Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Misconceptions ❯ Misunderstanding Situations ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello! Well, I'm back. I got quite a few good responses and I've decided that maybe this fic is worth continuing. So, like always, to be on the safe side, there will be language, sap, and lemon. Don't forget violence and angst, not to mentions some possessiveness, but if you don't care about that… don't say I didn't warn you. So, enough delay, on with chapter 2!


Misunderstanding Situations

By Midnight Lover

"Well Heero, that was, well, that was, amazing." Hilde said as she flopped herself onto the sofa, wiping the sweat off her forehead. She slowly sipped her cup of steaming hot coffee. "It was a lot better than the first time Heero." The dark haired woman said.

Heero nodded, sliding his green tank top over his head. "So you think I'm getting better at this?" He asked.

Hilde nodded, "Hell yeah, I mean, when we started all this you were so terrible I could understand why Relena was, well, unsatisfied. I mean, shouldn't your spy training have covered all this?" She replied, getting up.

Heero let out something akin to a laugh, "Well, Dr. J and I covered a lot of training, but come on! This would have been pointless! I mean, what would I need to know how to do this? It was a war, I didn't plan to really survive. But then I met 'Lena and everything kind of turned around. But still, I didn't think I would need this!"

Hilde laughed, and grabbed her overnight bag, "Oh Heero, you're just so cute when you're clueless. I can see why she likes you. Anyways, I'm gonna go clean up a little, then we can leave and go to the HQ." She went into the bathroom, whistling to herself.


Duo slammed the phone back on the phone bed. "Fuck! This is insane!" He picked up his jacket, sliding his gun into the back of his pants and his cell phone into his jacket pocket. "I'm out of here." He muttered to himself, leaving the office. On his way out, he called Quatre, telling him to call him as soon as Hilde or Heero came in, and to let Hilde know that he'd be back around 4.

He left the building using the back entrance. So he'd have to walk around the white cement building to get to his car but at least he didn't have to pass the front desk where the cameras would be pointed directly at him. And he didn't want to have cameras see him like this. As he passed the East Underground docking bay he wiped away the single tear that coursed down his cheek. Some how when he had told himself three weeks ago that he wouldn't believe anything was going on between his best friend and the one girl he loved most in the world, he didn't realize that casting it aside would slowly tear him apart. More tears began to fall down his cheeks and he tried in vain to wipe them away, he didn't want to cry but he couldn't help it.

He felt his knees begin to shake, and as he tried to continue his path to the black Jeep out front his knees gave way, sending the braided Preventer to the cement ground. "Oh God what did I do wrong?" He sobbed, "Why is she doing this to me? How do I deserve it?" He closed his eyes, taking deep breaths, memories of waking up alone every morning for the past three weeks and finding out that Hilde's notes were not once accurate. "Oh yeah, Duo, I have to be in early today. Be in early my ass. I've never seen you get in before noon." He grumbled to himself. He was angry, and he was depressed, he would smile at everyone but then justify his anger by spending hours upon hours in the gym pounding on the punching bag and firing cartridge after cartridge at targets with faces only placed there by his imagination.

It took him a few moments, but he stood up, his legs still slightly shaky but his mind set upon getting even, or by getting rid of it. Yeah, that's what he was going to do, get rid of it. All of it. No matter how much it was going to cost him, he couldn't live like this anymore. Fake smiles and the feeling of emptiness were things he left behind after the war. He swallowed hard, wiping his cheek with the back of his hand. "We're through." He said to himself.

Duo walked into the parking lot, stepped into his Jeep, and revved up the engine, backing out of the parking lot and speeding down the street nearly missing a black beamer in his rush.

"Was that Duo's jeep?" The young woman in the beamer questioned.

Heero glanced in the rearview mirror, "Yeah." He looked back at Hilde who sighed and slumped back into her seat. The usually stoic Preventer didn't want to pry but he figured he knew a lot more about Hilde and Duo now than he had before this whole thing had started, "Are you two okay?" he asked cautiously.

