Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mind of the Soldier ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Title: Mind of the Soldier
Genre: Drama/Action/Adventure
Rating: R for scenes of war violence and language
Author's Note: This is an original story that takes place in the world of Gundam Wing. The plot of this story has no relation to the plot of the television series.
Note: The rights to Gundam Wing are not owned by me. All credits for the characters and ideas of Gundam Wing go to Sunrise and its developers.

Chapter 1

They all thought the war was a good idea. Or at least, all the young recruits signing up for duty in the Oz Special Forces. Anyone could hear them talking about how great it would be to pilot a mobile suit, and fight in battles against the enemy. However, they knew little of what the job entailed. The question was: could they be blamed for their ignorance? The answer was no. None of the young men and women had ever spoken to a veteran.

The war had been going on for quite some time now, with no sign of it even letting up. Not many people really held the information of why the war was taking place. The new soldiers did not even know who they were going to be up against. The answer to this was not easy. According to Oz, it all started with Oz wiping out the last of the resisting Alliance army from the map. The colonies in space who had long had it past their necks with the Alliance's dictatorship did not want any faction to try the same thing over again. Nobody could blame them for that, but what Oz blamed them for was when they set up checkpoints near the colonies and destroyed all Oz ships and took the crews prisoner. At the diplomatic meetings, the newly found UCO or the United Colonies Organization claimed that Oz had plans to instate control over the colonies. The diplomats of Oz, and its founder, General Treize Khushrenada plainly said the UCO was overreacting. What happened next seemed routine: The UCO would not comply with Oz's demands, and when diplomacy fails, war takes it's place.

To Tomas Norman, all that sounded like the plot of a bad action movie. He knew that Earth supported Oz, and the colonies supported the UCO. However, he thought the UCO was overreacting as well. Now there was war to deal with. Lieutenant Tomas Norman was an officer in the Oz Special Forces. He was an officer of high reputation among Oz, hailed as a man of courage and valor. Norman had joined Oz when it was relatively new just when he finished high school. He had served Oz for 16 years, including in the war with the Alliance, which earned him a few medals. Norman remained modest however. He had a lot of respect from the soldiers under his command. He was always known as a "softy" when it came to dealings with others. He was always polite and respectful, even to enemy prisoners. All of this added to the charismatic aura that followed him around.
Today was the usual for Norman. In the early morning Norman decided to go for a walk close to the forest and relax for awhile. He was not on active duty at the moment and had not seen the light of the current war as yet. He was thankful for that. The morning was clear and the sun was already casting its spring heat along the town and the surrounding mountains. Norman was currently stationed in a base about 50 kilometers out of Denver, Colorado. He thought the scenery around this area was beautiful. He enjoyed taking walks in the mornings and holding the Rocky Mountains around him in awe. The mountains were one of nature's most majestic creations. One needed to take the time to actually appreciate these things. He walked out the gates of the base and greeted the two sentries posted there. Norman proceeded to walk down the highway, which was always quite deserted, especially in the morning. The walked along the side breathing in the fresh spring air and gazing at the enormous forests of conifers around him. A gentle, warm breeze ruffled the trees slightly. The wilderness was a very peaceful place. Norman enjoyed being alone with his mind. It gave him time to think. At this moment he was happy, happy with himself and his life. He was not under the strain of battle, or under the orders of benevolent superiors. He would have loved it if it would stay this way forever. Him alone in the wilderness, gazing upon God's many creations, and becoming one with nature.

