Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror Mirror ❯ Mirror Mirror ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
First of all, special thanks to IllegalDrugX for the great story idea. ^_^ I don't own the Gundm boys *cries* The rest though is my doing so squee for that i guess. Anyway, hope you like. By the way, not to give too much away but the pairings are 1X2, 1x2x1, and 1x1

Look into what lies beneath

Gaze into the mirror

See the world that lies within

To make your own life clearer

Find the hope that lies within

Have faith in what may be

Pray that it won't be too late

Open your eyes and see

Love walks the hallways of your heart

Brush it off it may cease

But still it beckons you to say

Words begging for release

So take the future in your hands

Before it comes to pass

You lose your everything your world

All to the looking glass


"It's said that many a major event in history was sparked by this mirror..." the old woman at the antique store Quatre had dragged them to babbled on aimlessly. Duo still clutched it in his arms.

"It's so cool," He whispered to Heero.

"You don't actually believe what that old bat's saying do you?" Wufei asked

"Nah, but it's still cool. The etching in the glass is pretty, if I could just make out the words. And its all swirly," Duo grinned.Heero just sighed. His room mate really did have an odd sense of style. But then, that was part of what Heero found so appealing about his friend. That along with everything else about him. He was beautiful and sweet and talkative. Normally the talking would have bothered Heero, but he liked listening to the long haired boy.

He was pulled from his reverie by that very voice as Duo tugged at his arm."Let's go Hee-chan. I'm hungry."

"Hn," Heero stifled a laugh, but a small smile still graced his lips. Only Duo seemed to have been able to draw any emotion from him. He was getting better, but only with help from his friend. The five boys spent the rest of the afternoon in eachother's company before going their seperate ways. It had been a welcome respite. Seldom were they given the opportunity to be together. Without the war, they no longer had missions requiring eachother's help and they all had their jobs and things.

Duo and Heero made their way back to the house and up to Duo's room where the violet eyed one insisted on Heero's help deciding where to hang the mirror.

"Anywhere you can find a place," Heero looked around the cluttered room and cringed. How Duo found a damn thing in here was beyond him. Duo seemed to settle on a spot and quickly hammered a nail into the wall to hang the looking glass. As Duo set to work, Heero went back to his laptop.

"I'm gonna take a shower. I'll be back," the words barely registered with Heero, who was still typing away. By the time he shut the laptop, the water was running. Heero shivered thinking about Duo with water pouring down his body and that long, chestnut hair cascading down his back.

'You shouldn't think of Duo like that. It's wrong and he wouldn't like it,' Heero chastized himself. It was hard, but he quelled the thoughts, turning his attention instead to the mirror. Something about the swirling mists within beckoned to him and he obeyed. As Heero approached the mirror, the writing etched in the glass cleared. He read the words out of curiousity.

Look into what lies beneath

Gaze into the mirror

See the world that lies within

To make your own life clearer

The room felt like it was spinning a little and Heero began to feel dizzy. Somehow, he couldn't tear his eyes from the glass though.

Find the hope that lies within

Have faith in what may be

Pray that it won't be too late

Open your eyes and see

He was vaguely aware of the water being turned off in the bathroom, but still the world spun like a top.

Love walks the hallways of your heart

Brush it off it may cease

But still it beckons you to say

Words begging for release

It all went black around him and Heero felt himself falling into a dark abyss of nothingness. What was happening? He panicked, but still, the last lines called out to him.

So take the future in your hands

Before it comes to pass

You lose your everything your world

All to the looking glass

Heero found himself staring at an empty wall. He looked around at what appeared to be Duo's room. It was all wrong though. The clothes were neatly hung in the closet, the bed made. In place of random clutter on the nightside table was a lamp and a picture. Heero couldn't quite make out the photograph so he stepped closer. It was a picture of Duo and him together, their arms around eachother, both grinning like idiots. He didn't remember this picture, but that embrace, it was like... they.. they were more than friends. What was going on?

Heero continued a mental analysis of the room, noting all that was out of place. He was interrupted by a figure in the doorway. The figure was slender but muscular, with a mop of chocolate brown hair, clad in spandex and a green tanktop. Heero's eyes widened as he was faced with... himself?

"Who are you?" the other Heero asked?

"Heero Yuy," Heero did his best not to look shocked.

"Who are you?" came the cold response.

"I told you, I am Heero Yuy."

"I'll give you one more chance.""I told you who I am."

"Prove it then."

Heero though back to all the things only he knew and started naming them off. By the time he was done, even the skeptical boy sitting at the other end of the bed believed.

"How did you get here?" he asked finally.

"I don't know. It must have been... It had to have been the mirror. I was reading the inscription when I blacked out and ended up here," Heero took a deep breath letting it all sink in.

"I just want to get home. I don't know what's going on but..." Heero was silenced by a pair of lips against his. His eyes widened as two blue orbs gazed into them. The other Heero's lips were soft and gentle, innocent yet practiced in their work. Heero let out a soft moan of pleasure. It was all so new.

Before he knew it, hands were running through his hair and down his back, tugging softly at his clothes. His breathing was ragged and heavy, but it felt so good. It seemed wrong, to be doing these things, with himself even, but it felt so good. They both froze however, at the sound of another voice in the room.

"Hee-chan what the hell are you doing?" Duo cried. The other Heero looked up, mischief in his eyes. He directed Duo's gaze at Heero, still reeling from the kisses and caresses. "I think we have a new playmate."