Hilde nodded, "No." She said, contradicting her motion. "I don't know. Yes. No. Maybe. I don't think so." She said, confusing herself and the man beside her.

"I see." Heero replied, unsure of his own answer. "Want to talk about it?"

Hilde's expression dropped for a moment before turning back into her usual cheery face. "Nope. I'm just fine." She smiled, and opened the car door before the car had fully stopped in the parking lot, "Thanks for the ride." She said as she ran into HQ.

Heero sat for a moment longer in his car watching the main entrance doors as they closed behind Hilde. He shook his head and thought for a moment about what could be wrong. Perhaps, Duo knew and was upset. But then again, why would Duo get upset? It wasn't like he hadn't suggested it in the first place. He sighed. "Or maybe he thinks-" he paused in mid thought as the realization of the matter dawned on him. "Holy bleeding mother fucking Christ!" He said, slamming his fist on the dashboard. "Please tell me that's not what he thinks." He got out of the car, running into the building after Hilde with the memory of a conversation with Duo.

Flash Back Conversation

(3 months earlier)

"Hey Duo," Heero asked, as the two friends watched a repeat episode of Jerry Springer with cheating lovers.

"Yeah?" The braided man replied.

"What would you do if Hilde played you?"

Duo's eyes opened wide at the implication and he fell off the couch, "WHAT? Hilde is cheating on me?" he asked with fear in his voice.

"No. No. NO!" Heero looked back at the television. "It's just that we watch this every now and then and it got me to thinking. If Relena ever cheated on me I'd … well don't know what I'd do but most likely something stupid. I was just wondering."

Duo nodded, "I understand." He leaned back in the sofa, folding his arms over his chest. "Hmm… I've never thought of that. Because I know my Hilde and she wouldn't do that to me. Just like I would never even consider it. But now, I'd go insane. Hilde is my life, I love her more than I love myself, and I couldn't bare it if things came to that." He went silent for a moment. Bowing his head and letting his chestnut bangs cover the seriousness of his eyes, before looking up at the television and smiling brightly, "Can we change the channel? I didn't tell you this but I know how this one ends."

Heero nodded and handed Duo the remote. He got up started to leave the room and noticed a tear in the corner of his friend's cobalt eyes as he passed him. " … " He opened his mouth to say something comforting but decided against it. He could understand without words how much the thought of Hilde being unfaithful to him would upset the braided Preventer. After all, he knew the feeling. With that he left the room, not looking back but thinking about the conversation. "Relena." He muttered, before going to see her.

End Of Flash Back


"Oh! Hilde!" Relena said as her raven-haired friend ran passed her. Hilde stopped and looked back at the Princess. "Is Heero with you? Une wants to go over some protocol for the ESUN assembly in two weeks." She smiled softly and brushed a stray lock of blond hair behind her ear.

Hilde nodded, "Yeah actually we just came in, he should be in the car. He'll be in soon." She turned and took a few steps, stopping again and looking back at the Relena, "Relena, have you spoken to Duo today?"

Relena shook her head, "No, but he left like a bat out of hell about five minutes ago. I don't know where is went or when he's coming back." She looked carefully at her pixie like friend, "Why? Is something wrong?"

Hilde shrugged her shoulders, "Nope, all fine. Just asking." She lied. Of course something was wrong, for three weeks something had been wrong. But what it was, she had not idea.

Relena raised an eyebrow, not entirely believing her friend but thought it wise not to pry. "Alright, I have to get going. Colonel Une is waiting for me in the conference room." She waved goodbye and continued down the hall.

Hilde sighed; she ran her hands through her short blue-black hair and shook her head, "What could be wrong?" she asked herself out loud, her mind still thinking of Duo as she walked passed Quatre and Trowa's office, waving at the two as she walked by the window.