Norman had been lost in his thoughts and did not realize the sound of a vehicle coming from the south of him until it was quite close. At first, Norman did not turn around and ignored the sound of the engine. As the vehicle approached, however, he could hear the heavy roar of the diesel engine. To him, that only meant one thing. He turned around and saw the hum-vee pull over to the side of the road before him, the engine continued to rumble in the same monotonous pattern. Norman was annoyed that someone from the base was coming to disturb his sacred walks. A man stepped out of the vehicle, a man with dark brown hair, and a stern complexion. The man's complexion was too stern at times. Even when he was happy, his face looked as if he was about to give someone hell. Norman recognized the dark haired man as Lieutenant Louis Stevens, a friend of his he had known since the Alliance wars. It was by some strange coincidence he too ended up at the Colorado base. Before, they were both stationed in France.
"What in the hell are you doing out here Stevens?" Norman allowed the annoyance in his voice to be shown.
"I dragged my ass out here to get you." Stevens replied, in his usual tone.
"Why for?"
"You were supposed to meet Heinlin in the conference room at 0900. Remember, your promotion?"
Norman's mouth hung down in surprise. He remembered now. He had been too caught up in his thoughts that he forgot about the ceremony to be held for his promotion to captain.
He was to be promoted finally for his years of loyal service. Colonel Franz Heinlin had been given the orders from central Oz headquarters in Europe. Norman was looking forward to this, and could not believe he had forgotten.
"What time is it now?"
"About 0930. Heinlin is gonna be pissed." Stevens said this almost in amusement.
"Oh shit." Norman cursed. He then sighed and got into the hum-vee.
The drive there was not too long, about 15 minutes. Norman had walked farther than he had expected to.
"You know, I can't believe you, Tom, you of all people, would forget about his own fucking promotion."
"You don't have to use that language around me, you know. Why don't you get off my damn back about that already?" Stevens was the type of gaudy man, the kind that used a lot of barroom language. Even though Norman did not want to hear it, and told Stevens so, he did not care. Norman was used to that kind of language anyways. He himself had used it before. He thought to himself that he sounded like a hypocrite now.
"I'm sorry, Tom. I just find it funny as hell that some goody-goody soldier would forget this kind of thing."
"Yeah, whatever." Norman said uninterested. He opened the window and allowed his black hair to blow in the breeze.

The hum-vee pulled into the base and parked near the main auditorium, which was the conference room. As they entered, all of the members of the base were already there, the officers were near the platform with the podium upon it. The privates and other enlisted men sat in the various seats. Norman looked up and saw Franz Heinlin's face. Norman thought he did look pissed. Heinlin was in his early 60's, and had a wrinkled, sunk in face. He had joined Oz in his later life, and kept his previous rank from the military he used to serve. God only knew what made him become the cold hearted bastard he was. He never had anything nice to say. He always put on a warm facade for events right now. As Norman walked onto the platform, he realized he was still in his sweat pants and T-shirt. He was not in the neatly pressed, black uniform with gold cuff links that the other soldiers wore. He heard snickering from the audience.
"Here he is, ladies and gentlemen, the man we wish to honor this morning." Heinlin announced. Norman despised that false front he put on.
"We are here to commend Lieutenant Tomas Norman from with the title of Captain, for his gallant services in the name of Oz." Norman walked forward to Heinlin, when he met him face to face, the Colonel lost his smile immediately, and stared at him coldly. That was expected, Norman thought. There was more applause as Heinlin handed him a medal which honored this event. He could not pin in on his uniform. Norman knew he was going to give him hell. After the ceremony was over. Heinlin approached Norman and said to him quietly.
"I want you in intelligence, immediately."
Louis Stevens accompanied Norman into the main building toward the intelligence room.
"You're really gonna get it now, ain't ya Tom?"
"Shut up, Lou." Norman replied. He was feeling quite unhappy.
"Tell me how it went okay?" Stevens said to him, and walked away.

In the intelligence room, Heinlin immediately started talking.
"I guess you decided by gracing us all with your tardiness, right Captain? I have to start using 'Captain' now, even though you don't deserve it."
Norman paused for a moment and looked around at the electronic equipment in the room, and the lone man at one of the terminals at the east side of it. Norman can tell he was listening, probably getting a kick out of it too.
"Sir I-"
"You what? Yes, I know, you're probably just gonna say you're sorry, but you can shove that. Got it?"
"Yes sir." Norman said with a hint of resentment in his voice.
"I'm sending you out of here, and returning you to active duty." Norman was surprised to hear this. The last thing he wanted was that.
"I'm sending you to a base outside of Moscow. There has been reports of raids from colony rebels there. It seems unusual to me, but that's all I know, you'll receive you're briefing there from Colonel Marquise."
Marquise. Norman knew that name, it was the famous Zechs Marquise. Norman wondered why he was in Russia, though.
"Sir, please-"
"Save it, Captain." Heinlin said gruffly. "You're going, and that's all there is to it. I am your superior and expect you to follow orders understand Norman?"
"Yes, sir." Norman said with more resentment.
"Now get the fuck out of here and pack your bags, you're leaving at 1400." Heinlin said and turned around.
Norman walked out of the room and, for the first in a long time was really angry. He stormed down the hallway toward the barracks. His great day was ruined by that stubborn son-of-a-bitch!