Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Missing Her ❯ Wedding Bells Straight From Hell ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own and did not create Gundam Wing, or any of the characters. I also don't own Special World by Sheelagh Lennon - and it's a poem, not a song. SO THERE! :p
A/N: I'm sorry this took so long… it's been a few weeks since I updated, hasn't it? Okay, well, here's all the basic information that's made this process so damned slow: I'm helping out with the preparations for girls' camp this year, we've been out of town for the past two week ends, I have homework that's driving me insane, and we're packing to move to New Hampshire. The end result is I have become more and more insane, while wishing I could find the pain killers to get rid of the damned migraines I keep getting. Bah! Anyway, gomen nasai, and onto chapter 10…
In the dark of night, when Wufei least expected it, he found himself in love with a woman whom he had thought he would never be with… of course, then he was with her, and then they broke up and one went through many months of trying to completely ignore the situation while the other spent it trying to recover from heartbreak and hoping that one day her true love would return.
That day was a long time ago, and looking back on it, at this particular moment, Wufei found himself feeling something quite strange. It was an emotion he could barely describe, let alone understand. And as he lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, and lost in thought… for the first time in as long as he could remember, he felt complete. Whole, in a way he had never thought possible… not since Meiran.
And the woman whom he had married out of duty, whom he had come to love, understood. He knew that, to the bottom of his heart and soul, she would want him to be happy. For the first time in a very long time, he felt that kind of happiness.
Brown curls lay absently on his chest, the light breathing of his fiancé the only sound to be heard, and he sighed contently. As he looked down at her, he found that he was smiling. A true smile… the first in a long time, and certainly not the last. Sally Po was beautiful, and they were finally together. Everything had worked out. Perfectly.
Missing Her
By frazee
Chapter 10
Wedding Bells
Straight From Hell
A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.
“Wha- what?” Sally asked, her jaw hanging open in shock.
“I want you to marry me.” Wufei told her. Sally struggled not to hyperventilate.
“Bu- but just the other day you-” Sally stuttered. This was not going as well as Wufei had hoped. Hell, who was he kidding. It wasn't going at all the way Wufei had planned. He hadn't planned to propose to her in a café full of people, who were probably staring at them considering two seconds ago they had been making out. He definitely hadn't planned on Lucrezia staring as she leaned back in her chair with an amused smile on her face, absently snacking on bits of popcorn - as it were the greatest drama since The Young and the Restless.
“Sally, will you marry me?” Wufei asked her. Sally continued to look shocked for a moment and then her face contorted to a murderous glare.
Marry you? You want me to marry you?” she asked incredulously. “You couldn't have asked me this months ago and saved me from heart wrenching misery?”
Wufei winced.
“I wasn't ready then.” he whispered. “Look, I know I've made mistakes, and I haven't handled this the best that I could have, but…”
“But?” Sally prompted him to continue. Wufei sighed. Lucrezia's eyes were wide in anticipation.
“But I've spent the longest time trying to block out my past and keep everything to myself so that it didn't happen again, and I was doing a good job of it to.” Wufei said. Then he shook his head. Okay, so maybe he hadn't been doing that good a job of it - but that wasn't the point. “And just when I couldn't stop denying that it had happened any longer, you were there. You're the only woman I've loved since… since I lost Meiran.”
“Wufei, I-” Sally was cut off by Wufei's fingers touching her lips, silencing her.
“I took longer than I should have, perhaps. And I've hurt us both in the process, I know…. But seeing you again, and watching you, and knowing how much you hurt and that I had caused it… It made me realize something.”
“That I didn't want to lose you. Sally, this isn't going to be easy, for either of us, but I know in my heart, and I think you do too, that it would be worth everything. Sally Po, will you marry me?”
For what seemed like an eternity, Sally stared at the man she loved in wonder. Her mind seemed to have gone blank, but was working at amazing speeds and processing the same question repeatedly. Could this really be happening?
“Sally?” Wufei asked. Sally's lips curved into smiles.
