he is the only military leader alive, but he also has a large amount of Mobile Suits, thus meaning he means war, if it comes to that. But I can't let that happen, not another war. So I've asked the gundam pilots and Zechs to suit up, to stop this before it can get bigger. They agreed, reluctantly, but they agreed, you are to leave here at once. There is no chance that you are going to be staying here to watch this unfold. Your whereabouts are going to be revealed to you upon arrival at your destination and no one is to know where you are. This is not going to spread throughout the ESUN more than it has to. Quatre was targeted because he is a colony delegate, Kai, because she supported pacifism. You are a Peacecraft, a pacifist leader, and you will be targeted for sure. Now get ready, you leave with Heero in the morning."
Lady Une's words were not open for questioning, they were strict orders to be obeyed and that was her only choice. But when she'd been told that Heero and the others had been asked to fight, her heart ripped in two. She promised them that she wouldn't let it happen again, that they wouldn't have to fight. What good was she if she couldn't keep her promises? What kind of person would they think her to be? Quatre and Kai getting shot in her own home, with nothing done to prevent it. "I'm sorry everybody." She whispered to herself in the dark room, "I didn't want you to have to fight again. I'm sorry I can't keep my promises. Please don't hate me." She threw herself on the bed and let tears bring her to sleep.

Heero sat down on the sofa across from Zechs and Noin holding a cup of steaming black coffee, he took a big sip and shuddered inwardly at the bitter taste. He swirled the liquid in his mug before looking up to meet the gazes of the older couple. "I'm not sure how it happened really, Relena and I were… never mind, it was all of a sudden there were gunshots and screams. We were the last ones there…" he sniffled a little and continued, "The good thing is that they are both stabilized, and alive, just in a vegetative state."
Noin's eyes widened, "They're in a coma." She paraphrased, swallowing hard.
Zechs ran his hands through his long blond hair. "You seem to be holding out. What else is there?" He asked, seeing how Heero's emotionless face was crumbling.
"I don't really know Kai, I only met her that same day, but from what was said she angered someone out there on L3 and that was revenge, but Quatre seems to have suffered head injuries and some internal bleeding. He was awake before he slipped into a coma, for about 5 minutes, or less," He stopped and rubbed at his eyes, "He told us what happened more or less, he said that he and Kai were talking, when someone came inside through the balcony. They came after her and he got in the way, that's when they hit him in the back of the head and that's all he says he remembers except the gunshots and the pain in the chest and inside before he blacked out." Heero rubbed at his eyes again.
"Poor Quatre." Whispered Noin, rubbing her temples with her fingertips, "Poor Kai." She looked at Heero who seemed to want to drown himself in the coffee before him. His dark blue eyes were reserved and there was more to the story on his part.
Heero swallowed the remaining coffee and placed the mug on the nearby coffee table. Zechs picked up the coffee pot to pour him a fresh cup but Heero waved it away. He brushed his hands back through his mess of brown hair. "We have to leave in the morning Zechs, the others will be waiting for us at point GS-3994X."
Zechs nodded, "I'll be ready, but will you?"
Heero and Noin both looked at Zechs questioningly, "What are you saying?" Heero asked.
"How long have you waited to put that ring on my sister's finger?" came his answer in the form of a question.
"Too long." Heero said, surprising everyone. The usually reserved former pilot looked at the floor, "I waited too long."
Noin looked at Heero, his deceivingly small build making him look like a sorrowful child as he sat on the big sofa with his head between his knees. "Why do you say that?"
"Because I freaked after the war, I knew how I felt about her, I knew it. I just couldn't tell her. I've had that damned ring since then, I just didn't know if she wanted anything to do with me. I asked her four days ago, the day this shit happened. I ask the question that's supposed to make it one of the five happiest nights of our lives and some asshole comes into the house and shoots our friends." He was angry and distraught; his Prussian eyes were colder than they'd ever been before. "I can't make her smile anymore, she doesn't even talk to me anymore."
Zechs nodded, "Don't worry, she'll be fine. She was really close with both of them Heero, after you left, she met Kai, and she's always been there for her. They were like sisters, and with Quatre it was much the same." He found himself saying something that he would have never considered saying before, even if it were true. "I know that I haven't been around her much, living out here and all, but I do know that she loves you dearly. Don't waste your time here with us, she needs you more than you know."
Heero looked at the older man with a mixture of shock and understanding on his face. "I want you to know that I won't hurt her, ever." Heero said.
Noin smiled, and stood up, "We've always known that, you've saved her countless times, you even came back with a proposal." She hugged him tightly when he stood up. "Welcome to the family, now go give her your best farewell ever." She nudged him playfully in the ribs.
