Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Complete ❯ Explosions Are Good ( Chapter 38 )
A/N: If this is deleted, I'm planning to repost on Same goes for In-Between.
Explosions Are Good…
Meeting a Gundam pilot could be interesting… but then again, it might not be the smartest thing to do. Now that you know who he is, you can communicate with him whenever you want. He still has your ID card, though, and that might be a problem… but you have to be a bit cautious, and Heero might still believe you to be an enemy. Besides, you'd practically be meeting him on his own terms, which is something you're not going to do for just anyone.
A week later, you're considerably more relaxed and the incident at the OZ base is almost completely forgotten, though you still ponder over it every now and then. Having practically forgotten Heero Yuy, you celebrate silently when Doctor Y calls you to the command center. You watch curiously as he paces in front of you before you can't hold it in for any longer, and you burst out, "Okay, so what's this about? A new mission, right?"
Y stops his pacing and sends you an exasperated look. "Yes, but could you have some patience for once? I'll explain it to you in due time."
You roll your eyes. "Why not right now? Is it because you're not in a hurry for once, and so you wanna waste my time? There are more important stuff I could be doing right now, ya know…" "More important stuff" being setting a new record on the video games, but Y doesn't need to know that…
Y takes a moment to sort his thoughts before he begins. "There's a relatively new OZ base in the area, some fifty miles from here. Your mission is to destroy it, of course. The attack will take place in three days' time, so you have plenty of time to prepare."
"And the details?" you ask eagerly. Unable to curb your excitement any further, you lean forward. "Do I use a mobile suit, hack into the base control systems and blow it up that way, rig the place, just drop a couple bombs on top, or what?"
Doctor Y sighs and massages his temples, apparently annoyed by your constant questioning. "It will be the same as the last one - you'll sneak inside, plant the explosives, leave, and blow it up."
You pout, your hyperness slowly fading away. "But that's what all my missions have been like! Can't you create a little variety, just so it isn't as boring?"
Y chooses not to comment. "As for further mission details… there will be roughly one hundred OZ soldiers there, and no one of importance for you to specially target for assassination. Try not to set off any of the alarms. The base is relatively small, and it should be simple compared to your last few missions." He leads you over to the table, where a large map is spread out, and one glance at it tells you that it's a map of the base. Y starts pointing out where you should place the bombs, and the rest of his information quickly goes in one ear and out the other as you scan the map.
Seeing something unusual on the floorplan, you immediately blurt out a question, interrupting Y mid-word. "What's that?" you ask him, pointing out two spots on the map. "It looks like there're two main exits to this base. So what's that about?"
Y takes only a quick look at the map. "That's not important, except that you can use it if you get into trouble. You'll be using this exit over here." He points out one of the two exits before he continues blabbering on… and on… and on…
Which is why it takes you a few seconds before you realize that Doctor Y's stopped talking. You smile and nod at him. "Got it. If that's all…" Before he gets a chance to answer, you're out the door and headed back to your room.
Three days later, you're in front of one of the exits to the base - of course, it's not the one that Y told you to go to. Hey, if this is going to be such an easy mission, you might as well make it a little more difficult. And besides, since it doesn't really change what you're supposed to be doing, you can ignore Y's orders and go wherever you want, and he'll never be the wiser for it.
Taking a quick glance around, you stand up from the bushes and walk towards the entrance casually. You've done this a million times before, so now it was almost second nature to act like you belong at an OZ base. Kind of scary, actually, now that you think about it…
You give the guard a quick nod as you pass, and he nods back as you walk through the doors. Upon stepping outside, you immediately realize just why Doctor Y wanted you to use the other door - this one leads into the hangar, which is half-full of mobile suits. He knew that you'd complain if you knew that this could have been a potential MS battle, but he still made you do it this way. Grumbling about idiot doctors who don't let you have your fun, you head over to the center of the base, where the command center is and where you'll be planting the first bomb.
For once, you'd actually studied the map of the base and tried to memorize the plans, so now all that's left is to hope your sense of direction is good enough for you to find the command center without incident. You do get lost once, and realize it only when you hit a dead end.
"I knew I should've turned left," you mutter, turning around and heading back to the junction where you'd taken a wrong turn. "Aw… why is it that I can do everything else in soldier training perfectly, but I have a sense of direction almost as bad as Ryoga's?" (A/N: --; Sorry, just had to put that in. Don't own Ryoga Hibiki, he's from Ranma ½.)
Complaining under your breath, you're staring at the ground and don't realize it when a group of OZ soldiers move into your path from the left and you bump right into one of them, almost falling over before a pair of hands catches you. "Ack! Oh, sorry…" You look up - right into a pair of Prussian blue eyes. They flash in recognition at the same time that you gasp and stumble backwards.
"What - Heero!"
The other four people immediately surround you as Heero stares at you, slight confusion written over his face. You wonder briefly how he can control his emotions so well; you're sure that your own face shows exactly how puzzled and surprised you are. One of the others, a Chinese boy about your age, snaps, "Who are you and how do you know Heero? Speak, onna!"
Hearing him snaps you out of it and you regain your composure, glaring at him. You recognize him as one of the other Gundam pilots, Chang Wufei. Now that you think about it, the five boys are the Gundam pilots. "One, I'm not an OZ soldier, even though I'm in one of their uniforms. Two, I happened to meet Heero on my last mission. Three, I know you're the Gundam pilots. Four, don't call me onna unless you want me to hurt you. I have a name, you know."
"She's telling the truth," Heero adds, his face emotionless once again. He gives your name to the other pilots, then asks, "Why are you here?"
Now that they know who you are, you're pretty sure they won't kill you, so you allow yourself to smirk as you lean against the wall. "Probably the same reason you are. OZ base plus me equals big explosion. You're on a mission too, at the same base as me, twice in a row? Okay, that's just freaky."
"And probably more than just a coincidence," Trowa murmurs. "This adds a new dimension to things."
You nod thoughtfully. "Yeah… but in the meantime, do you guys mind letting me go? I do have a mission to complete, you know, and we'll probably attract attention just by standing here chatting." They part to let you pass, and you step away from them.
"By the way…" Heero puts a hand on your shoulder before you can go anywhere. "I don't remember telling you my name. How did you find out who I was?"
You shrug, purposely keeping your answer vague. "I did my homework when I got back. I hacked a couple databases, saw your picture, and put two and two together. You could've told me you were a Gundam pilot."
"I had no reason to," he answers.
Duo clears his throat to get your attention. "Hello? We're here to be blowing something up, remember? When are we gonna actually get to the mission?"
You blink, almost having forgotten that you had a mission. "Oh yeah. The mission. Well, I'd better go…" You walk a few steps before you pause, feeling their eyes on you. Sighing slightly, you turn around and say…
"Well, since we're here and have the same objective anyway, what do you say we join forces for this mission? We can finish this faster, and then afterwards, maybe we can try and figure out why exactly we had the same mission at the same base…" - go to page seventy-one
"What are you staring at? Look, I don't know about you guys, but I want to get this mission over and done with already. I won't ask for your help; I don't need it. It's everyone for themselves, and if you happen to get caught in the blast, then too bad for you. But I won't be the one dying." - go to page seventy-two