“Yes, Wufei, I'll marry you.” Sally replied. Wufei broke out into a smile, and without thinking - not that thinking about it would've stopped him - he leaned down and kissed her, taking her into his arms.
“I love you Wufei.”
“I love you too.”
Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.
Quatre's head pounded. It could've been the alcohol, it could've been Duo's music, or it could've been the other alcohol he'd had just a few hours after Trowa's session with Heero. Whatever it was, Quatre mused, he seemed to be rapidly on his way to becoming an alcoholic. He shook his head. That was not good. Catherine would frown on that, indeed.
Catherine… where was she now? With that man… Quatre glared at the wall in fury. In the bar of the hotel where Heero and Relena were due to be married in less than an hour, that familiar plague Quatre categorized simply as women, seeped back into his mind to continually nag and pester him.
With the news of Sally and Wufei's own wedding being recently announced, about… two minutes ago? Well, after they had found their way down from his hotel room at any rate… Needless to say, Quatre wasn't feeling well. It didn't help that less than an hour ago, after his third bottle of some kind of alcoholic beverage Quatre wasn't sober enough at the time to read, he had been playing dress up with Relena - who had also almost lost her mind completely.
Quatre could come to only one logical conclusion: weddings are a tool of the devil and should be avoided at all costs. Granted, it sounded slightly childish at the moment, but he was a gundam pilot. Give him a few hours to recover from his hangover, and he would have something much more convincing lined up. Wait, hours? Warning bells went off in his ears.
Oh shit. The wedding was less than an hour away, and he could barely form a coherent thought without falling over in pain. Oh god, if he thought Catherine leaving him was bad, he could only imagine what Heero would do to him for showing up the way he was at their wedding? OH GOD. He didn't have to worry about what Heero would do him, Quatre realized. Heero wasn't likely to live past the dinner afterwards, seeing as Relena was planning to announce the wonderful news to everyone… including Heero.
And with that, Quatre burst out into laughter, ignoring the people staring at him as if he were insane as he cackled maniacally. Of course, he was moping afterwards because the bartender had decided he'd had enough.
Sally paced around the room, gathering up her hair in a bun, letting strands fall down here and there. She sat down at the vanity and carefully applied fresh make up.
“So, you and Wufei have finally decided to tie the knot?” Duo asked as he tapped lightly on the door, despite the fact that it was open.
“What does it look like to you?” Sally asked, holding up her left hand and showing him the small, tasteful ring. Duo whistled.
“I'd say it's about damn time.”
“Hmm… I was wondering about the ring though… do Preventers get paid enough to buy something like this?” Sally wondered aloud. Duo laughed, and Sally glared back at him. “You had something to do with it, didn't you?”
“Well, we called in a favor with `Lena. I figured that since he finally got the balls to ask, we ought to celebrate. You should've seen him though… he was so pale, trying to figure out which ring was the right one, he nearly passed out.”
Sally laughed.
“You're happy, though. Aren't you?” Duo asked seriously. Sally smiled and nodded.
“Happier than I imagined I would be. This time, I'm not dreaming it. It's actually happening.” Sally replied. Duo smiled.
“You're acting abnormally cheerful though. You have been laying off the coffee, haven't you?” Sally asked. Duo looked offended.
“Of course I have!” he screeched. “I'll have you know that the only thing I've ingested lately is water, orange juice, and pixie sticks!” he shouted.
…pixie sticks? Oh dear…
“Dearly beloved, we are gath-”
“If you hurt my sister,” Zechs whispered so only Heero could hear. The very same Heero who was already greatly affected by this marriage, and didn't exactly need to turn any whiter… “I will make you wish you were never born.”
“I swear on my life, I would never hurt Relena.” Heero whispered back. Zechs glared at him.
“Of course you swear on your life!” Zechs muttered. “Because if you did hurt her, that's what you'd be losing!” he nearly snapped. Luckily, he maintained control. That's the key, he thought, maintain control. Breathe. Just breathe.
Heero growled.
“Hey, I'm not the one who worked for her mortal enemy at the beginning of all of this.” Heero snapped. Zechs' eyes narrowed.