Quatre watched as Hilde passed and sensed her troubled mind, and let her walk on, deciding to tell her Duo's message later. The blond shook his head in regret. He didn't know the full story, but he had eyes and had seen the look on Duo's face each time Hilde walked in the room followed by Heero, or how for the last three weeks Hilde had shown up late and had told Duo she would be in the office early. Duo's face would often contort in pain before he was able to suppress it and hide it from watching eyes. However Quatre was not fooled; he could clearly see his friend's pain and knew the cause of it as well. Heero passed the window after Hilde and turned down the opposite corridor. "Heero, Hilde, when are you going to open your eyes? You are going to kill your best friend if this goes on."

Trowa came up behind Quatre, "Did you say something?" He asked, taking a sip from his coffee. Quatre shook his head. "Alright then. I'm headed down to the training room. Combat training starts today and I'm teacher." At Quatre's questioning eyes, Trowa shrugged his shoulders in confusion. "Exactly." He said in silent reply to Quatre's obvious question. How he was going to teach when he hardly spoke?


Hilde finished her paper work early and sat at her desk with her bright blue eyes fixed on Duo's vacant desk. She hadn't seen him all day. And he wouldn't even answer his cell phone. She sighed; desperately wanting an answer to the question of what was troubling her boyfriend. Inside her mind shouted that it was her own fault, that Duo had caught on and gotten the wrong impression, but the rest of her didn't want to believe it. She dropped her head on her desk, hitting it repeatedly until she felt dizzy. When she raised her head she saw a swirl of golden yellow and sparkling blue-green before her mind registered the colors as Quatre. The blond stood immobile watching patiently for Hilde to stop banging her head.

"Quatre!" Hilde squeaked, surprised at his presence.

"Done?" The blond Arabian man asked. Hilde blushed and nodded, "That's good. Anyways, I have to talk to you." He stated simply, taking a seat at the edge of her desk.

"What about?" Hilde asked sitting upright in her chair with her hands folded neatly on her desk. "Do you have something for me to do? Because I am bored as hell."

Quatre shook his head, lowering his eyes briefly before he spoke. "Hilde it's about Duo." His sweet voice was low and even, making him sound angry.

Hilde's eyes widened briefly and she couldn't stop the pain that flashed in their blue depths before she could look away. With her eyes looking at an unseen spot on her desk she replied softly, "What about Duo? Is he okay?"

Quatre shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I'm asking you. I have come to tell you that maybe whatever is going on between you and Heero should stop. I don't know the specifics of what is going on, and I am not asking to know, but for the sake of my friend, the man who will willingly die for you, don't hurt him like this."

Hilde's head shot up, "What are you talking about Quatre? What right do you have in telling me what to do? Who do you think you are?" She spat, outraged at the implications of his words.

"Who am I? I am your friend. And I am asking you, to salvage what you have left of your relationship and break it off with the Princess' personal guard because people are starting to ask questions and you will be hurting a lot more people than just Duo." Quatre's soft blue-green eyes took on a hard concentrated look as he looked down at Hilde. Her mouth was set firmly shut with pent up rage but he wasn't certain why. Everything that he'd seen and heard had lead him to the conclusion that Heero and Hilde were having an affair, yet, why did she look so angry as if he was wrong?

Hilde pushed her chair back as she got to her feet, not flinching when the big chair hit the wall behind her with a loud thump. "How dare you interfere? You don't know anything about what's been going on." Her hands clenched firmly at her sides she glared blue icicles at the blond, "I don't care what you hear, or what is being said, I know what the truth is and the truth is you are wrong. I love Duo so much, how dare you even think I'd play him?" her usually cheery voice was cold and harsh and her body stiffened with every word. "Get out." She said, pointing to the door.

Quatre shook his head, but did as she commanded, "He told me to tell you he'd be home at 4." He reached the door and turned the knob, "Hilde, I'm sorry." He said without looking back as he walked out of the room.

