Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Complete ❯ I Still Don't Trust You ( Chapter 32 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I Still Don't Trust You

You watch as Trowa and Wufei walk back into the room, the latter looking slightly annoyed at being called back to listen to your ranting. You raise an eyebrow at him, and he looks away, scowling. The other four stare at you expectantly, waiting for you to start. You lean against the wall, arms crossed, tapping the fingers of one hand against your elbow. You think about what to say; telling them everything is most definitely out of the question.

"Well, okay then…" you start. "I hope you guys know I can't tell you everything I know and my whole life story in the package. I shouldn't even be telling you this much, since I still don't know if I can trust you or not, but at this point, I don't think I have much of a choice. Of course, that's unless I want to spend the rest of my life in here or die trying to escape."

"What makes you think you can't escape?"

You roll your eyes at Trowa's question. "One: I don't know where the heck I am. We could be in a desert or an underwater base for all I know. Two: I don't know where the heck I am. I could get lost trying to find my way out of this complex. Three: I doubt I can break down that door, and you've already relieved me of all my weapons. That means no blowing through walls, which is too bad, because it not only causes damage, but the owners of the place have to pay repair costs. Four: I'm being held captive by the Gundam pilots, and I think that's the best reason of all as to why I won't be able to get away."

Duo starts to nod. "Oh. Okay," He stops himself suddenly, his eyes growing wide. "Wait a minute, what did you say?"

You grin in amusement. "What, that you're the Gundam pilots? I hate to say it, Duo, but you sure had a delayed reaction there."

"How long have you known?" Heero inquires.

You inspect your fingernails in a bored manner. "Hm… oh, for a few hours now. My first clue was that you actually caught me off-guard, and was actually able to knock me out while I wasn't focused. Second, you knew when I was faking unconsciousness. Third, there are five of you right there. Fourth, Duo's face was plastered all over 'Wanted' posters after he escaped from OZ custody. Fifth, Trowa Barton managed to work his way up to a high-ranking position in OZ before he showed that he was really a Gundam pilot. Sixth," you smirk, "anyone who's hacked the OZ database couldn't have missed those oh-so-flattering profiles of the Gundam pilots, complete with photo, personality description, and fighting style."

Duo sweatdrops slightly. "Well, you've done your homework…"

You chuckle slightly, sitting up. "I try. Now… where was I? Ah yes… my explanation. Well, here goes."

You spend the next few hours telling them everything you think they ought to know, while also telling them what you're not telling them. Confused? Well, pretty much, you say that you know something, but don't give them the details. You tell them that you fight OZ because of a kind of grudge you have against them, but you don't go into detail about your past. You tell them that you work for an organization that fights OZ, but don't say anything about Doctor Y or give away anything confidential. The only thing that you don't hold back on is what you know about OZ and OZ's plans, though since you don't know too much about it yourself, you doubt that much of the information is new to the Gundam pilots. What you do know that is helpful is the location of a few of the major and a lot of the minor OZ bases. When Quatre brings in a map of Earth and the colonies, you have a field day marking the locations of all of them. You were made to memorize them, just in case you ever got caught, so you'd know where you were, and also so that you could go undercover at one of them if you were in trouble and couldn't communicate with anyone at base.

"Here… and here… and here… and I think this is the last one," you mutter, marking a place in L2. Finished, you lean back and study your work, absently playing with the pen. You blink in surprise as you note that there are at least twenty stars and a hundred dots on the map. "There's that many of them? Geez, they've sure grown a lot since I last checked. Where do they get all the people?"

"Those who are uncomfortable in this post-war world and don't believe that Relena Peacecraft's methods will work," Wufei mumbles. "Also, weapons and mobile suit manufacturers who are disgruntled that they were put out of business."

"Ah…" You lean forward and study the map a bit more, grabbing the pen and marking a few X's and circles. "Those are former OZ bases. The X's, I mean. And those used to be OZ bases."

"Aren't they the same thing?" Duo asks, confused.

You flash him a quick smile. "Nope. The circles were bases of Neo-OZ, but I know for a fact they've been destroyed."

