Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Complete ❯ Why Me? ( Chapter 30 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Why Me?

You choose to just ignore the fact that Heero's a Gundam pilot for now. It's not like you plan on trusting him or anything, so why should you go meet him anyway? Besides, if you need to work with him later (if worst comes to worst, that is), you at least know how to contact him.

With that decided, you no longer have any use for the tracer Heero stuck on you, so you just take your anger out on it, stomp it into the ground a few times, and end up throwing it away at the local McDonald's. Good luck finding me now, Heero Yuy!

Laughing quietly, you head back to base, spending the rest of the time before your mission playing video games (and creaming anyone who dared challenge you, of course). About half an hour before you're supposed to start, you finally stop playing around and head off to get ready. Just when you're about to leave, Doctor Y walks up to you.

You give him a curious look. "What is it now?"

"Change of plans," he tells you. "You won't be using your Gundam for this mission. It'll be like the last one you did."

You pout. "What do you mean, I won't be using my Gundam? But you said there are mobile suits there!"

Y shakes his head. "There are, but none of them are fully operational quite yet. Apparently, there has been a delay in their production at that particular OZ base, and they're behind schedule. It would be best if you just sneak in and blow it up the way you did last time. That way, we can save your Gundam for another time when it's most needed, and we'll have the element of surprise."

You groan. "But… But…" You sweatdrop. "Aw, but I wanted to get into a real MS fight this time!"

Y grins slightly, amused at your reaction. "We'll save that for another time. Now, you should get going on your mission."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Another mission. WITHOUT a Gundam, of course. No fun at all, especially when Y had expressly forbidden you from killing sprees… again…

"But whhhhhyyy couldn't they have been on tiiiiiiime with the MS manufacturing?" you mumble quietly, as you stand slightly away from the base. Luckily, you'd kept the OZ uniform from last time, so you didn't need to kill any OZ soldiers to get it this time. But in your opinion, that was a bad thing.

Well, at least this time, you were allowed to use the front gate… sighing lightly, you walk towards it, adopting a confident pose to show them that you knew what you were doing. The guards at the gate and the door merely nod to you as you pass, and you smirk inwardly. Idiots.

You saunter through the halls of the base, searching rather aimlessly for the command center and planting various bombs around the way, trying to stay as inconspicuous as possible. Apparently, the security cameras here would still be able to see you, but you'd be able to rig it without disabling them if you were careful. Still, you were supposed to go to the command center and gather information. Maybe you should've taken a closer look at the floor plan back when you had the chance… but then again, you'd thought you were going to destroy this base by stomping on it. "Darn Doctor Y and his last-minute changes…"

Ten minutes later, you're starting to get extremely frustrated by the fact that you're getting absolutely nowhere. You're just considering stopping and asking for directions from a passing soldier, claiming that you're a new recruit that was transferred in from another base, when you spot a group of OZ fighters heading in your direction. Cursing your luck and looking for someplace to hide, you find nothing. So much for not attracting attention… well, the best thing to do now is to just act like you know what you're doing and just go straight ahead.

So, with head held high and hoping desperately that you won't get caught, you move to the left a bit and keep walking, hoping they won't stop and question you. They seem too caught up in their conversation to notice, and you breathe a sigh of relief.

Apparently, that sigh came too soon. One of the men turns and notices you. His face breaks out into a leer. "Well, what do we have here? Surely a pretty little girl like yourself isn't a soldier."

"I-I'm new," you stammer, widening your eyes for the best effect. "I just transferred in from another base, got recruited about two weeks ago… please, would you be so kind as to tell me how to get to the command center?"

Grinning lustily, all five of the men surround you. "Sure we could, babe… but for a price."

This is so not your day. "Um… no. Can I please leave now?" Unfortunately, your shy-little-girl act only serves to convince these guys that you're weak. You roll your eyes mentally. Perverts.

One of the men eyes you thoughtfully, however. "I was just there," he says. "Think I saw this kid on the security cameras. She's just been wandering around lost for the past few minutes. What's your name, kid?"

'Oh boy… think, think.' A name springs into mind, and you quickly blurt out, "Judy." Well, there's probably no harm in giving them the same name you used as an alias when you met Heero…

They eye you speculatively. "Judy, hmm? I was looking through the list of recruits, and I didn't see your name there. Mind showing us your ID card, honey?"

'Uh oh… I'm dead now.' "Uh, okay… lemme find it…" You make a show of digging through your pockets, thinking furiously all the while.

"Y'know, you're supposed to keep it in here…" one of the men says, reaching for the chest pocket on your uniform.

Without thinking, you slap his hand away, pull your gun out, and aim it at him. "Hentai! Get away from me!" The façade has been dropped, and now you're angry… really angry. How dare he?

All of the men freeze. "What-" one of them begins, before his eyes narrow. "You're not an OZ soldier, are you? You must be the girl that we were warned about! The one who blew up the other base!"

'One of the soldiers escaped from the blast?' You don't show your surprise, and answer calmly as you put away your gun. "Yes, I am. What's it to you?"

Before any of them can answer, they're out cold on the floor, courtesy of a few pressure points. It's at that moment that the base's alarm goes off. You look up, curse loudly, and start darting down the path to what you hope is the door. You go through what you can remember of the base in your head. If you remember correctly, the last bomb you should plant is right about here… in a corridor to your left, maybe a hundred feet away.

The sound of feet behind you attracts your attention, and you know without looking that you're being pursued. "Stop her!"

Gunshots ring out, but by some dumb luck, none of them hit you. Reaching into your pocket, you draw out the switch to set off all the explosives. Straight ahead of you, the corridor ends and forks off in two separate directions. On your left is where you're supposed to plant the last bomb, but to your right is the way out…

You're getting tired now, and more OZ soldiers keep coming out of the hallways that you pass. The ones that you outrun are quickly being replaced, and they're slowly but surely gaining on you. Panting, you're about ten feet from the split, and can hear them behind you. Someone's yelling at them to put away their guns, to catch you alive…


No, I can't let them get me.

Five feet, and it's time to make a split-second decision. Do you…

Hit the switch now. You're about as far as possible from any of the explosives you set, and the one left isn't yet activated. So you blow the base first, and hope you survive… - go to page fifty-six

Turn left, to finish rigging the place. You plant the last bomb, before turning around and facing the soldiers coming towards you… - go to page fifty-seven

Turn right, to escape. You dodge the soldiers that are coming after you, gaining an extra burst of speed as you see the exit… but in the process of running, the switch slides from your hand… - go to page fifty-eight