Hilde grabbed her earth-shaped stress ball and threw it at the door, wishing it were something heavier. She wondered, as she slumped back into her chair what exactly Quatre had been hearing, and what that might mean Duo understood. Perhaps, she should talk to Heero, or maybe Duo. With her hands pulling her short blue-black hair she tried to think but found herself looking at the empty desk before her, unable to take her eyes off it. She growled in frustration and stood up, grabbing her phone and calling Lady Une's secretary, telling her that she was feeling ill and was going home.

On the way out of this office, Hilde ran into Heero. The young man eyed her closely, sensing that there was something upsetting her. Though he wasn't sure of the specifics, he knew by the confused look in the blue depths of her eyes that he should say something to comfort her. She was after all a good friend of his. "What's the matter?" He asked, not sure how to approach someone who was in pain, except in the case of Relena.

Hilde looked up at Heero and cupped his cheek in her hand, "Heero, I can't see you tonight." She whispered. "I don't think we can continue what we had. People are talking and I think it is hurting Duo."

He took her small hand in his, and brought it back to her side, "I understand." He said, "Besides, I think I've gotten it down anyways." He said, "I'll show Relena I can do it better than anyone else."

Hilde choked a laugh, "That's only because you learned from the best." She said weakly, trying desperately to regain her composure. "Anyways, I have to go, I need to think. I'm sorry." With that she ran down the hall, not stopping until she reached the doors.

Heero watched, shaking his head as she stumbled when she entered the adjacent corridor but continued to run until he couldn't see her any longer. "I guess she did it for me." he said to himself, having come all this way to tell Hilde that they couldn't meet each other at night anymore because things were becoming out of control. He shrugged his shoulders, there was no more he could do without intervening in the personal relationship of his two friends now.

Looking around, he noticed he wasn't too far from Relena's office and smiled, he hadn't seen Relena yet. Just thinking about her made his pulse quicken and he knew that once he walked into the large office, he wasn't going to walk out right away.


Duo emptied his last cartridge into a blank target and sighed, he'd hoped that some time spent at the shooting range would help to ease his mind, but it hadn't, it only made it worse. The image of Hilde running off into to the darkness of Heero's black car kept creeping into his mind and he couldn't stand it. He'd thought about it from every possible angle and the only conclusion he came to, was the one he had been avoiding ever since it had first crossed his mind hours before.

He rubbed her hand across his sweaty forehead; he slid his gun back into the back of his pants, and walked out of the Gym. He hopped into this jeep, revving up the engine and pulling out of the parking lot, leaving skid marks on the pavement. The wind blew through his bangs, cooling his sweaty face as he sped down the boulevard uncertain of where he was going. "Hilde, I don't know how to say this, but it's over." He looked at himself in the rearview mirror as he practiced various ways he was going to go about breaking his five-year relationship with the girl of his dreams. "Hilde, you and me? Over." He scrunched his nose at that one, it sounded too harsh even for him.

Without realizing it, Duo pulled the black jeep into the driveway, opening the garage, parking the car in there, out of site. The comprehension of his actions were dulled to his mind, he did not know what he was doing he just did it. Duo could see nothing, but instead feel the pain of loss even before he had done what he set out to do now that he was here. He pulled out a black suitcase from the closet in the hallway and went into the bedroom, one by one, he piled the necessary belongings inside until he could fit nothing else. Clothing, books, pictures, memories, CDs, everything that would fit until he was certain the zipper wouldn't close were packed into the single suitcase. He sighed, if he was leaving here, he'd need a place to stay, pulling out his cell phone, Duo called the nearest Hotel, and made a reservation. He swallowed hard, knowing that this time, he really had lost to Heero.

For years, he and Heero were in competition, it was always, who was the better pilot, the better fighter, the better looking, but as long as he'd known it was always fun and games, yet now, it didn't seem so anymore. Heero had won; Heero had the girl of his dreams, Duo's one true love.

With a second glance around the room, Duo noticed a few things he still needed, and went to put his suitcase in the Jeep before getting whatever was left. Once the door leading to the garage closed behind him, the front door opened and Hilde walked in. Her blue eyes were red and puffy, a sign she'd been crying as she came home.

