Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Complete ❯ I Can't Believe You ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I Can't Believe You

You're slightly torn between sticking your tongue out and glaring at him. "WHAT did you just say?"

Heero returns your look calmly. "I asked if you'd be more willing to tell us something of interest, now that you're our prisoner and don't have much of a choice."

This guy is really starting to get on your nerves. Your usually slow temper is quickly rising to a boil, and you death-glare the five boys in the doorway, but Heero most of all. The braided kid lets out a small "eep!" but you ignore him, instead focusing on having a staring match with Heero. "Well, as you already know, I blew up the OZ base. Considering the fact that you're obviously against OZ, that would mean that we're fighting a common enemy here, ne? So, naturally, that would mean that you should treat me better, especially if you want me to answer your questions."

Heero's eyes narrow the slightest bit. "What's your name?"

You roll your eyes. "I already told you, baka. Julie."

"That's not what you said an hour ago."

You sweatdrop slightly, silently cursing your selective memory. Well, actually, it's not exactly selective; it remembers some things and forgets others, but you can't really select what you forget. "Uh… Jane?"

"Try again." The braided boy snickers, and you resist the urge to go up to him and yank his braid. Hard. Maybe hard enough to pull it out of his scalp.

"Janet? Juliet?" Heero shakes his head. "Aw… you suck!" He just regards you calmly. You grumble slightly and finally give in, telling him your real name. Not like it'll help you any; you don't have much of a criminal record. In fact, you don't have a record at all, anywhere. You made sure of that personally.

"Next question," he continues, and you groan.

"What is this, interrogation time?"

"Ding ding ding! You win the grand prize! Someone give her a cookie!" If glares were daggers, that kid would have died long, long ago… and judging from the look on Heero's face, he's getting irritated too. You jump up, and before anyone can react, you dart forward, kick the boy's shin hard, and dash back to your former position, leaning against the wall.

As the boy yelps in pain and starts jumping around on one leg, you can almost swear you see Heero grin. Then you think about that for a minute, shrug, and decide you must be seeing things. Heero? And grin? In the same sentence? Naah…

"First, I get my question," you say, continuing the conversation like the braided baka hadn't said anything. "What're your names? And if you made me give you my real name, I'll have to have yours too."

As they introduce themselves (the blond boy seems to think it's only common courtesy, but then you recognized him when you first saw him - golden boy Quatre Winner, CEO of Winner Corp. and Most Eligible Bachelor for two years running. Never mind the fact that he's only seventeen, like you), you're trying to look like you're paying attention, while searching for an escape route at the same time. Nothing seems to pop out; the only exit you can find is the obvious one, the door, and considering you have five boys preventing you from getting there, that might be just a slight problem.

"Okay, next question!" Duo chirps. You glare at him; he's really starting to annoy you. Of course, you usually act the same way, but you're going on twelve hours with zero sugar here… "Who do you work for and what do you have against OZ?"

"That's two questions," you point out.

"Just answer them!"

You stick your tongue out at him. "I'm not telling."

"And why not?"

You roll your eyes. "Gimme a break. Like any good soldier, I've been taught not to give up any more information than I have to. I already kinda broke that rule, just by telling you my name, but I'm not saying anything else. So ha." And, true to your word, you don't say anything else throughout the next two hours, where they try to get information from you without resorting to violence. Of course, they come pretty darn close to getting you to talk when Duo breaks out the pocky… but then he gobbles it all up himself in five seconds, and luckily, the boys don't really have the time to notice you staring avidly at the candy. They do, however, notice you jumping on Duo again and attempting to beat the stuffing out of him, and they wonder why. None of the others attempts to help him as he fights you off - but then again, a crazy teenage girl without sugar is a terrible thing.

It's at the end of the two hours when they're starting to get annoyed, and still there's no sign of them giving up. As Wufei fires yet another question at you, you give him Heero's trademark "Hn," and yawn. You haven't gotten any sleep at all for the past twenty-four hours, and even though you know you can go for far longer than that without resting, you prefer to nap when you've got the chance… but then again, maybe it's not such a good idea to try and sleep when these guys are trying to talk to you. Who knows, they might get irritable enough to actually try torture…

Give in to your complaining mind and sleep. You'll be here a while, right? Let's just hope these guys aren't too sadistic… - go to page thirty-three

Ignore the need for sleep and concentrate on annoying the boys in front of you. Answer "I'm not telling," to every question, and hopefully they'll give up soon and call it a day… - go to page thirty-four