"I guess." Heero stated his mood lightened a little.
Zechs stood up, "Good night Heero, I'll see you in the morning." He said, taking Noin and walking out of the room.
Heero stood alone in the living room as the lights were lowered, "Best farewell," he told himself, before he headed for the room.
Zechs stood beneath the cover of the shadows in the hallway opposite that in which Heero disappeared to, watching his former adversary take off into the room he was sharing with Relena. He would never verbally admit it, but he was honestly glad that Heero and Relena were together. At least he knew that Relena would be safe and happy. Noin slide her arm around his waist and kissed his earlobe, "Come on, you're leaving in the morning." She whispered, and he let himself be pulled into their room.

Heero stepped into the room without a sound. He found Relena sleeping in the center of the big bed, her long golden hair splayed out around her head. He stepped closer to her crawling across the bed to her side. He traced the side of her cheek with his fingers, smiling at the innocence plastered on her soft face. He watched as a shiver pass though her body and decided it best to put her under the sheets, taking her in his arms, he carefully placed her underneath the sheets careful not to wake her. Sleep was good for her, she hadn't slept well for nights and she needed the rest.
He slide off the bed and went to the suitcase Relena had laying against the wall. He opened the side pocket and pulled out a scrapbook he'd placed in there earlier along with a pencil. Sitting down in a nearby chair where he could clearly see Relena bathed in the light from outside. He watched her intently for a moment before he began to draw what he saw. He didn't want to wake her but a picture of her would always come in handy if things turned out for the worse. For once he was thankful for the sketching that Dr. J had forced him to do as a child.
Relena woke to a scratching sound and lazily looked over her shoulder to find she was not only under the sheets, but Heero was sitting across the room only in his boxers drawing. She sat up and looked at the clock, it was only midnight. "Heero what are you doing? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Her voice was sweet, but sad.
Heero looked up at Relena and shook his head, he threw scrapbook on the bed, just in front of her. "I'd rather stay up and look at you all night." He said, sitting up.
Relena picked up the book and flipped through the pages. Each picture was of her, shaded in here and there, sleeping, awake, and beautiful. "Where did you learn to draw like this?" she asked.
Heero shrugged his shoulders, "Dr. J used to make me draw outlines and blueprints and various sketches when I was young. Over the years I guess that the talent must have grown."
Relena continued to flip through the book, nearly half full with his drawings, at last she came to the final one, it wasn't a picture, more like a question written in fancy letters, she read it, and looked up at him. "Yes, I still love you, even if you have to fight. But what does aishiteru mean?"
Heero lifted himself up and moved to the bed, where she sat still covered from the waist down. He wanted desperately to show her he loved her, tell her what aishiteru meant in the physical way, but opted for the next best thing. He sat beside her and took her hands in his, he leaned over and kissed her softly, "Aishiteru means I love you in Japanese. I always will Relena."
Her blue eyes sparkled with happy tears and she brushed the hair from his face, "You mean you aren't mad that you have to fight again, that I broke my promise to keep you from that life?" she asked.
Heero shook his head, "You had nothing to do with it, and you're just the victim." He looked into her eyes, "I could never be mad at you. Never."
Relena smiled and threw her arms around him, "I'm sorry, I really am, I know I pushed you away, I'm sorry."
Heero smoothed out her hair and wrapped an arm around her waist, "It's ok. I know how much they both mean to you." He nuzzled his face into her neck. "I don't want you to be sad while I'm gone. Understand that?" he kissed her softly on the neck, and held her tighter.
"I don't want you to leave." She whispered, pulling him in for a kiss. "But I know you have to leave. Just promise me you won't forget me? Promise me tonight that you'll come back, no matter what?"
Heero looked into her eyes and nodded, "No matter what, I'll be back." He promised.
Relena smiled and kissed him hard, letting her tongue slide into his mouth, "That's what I wanted to hear." She sat back on the bed. She began to tug at the ribbon of her nightie looking at him through half closed eyes.
He sat across from her, watching her, contemplating how her mood had gone from icy to warm. Not that he minded really, it lifted the weight that had been placed over his shoulders, just seeing her smile. The watched her slender fingers tug at the piece of ribbon, each time she pulled, she'd expose her breasts to him, teasing him, and all the while smiling happily. "Are you going to stop playing with it and let me take it off?" he asked, surprising himself with his choice of words.
Relena shook her head, "No." she continued to tug at the string slowly pulling it free from the nightie, and letting the front half fall open, "I'm taking it off, you have your boxers to worry about." With that she pulled the flimsy pink scrap off material over her head.