She didn't notice anything was missing, the bare CD rack, the missing videos, it all looked the same to her, blurred in the confusion she walked through. Blindly, she headed for the bathroom, deciding it best to talk a shower before thinking up ways to make up for all those times she left, lied and wasn't there.

With the sound of the water running and reveling in the feeling of being able to think of something other than the troubles of her mind, Hilde didn't hear the bathroom door open nor did she see Duo step in silently and watch her for a moment before stepping out again. His cobalt eyes were misted with a sudden dark hatred for the woman he loved yet he knew in his heart that he did not hate her at all and was only feeling rejected and hurt by her choices. He had packed all the necessities he needed, and was ready to leave, he had his hotel, and his things, but he couldn't find the will to move from the stop he was in.

Duo found himself sitting in the living room, on the high-backed armchair facing the bathroom. He was slightly hidden from sight but that was fine, Hilde was bound to pass the room and notice him. He felt his insides tighten when the water stopped he knew that in a few moments he would see Hilde, and that he had to forget that he loved her for one instant. Then he could leave; and never come back. He had thought about leaving her and not telling her about it, but he couldn't do that, he couldn't hurt her that much.

After a few tense moments, Hilde passed by the living room entrance wearing nothing but her pale blue dressing gown, her hair was wrapped tightly in a towel as she made her way into the kitchen. The house was silent and yet as she walked through the hall she felt eyes on her. A chill of fear and annoyance ran down her spine as she turned her head met Duo's cold piercing gaze. "Duo." She breathed fearful of the look in his big eyes.

Duo swallowed hard; pulling together any strength he could to face her. "Hilde." His voice was cold and hurt, no matter how he tried to hide it.

"I didn't think you'd be home until later." She said, trying to ignore the anger and confusion she saw in the depths of his eyes. "I was going to make us supper, maybe then we could-" her voice faded when she realized he wasn't listening to her.

"Hilde, we need to talk."

Hilde nodded, swallowing and taking a seat on the settee across from where Duo stood. Her eyes wouldn't rise to meet his cold stare for she knew that even before she could say anything, this was a talk she would never forget. Stifling a sniffle, Hilde spoke, "What about?"

Duo shook his head; she was playing him for a fool. "You know full well what about fuck." He cursed, walking across the room to where she sat. He towered over her, looking down at her fragile little body, clothed in practically nothing. "About you and Heero, don't think I don't know what has been going on. I'm not an idiot. Don't think I don't notice things, that I haven't noticed things; that I don't see that look in your eyes when you see him. Look at me goddamn it!" He spat, lifting her face roughly in his hand. "I've had enough. Your games have gone too far. And I'm not fucking staying around to be made the fool any longer. Hilde, I'm leaving you." His voice was no longer hesitant, or afraid to hurt her. It seemed that the more he spoke, thinking about the best way to say what he had to say, the more frustrated he grew and the more angered his words were.

Hilde's eyes brimmed with fresh tears, blinked as she tried to assess her lover's words. "What do you mean play you for a fool. Duo, I never played you."

"Bullshit, Hilde. Bull-fucking-shit. Like I haven't watched you leave with Heero in the early morning hours, haven't check to see if you were at the office at 7am." Duo took two steps towards the center of the room, stopped then tuned around again and faced her. "I can't believe that you'd do this to me and with my best friend! Jesus Christ!" He curled his fist at his side, to restrain himself from reaching grabbing her. He didn't want to touch her.

"Duo, I don't think you understand." Hilde said, realizing that Duo had assumed the same as Quatre. "I never-"

"Shut up." Duo growled. "I don't want to hear what you never did. You lied to me Hilde. You betrayed me." His blue eyes burned with an angry flame, and his mind screamed for him to get out. His insides were heavy with hurt and guilty as he watched her tears fall. Things were getting out of hand but the sleeping Shinigami was now awakened and he was enraged. "I don't give a fuck about your justifications, they are nothing but excuses. Nothing but stupid, lame-ass excuses to make up for your lies and deceit. I won't stand for your bullshit. I'm leaving. Expect me to come by and get the rest of my things." He faced her once again, his cold stare meeting her hurt teary eyes. "Goodbye Hilde Shebieker."