"In that case…" Heero takes the pen from you and circles a few of the dots.

You raise an eyebrow, amused. "I see you've been busy…"

"It's our line of work," Quatre answers. "That and a few self-assigned missions. The minor ones won't cause too much commotion if they're destroyed, unless they're all in a certain area. OZ is known for being slightly paranoid."

"Tell me about it," you grumble. "Okay, what now?"

The Gundam pilots exchange meaningful looks. "Well…"

You sigh, flopping down on the bed. "Whatever it is, just tell me. It's not like there's anything else to do…"

Heero comes and sits next to you, staring you in the eyes. "We'd like to get to know you a bit better, to see if what you've told us could be true, but we have a mission soon."

You sit up, interested. "A mission? Does it involve blowing something up?" The boys exchange glances, and you grin evilly. "It does, doesn't it? Well, then you can count me in!"

They stare at you disbelievingly. "What?" Wufei asks after a few minutes.

"You want to help?" Duo asks simultaneously.

You nod, still grinning. "Yup. It'll be fun, and this way, you can get to know me a bit better…" Seeing the looks on their faces, you walk to the opposite side of the cell and sit down. "I'll let you talk it over. Tell me when you come up with something." And with that, you close your eyes and start daydreaming, ignoring the soft voices coming from the other side of the room.

Your daydreaming soon starts to turn into real dreaming, however, and you smile softly in your sleep as the scene plays out…

You're at a large house somewhere, probably a mansion of some kind. A thought floats through your head that it's probably Quatre Winner's mansion, and you agree with it. After all, this is your dream, so if that's where you want to be… The house is decorated as if a formal party is to be held there, complete with dance floor, catering, and waltz music. The only thing missing is the guests. You look down at yourself and note that you're wearing a silver dress, and it's swirling softly around your ankles, even though you're not moving. Normally, you hate wearing dresses, skirts, and anything that makes you look too feminine, but in this case, you don't care. Shrugging, you walk towards the center of the floor, wondering idly where everyone is. If this is Quatre's mansion, then where is he? And what about the other Gundam pilots?

It's at that moment that two people come in through the open door at the end of the room. Doctor Y, of all people, comes waltzing in, accompanied by a tall lady. You recognize her somewhat; she's the head of Preventers and was one of Treize's favorites during the war. Lady Une smiles at you as she enters the door, and Y turns and sees you. The pair of them dances over to you, at which point they break apart. Une curtsies before heading to the refreshment table, and you turn to talk to Y. Oddly enough, he seems to be wearing a cowboy outfit, the only formal piece of clothing on him being a tie. It looks rather strange, but you don't really care. After all, this is your dream, and stranger things happen in dreams.

He bows quickly to you, which you return with your own curtsy. He holds out his hand to you. "Would you like to dance?"

You nod, for some strange reason unknown to you. Normally, you wouldn't say yes when being asked to dance by some guy in his fifties, but hey, like I said, it's a dream. You take his hand, and he pulls you onto the dance floor - right when his figure disappears to be replaced by none other than Treize himself, wearing a T-shirt and baggy black pants. Before you can open your mouth to say anything, the music also changes, turning from minute waltz into rock. You sweatdrop and back away quickly, looking around. Une is nowhere to be found. Treize walks towards you, and you back up, until he has you backed up against a wall. He stops a foot in front of you and stares down at you solemnly.

"What do you want?" you snap, your voice having a bit of a nervous edge to it.

Treize leans forward, and for a moment you think he's going to kiss you. Instead, he whispers into your ear, "There is much more going on here than you can imagine or begin to believe. Be careful who you trust… not all of them are your friends."

You stare at him. "Why are you, of all people, telling me this?"

The former (and deceased) OZ leader shrugs. "You, unlike most people, know of my real reasons for fighting the war. And Zechs wasn't available to help explain it to you."

"You mean I don't know what he looks like behind that mask?"

Treize smiles. "Well, yes, and you with your imagination would make him into some sort of monster." He bows to you. "Remember my warning well. There are many who would gladly lie to you to get you on their side."

