Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Visitor ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I don't own Gundam Wing. If I did I wouldn't need to write this!!

I know that some of you may be unhappy with the way the last fic ended, don't hate me or flame me… please… or I'll flame back!! This might be limish near the end. This one is a little sappier than the first two, bear with me!

Midnight Visitor
Part III

By Midnight Lover

He looked up at her, swallowing the tears he felt. "No?" he repeated.
She shook her head, "Am I asleep? Please tell me I'm not dreaming." She said her tears still flowing freely down her face. "I don't want to be dreaming."
Heero shook his head, "No you're not dreaming. You said no." his voice was low and full of pain. Here he was telling her he loved her, asking her to marry him and she said no. He got to his feet and straightened his shirt. "I'm going to leave now."
Relena grabbed his arm, stopping him from leaving. His back was turned to her as she spoke. "No. Don't leave. Heero I've always dreamed that the day would come where you'd ask me to marry you, I love you so much, but every time I dream it, I wake up just as I say yes. Promise me that if I say yes I won't wake up, that you won't walk away Heero."
Tiny tears formed at the corner of his Prussian blue eyes, yet still he did not look at her. "I would never leave you Relena. And just like you didn't wake up when you said no, you wouldn't have woken up if you'd said yes." He pulled his arm away and started once more for the door.
"Wait, Heero don't go!" She cried, "Heero I never meant no. Heero I've waited for years for you to come back, I always knew you would. Heero, you knew my answer from the moment you stepped into my life, you knew it still when you walked in that door. Heero, my answer is yes. It's always been yes." She wiped at her eyes and moved closer to him.
Heero stopped when she began to speak, he felt the hot tears sliding down his cheeks, and no longer was it just a single tear but another and another until his knees began to feel weak and he fell to the ground. "So you will?" he asked through his sobs, "Will you marry me?" he asked quietly.
Relena fell to the ground before him and lifted his chin to meet his blue eyes. "Yes Heero, I'll marry you." She said kissing him softly and wiping the tears away with her thumbs. "I'm sorry I confused you. I just never thought that this day would come true, the day that you would ask me to be your wife."
He held her face to his, placing soft kissed all over her face. "You don't know what this means to me." He grabbed her hand and placed the platinum band diamond ring on the fourth finger of her left hand.
Relena smiled, "I know how much it means to me."
There was a knock on the door of the living room, "Relena, Heero? Can we come in now?" Hilde's voice sounded through the door.
Relena looked at Heero who wiped at the tears in his eyes. "Should we let them in?" she asked. Heero shrugged his shoulders, and nodded, "Can I tell them?" she looked at the sparkling band on her finger.
"If you want to," He kissed away the single tear that slide down her cheek.
"Yeah you can come in." she called back.
The door slowly opened and the five stepped in, Hilde, followed by Duo and Cathy, followed by Quatre who held his hands over his eyes as he stepped inside followed by Trowa who prevented him from hitting the wall. "I'm sorry." He repeated over and over again.
Heero got up from the floor and took Relena's hand. "Quatre, shut up." He said.
Hilde turned around and pulled Quatre's hands from his face. "Quatre, stop acting like a child."
Cathy looked Heero and Relena, "What happened between you two? Weren't you like gone?" she asked the couple.
Duo mumbled something under his breath and took a seat on the couch. "You guys didn't touch this did you?" He asked. Relena and Heero both glared at the braided man. "Forget I asked." He said standing up instead.
Trowa walked into the room and sat on the couch recently vacated by Duo. He looked at the couple and cocked his eyebrow. "Yeah, what happened?"
Everyone suddenly became interested in the question of how Heero and Relena came to be. They all sat down around on the couch waiting for an explanation as to how the pair came to be. "Well, we're waiting." Hilde said.
Relena looked at Heero, then at the ring on her finger. "Is there any way to get out of this conversation?" She asked, looking at Hilde silently begging to not begin to ask that question just yet. The clock on the wall struck 9:30 and Relena sighed, they should be getting on their way. "Are you coming with us Heero?" She asked him.
Heero nodded but said nothing.
"Just like you used to be." Duo commented dryly. "Hey, Relena? Where exactly are we going?" he asked realizing he was dressed up for an unknown reason.
Relena smiled, "Well I'm taking you guys to this new club that opened not too far from here."
"Does club include dancing?" Duo asked.
"If you want to." Hilde poked him in the ribs. "I want to and so do you."