She couldn't let him leave, she needed him desperately, she loved him. He didn't understand that he was wrong, and he wouldn't listen to reason. She would never do anything to hurt him, if anything, help him, but never hurt him. She stood immobile for a split second as he crossed the living room, making his way to the door. Before she could stop it, she flung out her arm and grabbed his hand. "Duo! Don't go!" she cried, sobbing uncontrollably. "You don't understand. I would never play you. I would never fuck around. You know that!" Her tiny hand gripped tightly to his arm. "Please."

Duo stopped and turned to face her. He grabbed her hand in his and ripped it off his arm, holding it in an iron-like vise. His free hand opened the pale robe and reached to the apex of her thighs, "Did he ever touch you like this?" His fingers sought out and began to rythmatically rub her clit, making Hilde moan softly.

She sobbed and tried to shake her head but his hold on her arm hurt and she could not find the words. "Duo let go." She choked out.

Duo shook his head, and shoved her against the closest wall, as his fingers entered her. "Is he good? Can he do this to you?" Duo's fingers reached deep within her, making Hilde cry out in pleasure and pain. His hand twisted her arm painfully behind her back and she let out a small cry once again. Duo could feel himself getting hard in the confines of his jeans, his mind reeled with a mix of emotions, love, hate, hurt, relief, everything was all rolled into one and he couldn't control it.

Her mind screamed for her to fight back, she was scared of the look in his eyes, scared of him hurting her, angry that he wouldn't listen to her and hurt that despite her mind's panicking she could not pull away. She loved him and she liked what he was doing to her, though it was painfully rough. His fingers moved inside her, bringing her closer and closer to climax, and even through the sharp pains in her right arm, she cried out. Duo's mouth covered hers, roughly and passionlessly, his tongue invading her mouth as he let her arm go and roughly began to fondle her breast.

Duo shut his eyes, he couldn't look at her, he couldn't think of her and he knew most of all, he couldn't show her that he still loved her. He was feeling too hurt and too betrayed to look into those baby-blue eyes and see the hurt and pain he was causing her. He felt her body close around his fingers, but he didn't cease or slow his ministrations. The devil in the back of his mind ordered him not to give her the satisfaction of enjoying this, and he could not ignore the part of himself that had been his greatest companion throughout his life.

She came, under the motion of his thick fingers, but found that he would not let her pull away or stop thrusting his fingers into her. His hand rubbed and pinched at her nipples sending pleasurable yet painful shocks throughout her body. Pushing against Duo's broad shoulders, Hilde gasped for a breath, feeling her body begin to shudder once again. Duo's mouth left hers and traveled down to her breast. She felt the scrap of his teeth against her sensitive flesh, and through the screaming in her head she heard the sound of his zipper and belt coming undone as he dropped his jeans.

Duo pulled the small-bodied woman against him. He had succeeded in stripping her of her bathrobe and had her propped on his thigh, rubbing her clit with his finger as he sucked at her dusky nipple. His body was aching with the desire to take her now, but he restrained himself for the moment. His ears filled with the sound of Hilde's breathless moans and it began to sicken him an image of Hilde in Heero's arms crossed his mind. Duo pushed her away, holding her against the wall again, "Did you make those sound for him?" He demanded.

Hilde looked away, sobbing once again. He hadn't lost his conviction that she'd slept with his best friend. "Duo I never--"

It was all she could say before Duo bent her over the arm of the couch and entered her from behind. "I don't care." He said, thrusting into her warmth with his hard length. "You mean nothing to me." He rasped out, pulling her lower body against him along with his movements.