Heero's eyes took in the sight of her naked body with hungry eyes. He could feel his member rising within the confines of his black shorts, longing to be embedded within her. With a low grunt he grabbed her to him kissing her hard on the mouth. His hands slid down to massage her breasts before his mouth did the same. "What do you want Relena?" Noin's words rang in his ears; this was to be the best farewell ever.
With hands sliding into the back of his boxers, she snapped the elastic band, "I want these off." She ordered.
He complied, pulling away long enough to rid himself of the shorts. "Anything else?"
The young woman nodded and bade him come close with one finger, "I want to know you." She shoved him back on the bed, before he could move; she straddled his waist, pinning his arms down with her knees. She leaned over to kiss him, pressing her nipples against his hard chest. Her small tongue flicked its way into his mouth and began an exploration of the inside. Her hands began to rub at his sensitive nipples, and she slide across his hard shaft, wetting it with her own fluids. Heero grunted and struggled to break free. "Like that didn't you. Me too." She licked across his jaw line to his earlobe; she nibbled softly on it, and poked the tip of her tongue in his ear, in and out.
"Witch." He hissed at her, his arousal growing ever more painful each time she slid down and back up.
She smiled triumphantly, "I'm only just starting. Making up for those days we missed."
"We have a lot of ground to cover." He said, flipping them over so she was beneath him. His mouth sought out her breasts once more, suckling the underside then blowing on it. He kissed the rosy bud, before engulfing it in his mouth and sucking hard on the first, then on its partner. His hand moved lower, lightly tracing a path from her chest down her abdomen.
Relena arched her back letting his fingers probe into her and rub her hardened bud. Her hands tangled themselves in his hair pulling him up for a kiss. "More…" she moaned against his lips.
Heero nodded and kissed his way down her body, stopping at the junction between her thighs and looking up. He grinned at her devilishly and nodded, best farewell still sounding in his ears. His tongue slowly began to caress her most sensitive spot, circling it and rubbing itself over its surface. His hands found their way up to her breasts and he lightly pinched her nipples before she took one hand and began to lick and suck on his fingers. "Tell me what you want Relena." He said thrusting his tongue into her womanhood and slowly losing his control as she sucked his finger like she had done to his member nights ago.
Relena moaned and continued to suck his fingers, if he wouldn't give her what she wanted before she'd just settle for this, for now. She moaned softly, "Don't stop!" she cried in protest, pushing her hips to him. "I'll take what I want later." She knew from the moment he sat on the bed with the sketched that he wanted to make love to her, not that she would mind. But tonight was the last night that she was going to see him, and she wanted to please him in anyway. Just so that when he was alone, like she would, be they would both be able to reflect upon this night and remember each other. His tongue became more frantic and she felt herself on the edge of reality and bliss, her inner muscles tightened on his tongue and she felt her climax coming.
He replaced his tongue with two fingers, pushing into her rapidly, so he could tease her clit with his tongue. The hand that she'd had in her mouth was clutched in her soft hands as she came, moaning and panting, underneath him. He kissed her lips, swallowing her moans as he continued to push into her with his fingers, even after her climax. Relena kissed his shoulder, grazing the flesh with her teeth, he moaned into her neck, feeling her tighten once more around his fingers.
Relena pushed against his bare shoulders, yet at the same time trying to pull him to her. She wanted to return the favor, to finish what she'd started days before, but she wanted to maintain the same blissful sensation she had now. Finally she decided, it was time to show him she was sorry, sorry for shutting him out these passed days, for not letting her promise to him be fulfilled, and to make sure she remembered her. Forever. She gave her lover a shove and he sat up fearful that he's done something wrong.
"What's wrong?" He asked softly.
Relena shook her head and shot him a sultry smile. "When we first started this, I was on top, now it seems that my plans have been turned upside down. So let me try again." She pushed him onto his back and moved in above him. Her slender hands trailed up and down his chest, loving its hardness, and tracing every single scar. She leaned over to kiss him, pressing her chest to his. She held his face between both hands letting them tangle in the hair around his face. "Let me finish?"
Heero barely heard her words for his mind was lost in the sensation of her supple body slowly rub itself on him, but nodded anyhow. He took in the sent of her hair, the faint smell of strawberries and cream, the feeling of her heated skin, nearly scalding him with its touch. It sent electric shocks down his spine as he felt her lips leave a wet trail of kisses down to his nipples, where she paused and sucked them, much like he had done to her. Her small tongue left a trail of fire down his abdomen to throbbing erection. Her hand wrapped around it and she stroked it gently. He groaned and pushed up into her hand. "Relena…"
She smiled up at him and lowered her mouth to his member, swirling her tongue around its tip. Her mouth took in as much of his hard shaft that she could, sucking him earnestly. Reveling in the sound of his moans she continued her torture, massaging his sack gently, and sliding her tongue along the underside of his member. "Like that?" she asked hotly.
