Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Complete ❯ Time For Some Fun! ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Time For Some Fun!

Well, as it turns out, you've been given the location of the base on short notice: you're blowing it up tomorrow. Since night security's been flawlessly tight since you destroyed the last OZ base, you're going to have to do it in the afternoon, when it'll be easier to sneak in, but also easier to be noticed. The other pilots, having nothing better to do during that time, agree to help you, though you insist that you plant the last bomb, just to show them that you're really on their side. After dropping by base to pick a few things up, like your stealth suit and a few more weapons (though even Duo says he thought you had enough on you to get by), you head to a place near the base by car. Of course, that means…

"ROAD TRIP!" you yell, slinging Duo's and your bags into the trunk, slamming it closed, and dancing up to the driver's seat, Duo panicking the whole time.

"Hey! Watch it! I've got contact explosives in there! Do you want to get us all killed?"

You give him one of your insane grins. "You, maybe. Wufei, definitely." The Chinese boy scowls. "Me, heck, why not? And Quatre? Of course not! He's too cute for that!" You automatically glomp the blond, laughing, while Duo rolls his eyes and Trowa lets out an exasperated sigh.

"All right, how much sugar did you HAVE?"

"Me? Well, actually, very little. That's unless you want to count the five boxes of pocky I had an hour ago…"

"Pocky?" Duo immediately perks up. "Why didn't you tell me you had pocky?"

You give him an innocent look. "That's because I don't have any. At least, not anymore." You watch and try to stifle a laugh as he deflates suddenly, but you add, "I do have some more Butterfingers, though… just get in already!" He and the rest of the group get in, and you slide into the driver's seat, floor it, and nearly ram into a tree in the process.

"THE HECK - _________, do you WANT to get arrested?"

You smirk at Duo in the rearview mirror. "Nope. I'll just plead mental instability."

All five of the pilots mushroom-sigh. "This is going to be a loooong trip," Wufei mutters.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Four hours and a thousand verses of the Song that Gets on Everybody's Nerves later, you pull up in front of the safehouse where you'll be staying with the pilots until the mission this afternoon. Now, normally it would take a lot longer than four hours to go five hundred miles, but since you're the one driving Quatre's custom car, you're allowed to go as fast as you want - namely, 125 mph if you do the math.

Duo stumbles out of the car and leans against a tree. "Remind me to never, ever let you drive again," he moans. You just smile innocently at him as the other pilots walk out.


What happened to the police?" Quatre wonders idly as the six of you grab your stuff and walk into the safehouse.

You glance at him, trying not to laugh. "I dunno. Remind me what police are again."

"Actually, they did see you," Heero says coolly, and you turn to look at him. "Unfortunately, I don't think their cars run much faster than 100."

You grin evilly. "Awesome! Hey Quatre, let me borrow your ride sometime." Everyone else just groans, and you give them a look out of the corner of your eye before you stop dead in your tracks. "Heero, is it just me, or do you look a bit paler than usual?" Before he has the chance to answer or pull a gun on you, you giggle and dash into the relative safety of the house.

Duo sighs and shakes his head. "Am I the only one getting a headache?"

"I wonder where she got her license…" Trowa mutters quietly.

Duo grins at him. "You probably wouldn't have heard of it. I think it would've been demolished a long time ago by all the crazy drivers. Of course… that's assuming she has a license…" Trying to ignore that thought, the pilots walk in after you.

You're sitting calmly in the middle of the floor, nibbling quietly on a bit of pocky (you lied to Duo, apparently) and glancing around. As soon as the five of them walk in, you jump to your feet and hop over to them. "You know, this place is so dull. You need a little decoration here, you know that? Too bad I left the flammable paint back at base, or else your walls would be nice and rainbow-colored by now."

Duo sweatdrops and leans toward Heero. "I don't suppose you brought the sedatives with you?"

Luckily for the braided boy, you don't hear him. "Oh well, I guess it's better than nothing," you sigh, going off to dump your stuff in a random bedroom.

"Hey, that's MY room!" Duo yells after you.

"Really, now? Not anymore!" You walk out, fingering a set of knives, which Duo quickly snatches away from you. You give him the chibi eyes. "Aw, c'mon Duo, just let me play with them for a bit?"

"They're MY knives," he says, sticking his tongue out at you. "And besides, I wouldn't trust you with weapons of any sort right now."

"Oh. Okay," you say, strangely calm after that. "Well, it's almost lunchtime, so I guess we should eat. I'm cooking!" You bounce off to the kitchen.

"Cook three times as much as you normally would for Duo!" Wufei yells after you.

After whipping up the most delicious food that you can think of at the moment (or so you claim; it's really instant ramen, but the pilots don't need to know that), you wander outside to join them at the table. Quatre looks up and blinks. "What's that you're holding?"

"Huh? Oh!" You quickly hide it behind your back, blinking innocently. "Um, nothing."