"But… but… Ok." He replied. "Aren't we a little dressed up for a club?"
"Not really, it's sort of semi-formal. You'll look fine."
Duo stood up, "I do, don't I? I look sex-ay!" He laughed.
The rest of the group laughed softly with him until he spun around and landed on his butt when they began to laugh at him.
"Duo, behave yourself tonight, I don't want you dancing on the bar or harassing the waitresses." Hilde ordered firmly.
"Yeah but babe, you like it when I'm crazy." He smiled.
"That makes no difference, we're not at home here, and not everyone here knows you." Hilde said.
Quatre, Cathy and Relena laughed. "Don't worry Hilde, he'll be good." Cathy said.
Duo stuck out his tongue and looked pleadingly at Trowa and Heero, "Help me. It's a conspiracy, they're all against me." He said. Both men looked at Duo with a look that told him it was his problem and they wouldn't get involved. Duo gave them his puppy dog eyes, and they turned their heads at his begging.
Relena let go of Heero's hand, if we're going to go, then let's get going?" Everyone nodded, "Just give me a minute, I forgot something upstairs." She turned and left the room, leaving Heero alone with the group.
"Saw the necklace and the earrings you gave her Heero, cute." Hilde said smiling. The rest of the group nodded.
Suddenly as if a black cloud covered the moon outside, the room grew quiet and grim. "You realize that we're not going to let you hurt her again, right?" Quatre said his voice no longer the usual cheery tone but serious and almost angry.
Heero looked at the blond in surprise, Quatre was always smiling. He looked around the room and felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Everyone was glaring at him, angry. He wanted Relena back, soon.
"We were there when you left, we were there to pick her up every time she broke down, we aren't going to let you do that to her again." Cathy said her voice the same as Quatre's.
"Are you staying or leaving? Because is you don't plan to stay leave now." Trowa said. "You can't just stop by to release pent-up lust then leave. It doesn't work that way."
"What are you guys talking about?" Heero asked in a shaky voice. "Why would I --"
"You did it before, you left. You know how she feels about you Heero; you know that she loves you more than anything in the world. And if you don't tell us you're staying, you're leaving now." Duo said, taking Hilde's hand.
Heero swallowed, "I'm staying." He said softly. "I'd never leave her like that again." His voice was still shaky as he spoke, avoiding the eyes of everyone.
"Good." Hilde said.
"Welcome back." Quatre chimed.
Heero felt his eyes tear up again. "You had reason to doubt me, but I want you to know that I need her in my life more that I realize." He bowed his head, "Excuse me," He said turning to walk out of the room before he broke down.
Once the door closed Duo sighed, "Well that went well. He'll either hate us or hurt us."
Cathy shrugged, "At least we know he cares."
"Yeah but did you see the look on his face? Poor guy looks like he's going to cry." Quatre said.
"Cry, yeah just like Heero to cry." Trowa stated sarcastically.
Hilde sat down on the couch trying to think of something she saw on Relena, something that wasn't there before, when they were talking. "What was it?"
"What was what?" Cathy asked.
"There was something different, something that wasn't there before on Relena, I don't know what it was but it wasn't the same as before." Hilde explained.
"I don't know, when you mentioned the necklace and the earrings I saw Heero look at his left hand and smile a little." Quatre said.
"His left hand?" Hilde repeated. "That's what I saw. Oh my God!" She jumped up and hugged the closest person to her.
"What? What did you see?" Duo asked, trying to break free of Hilde' s suffocating hold. "Hilde, babe, please I can't breath." He gasped.
"Oh, sorry." Hilde pulled away and kissed Duo lightly. "I think what I saw was a ring on her finger. Do you think that Heero could have asked her to marry him?" She asked.
Duo laughed, "Heero propose? Ha! It's just as likely as Trowa winning a public speaking award. Sorry Trowa." Trowa glared at Duo.
"Not entirely. I think that it is very possible, I mean, why else would he stay." Said Quatre.
They all sat down and thought about it, there was always the possibility that it could happen, right?

Relena stood before the mirror in her bathroom splashing cold water on her face. She couldn't believe what was happening in her life. She kept on thinking that it was a dream. The door to her room open, closed and footsteps were heard inside. Quickly she toweled off her face and went to go see what was wrong with Heero.
She found him sitting on the bed with his head cradled in his hands. "What's wrong?" she asked quietly.
He looked up at her face, her clear blue eyes full of worry. "Nothing." He answered.
