Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Complete ❯ Fight Time ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fight Time!

"Almost time…" you mutter, glancing at your watch and grinning. "Aw, man, this'll be a blast. I can't believe I'm lucky enough to actually get to attack a base with my Gundam… well, this certainly happened sooner than expected." You smirk, remembering when you'd been fully briefed on the mission, a couple hours ago…

~~~Begin Flashback~~~

"You'll attack the base at exactly 2300 hours," Doctor Y announces to you and the nine other MS fighters who are currently in the command center receiving a few last-minute instructions. "It'll take you a half-hour to get there, meaning you have exactly one and a half hours to prepare yourselves."

You roll your eyes. "Yeah yeah, we know. Get to the point already. You act like we can't do the math ourselves. Geez. Tell us something we don't know, will ya?"

He glares at you, obviously wondering why exactly he chose you to be a Gundam pilot. You just grin cheekily and stick out your tongue. You both know perfectly well that it's because you're extremely good at piloting. That plus the fact that you're awesome at masquerading as an innocent citizen helps, too… "The base you will be attacking won't be as easy to destroy as the last one-"

"Great! The last one was way too easy!" you chirp. You wince slightly as Doctor Y gives you a death-glare. "Sorry, sorry… shutting up now…" As soon as he turns away, you add under your breath, "You wish!" The other nine pilots sweatdrop. Luckily, the good doctor doesn't hear you or you'd be out on the streets begging for food…

"The base you'll be attacking is one of a few that are manufacturing MS and MD, which means that the only way to make sure that it's fully destroyed is to attack it with our own mobile suits-"

"Yay!" you squeal, a little too loudly.

The guy behind you rolls his eyes and smacks you over the head. "Shut up, baka."

"Ow!" you yelp. "Hey, that wasn't nice! …continue please, Doctor."

"Ahem. As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted…" Meaningful look at you. Sheepish look from you. "Anyway," Doctor Y continues. "You will be attacking the base with your mobile suits at 2300 hours. Expect resistance… if things turn nasty, get out of there. We can always try and take them down another day."

~~~End Flashback~~~

Your watch goes off. It's now officially time to start the mission. Smiling cheerfully, you fire up the jets of your Gundam and lift off, leaving the hangar beneath you. When the other nine pilots don't follow immediately, you turn to look at them. "C'mon guys, hurry up! Don't you want to be on time for our little appointment?"

Someone's face appears on one of your screens - you're pleased to note that it's none other than the guy who hit you earlier. "I don't know about the rest of you, but my suit won't start up!"

You cock your head, using all of the acting skills at your disposal to look puzzled. "Really now? Are all of you having that problem?"

A chorus of frustrated agreement is your answer. You grin. "Well then, I guess I'll have to go on ahead and start the mission by myself until you guys get the problem fixed. Okay?"

Doctor Y's voice comes out over the comm unit. "Wait, put the mission on hold until-"

You interrupt him, trying to hide the delighted grin that's fighting its way onto your face. "Sorry, I can't hear you too well. The communications must be messed up too. I'll just go on ahead and start. See ya!" With that, you block off all incoming transmissions and head off in the direction of the base, the grin still present on your face. Ha, there's no way anyone else is going to get a share in the glory of this mission; you're going solo and having some fun! Besides, you're pretty sure it'll take them a while to sort out the bug you installed into the programs of all the MS back at base. Oh, the joys of being a Gundam pilot…

The OZ base comes into sight, and you take a deep breath, automatically changing into battle-mode. Exhaling slowly, you force a slight smile onto your face. "My first real battle in a Gundam," you mutter quietly. "Let's just see how real people match up to mobile doll simulations, shall we?"

About ten miles away from the base, you spot something coming on the radar and your eyes narrow. "The first line of defense, hmm? Well then…" You grab your sword/beam saber/whip/etc. and speed up. Slashing left and right quickly, you watch as the five suits blow up and frown. "Well, that was easier than expected. The MD on the sims would've been able to dodge those easily… but I guess normal OZ soldiers can't compare."

Sighing lightly, you relax a bit and continue on at the same speed you were going at before. No sense rushing, you'll get there eventually… the people at the base seem to be thinking along the same lines that you are, and you don't catch sight of any more MS or weapons of any sort until you can see the base itself. When you get there, there's roughly fifty suits clustered around the base, guns pointing at you… typical. Of course there would be more mobile suits than expected at the enemy base. But being the confident, crazy, battle-happy pilot that you are, you plunge right in, whipping out your buster rifle and taking a few shots into the group ahead of you. At least seven of them go down right away, and you chuckle as you fly past. "C'mon, where're all your good fighters? I want a challenge here, not a slaughter of half-trained rookies!" Turning around, you dart back into the fray, this time using your close-range weapon to take them down.

