Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mind of the Soldier ❯ Trial ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Eventually Day 4: Trial

The morning was cool, typical of late September. The cold weather was approaching faster and faster. Eventually snow would fall upon the wrecked town. Norman stood aside by the far wall of the school waiting for Brooks. Norman had a lot of work today. Norman noticed that if he was under orders of a higher officer his ass would be getting smacked around pretty hard. The breakdown in the system had happened. It seemed like the whole company was unorganized, and that Captain Curtis before him had not maintained it. Norman did not even know who the platoon sergeants were. He did not care about that right now, the lives were more important, not the system.

Soldiers seemed to be unoccupied and milled about the camp. Some of them played cards while other wrote and talked. There seemed to be a relaxed attitude among them. Norman knew it was just an act disguising their fear, especially after that battle. Norman seemed to have forgotten about the prisoner they had taken. He was locked up in one of the storage rooms. Norman thought he should interrogate him before he got down to business. Norman looked down at his vest, the little Oz insignia mocking him again. This combat gear seemed heavy all of a sudden. Norman then saw Brooks walk toward him.

"So, we on for today Tom?"

"Yeah. But I thought I'd interrogate that UCO soldier."

"Yeah? That would probably be a good idea."

"Want to come with me?"

"Sure." Norman and Brooks walked toward the School together. The went in through the main doors and down a small hallway leading to the various storage rooms with their equipment. For the last couple of days Norman had eaten canned food. How lucky. Their was a young man guarding the door. He told them that Kent had taken the prisoner to the intelligence room. Norman and Brooks walked away, letting the private off, even though he should have contacted Norman to make sure it was okay for Mars to take the prisoner.

"That asshole is probably tearing him apart by now." Brooks commented. When they entered the intelligence room, they did indeed see the young UCO soldier sitting at the table, with Kent standing over him. He looked like his head was about to burst. Mars turned to them with that horrible stare he possessed.

"This slimy motherfucking cocksucker ain't tellin' me a fuckin' thing!" Kent swore in a booming voice. "If he don't talk I'm gonna cut his fuckin' head off!"

"Woah, cool it Capone." Brooks said to him.

"And watch your language. We're Oz, not barbarians." Norman added. "Now get the hell out of here."


"You heard me, Mars, Get the hell out of here!" Mars scowled and left the room slamming the door. Norman definitely knew they would have problems arresting him later on today. They had to get Rodriguez there too. He was a witness. After Kent had left Norman sat down at the table while Brooks leaned against a wall in the corner. Norman took out a package of cigarettes and lit one up. The soldier raised his head and looked into Norman's eyes. He was afraid, Norman could tell.

"That guy is an asshole huh?" Norman asked him. The soldier remained with his blank stare.

"Do you smoke? You want a cigarette?" The soldier shook his head yes. Norman slid the package of cigarettes over to him and got out of his chair. He lit the cigarette in the man's trembling hands. Norman sat back down.

"This stuff will kill you you know." He said chuckling. He saw the man was still trembling. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you or anything. I just want to ask a few questions alright?" The man still had the blank expression on his face.

"Will you do that for me?" The man remained silent for a moment more, and then spoke.

"If they do, I'm afraid they will kill me."

"Well, you don't need to go back. Anyway, why in the hell would they kill you? Not even a court martial?"

"During this type of war, no. They-they just don't seem to care."

"This really isn't a war yet." Norman responded, puffing his cigarette. The man stood just sat there, sullen. His dark eyes focused on the table.

"It will be, they say Oz is going to plan a world takeover." Norman laughed when he heard that.

"That's ridiculous. Where in the hell did you get that information from."

"Major Parker." Norman stopped laughing and turned serious again.

"Did you hear that, Brooks? There's some kind of conspiracy going on here. That Darlian thinks Oz is going to grow a big ego."

"I hear it." Brooks replied. Norman paused for a moment.

"Never mind that. It'll only be awhile until Oz knocks that motherfucker off. What's your name, son?"

"Private First Class William Shaw."

"That's good, William Shaw. My name is Captain Tomas Norman. That charming fellow over there is Lieutenant James Brooks."

"Are you the only officers here?" Shaw asked them.

"Yes. Well, that other guy too." Norman replied. He was sure Shaw knew what man he meant.

"It's not that I like him." Shaw started.

"Like who?"

"Major Parker. I'm just doing this because It's my duty. And he's under orders."

"To do what? Be a terrorist?" Norman responded. Shaw shrugged.

"I'm not too sure. I'm just with the UCO because My father fought with the Alliance and was killed. Oz was responsible. And now my brother is dead too." He said, his voice getting angrier. That man that he was crying over must have been his brother, Norman thought.

"So you're here because you have a personal vendetta against Oz?" Norman asked. The man before him remained silent. So many of them joined and wasted their lives for some stupid personal reason. A lot of the young ones did not seem to realize that is what happened in war. If you sign up, you might be shipped back to your mother in a box. That is just the way it worked.

"Does Parker know about this place?" Norman asked inquisitively.

"I do not know, although I've overheard him say he knew that Oz was in the area."

"No shit..." Norman heard Brooks mumble.

"I just want out of here." The man said. Norman certainly felt for him then. He wanted out of here too. Perhaps he should abort the mission. Did anyone besides Higgins know about this mission? Norman then got thinking about something else. That perhaps this was a black op, designed to silence the UCO before they could make all this public. Perhaps Higgins was working under his superiors. Norman could not think about that right now. He had a mission to do.

"I'll tell you what." Norman began. "If you tell us where your base is, I'll put you on a helicopter out of here. I think I can make it happen. You can go back to whatever family you have." The soldier remained silent. Yes, he was displaying the common "soldier's duty" routine.

"All right then." Norman started again. "We're going to have to put you back in your room for now. Give it some thought." Brooks then went outside the room and got a soldier to escort Shaw back to the storage room. Norman remained there sitting for a few minutes, thinking.

"Well Tom, I guess we better do the dirty work."

"I guess. Just don't let Kent get the best of you if it comes to that. You're pretty scrawny." Brooks smiled.

"Fuck you." Brooks added. Norman laughed and the bother exited the room.


Kent actually came quite easily when Norman placed him under arrest. The only thing he did was give that stare to Norman. That cold, icy death stare. Norman did not look. Norman and Brooks brought him into the intelligence room along with Rodriguez. Norman sat down while the accused stood handcuffed before him. The trial would begin.

"Lieutenant Roger Kent, you have been accused of violating section seventeen, chapter 3, page five hundred eighty-one in the Oz code of conduct: Murder of a prisoner of war." Norman started in his stern monotone. "How do you plead?" Kent stood there staring forward.

"If the accused does not speak, then the court will be free to pass judgment." Norman warned him. Kent just stood there, with that stupid yellow writing on his vest. Norman sighed.

"Private First Class Manuel Rodriguez, you testify that you saw the accused violate the section in question?"

"I do, sir." Rodriguez said simply. Kent was not even saying anything in his own defense. What was wrong with him? A chill ran up Norman's spine.

"Then I have no choice to find you guilty of the offense stated." Norman said. Kent remained the same as the two soldiers who brought him out escorted him to his makeshift cell. The trial lasted only about three minutes. Norman knew what he had to do now.
Norman radioed Higgins, and he was not happy with Norman's judgment. Higgins apparently thought Mars was too good a "soldier". Higgins then went on to say that the soonest a transport helicopter could get up here was three days. Norman said that was fine and then ended the transmission. Then Norman felt a little happy with himself. That animal would get the punishment he deserved when he got back to the base. Norman then walked off to try to enjoy the rest of his day.