Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Complete ❯ Maybe I Shouldn't Have Done That ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Maybe I Shouldn't Have Done That

A few hours later, it's the next morning, and you're starting to wake up. The first thought that floats around in your head is, 'Why is it that everyone who's knocked out always ends up with a pounding headache?' The second is the result of many, many years of soldier training: 'I should fake sleep and see if I can find out anything interesting.' You immediately smack yourself mentally for that. It seems like you've been hanging around Doctor Y a bit too often. But still, it seems like a good idea, so you keep your eyes closed for a few minutes and control your breathing. Hearing nothing, you decide that no one's there with you at the moment, so you crack open an eye and immediately wince at how bright your surroundings are. Glancing around for a minute while still lying on the floor, you finally sit up and take a good look around you.

"So you're finally awake," a voice says from behind you. You stand up and spin around, then stop suddenly at the wave of dizziness that comes over you. Heero regards you calmly from behind what seems like a standard-issue wooden desk. Behind him is one of those full-length windows, and from looking outside, you can tell that you're probably on the fifteenth or so floor of a skyscraper. He stands up from a black leather chair and walks over to you. "Stay here for a moment. I'm going to get the others before we question you."

You raise an eyebrow at him. "What makes you think I'll tell you anything?"

"If you're really against OZ, you'll talk," Heero says calmly.

You roll your eyes. "That's what you think. If I'm not allowed to give out information that freely, then that doesn't mean I'm not with OZ, does it?" No answer. You sigh, rubbing your temples, and you realize that your hands have been handcuffed together. You scowl at the cuffs for a moment before turning back to Heero. "What if I decide I'm not going to tell you anything and jump out the window so you won't find out anything from me?"

"Then you'll die," he replies simply.

"Oh, that's nice…" you tell him sarcastically. Heero just gives you a "Hn," and walks out the door. You hear the lock click behind him, and as soon as he's gone, you rush over to the door and inspect the lock. Apparently, the five boys are one step ahead of you: there's no way to pick the lock from the inside, and you probably can't break the door down. Sighing, you give up on that escape route and walk over to the window. Looking down, you can see a busy street right below you, so even if you somehow manage to survive the fall, you'll probably die soon afterwards anyway. Now completely convinced that there's really no way out, you walk over to the desk and sit down in the chair, swinging your legs absently-mindedly before propping them up on the desk. Bored, you reach over to the papers lying on the desk, hoping they'll give some clue as to who the boys really are, where you are, and why they took you here of all places… and your questions are all answered quickly as soon as you see the logo on the top of the first page. "Preventers."

You leaf through the pages for a moment, sighing slightly and not really paying attention to the papers. You throw them back on the desk, not caring when they land haphazardly and some of them go flying off onto the floor. Leaning back in the chair, you stare at the ceiling, but in reality, you aren't even seeing it.

"Preventers," you mutter quietly to yourself. "That would mean they really are against OZ, and I just kinda established myself as an enemy of theirs. This isn't good… but then, why didn't Duo tell me? If they had any proof of it, I would've trusted them, too…" You blink quickly, trying to hide the fact that you're slightly hurt that he'd hide something this important from you. Maybe he thought you'd run away if he told you… "Well, he should've told me! And I actually thought I might be able to trust him… how could he?" It's at that moment that you remember what he looked like last night, the hurt shining in his eyes as he looked at you, and you realize with a jolt that you did the same thing. But what you did to him was even worse; he was starting to trust you, and as soon as things looked bad, you decided to ditch. Not only that, but you attacked him because he was in your way… and Duo had been the first one to stand up for you, saying that he believed your story. You're actually starting to feel sorry for him. As soon as that thought appears in your head, you quickly dismiss it. You're not supposed to feel pity for anyone. But still…

The door opens, snapping you out of your thoughts. Heero enters again, followed by Quatre, Wufei, and Trowa. Duo is the last to enter. Your eyes meet for a second before you quickly tear your gaze away. But in that moment, you saw enough to know that he wasn't angry at you, but it was much worse. After all, you were the cause of his upset look and the betrayal that you saw in his beautiful blue eyes…

The five of them take a seat before you, you and Duo trying your best to avoid looking each other in the eye. No one speaks for a moment, until you break the silence. "You didn't tell me you were with Preventers," you say, sounding sharp and accusing. Duo winces slightly, and you have to hide your own look; you hadn't meant to be that harsh.

"Would it have changed anything if we did?" Quatre asks quietly. You open your mouth, then quickly bite back a retort, thinking it over for a minute. You relax slightly.

"I don't know. Maybe," you say softly, feeling Duo's eyes snap back to you, surprised. You resist the urge to look at him; apologies can wait until the two of you are alone. "But you had me surrounded back there. If you had just told me then, I wouldn't have been able to run away if I was with OZ…"

"But would you have believed us?" Heero asks. You flinch slightly at his cold tone.

"I don't know. I really don't know this time around," you half-whisper, but you know they can hear you by the way their gazes pierce you. You stand up and walk to the window, half to avoid looking at them, and lay a hand against the cool glass. You rest your forehead against it for a moment, feeling your headache ease a little, before you turn back to them. Taking a deep breath and promising your pride you'll make this up to it later, you say, "I'm sorry about what happened last night. I guess… I didn't need to do it, but you've gotta admit, the odds didn't look too good at the moment…"

"So then why did you do it?" Duo speaks for the first time, his voice slightly hoarse. Your eyes immediately snap back to him, and he looks you in the eyes and holds your gaze for the first time since he entered the room. There's a slightly tired and sorrowful look in there, and as much as you want to, you can't look away… can't look away from this boy who you caused so much pain to. He adds, "Why did you blow up the base in the first place, I mean. If you can tell us that." His voice is now slightly cynical, and you cringe slightly from the bitterness in his tone.

"Well…" You hesitate. If nothing else, you owe them the truth at this point… but that goes against base regulations. Cursing your soldier training, you sigh; follow your heart or your mind? You open your mouth to speak…

You tell them that you were given the mission and you carried it out. Maybe the attack on Duo was uncalled for, but then again, you shouldn't have even followed him in the first place… Follow your emotions. - go to page forty-one

You tell them that you can't give them the information; that's top-secret. At this point, you're really starting to regret that you decided to betray Duo's trust, but unfortunately, there's someone you work for who won't let you tell them everything. But, since they're with Preventers, then if they're really against OZ, you'll help. - go to page forty-two