Heero couldn't suppress the urge to push up into her mouth, his hips began to buck into her mouth and he was quickly losing any remaining control that he had over his body, "Mmm…Relena… I'm…Oh… going to… uh… please… don't…" He tried to pull her up, wanting to come inside her tightness, but she wouldn't comply. Instead he found that she was pulling him to the edge of the bed, never slowing or faltering in her ministrations.
She pulled him where she wanted him and carefully slid off the bed, and onto her knees on the floor. He tried to push her off, yet again but still she wouldn't have it. She let her hand pump his shaft while the tip of her tongue teased the tip of his shaft. She could taste the beginning droplets of his seed in her mouth and wanted more.
Heero's head fell back on his shoulders and he moaned loudly, "Relena… please…" was all he could get out, the feeling of his upcoming release making him want her to stop but the wonderful sensation her mouth, hands and tongue were giving him made him want her to continue. His hands held her head to him, asking for more, but his mind was trying to regain control. "I … want… don't… stop… don't … no…" It was too late, His hips began to buck and before he could stop it he released into Relena's waiting mouth.
Relena wasn't prepared for his release when it came and nearly gagged with his thrust into her mouth. She swallowed and looked up at him with a satisfied smile on her lips,. She wiped her face with the back of her hand and pushed him back down on the bed. "Now how was that?"
Heero looked at her through heavy eyes, "I'll get you for that." He growled playfully, before pushing her onto the bed. His mouth fastened itself on a rosy nipple and he sucked it, massaging the other with his hand.
Relena moaned and raked her nails down Heero's back. Her lower half rubbed up against his groin hardening his member once more. She pulled his head up to her and kissed him passionately, "Now…"
Heero smiled, and positioned himself at her entrance, with one thrust he was inside her warmth. Relena moaned and kissed his neck, biting the skin she encountered lightly. He pushed up into her, over and over, his movements becoming quicker and more frantic with every thrust.
Relena arched her back and met his thrusts with her own, feeling her climax coming. "Faster…" she moaned softly against his lips.
Heero's head fell to her shoulder and he complied, driving his throbbing shaft into her clenching muscles. He sucked the heated flesh of her shoulders. His hands massaged her breasts, pinching her nipples between his calloused fingers, "Relena…" he groaned, pushing himself roughly into her wetness.
"Hheeeerroo!" Relena cried, her inner muscles tightening around his shaft in climax, her head falling back against the pillows of the bed and her back arching.
Heero groaned and pushed into her releasing his warm seed into her canal. "Relena…" his head fell to the slope of her shoulder and he collapsed panting on top of her catching whatever weight he could on his elbows.
There was nothing but the sound of the their labored breathing returning to normal that the soft kissed that were exchanged between the two. Heero reluctantly rolled off Relena and lay with half his body on her and his left leg entwined with her right one, and broke the silence. "I love you so much Relena."
Relena cupped his face in her hand, "I know, and I love you too." She kissed him softly and brushed the hair from his eyes. "I don't want you to leave in the morning."
"I don't want to go." He replied, "But I have no choice."
"I know. But I just can't help but worry you won't come back." Her voice was sad and barely audible even to him with his enhanced hearing.
He looked at her with love, anger and disappointment in his eyes. "I told you before that I would come back, and I don't lie. I will come back." It came out harsher than it was meant to and he wished he could take it back the second it came out of his mouth when he saw the tears in the depths of her eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound like that."
Relena nodded and smiled meekly at him. "I don't blame you for being mad, it's just my own stupid fear. I'm the one who's sorry."
"No, Relena listen to me, I know that I left the last time and you have all the right to doubt me, but please believe me when I say I will return to you. I will come back." He sat up and pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly to him.
"Oh Heero," she buried her face in his chest and "I'll be waiting for you."
He smiled softly and kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry, angel. I'll be back for you." He said.
Relena suppressed a yawn behind a slender hand, "I love you." She said.
Heero looked at the clock it was almost one in the morning, "Come on, let's go to sleep." He suggested.
Relena nodded softly, "I don't want to." she said.
"Yes you do, come on." He lowered them onto the bed and pulled up the blanket to cover them.
Relena snuggled up to him and kissed his chest. "I'll wake you up later, if you're up for it." she murmured as she drifted off to sleep.