She sat down beside him and pulled his head to her chest. "Nothing doesn't leave you with that glum face. What's wrong?" she asked again.
"They have the right to doubt my staying, right?" He asked her.
"I guess." She replied wondering what had happened downstairs.
"You know that I would never hurt you like that again, don't you? You know that I love you and wouldn't think of leaving, right?" His voice was like that of a child, soft and worried that they'd done something wrong.
"I know that Heero. Don't worry, I know. " She kissed the top of his head and held him tight. "What did they say to you?"
"It's nothing. Not anymore." He pulled away and kissed her nose. "You ready?" he was smiling now, like she had never seen before.
"Yeah I'm ready." She took his hand and they walked out of the room, down to greet the crowd by the door.

The drive to the club was short; they arrived at around there about 20 minutes after they left. Relena kept her left hand hidden from view, which began to prick everyone's suspicion on whether or not there was a ring on the fourth finger.
Quatre looked around the car and began to feel like the odd man out. It seemed that everyone except himself had a partner, even Trowa, although he would not publicly display his affections for Catherine. But he smiled anyways. It didn't bother him that much.
Once inside the club, it seemed as though the entire room stopped and watched the princess of their Kingdom and her friends enter the room.
"Good evening Miss Peacecraft." The waitress greeted.
"Good evening." Replied Relena.
"A table for seven?" asked the waitress.
"Yes." Said Relena looking around at the group behind her; Heero stood by her side, talking to Duo. While Trowa and Quatre listened to Hilde and Cathy go on about how happy they were to see Relena happy.
"Right this way, please." The waitress led the group to a corner just off the dance floor and not too far from the bar. They sat down and ordered a few drinks before the Trowa and Duo were dragged onto the dance floor.
Quatre sat quietly sipping his coke with Heero and Relena. "I'm glad to see you so happy Relena." He said.
Relena smiled and tightened her grip on Heero's hand "Me too."
"What brings you back, Heero?" Quatre asked.
Heero looked over at Relena. "She did." He said.
Quatre laughed, "There's a rumor going around that on the hand you've been hiding there's a ring." He took a sip of his drink, "Is there?"
Relena began to laugh and almost spat out her drink. "Who started this rumor?" she asked.
Quatre shrugged his shoulders, "Hilde said she saw a ring." He said innocently.
Relena looked down at her hand on her lap and smiled at the ring she saw there. Her eyes moved from the ring to Heero and she smiled. He nodded at her, and she looked over to Quatre. "Yes, there's ring." She said showing him her left hand.
"Oh Relena, I'm so happy for you. For both of you!" He went to her side and hugged her tightly then shook Heero's hand because the former Wing pilot would have no more. "I can't believe this!"
"Wow, Relena he's a cutie. Good choice." Came a female voice from behind Quatre.
The blond slowly looked over his shoulder, as did Heero and Relena. "Kai!" Relena cried and ran to hug her friend.
The girl wore a red dress that stopped a little higher than mid-thigh with a slit about an inch or two higher, the neckline of the dress exposed the top of her cream-colored breasts and she had little curls of fire-red hair framing the sides of her face. She embraced the golden blond girl tightly before pulling her back and taking her left hand. "My, my Relena, in this short time that I've been gone you've gone out and snagged yourself a fellow." She looked over at Heero and Quatre who looked at her confused. "Is it you Blondie? Or is it you or you blue eyes?"
Quatre smiled and pointed to Heero who glared at her. "Who are you and where in the hell did you come from?"
Kai turned back to Relena, "He's cute, but is the blond one free?" she whispered in her ear.
"Kai!" Relena said. "Why don't you ask him to dance? He's good."
The red head nodded, "I think I will." She turned to Heero, "You gotta be one hell of a guy to get her. She's been going on and on about his one guy who got away for years, if you made her change her mind about him, you gotta be some hot stuff under there… somewhere."
Quatre and Relena began to laugh as Heero looked at the newcomer with amusement on his face. "Has she really?"
Kai nodded, "Yeah that's all she ever talks about. Hey what's so funny?" she asked realizing the hysterics Relena and Blondie were in.
Heero looked at Relena; "So you've been talking about me to your friends?" he asked smiling.
"You thought I wouldn't?" she asked.
Kai's green eyes grew wide with Heero's last words. "Wait, wait, wait. You're the one who left? You're Heero? Oh shit." She looked at Heero then at Relena with an angry expression. "Why didn't you tell me it was wonder boy?"
