Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mind of the Soldier ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Title: Mind of the Soldier
Genre: Drama
Rating: R for scenes of graphic war violence and strong language
Author's Note: This is an original story that takes place in the world of Gundam Wing. The plot of this story has no relation to the plot of the television series.
Note: The rights to Gundam Wing are not owned by me. All credits for the characters and ideas of Gundam Wing go to Sunrise and its developers.

Chapter 2
Tomas Norman sat on the military jet staring out the window into the blue sky. He squinted as the bright sunlight shone into his eyes. He was trying to get his last glimpse of the Colorado countryside before the plane took off for Russia. He thought about going to war again, which made him unhappy. This whole prospect made him unhappy. However, he knew he may as well accept the situation, as there was not much he could do.
Norman sat transfixed in his thought when someone sat on the seat beside him. Norman looked to the side from the window he currently gazed out of into the smiling face of a young woman. At first, he was a little startled as he was once more snapped back into reality, and then cleared his throat to speak. The woman started to speak before he had a chance to.
"You must be Captain Tomas Norman." She said in a light, cheery voice. The vivacious smile stayed upon her face.
"That's right." He replied, somewhat uninterested. "May I ask you might be?"
"I'm private Lindsay Johnston. It is a pleasure to meet someone as yourself, sir."
Norman could not help feeling a little flattered that someone actually looked up to him. He knew that many people seemed to hold him in high standards. It gave him a sort of inner pride, although he kept it secret. Norman tried to be a humble man. Now, beside him, sat a pretty, young woman with long, straight brown hair and deep green eyes. It seemed as if she admired him. If Norman had talked to an old friend, he would have always said honor was not deserved.
"Are you new here?" Norman asked casually, and he glanced up to meet her eyes. Her eyes were somewhat strange. Norman could not figure out why. Perhaps it was because he was becoming fixated on yet another thing.
"Yes, I only came here out of the academy a week ago." She replied frankly.
"So you're a rookie then."
"I suppose that's what you call a person in my position with no actual combat experience." She grinned a little at this. To Norman, Johnston seemed to be a little embarrassed. Norman wondered what she was doing on the jet.
"Colonel Heinlin decided to send me with you. He said it would be good experience being with one of the best." Norman was suddenly interested.
"He said that?" Norman was surprised because he knew Heinlin despised him. Despised him with some kind of passion. Norman had never figured out why that was.
"Yes, this morning, he seemed to just pick me from my squad. He told me in private I had more promise than some of the others."
"Is that right?" Norman replied back. He was surprised at this, and that he would have company. Not that he did not like company, he just preferred to be alone.
"So you'll be joining at me at the base outside of Moscow then?"
"That's right Captain Nor-"
"Please." Norman put up his hand forcefully. "When I am together with someone talking, I like to throw the formalities away. Just call me Tom."
"Okay, Tom." She was initially surprised by his reaction, but then smiled.
"I suppose you saw my unfortunate lateness at the ceremony this morning?" He asked unhappily.
"Of course I did."
"You didn't happen to be one of those assholes that was laughing, were you?"
At this Johnston laughed. The laugh was unusual, sort of a girlish giggle.
"I'm sorry, Tom." She said, and giggled again. "I laughed there because I thought you looked funny wearing your jogging suit."
Norman frowned at this, then smiled a little. "I suppose it was sort of funny huh?"
"Yeah." She said as she stopped laughing. "You deserve all those medals on your jacket."
Norman looked down at his neat, black uniform jacket, and the medals pinned onto his chest. Yeah, right. He thought. The reward for killing people. Norman looked over into the eyes of Johnston again. She was looking at his somewhat handsome face, mainly marred by the stresses of war. He had dark, meaningful eyes, and a welcoming complexion. Already, she felt attached to him.
"Those medals are paid for by the blood of others. Oz calls it bravery though."
Johnston knew there was nothing more to be said on that subject. She perceived Norman as a sensitive, almost troubled man. She decided to change the subject.
"When was the last time you piloted a mobile suit?" At asking this Norman looked at her with a sense of fear in his eyes. It wasn't too evident, but could still be seen.
"2 years ago."
"That long ago? You know-"
"I don't want to discuss this now, Johnston." He replied, clearly irritated. "Now if you don't mind, I'd like to have a nap, it was a tiring morning for me." Norman turned around to face the window once again."
"Okay." She said solemnly. She then sat in her seat quietly as the jet took off.