Trowa glances up, looking slightly amused. "I think she's claimed possession of the kitchen knives."

You smile sheepishly. "You got me." You sit down at your place, still twirling said knives between your fingers.

"Hey, be careful with those."

"I know, I know… I'm not stupid - OW!" Duo sweatdrops as you stick your bleeding finger into your mouth.

"Are you always like this before missions?" Quatre sighs. You smile and cock your head to the side.

"Yup! Always always!"


"You know, if all my missions are going to be like this, then I might as well quit now," you complain into the communicator that's attached to the collar of your shirt. "Always sneak in, rig the place, leave, blow it up, nothing more and nothing less. Okay, so maybe get a bit of info, download a bit of data, so on and so forth… but really! It's no fun if I can't go on random killing sprees!"

"Shut up," Heero's voice comes through.

You sigh. "Fine, fine. You're no fun either."

"Are you always like this on missions?" Duo asks from beside you. The six of you have split up into groups of two for this mission, and he's your partner.

You glance at him. "Hm? No, not really. It's just that I have someone to talk to, so I talk. That's all." You shrug. A slight beeping from the earpiece of the communicator interrupts your conversation, and you nod sharply, suddenly completely serious. "Okay, let's go."

"Well, that was a sudden attitude change," Duo mutters, but he stands up and follows your lead. You choose not to answer, but that doesn't stop you from reaching back and pulling his braid. He yelps and glares at you. "Ow! What was that for?" You smile sweetly at him and continue walking.

A few minutes and about ten guards later, the two of you are inside the complex and slipping through the hallways. You and Duo have the most difficult part of the whole operation: while the others are only going about halfway to the control center, which is in the center of the base, the two of you have to go all the way there and plant the first bomb, before going back out. That way, in case you get into any trouble, you won't leave yourself without an escape route if you decided to blow up the explosives you have planted.

"Is anyone else having the same problems we are?" Duo grumbles after the fifteenth suspicious soldier you run into. You shrug, too busy trying to stuff the guy into a nearby storage closet to answer. You lock the door, dust your hands off, and turn to him. "C'mon then, let's go."

After a bit more trouble, the two of you finally reach the command room. You get to work cracking the code while Duo stands around, looking for anyone who might see what you're doing and cause problems for the two of you. While you're working, the earpiece beeps again and Quatre's voice says, "Hey guys, Trowa and I are done with our part. Just to let you know."

Duo nods. "Okay, got it. We're trying to get into the command center now?"

"Still?" Quatre's voice is laced with surprise. "What took you so long?"

"We met a bit of opposition on the way," you grumble before the final number clicks into place and the door opens. "Got it. C'mon, Duo." He nods, and the two of you walk in. A few people glance up from what they're doing, but quickly go back to their work. In the front of the room, the person who's most probably the highest-ranked OZ soldier in the base gives you a haughty look, and you resist the urge to go up there and slap him. You catch Duo's eye for a moment, and he gives a slight nod. The two of you pull out your guns and start shooting. Mr. High and Mighty is the first to go down.

A few minutes later, and you're glad that the door behind you is soundproof. "Well, that was almost too easy," Duo remarks casually, and you nod agreement. Both of you put away your guns, and you step forward to the main computer. You're about to start hacking it when a slight whimper stops you. Both you and Duo's heads snap to the source of the sound: in a corner near the door, one more OZ soldier stands, his hand on a red button.

Duo's eyes widen. "For the love of-" He reaches for his gun, but not fast enough. The sound of the pistol being shot off coincides with the loud sirens of the security alarm.

You wince and jump up from your seat, grabbing Duo. "Let's get out of here!"

"The mission-"

"We can talk about that when we're not in a room with only one exit! Now come on!" You practically have to drag Duo the first few steps before he starts running, panic giving the both of you extra speed. In your ear, the communicator beeps, and Quatre's voice sounds out of it frantically. "Are you two okay? Heero and Wufei just got out, it seems like your guy's section is the only part that isn't rigged yet-"

"That's great. Thanks, Quatre." You shut it off quickly, and you and Duo dash around a turn, trying your best to ignore the sound of gunshots behind you.

"What do you have in mind?" Duo pants.

You glance at him, just in time to yell a quick, "MOVE!" as the first bullets fly in your direction. You flinch as one of them hits your left shoulder, but pull Duo along a left turn.

"Duo has a point, __________," Heero tells you. You're slightly startled for a moment; you didn't realize the communicator was still on. "What are you going to do?"

'That's right. What AM I going to do to get us out of this mess?'

Trust your memory and your sense of direction, and try to get out of there as fast as is humanly possible. As soon as you're out, blow the place - or at least, however much of it you have rigged. - go to page forty-three

Well, if I remember correctly, there's a hangar in this base with Mobile Suits. Also if I remember correctly, that hangar isn't too far off - but it's farther than the exit. So then, let's go and stomp the place flat! - go to page forty-four