"You never asked." Relena replied simply.
She looked back to Heero, "Look, I'm sorry, it never crossed my mind to put you and her version of you in one." She bowed her head, letting her red locks fall around her face in apology. "I'm Kaiya, but don't ever call me that. You can call me Kai. I work for the ESUN, kind of like a fieldworker I just came back from L3. I'm a friend of Relena's."
Heero nodded, "I'm Heero." He said.
Quatre stopped laughing. "I'm Quatre." He found it better to just say his name as Quatre nowadays, the Reberba-Winner portion usually intimidated people since he owned the Winner family fortune and was the head colony delegate on L4.
Kai smiled at Quatre, "Nice. But can I call you Blondie and can I ask you to dance?"
The blond laughed, "Wanna dance Red?" he chuckled, stretching out his hand for her to take.
Kai complied and took his hand leading him to the dance floor. "Later kids." She called over her shoulder to Relena and Heero who sat together in the corner of the booth with Relena on Heero's lap.
After the two were gone, Relena turned and looked at Heero. "I want go dance. I want to show you off to the world and I want to tell everyone you're mine." She leaned in and kissed him, pressing her lower body into his groin.
His arms wound around her waist and pulled her closer. "Yeah, well what if we just sat here for a while and leave the waltzes and that strange bump 'n' grind music for - Hey Duo, Hilde, what's wrong? No more dancing?" He removed his hands from Relena's buttocks and she straightened her on his lap.
"Nah, just need a drink, that's all." Hilde said, grabbing her strawberry Daiquiri from Duo's hand. "That's mine. You ordered the beer."
"But babe, it tastes so good." He whined, taking a deep gulp of beer. "Well I'm done. Ready to go babe?"
Hilde looked at Relena and Heero and nodded, "Yeah, let's leave them here a while but make 'em get up and dance when we come back." The two nodded and went back to the dance floor.
Relena turned back to face Heero, straddling his hips once more. "You were saying?" she asked, kissing his ear.
"Well, we can stay here and do this, or go there and - Hey Trowa, Cathy, need a drink too?" He asked, looking over Relena's shoulder.
Trowa nodded and Cathy smiled, "Yup." She said. "You guys should go dance. It's fun."
Heero nodded, "We might as well, seems we're not meant to ever be alone."
Relena got up and slid out of the booth. She straightened her dress. "Let's go dance." She said happily. "Leave alone for later."
Heero sighed and took her hand. "Let's go." He said, as she pulled him onto the dance floor.
Trowa smiled, "10 bucks says he's already slept with her." He bet Cathy.
The auburn haired girl smiled. "15 bucks says I find out before you do."
"You're on." Trowa said as he finished the last of his beer.
The two got up and walked back to the dance floor. They separated and Trowa went and grabbed Duo while Cathy grabbed Relena from Heero.
Trowa pinned the braided man against the wall opposite Cathy, "What's the deal between Heero and Relena. I know you know something."
Duo gulped, and looked across the room a Heero who glared his way. "I know nothing. What are you talking about?"
Trowa growled under his breath and let go of the former pilot. "I know you know something."
"Trowa? What's wrong? Sally's a doctor we can call her and she can help you." Duo said.
Across the room Relena stood talking to Cathy, "Ok, I know that I shouldn't ask you but you gotta tell me. You slept with Heero didn't you?"
Relena swallowed. "Is there no secret s left in my life?" she asked. "What would make you think that?"
"Come on Relena, I might be dumb but I'm not stupid! You've been glowing all day!"
Relena smiled, "I guess you're right. Yes, last night he showed up in my room and one thing led to another." She answered.
Cathy stood before her motioning with her hands for Relena to elaborate. "Well?"
"It was good. That's all I'm saying." She said and went back to Heero before she was probed for any more answers.
Cathy snapped her fingers, "How sweet." She said sincerely to Relena's back. "25 bucks come to mama!" she rushed over to Trowa. "Pay up sweet thing!" she said.
Trowa looked at Cathy, "Why?"
"She said that he was in her room last night and one thing led to another and it was good, emphasis on the good. But that's all she'll share with me." She held her hand out expectantly.
Trowa glared at her but her gaze didn't falter, "How much was it?"
"25 bucks buddy." She said.
Trowa dug into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. "I only have 20." He said, handing her the money.
"Too bad baby, now you're going to pay for that." She pulled him to the dance floor.