“And I'm not one who disappeared without a trace after the war ended, leaving her miserable.” Zechs replied.
“Well, I'm not the one who always wore that stupid mask.” Heero muttered, venturing so far as to stick out his tongue. Zechs' glare turned demonic. No, he did not go there. Around this time, people started to notice a possible argument.
“Well, I'M not the one can't put on a tuxedo correctly.” Zechs snapped, his voice and anger rising as he referred to the bow tie Heero sported, which was crookedly tied. Heero glared.
“Well, at least I have a fashion sense!” Heero snapped in return. Zechs burst out into laughter.
“FASHION SENSE?! ALL YOU EVER WEAR IS THAT GODAWFUL SPANDEX!” Zechs screamed. Relena's jaw dropped, not to mention everyone in the crowd. Heero's eyes widened in surprise and fury. Cackles not unlike Duo's could be heard.
“You bastard.” Heero mumbled, anger apparent in his voice.
“Man-whore.” Zechs snapped. About this point, the priest's jaw dropped - and that was the last straw. Heero let loose the worst possible insult.
It took Duo, who had been watching with amusement, Wufei, Trowa, and Quatre to pull Heero off of Zechs, and almost everyone else within reach to keep Zechs from attacking Heero a second time. So it was rather shocking, though it really shouldn't have been, when everyone looked dumbstruck at the sight of a sobbing Relena, glaring at her fiancé and her older brother. In less than five minutes, her wedding had taken a turn for the worse by two of the people who were supposed to helping to make this one of the happiest days of her lives and should've been civil.
Instead, they had verbally and physically attacked each other, while managing to give the priest a black eye in the process. Of course, there were also injuries sustained by those who had tried to pull the pair apart.
Duo was rubbing a sore jaw, a dark purple bruise gracing him where a very hard fist had landed. He wasn't entirely sure if it was Heero or Zechs who had punched him, but he was quite content to blame them both.
Wufei was now sporting a broken nose, much to Sally's chagrin. She pulled a handkerchief out of her bag and pressed it underneath his nose to stop the blood from getting onto his nice tuxedo.
Quatre, well…. He'd gotten the worst of it, actually. A couple broken fingers… sprained wrist…. He glared at Trowa who'd managed to come out with only paper cut and an allergic reaction from being so close to Relena's flowers.
They all, however, glared at Heero and Zechs. How is it possible that the two people who'd started the fight managed to come out unharmed? It made no sense! The entire room was silent and they watched everyone, both taking in the situation and wondering just what in the hell would happen next. It was Heero who spoke first.
“Don't EVER insult the spandex.” he growled. Zechs scoffed and was about to start up another argument when he and Heero were hit on the blunt object many identified as the heel of a shoe by a stunned and very pissed off Relena Peacecraft - it seemed at this particular moment that she wasn't too big on that pacifism thing.
“OW! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?” Heero growled at Relena. Zechs had much the same reaction.
That was for ruining my wedding!” Relena sobbed. Zechs' fury grew.
“Yuy, what did I tell you about hurting my sister?”
“YOU WERE INVOLVED IN IT TOO!” Lucrezia said, shaking her hand and trying to ignore the pain. Zechs sure did have a hard head. Zechs reached up and rubbed the spot where Lucrezia had hit him. Damn, that woman had a killer right hook.
Nobody could move as Relena ran from the room, tears streaming down her face and silent sobs choking her every few steps. A new kind of silence fell over the room, and stunned faces went from stunned to completely blank. The wedding they had come to celebrate had been destroyed… it all seemed slightly ironic… in a cruel sort of way.
Wufei and Sally's eyes met for a moment, thoughts being passed between the two without speaking so much as a word.
The wedding was postponed, and Heero and Zechs trudged to their rooms in opposite ends of the grand hotel.
End trans
A/N: (sings) I am evil, oh so evil… MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
For those of you who know the poem, yes, I haven't used the stanza yet. That goes in the next chapter, which will be one of the last few, I think… uhhh… I believe that's everything…..