His fingers dug roughly into her sides and she knew that there would be bruises left there to temporarily scar her. Hilde sobbed into the cushions, feeling his unyielding hardness drive into her again and again. "I never." She muttered, "Duo… why… don't… you… believe me…?" she managed to choke out through her moans. Though he was rough, and angry and despite the hatred in his thrusts, she knew that Duo still loved her. He had to still love her. Her dark hair was still soaked and sticking to her face, having fallen out of the towel when she had stopped Duo from leaving.

Duo cock pulse within her, he could feel body begin to shudder and he desperately wanted to cry out and say something to stop her sobbing. The sound of her choked sobs penetrated his ears and turned his stomach more than his own actions. He could hear her pleas, but he disregarded them, instead he kept driving his hardness into her sheath, until he felt both their bodies shutter in climax.

Hilde bit her lip as to not cry out. She buried her face into the couch as she let her tears slow. She could feel Duo's labored breath on her shoulder blade and the tickle of his chestnut bangs against her skin. "Duo." She said, hoping that his anger had faded and he would listen to her.

Duo lifted his head, and left her body, He straightened his clothing and brushed back his bangs from his forehead. "Did he ever make you cum that hard?" His voice was low and still slightly out of breath but he forced it out anyhow. "Does he fill you as good as I can?" Duo spat, as he slowly began to leave the room.

Hilde stood up, suddenly overcome with an anger that she couldn't comprehend. "You bastard. Why won't you listen to me? I never fucked Heero!" she yelled, scampering to gather her discarded robe. "Nothing ever happened with me and Heero."

Duo turned his head sharply to look at her, his eyes full of disbelief and his heart wanting to believe her. "Like hell you didn't. What the fuck did you do with him every night after 2 am? If that isn't the hours for a rendez-vous to have a secret fuck, then I would like to know what else is done in the cover of darkness between two friends who are sneaking around and both have lovers of their own. Or in this case, had lovers of their own." Duo paused, suddenly thinking of a person who he hadn't thought this would affect. "Hey Hilde. What about your best friend? Not only have you betrayed me, but Relena too."

"Damn you Duo!" Her blue eyes narrowed at Duo and she fought back her hurt tears, she wasn't going to cry anymore. He wasn't listening to her. "What I was doing? I was teaching him to dance!" Hilde yelled; her hands clenched tightly at her sides in fists to hold herself back from hitting Duo. "I was teaching him to fucking dance!"

Duo began to laugh, "Nice one Hilde." He sneered. "The horizontal limbo doesn't count as a dance." With that said, he looked back at her, his hand was on the door leading to the garage slowly turning the knob, "Goodbye."

Hilde's mind began to panic, he was leaving her. Duo was really leaving her. She heard the engine of his jeep start and the garage door open but couldn't find the words to try and stop him or the power to move. Even after listening to her, he had never really listened to her. His mind had been set since the moment she saw him, and she understood that now. Yet, why wasn't she angry with him? With her hands tightly clutching the robe together she ran to the front door, opening it and watching Duo pull out of the driveway. Suddenly, she found words to say, and opened her mouth, "Duo don't leave! I love you Duo please come back!" she cried out in vain. Duo didn't even hear her, or look back as the cloud of dust and exhaust lingered behind him as he sped away. Once the black Jeep was no longer visible in her sight Hilde felt her tears rising once again and she stepped back inside.


"Oh God Relena." Heero breathed against the heated skin of the woman beneath him on the pull out sofa. The drapes in the office were drawn shut and the door was locked leaving the spacious room bathed in darkness as the lovers assuaged the aching need in their bodies. "It's been too long." He moaned, shutting his Prussian blue eyes as he thrust into Relena's warm sheath.

The blond moaned softly, meeting her lover's deep thrust with one of her own, letting her fingernails dig into the toned skin of Heero's shoulder blades. "It was… only last night…" She brushed her lips against his, as her back arched against his chest. Relena wrapped her legs around Heero's waist, as the rhythm of their touch became more frantic and urgent. Relena's tongue ran lightly over Heero's lower lip before she kissed him again, slipping her tongue into his mouth; letting it twist with his.