Relena ran into Heero's arms, and let him spin her in the air once before putting her back down. A waltz began to play and they took the traditional stance. The tune was familiar to them, but neither knew from where right away until Relena remembered. "Are you still going to kill me Heero?" she said, repeating the line she'd asked him so long ago when they were only fifteen and the school was having a dance.
Heero's hand tightened on the small of her back, "No." he said flatly.
"Good." She smiled. "I didn't want to die not knowing." She laughed at her passed naiveté.
"That was so long ago, we've grown a lot since then." He said.
Relena nodded, "It's like we're two all new people now."
"Yeah, who would have thought that two wars would change us this much? You're not as innocent as you were and me, I'm just a redundant soldier." He said.
"Would you like to be a soldier again Heero? Would you want to lose all that you've found once again?" Relena asked looking up into his Prussian blue eyes.
Heero shook his head. "I don't ever want to fight again. But if it means keeping you and this peace alive, I know I'll have to." He said.
The song slowly came to an end and Relena through her arms around him, crushing herself to him. "I don't want you to fight. I don't want you to ever fight again, you or the others. You were put through hell and more and it's about time that you have a life where you don't have to think about who might be after you or where your next mission will take you." She pressed her face into his chest. "This is how you all should live. For the rest of your lives."
Heero held her closely and didn't speak, he didn't have to, and she'd said all that she needed to say. There was no use in helping this sadness she'd led herself into, but he could make it better. "Relena." He pulled he chin up. "You know that you mean the world to all of us, all five of us have you to thank for our lives the way they are now. Don't cry be happy, because if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be here right now. We'd be out in space of on some battlefield fighting." He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her. "I can show you just how good my life is right now, but later with a locked bedroom door, maybe some bubble bath and let's say a bowl of strawberries, or cherries, either will work for me."
Relena smiled and kissed him again, letting her tongue slide over his lips and enter his mouth to duel with his. Her small hands came up to cup his face and the kiss deepened, until she heard cheers and whistles from the other males room where she pulled away from him and stuffed her face in his shirt.
Heero held her by the waist and glared at the other occupants of the room. Promptly they found out how to close their mouths and did so. Heero pushed Relena away from him, "You can stop laughing now." He whispered.
Relena looked up at him, "You know, no matter what we do, where we are, we always get caught." She pouted.
Heero laughed, "So, let's give them what they all want to see." He said, capturing her lips with his.
Relena drown into his kiss once more until his words made sense to her and he began to lower her to the floor. "No!" she yelped, pushing away from him and catching the attention of everyone else in the room.
Heero smiled, "That's what I thought." He glared around the room once more and everyone looked away. "Now don't complain that we get caught because we can always do it here and make a sticky scene." He said.
Relena glared at him, with eyes that told of amusement more than anger and took his hand for another dance. "Fine have it your way." She said.
Kai and Quatre spun around them in the current waltz, "Relena," Kai said over the music, "You never told me you had such a cute friend."
Quatre chuckled, "And you never told about Red."
Relena looked at the two and laughed, "You've met now, be happy." She said, "or you'll never meet again." She smirked.
Quatre looked at the red head, "I'm not taking that chance. You're too cute." He said and they swirled off giggling.
Trowa and Catherine were heard laughing in the background, followed by Hilde's shriek that Duo squashed her foot.

The night wore on and the club grew more crowed before it went nearly empty. The group of eight sat in the booth with their drinks.
"You know what Relena? I've never been to a bar that I really liked." Quatre admitted, smiling at Kai.
Hilde finished her second daiquiri and hit pulled Duo's braid for her foot being in such pain. "You're going to pay for this babe." She said.
Duo smiled sheepishly and kissed her cheek. I'll make it better later." He whispered.
Relena pulled her left hand free from Heero's and placed it on her lap. Cathy turned and saw the ring on her fourth finger. "Whoa! So it's true!" she pulled Relena's hand to the center of the table, showing everyone.
All eyes were on the ring and the corner the arm came from. "Yeah!" Hilde and Cathy both reached over and hugged Relena, congratulating her before she had the chance to speak. "Relena Heero we're so happy for you why didn't you tell us?" Hilde hugged Heero much to his protests.