"Then how do I know how to trust?" you whisper, forgetting your former apprehension at meeting him. This is a dream, and no one can hurt you in dreams… or at least, it hasn't happened yet.

Treize starts to fade away, and his words echo in your ears. "As 01 says, 'Do as your heart tells you. That's the right path…' "

"Heero says that?" you muse. "Interesting, for a guy that seems so emotionless…"

Across the room, Heero walks in from the doors you were standing in front of earlier. Unlike the others, he's wearing a tuxedo, which actually fit for the formal party theme. He stops just in front of the doors, looking at you. Your breath catches in your throat as you look at him; he's just gorgeous standing there like that… "Heero…"

Without a word, his hand moves to his pocket. You barely have the time to wonder what he's doing before he pulls out a gun and aims it at you. You stare him in the eyes, confused. 'What's going on…?'

He pulls the trigger.

Various thoughts fly through your head all at once, the main one being, 'This is a dream, I can't get hurt, I can't die…' You squeeze your eyes shut and prepare for the impact. Dream or no dream, there's sure to be blood.

It never comes. Instead, you hear a bit of a gasp behind you, and turn to see Doctor Y, now wearing regular clothes, fall, his hands to the bullet hole in his chest. The thing that catches your attention, however, is the knife glinting in his hand. You whirl back around to face Heero, who puts his gun away and starts to walk toward you slowly. You just look at him blankly for a moment before your brain gives you a mental kick and you spring into action.

You bend over quickly, grabbing a pistol from where it's strapped to your boot. You don't stop to wonder why exactly you're wearing boots with a dress, but instead point it at Heero, who seems to have magically covered the distance between the two of you in only a few seconds. He keeps moving forward, and you glare at him, clicking off the safety. "You jerk! What did you do that for? You scared me half to death!"

Heero stops right in front of you, so there's about six inches of space between your faces. You draw a deep, shaky breath, and he reaches up, flicks the safety back on, pries the gun from your death-grip, and drops it. He takes your hand gently and folds it in your own. "What do you mean? I just saved your life."

Somehow, you can't breathe. "Heero…"

He smiles at you, a soft smile that you're almost certain the real Heero is incapable of. Key word there being "almost." Heero traces a finger across your cheek lightly, bringing it to a stop on your lips. He keeps it there as he leans forward, then takes it off just as your lips are about to meet…

A hand on your shoulder jerks you out of your dream. Being a soldier, you'd learned to wake up quickly if someone did that. Your hand automatically moves to your belt, searching for your dagger, but when you find nothing, you glare up at the person who woke you.

Duo backs up, looking slightly freaked out at the look you're giving him. "I just wanted to let you know we've decided."

"Decided what?" you demand snappishly, then wince slightly as you realize how cranky you sound. "Sorry about that, I was having a good dream…"

Duo grins mischievously. "I could tell, from that happy look on your face… well, we've decided. You're coming with us on our next mission."

From his place at the table behind Duo, Heero nods, his eyes locked on yours. "We'll believe you… for now. This mission should prove it. But we're keeping an eye on you."

You nod, processing that information and trying to get rid of the remnants of your dream. Really, what was that about, you kissing Heero? Seriously, he has personality problems! And you haven't even known him that long! But then again, he is really hot… OKAY, off that train of thought! Back to the present! But you can't help blushing slightly as you look at Heero again. Duo notices and grins slightly, nudging you, and you tear your gaze off Prussian blue eyes to glare at him. If Heero saw you blush, he doesn't say anything.

"Okay…" you say slowly, trying to get your voice to sound normal. "Well, if we're going on a mission, then where to?"

Heero answers you, saying that the mission is on Earth. But when you get there, you notice that it seems slightly familiar… - go to page fifty-nine

Heero tells you that you're leaving Earth and heading for the colonies. You protest a bit, saying that you don't want to be AWOL from base that long without contact, but you go anyway. You take a look at the colony coordinates before you leave; you've never been there before. - go to page sixty