Heero looked down at her sleeping face, on his chest. He kissed the top of her head and nodded, "How am I ever going to get through this without her? She's always been there with me during the hard parts of my life, now she's not going to be there." He traced her cheek with his fingers. "Just wake me up and I'll be there." He smirked and drifted to sleep.
A few hours later, a giggly Relena woke up a sleeping Heero, claiming to want to have more fun between the sheets.
"What's gotten into you? You weren't smiling before tonight." Heero remarked, kissing her lightly.
"You want me to cry some more?" she asked, pulling away from him.
"Hell no," he replied from beneath her.
"Good, then just let me love you like I'll never love you again." She said sliding down onto his member.
They made love several more times before the sun came up; it was for the most part sweet and sad, both wanted the night to last forever, both wanted nothing more than to stay entwined in each other's arms. But sure enough the light shone through the window, and there was a knock on the bedroom door, "You up? We have to get ready." Zechs' voice echoed through the door.
Heero and Relena slowly got out of bed and prepared themselves for the sadness that they'd feel when they would part.

Duo held Hilde tighter, holding her to him in a near suffocating hold. "I love you so much, I don't want to go but I have to. Don't cry though, because I'll kick ass and get my ass right back home to you." He said, burying his face in her pale neck.
"I love you too, Duo." She sniffed and tried to stop the flow of tears that streamed down her cheek, as she wiped teary violet eyes. "You come back to me. Understand." She gave him a watery smile and rubbed away her own tears.
Duo couldn't help but smile at her attempt to keep smiling even though he knew she was just as torn up inside as he was himself. "Babe, I understand. I'll be back, because I love you too much to leave you here sad."
Hilde smiled and hugged him tighter, before letting him walk off to meet Wufei who was boarding the shuttle to pick up Heero and Zechs in space.

Trowa hugged Cathy, one last time. "Take care." She said. "Come back to me."
Trowa nodded, "I'll try." It had taken him a few days to come to terms that his best friend was badly hurt and the knowledge that the coma may be permanent was enough to make him want to be sick. Not Quatre, he was too sweet and innocent to end like this. Cathy had been with him, stopping him from doing anything he might regret. He honestly had to say that his feelings for her were more than friendly, but he just wasn't sure how she felt. "I'll come back."
Cathy nodded and let go of his hand, "Go on and finish this before it gets too big."
Trowa kissed her lightly on the cheek and headed off to the Preventers base, where he would join Wufei and Duo to get Heero and Zechs.

Heero and Zechs said their good-byes after breakfast, promising that they would return, and send messages whenever they could. Both men suppressed the urge to cry at the looks of pure sorrow on Relena and Noin's faces.
"Don't worry, we'll stop this before it gets to big." Said Zechs, as he closed the door to the house, leaving the two women inside.
"Let's go." Heero said in his monotone. Zechs nodded and they entered the small shuttle. Heero noticed that a message had come in from Lady Une, he checked it and hit the screen in front of him in fury. "Damnit!" he growled.
The older man looked over his shoulder from the controls, "Was it bad?"
Heero nodded, "They've attacked other pacifist nations, and the colonies are going to be targeted once again."
"Hn. What about their weapons? What are we up against?"
Heero let out a small laugh, "That was the funny part. We're up against Leos, Aries and Taurus mobile dolls. The same programming that OZ had, and we have the serpents and White Taurus' with the laser cannons."
"Nothing we haven't done before. Is there any confirmation of other weapons?"
"No, just that… it seems that there are only a few people who would fight against the colonies, and try to destroy the peace." He replied. "But the worst part is that they have begun to attack, we have to move fast. Trowa, Duo and Wufei will meet us in space, we get further orders then."
"Then let's get out asses in gear." He flicked a few switches and pressed a few buttons sending the craft a an amazingly fast speed to the outside orbit of colony 4, then rendez-vous point."

All he could see was white when he opened his eyes; he shut them tightly once the burst of white light blinded his vision. The smell of sterilized plastic and medicine filled his nose. A low steady beeping noise hit his ears and he tried to block out the sound, only to find a needle attached to a plastic tube poking into his hand. "Where am I?" he asked the empty room. He opened his eyes once more to see he was in a hospital room, "Oh God tell me it was just a dream."
The white door opened on the opposite side of the room and Sally entered with her medical chart and a sad look in her eyes. The chart fell when she saw the blond sitting up in his bed. "Quatre, you're awake." She gasped.
"Tell me they didn't have to fight… let me out of here… I need to help them… they're going to all die!" he cried…

To be continued…

Authors Notes: I know that things are getting strange, I think it's because I'm going through a rough time right now… so please bear with me… I'll fix up my mess. Tell me what you think… honestly… I really need the feedback… not to mention love to hear from you.