"But… he just… asked… Cathy… let go… I can't… breathe…" Relena gasped, clawing at Cathy's arm. Cathy let go and was replaced by Duo whose hold was just a little less suffocating, "Duo…"
Duo let got and crawled back to his seat, "Does this mean that you guys wanna be alone? Of course you do," He stretched his arms, "Ahh, I'm beat, let's go." He pushed away his
Finally Relena had a chance to speak after being congratulated further by Trowa, Quatre and Kai. "Thanks, all of you. I just hope that you don't start making bets on how long this will last, among other things." She warily at Catherine and Trowa who averted their gaze from her, "Anyways, if you guys want to leave we can."
Nods and yawns spread throughout the group. "I need sleep." Duo said, rubbing his eyes.
All right. Kai, where are you staying?" She asked.
Kai looked at Relena, "I'm staying at the Hotel on Main and Lake." She answered.
Relena shook her head "Correction, you're staying with me. You should have called when you got in, then you'd have come stay with me." She said.
Kai shrugged, her green eyes smiling brightly, "I don't like to be a burden, you know that." She replied.
"Nonsense, come on let's go back to the house and I'll have someone fix you up a room, because your usual one is being used." Relena said, casting a sideways glance at Quatre.
The blond was leaning his head on Kai's shoulder, already half asleep and looking at his surroundings with half-closed emerald eyes. "You talking about me?" he asked sleepily.
Heero shook his head, "What did you drink?" He asked.
"Coke." Quatre replied.
Hilde slide out of the booth and straightened her dress, "Yea, my feet hurt I want to sleep." She said.
Relena looked at Heero, "They seem to all be tired now. Think that they'll sleep all night even if you knock down more furniture?" she whispered.
Heero shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe."
Trowa signaled for the waitress and she came, Relena put the bill on her tab and promised to make them come over more often to repay it. After the tab was paced, the group crowded to the car.

One inside the mansion; each retired to their own room and went to sleep. Heero made a b-line to the kitchen while Relena continued on her way to her room to get out of the dress. She ran a bath pouring a small amount of bubble bath into the hot water, humming to herself.
The door to the room entered and Heero stepped in holding a bowl of strawberries and cherries, as well as a small bowl of whipping cream. "This will be fun." He placed the food near the bed and walked into the bathroom where he found Relena sitting comfortably in the tub, covered by the little white bubbles.
"Hello." She said, opening one eye to look at him. "You took too long."
Heero stripped quickly and entered the tub, "The water is boiling!" he said.
Relena opened both eyes and looked at him, "You scared?" she asked.
He shook his head, "No, but you should be." He grabbed her by the arms and pulled her to him, water splashing all over the floor. Relena's wet body stuck to Heero's as she was pressed to him. His lips claimed hers in a passionate kiss that lasted seemingly forever.
Her hands tangled themselves in his hair and she rubbed her lower body against his reveling in the low groans he emitted trying to keep his control. "Why are you struggling Heero? What are you afraid of?" he whispered kissing and sucking his earlobe.
"I don't get scared." He said, pushing her back against the opposite wall. "Now, hold that thought for later." He picked up a washcloth, lathered it and took Relena's leg, and began to wash it.
Relena giggled and squirmed under his hands, pleading for him to stop tickling her. Heero kissed every visible spot before he washed it, and continued to tickle her when he could. When he was done, she repeated the same to him. They toweled off and went back into the bedroom. Relena skipped ahead and bounced on the bed. "Heero I'm not planning on waiting."
He followed her on to the bed, lying her down underneath him. "What do you want?" He asked, kissing down her chest to her nipples. "I'm up for anything." He reached over to the bedside table and grabbed a strawberry, dipping it in the whipping cream before trailing it around her other nipple. Relena shivered under the coldness of the cream.
She considered what he had said and thought it would be fun to take control, her small hands moved to his shoulders, caressing his heated skin softly. "Heero you know what I want? I want you." She pushed roughly on his shoulders, sending him on to his back.
Heero laughed as she moved in above him, watching her slow catlike moves. She began to place soft kisses all across his face. "Last night was good," she said, finding an interest in his collarbone, she kissed around it, tracing it with the tip of her tongue. "Mmm, tastes good... " She murmured, feeling his chest beneath her. She took him by the wrists and pinned them above his head, kissing her way down his chest to his nipples.
Heero stiffened, when her lips became her teeth and tongue, nipping and licking at the sensitive flesh of his chest. Her soft lips began a slow descent down his chest and though he could easily pull her off if he wanted, he let her do as she pleased. He shut his eyes tightly when she took her hands away from his and softly began to trace the length of his hardened member. "Relena." He sucked in his breath. There was more that he wanted but he couldn't ask, he didn't want to force her to do anything.
