Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission From Hell ❯ Just read people!!! ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Notes:Yeah, well I haven't written in a couple of weeks
now but.....I had a cold and I couldn't type or stay on
the computer......But here I am again.....
Our poor Duo will think bad about himself....He doesn't like
his looks...But not that I mean anything by that...I LOVE DUO!
He is the going to get hurt a lot.
Warnings:Cross-dressing, yaoi, swearing....
Pairings:1x2, 3x4 and poor Wu-baby is alone...*crys*I will
not rest until I come up with a fic which he will have a soul

You all know that I missed the part with them choosing a
name for here they are....

Heero is Odin Lowe
Duo is Hellen Shini
Quatre is Quatrina Winner
Trowa is Triton Bloom(couldn't think of anything else).

One more note: Trowa and Heero have not yet seen Quatre's
and Duo's clothes. They are wearing normal girls clothes.



******************* **************************************

Mission From Hell


The next day!

The guys....and girls were in the office getting their new
schedule. Odin(Heero) had made sure that he had the same
classes as Hellen(Duo). He didn't seem to trust him after
the threat of revenge. Triton(Trowa) and Quatrina(Quatre)
had the same classes as each other. Triton wanted to make
sure that no one touched his angel.

Hellen and Quatrina were to roommate and Odin and Triton
were to share a room. They knew that it was good because
they could go to the girls room without getting caught.

(When they are among themself then I am going to use they're
real names)

"Well...looks like we have the same classes He-ko...Or did
you do that on purpose?" asked Duo.

"Hn" answered Heero giving Duo the 'What Did You Think' look.

"Yeah, I thought so." said Duo. Heero looked at him disgusted.
"Oh well, at least I can be with you all the time! You guys
also have the same schedule?"

Trowa nodded, "I want to keep an eye on Quatre."

"Awww...How cute!" said Duo. "Well we better go and get
in our school clothes."

Then they went there seperate ways.

"Now Quatre, remember what our plan is during lunch. I
know the schoolboys will be coming to introduce themselve
to us so we act as sweet as possible and laugh at their
flirts, Kay?" asked Duo.

"I still don't know about this Duo, what if the schoolboys
take it seriusly and think that we like them?" asked Quatre.

"Don't worry...It's only one day and I think that is the
most it will last. And if it doesn't we will ask the guys
to act as our we already are." reasoned

"I guess your right...Alright" agreed Quatre. Just when
they arrived to their room.


"I am still worried of what Duo has planned, Heero." said
Trowa. "No offence, but I don't trust you boyfriend with

"I know Duo...He will have a plan if something does go wrong.
He will have a back-up plan. Don't worry about it. He is
a stupid guy but he won't do anything to ruin a mission. That's
why I choose him. Cause I could trust him..." reassured
Heero. 'But I wish I was with Wufei more.' thought Heero to

************************************************** *******

"Ready Quatre?" asked Duo.

"Yeah....but I don't want to go out like this..." said Quatre
as he stepped out of the restroom.

"Wow! You look cute Quatre...Better than me..." said Duo as
he looked in the mirror. He was remembering a few days ago...

"Huh?" asked Quatre.


"Heero, do you think that I'm pretty?" asked Duo. Heero
looked at him and just gave him an disgusted face.

"I think Wufei is a whole lost good looking than you...Now
don't ask me those kind of stuff again, got it?" Heero stared
at Duo's sadden eyes.

Duo nodded.

~End Flashback~

(Note: Remember in the first few chapters Duo doesn't act
like something is wrong because of his happy mask...)

Tears started going down Duo's cheek. He felt someone
wiping his face. And he looked up to see Quatre. He sniffed
and apoligized.

"Sorry...I was just remembering something unpleasent." answered

"What's wrong why would you think that you are not as pretty
as me. You are so beautiful why would you say that?" asked

"I......" Duo started but was cut off by a knock at the

"Who is it?" asked Quatre.

"Its us," answered Trowa.

"Okay, we will be out in a second." said Quatre. "Later, you
are going to tell me later, kay?"

Duo nodded and put on his happy mask. "Let's go."

When Duo and Quatre stepped out Heero and Trowa went into shock but
also noticed that there were some guys looking at them. Heero
grabbed Duo and went inside the girls room.

"What are you doing. Hell, who cares about you but look at the
way the guys are looking at Quatre! You idiot! What are you
thinking? Wait I forgot you never think that does it you
know. Its over between us! When we get back then I will
tell Wufei how I feel." said Heero and then he left and slammed
the door and told the others to leave. But Quatre decided to
stay with Duo and go to class later on.

Duo on the other hand was in the room crying his eyes out.
"Why? Why....Heero wait!?!" yelled Duo and went and tried to
talk to him but Heero just grabbed Trowa and left.

By then Quatre was in so much pain he did not like seeing
Duo like that. What had Heero said to Duo? Did it have
anything to do with why Duo was crying a few minutes ago?

"Duo? Are you alright? What happened? What did Heero say to
cause you to cry like that?" asked a very concerned Quatre.

It was at that moment that Duo noticed that Quatre was there
with him and he threw himself at Quatre and cryed. Everyone
was now watching. Quatre took Duo in the room and asked Duo
to tell him everything.

"Duo, tell me exactly what is going on. What has Heero done
to cause you so much pain and start from when it first started.
I know that something is going on between your relationship with
Heero. So tell me...its hurting you by holding it inside." pleaded

********************************************** ***********

"Heero! What the hell is the matter with you!?!" yelled
Trowa who just as worried as Quatre about his friend.

"Its none of your business Trowa! Let's just get to class."
said Heero.

"What do you mean its none of my business!!! For Gods Sake
Heero! One of my best friends is crying and you expect me
just to let it go!" yelled Trowa not caring that everyone
was watching them.

"I.HATE.HIM! Okay, now you, happy? I want Wufei and not
him. He is a stupid bastard that does not know when to
shut up! And I want nothing to do with him anymore is that
what you want to know." Heero yelled back.

Trowa stared in shock..."Then why the hell did you make him
fall in love with you when you just throw him away like he's
nothing! You know Heero, Fuck this mission! You can finish
it on your own! Duo, Quatre, and I are going to leave!" yelled

"You just blew our cover, you stupid bastard!" yelled Heero.

"Take it out on someone else! Not on me, nor Quatre, and
espicially not Duo!" yelled Trowa right when he left.

Heero just glared at him. And noticed everyone staring
at him. "What!" he yelled and everyone jumped and left

************************************************ *********

Okay, Trowa blew the mission and the fic isn't what you had
expected, huh? Anyway our poor Duo has been hurt beyond
imagination. 1x2 lovers don't worry the end isn't even
close. This is where the angsty starts and then it eventually
turns into a romance. And WOW it is actually a long chapter.
I am going to try writing long chapters from now on and not
just short stuff....


Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out.

