Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Complete ❯ Hello, Pilots ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello, Pilots

Pilots 01, 02, 03, 04, and 05,

It's a bit of a long and complicated story, but I've gotten finally gotten wind of who you really are. Don't worry, I'm not one of your enemies, though you should be on guard; you and I know that there're people out there who're still out for your blood. I, too, know of the return of OZ, and since I know you're fighting against them, I'll tell you that I'm against them too… and in that case, I suggest we meet somewhere, if you're feeling up to it. What do you say? If you're up for an alliance (temporary or permanent, it's up to you) or if you want to trade information OR if you just want to check out who I am, meet me at the park just off of the freeway at 0900 hours tomorrow. I'll see you then.

-The anonymous anti-OZ person (aka ME)

You grin, looking over the e-mail one last time before you hit the "send" button. It's a little too serious for your liking, but that's okay; you make up for that in the signature bit. You lean back in your chair, staring up at the ceiling while humming a little tune; you can't wait for tomorrow. You've always wanted to meet the Gundam pilots; working with them would be more fun than you could imagine. Of course, that's supposing they actually decided to ally themselves with you. If they were all like Duo, then that wouldn't be a problem at all; but then again, at least two of them had self-destructed at one point or another…

You shrug, bending forward so you're leaning over the keyboard again. You pause for a moment, wondering what to do next; hack into OZ's systems and cause trouble or mess around with the government's stuff? Deciding that you've had enough of the former for the next couple weeks, you grin evilly. "Preventers, here I come…"

Scanning the site and finding nothing about OZ's return, you frown. "The heck? You'd think they'd at least say something about it… well then, let's bring them up to scratch on the current situation!" Searching around a bit more, you find the e-mail addresses of a few of the most high-ranking Preventers (you find it interesting that one of them is the Gundam pilot numbered 05) and send them a message:

You DO know OZ is back, right? That's interesting. I never would've guessed, since there's no mention whatsoever of it in your database… but whatever. And in case you were wondering, I put a bit of security on this message so you can't track it…

By the way… I think you should beef up your security systems. Seems like a good idea to me. It's just a thought, you don't have to do it if you don't want to. I mean, not to sound conceited or anything, but there are few hackers as good as me out there… like I said, just a thought.

-Me (no really, it's someone else)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

A quarter before nine the next day, you can be found sitting on a bench near the fountain in the park, wearing something considerably different from the OZ uniform of the previous day. Instead of being ponytailed, your hair is now in a braid. You're wearing jeans that are slightly loose and a plain black tank top, trying not to stand out too much. Your watch is on your left wrist… did I mention it doubles as a communicator just in case you're interrupted with your next mission? Probably not, huh? Well, anyway. The outfit is topped off with sunglasses and a baseball cap, placed on your head backwards. You chew a bit of gum slowly as your eyes scan the manga in front of you. Hey, just 'cuz you're a soldier doesn't mean you can't have some fun… after all, you're still a teenager. Your backpack is beside you, and in it is all the things you don't dare wear out in the open: a pistol, a couple daggers, a set of about twenty throwing knives, five smoke bombs, and a few explosives, just in case. And, of course, the next graphic novel in the series.

A slight movement to your right catches your eye, and you glance there over your sunglasses. You hide a grin; it's none other than pilot 04, Quatre Winner. Though he's wearing casual clothes and is pretty inconspicuous, he's glancing around nervously; whether it's because he knows you're here or that he's afraid of the fangirls that are undoubtedly stalking him, you can't be sure. You shudder slightly at the thought; you can't stand fangirls. Their squealing just plain annoys you.

You blow a bubble with your gum and pop it casually, watching in slight amusement as the Winner boy jumps and glances at you. He calms down quickly, however, and turns away, obviously not thinking that you're the one they're supposed to meet. This both annoys and pleases you; he doesn't think you could be the one who called them, but it seems that your disguise is working…

Since you've already seen 04, you glance around some more; 03, Trowa Barton, is standing about twenty feet away to your left; 05, Chang Wufei, is in front of you and slightly to your right, about thirty feet away; 01, Heero Yuy, is closer to you, between Winner and Chang, and you have no idea where Duo is…

The four that are in your sight are glancing around, their gazes obviously searching for you. You resist the urge to jump up and wave wildly at them, preferring to sit there and see what they do. After 0900 hours rolls around and no else shows up who doesn't leave a few minutes later, they're looking a little edgy. Dropping the pretense that they don't know each other, they gather together near the bench to your left. You turn the page in your manga and try to hold back a snicker; the boys glance at you, but decide that you're just a civilian. Shows just how much you blend in, huh?

"Where is he?" 05 hisses.