Relena looked at his member in wonder, what was she supposed to do with it. She'd read similar situations in romance novels, but faced with the situation she didn't know what to do. Sitting back on her thighs she covered her eyes with her hands trying to block out the thought that she failed him.
Heero felt her withdrawal, and looked up to see Relena in tears. "Relena, what's wrong?" he asked sitting up next to her. He wiped the tears from her cheeks and pulled away her hands.
She looked at him sadly, "I don't know what to do." She began to cry once again burying her face in her hands.
Heero smiled at her innocence and pulled her closer, "It's ok, don't worry. Just do what you feel inside." He wiped away the tears on her face, "I don't like to see you crying because of me. Please stop crying."
Relena sniffled and nodded, "But what if I do something wrong?"
Her soft red lips came into a small pout, and Heero found his eyes resting on them, "Never." He whispered, pulling her face to his and kissing her softly. "You can never do anything wrong." He pressed his lips against her harder, "Don't try to rush anything, just go at your own pace."
Relena found her confidence once more and nodded, pushing Heero back down. "My own pace? Let's just see what my insides are telling me." She whispered in his ear, kissing a line down his neck and back down to his member. She wrapped her hand around it, sliding it back and forth from base to tip. Her eyes closed and she let her emotions take over.
Heero sucked in a breath when he felt her lips kiss the tip of his manhood; her tongue slid out from between her rosy lips and circled it. Her hand continued to push up and down on his shaft increasing in tempo until he felt he was going to release when it stopped. He opened on dark blue eye and looked down only to see her take his entire length into her mouth. She sucked don his shaft from tip to base, taking him as deep as she could. Heero groaned and tried not to buck his hips, forcing himself further into her mouth, but it felt so good. "Relena, don't stop…" he moaned.
Relena smiled to herself and continued, sucking faster and harder. She almost gagged when he pushed himself up into her mouth, but regained control and continued.
The room was filled with low moans and sucking noises caused by the young lovers until something broke the mood shattering it like a glass hitting the wall. Two gunshots resonated throughout the upstairs wing where they were all located, followed by a shrill shriek a doors banging. "KAI!! QUATRE!!" Hilde and Catherine screamed in horror.
Relena and Heero stopped what they were doing, pulled on their bathrobes, Heero grabbed the gun he kept with him, and they rushed down the hall to where Quatre's room and the crowd had gathered crying.
"What happened?" Heero asked Trowa who's face told a horror story within itself.
"Oh God! Kai! Quatre!" Relena cried, running into the room falling to the ground where the bloody bodies of her two friends lay near lifeless.
Duo stood by the open balcony door, tears streaming down his face holding a thick sheet of paper, like an old scroll with a dagger through the top. He read it and handed it to Heero, before he turned back to the balcony and fell to the ground, in a sobbing heap.
Heero looked at Relena and then at the two bodies, "Get them to Sally, they can be saved. Relena we're getting you out of here. Whoever did this isn't done yet. Kai was the first and I don't think Quatre was a simple mistake either."
Relena's eyes teared up and she looked at the two bodies. Quatre twitched a little and opened his emerald eyes a little, "Relena, I tried… but … there was two…of them…they…" he slowly trailed off mumbling L3 and something about Operation Rewind.
Relena cried harder, and patted his blood matted blond hair, "It's okay Quatre, Kai, I won't let you die." She put on her best poker face, "Someone call Preventers, get a doctor. Don't let them die!"
Her false face fell and she found herself in the arms of Heero who cried silent tears "Why? Why them?"
Fifteen minutes later, Quatre and Kai were wheeled off into an ambulance headed for the Preventers medical hospital, and Lady Une stood before the former pilots with terrible news. "I'm really sorry I have to ask this. Operation Rewind is an organization set upon destroying the peace." A tear fell down the side of her face; Wufei stepped inside the room and assumed a position with the three other pilots. "I need to ask you to help take down Operation Rewind."
The four former pilots looked down at the ground, the question was there, and there was no way they could decline it. Lady Une wiped the tear from her cheek, "Will you please help me keep this peace, and will you go against your promise and take a position once more as mobile suit pilots, for the sake of the world…
They nodded sadly, "We have no choice," Duo said through tears. "We have no choice." He said again before running out of the room calling for Hilde…

To be continued…