Heero groaned as Relena's hands grabbed his buttocks and digging her fingers into his skin, pushed him further into her. "But… it... was… still… too… long…" He murmured between kisses. He could feel her body begin to tighten, and convulse with her need for release and felt his own body react to her. His member throbbed within her wetness, urging him on faster and harder to satisfy them both.

Heero's hands reached up to cup her breasts, rubbing the aureole in between his fingers and massaging the smooth flesh. Relena's breath grew more ragged and her muscled constricted around his hardness. Her body felt hot and like it was glowing as she shuddered beneath Heero. "Uh… Heero." She whimpered, as her body began to spasm and she came against him, calling out his name breathlessly.

Her muscles took him in, and held him tight, as she came, triggering his own climax. Heero closed his eyes, burying his face in the crook of her neck, as he released himself within her. "Relena." He groaned before collapsing against her in a boneless mass with labored breath.

Relena ran her fingers through Heero's soft chocolate brown hair, lightly brushing the side of his face, as she murmured how much she loved him. Her blue eyes were closed as she regained her breath, as Heero felt the rise and fall of Relena's chest with his face comfortably nestled between her breasts.

The offensive ring of Heero's cell phone interrupted the silence of the dark office. Heero lifted his head, and rolled his blue eyes. "I won't get it." He stated.

"It could be important." Relena whispered, not needed to say anymore for she was right and Heero knew it.

Reluctantly Heero left the warmth of Relena's embrace and located his discarded jeans. "Heero." He answered. "Hilde? What's wrong? … Duo? … Do you know where he went? … Oh, I see. Are you going to be alright?" Heero paused, glancing over at Relena who sat up on the sofa. "Yeah, … I'll find out… I'm so sorry. I never thought this would happen… Sure. I'll see you later… Bye." Heero hung up the phone and glanced over at his girlfriend whose eyes were wide with questions. "Duo broke up with Hilde. Her dance lessons seem to have been misinterpreted."

Relena's hands came up to cover her mouth, instantly feeling guilty. "How did he find out? Is she all right? Oh Heero, you have to reason with him. We have to tell him what really happened." Relena stood up and started looking for her clothing.

"She said he took off, she doesn't know where to. I told her we'd go to her place." Heero felt guilty about what was happening with his best friends but managed to keep his voice even and emotionless. "She was crying. I have to find him."

Relena nodded, "Let's go see her, then you can go find Duo. Explain this to him. I feel so terrible Heero. I never thought-" She started to speak silently.

"I know, Angel, I know."

They dressed quickly, both feeling guilty that they played a part in the hurt Hilde was feeling. If only they had told Duo that Hilde was teaching Heero to dance. But Duo would only make it a public affaire and that was the last thing Heero wanted. Heero sighed, and kept his eyes on the road as they sped off towards the townhouse.


Duo sat in a darkened hotel room, staring blankly at the wall before him. He tightened his hand around the neck of the whiskey bottle in his hand nearly breaking the glass. He had yet to take a drink from the open bottle, as he was finding his mind already too messed up to do it any more damage. He swallowed hard, "Dancing?" he asked out loud. "No, that's just a stupid excuse." He countered yet when he tried to push the thought from his mind, he found he could not, perhaps he had leap too fast.

The young man shut his eyes to block out the harsh colour of the whitewash wall. He felt tears begin to form in the back of his eyes but he fought them back. He made the right choice, he told himself over and over again, as if he wanted to believe it. His mind reeled with being sure of his actions and having been wrong. He was realizing that he never really listened to Hilde, never let her speak her side, he had wanted the easiest way out and he had gotten it. And now here he sat, on the other side of town in a hotel with a full bottle of amber liquor in his hand wondering when his mind and his heart gave up and let the devil within him win.


The End …

*Jumps out from behind the couch* Nah! Just kidding… Just another cliffhanger… Dontcha just lover cliffhangers? It's not over yet! This has taken me SO LONG! And it will probably take some more time if things don't calm down soon. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it; next one will be out in a little while. Read and Review PLEASE!!!