You stiffen slightly. 'Whatever gave you the idea that I'm a he?'

"Stay on guard. It might be a trap," 01 answers calmly.

"That's what we were expecting. It doesn't seem like there's anyone here, though," 04 points out.

"Maybe it's some sort of wild goose chase. It just seems like too much of a coincidence for it to be a random guess, so I'm guessing that they're here, somewhere… either that, or they decided to back out on us," a familiar voice grumbles. You jump slightly; you'd been pretending to read your manga and didn't realize he'd arrived. Your eyes immediately slide over to your left, and you see him: Duo Maxwell, 02. Almost without realizing it, you blush slightly and duck behind your manga; now that you see him in proper light, he looks a lot cuter up close and in person. The OZ profile picture doesn't do him justice.

"So what do we do now?" 03 asks. You sigh and close your manga, stuffing it in your backpack; now's as good a time as any to introduce yourself. AND correct 05. Girls are just as good as boys at blowing stuff up, ya know!

Standing up, you sling your backpack over your shoulder and look up at the sky, smiling. "Nice day, isn't it?" you remark to the pilots without looking at them.

You grin, changing your gaze so that you're now looking straight at them. You remove your sunglasses, still grinning. "I'm surprised, actually… the sky's so clear. You wouldn't be able to guess what happened last night unless you saw it for yourself."

The boys automatically tense up, preparing for a fight, except for Duo. He stares at you for a few seconds before recognition dawns in his eyes. "You're…"

Your eyes sparkle. "_________, remember? Nice to see you remember me."

Duo nods slightly, blinking. "Yeah… I almost didn't recognize you. I didn't see you too well last night…" You almost miss the slight pinkish color that dusts his cheeks, and you laugh quietly to yourself. Seems like you're not the only one who missed a few… interesting… details in the excitement of last night.

"Duo?" 03 questions. He blinks again and turns to face him.

"Oh yeah! I forgot to introduce you guys. This is _______. She's the one I told you about from last night."

You almost laugh at the look on 05's face. "Yes, Chang, a girl can blow stuff up. Take it from one who knows."

Chang growls quietly before muttering something under his breath that possibly contains the words "baka onna" and "weakling." You raise an eyebrow, questioning, and he shuts up, glaring at you.

"So you're _________?" 04 asks. "Well, as you probably know, I'm Quatre. This is Heero, Trowa, Wufei, and you already know Duo."

You nod. "Yes… and if you wanted any proof that I'm not an OZ soldier who's just acting, this works, you know. The fact that I called you here to discuss their return… so now, you can't just randomly try to arrest me and question me on the grounds that I'm one of your enemies! So ha!"

Sweatdrops greeted your last statement. "Right…" Quatre says slowly. "So tell us what your mission is again and why you're doing this?"

So you tell them. Everything. Well, not everything, but just the stuff they need to know - basically, who you are, why you fight OZ, and how you knew they were coming back. You don't mention Doctor Y or the fact that you have a few dozen mobile suits at your disposal… or the fact that you're currently constructing a Gundam that's about 95% complete as of this moment. You'd rather wait and see the expressions on their faces when they see you in it. (A/N: If you want your story, go read it on page five… it's the longest paragraph in the chapter. I'm too lazy to write it here.)

"…so that's it," you finish. "Now let's get onto the important stuff! As in, if we're going to help each other and what to do about this whole OZ mess and-" At that moment, your watch rings, interrupting you. Yes, your watch. Told you it was a communicator.

You blink, ignoring the odd looks that the boys are giving you. You hit a button on your watch. "_________ here. Whaddya want? I'm in the middle of an oh-so-interesting conversation with the Gundam pilots."

"The Gundam pilots? How'd you manage that?" a female voice asks.

You shrug, knowing perfectly well that your watch doesn't do video. "Oh, I managed somehow. So, are you going to tell me anything interesting or can I hang up now?"

"No, actually, this is about your next mission. It can wait…"

You glance at the pilots, a plan starting to form in your mind. "No, tell it to me now."

"Fine, then… it's been discovered that there's another base, roughly five hundred miles from here to the south. You know what to do, right?"

You grin. "Of course. If that's all…" Before she can answer, you hang up and turn to the pilots. "You hear that?" They nod. "Did you know about that base?"

Silence greets you. "I'll take that as a no. Now do you believe me?"

"I don't see any reason not to…" Duo says. The others nod reluctant agreement.

"Good. Now then…" You hesitate. Now that they've heard about your next mission, you're kind of stuck on what you want to do…

Ask them if they want to help you out - go to page twenty-three

Tell them to stand back and watch the master at work - go to page twenty-four