Ten minutes later, you're starting to get the tiniest bit annoyed; you should've taken them down a long time ago. Every time you destroy one MS, it seems like two more take its place, and even with the amateur pilots firing randomly, there're still enough of them for a shot to hit you every now and then. As you once again lift your rifle for a couple shots, you mumble, "Geez, Y wasn't kidding. There sure are a lot of them…" you fire three times, taking out a score or so of suits, but nothing happens the third time. You hit the trigger once more, experimentally, and are rewarded with… nothing. Groaning, you toss the now-useless buster rifle to one side, where it hits a couple more suits and causes them to blow up. "Great… this'll be fun. Now I have no way to take them out in large groups, and there's like eighty of them now… and they just keep coming!" You curse as another few pop out of nowhere and start firing at you. Now wondering just what possessed you to try and do this alone, you once again jump into the group of suits and slash randomly, hitting someone each time. There's absolutely no way that you'll be able to reach the base until you destroy most of these, and at the rate you're going, that may take a while. Two years, maybe?

It isn't long until they surround you and start firing. You try to dodge, but there's no way that you can avoid getting hit, and you wince as some of it impacts. You fly to one edge of the circle, trying to hit the ones on that side, but that makes the shots coming from that direction harder to dodge… you yelp as you're thrown backwards brutally, the breath knocked out of your lungs.

You sigh slightly as you're returned to your position in the middle of the group and shake your head, smiling bitterly. "Well, this turned out to be a total and complete disaster. I probably shouldn't have tried to do this alone in the first place. Maybe I should've actually listened to Doctor Y… but he's never going to find out that I actually admit that he's right for once, at least not from me. Oh well… it seems like I'm going to die anyway. Might as well make it count, huh? I guess this'll be the last mission I ever complete…" Summoning up all your courage and trying to ignore the shots that are rocking the cockpit, you turn your attention to the keypad on your left side and hit a series of buttons. In front of the keypad, a section slides open, and a small platform comes up, a single button on it that will seal your fate and that of anyone else in a ten-mile radius. Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, you move your hand to hit the self-detonation button…

…but are startled out of your suicide-mood as something blows up, right in front of you. Suddenly realizing just what exactly you were about to do, you snatch your hand back and stare fearfully at the screen, which shows two OZ mobile suits burning in front of you. You just look at them, your frozen mind not comprehending what exactly happened, nor asking any questions as to the "how" of the situation.

An unfamiliar voice suddenly comes through the comm. link. "Hey, are you okay?"

It shakes you out of your reverie. "Huh? Oh… yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Who are you?" You cut off and gasp as it appears before you: another Gundam, the patented heat-shotels of Sandrock slashing through the opposing troops.

Someone laughs. "That's right, you've been rescued by none other than the Gundam pilots! Deathscythe here, wondering what exactly you think you're doing standing around and letting them use you for target practice… though I'm wondering. If you're a Gundam pilot, then why are you so surprised to see us at an OZ base?"

"Good question," you mutter to yourself, snapping out of it and quickly slashing at an MS that had tried sneaking up behind you. "Just wondering how exactly we're here at the same time is all. Lucky coincidence?"

"Maybe… whoa!" Deathscythe notices the suit with the gun aimed at its head at the last possible moment. Barely dodging the blast, he returns and gets his revenge quickly enough. "Man, that was close!"

You're about to reply, but someone else beats you to it. "Hn. Pay attention. We can talk after the fight."

You nearly have a heart attack. You recognize that voice, which is strange because you've only heard it once in your lifetime. Looking up, you realize that it's the pilot of Wing ZERO speaking… the boy you met yesterday is the legendary Heero Yuy? Well, who would've guessed…

With the help of the five Gundam pilots, all of the enemy mobile suits are quickly taken care of; however, you insist on having the honor of destroying the base yourself. You do so, and as the place explodes, turn to face the Gundam pilots.

"So," the pilot of Deathscythe says casually, "who're you? As in, what's your name, who do you work for, why do you fight OZ, what's your Gundam's name, what can it do, and do you think you can beat me in a fight?"

You sweatdrop slightly, glad that you don't have the video part of the comm. link on. "Which question should I answer first?"

"How about the last one?"

"Hmm… well, my brains say yes, my body says yes, my Gundam says yes, and most of all, my ego says yes… so in other words, try me if you want to get creamed."


"Baka," Heero mutters. "Start with the first question and work from there."

You hesitate slightly, wondering exactly what to do. It's top-secret information that they're asking you about, and you're not sure if you should answer… but if you don't tell them, it's five against one here, and you're pretty sure the other suits from your base won't be showing up anytime soon.

Tell them what they want to know. They're the Gundam pilots, and as you know, they're most definitely fighting AGAINST OZ. Besides, you might find some useful allies in them… - go to page twenty-seven

Classified is classified. You're not telling them anything without Doctor Y's express permission. Even if they are the Gundam pilots… and even if Heero Yuy is kind of cute… - go to page twenty-eight