Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission From Hell ❯ Just read people!!! ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: SanosukeLover
Notes: I think that I should start typing, huh? Ohh well remember that the G-boys
I don't own and the rest you know right?

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Mission From Hell
By: SanosukeLover

Duo's POV

I was still crying trying to find the courage to tell Quatre everything. Maybe he's
right if I let out my pain then it won't hurt as much. But I can't blame Heero for
not loving me. Why would he want me if I have nothing to give to him? The only
thing that I can offer him is my love and body but I suppose thats not enough for him.
I started talking and telling Quatre what is going on.

"It all started a few weeks ago.....I had this strange feeling that Heero was acting
strange. He had be ignoring me and staring at Wufei for a long time and seemed
to like him...More than a friend I mean.....So when a few days later I asked Heero
if I was beautiful to him he just laughed and finally admitted that he loved Wufei
and not me....." I sobbed harder.

I had just noticed Trowa's presence. He was feeling sympathy, I could tell by
looking into his eyes.

"Ohh....Duo! I'm sure that he didn't mean that. He was probably just joking with
you." Quatre incouraged me.

"Oh yeah...Well then explain why he just left like that, can you? I know he doesn't
love me...So why even bother?" I asked.

"I know that deep down in Heero's heart you ARE the one he loves most." said Trowa.

"Arigato...But I don't want to really get in Heero's way right now so I might as well
leave him alone for a while.

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A few days later...

Luckly our cover wasn't blown half the kids thought we were crazy and the other half
had no idea in hell what Heero and Trowa were talking about. Wufei had finished his
mission earlier and was told to join us. He would be arriving in day...what killed
me the most was that he was sharing a dorm with my...opps forgot he doesn't belong to
me any more....I can't stop crying.....Quatre is worried about me lately and worried.
He hears me crying in my sleep.


Duo's Dream.....

I was running through a grass field and all of a sudden Heero comes into view he first
smiles a pleasent smile then it turns twisted with him first beating me and then Wufei
appears and he beats me some and tells me that Heero is his and only his.

They just leave me there while I cry to Heero not to leave me...But Heero turns around
and looks digusted with me.


And thats when I start crying and Quatre wakes me up helping me calm down. I am happy to
at least have Quatre and Trowa at my side and there to help me through this difficult

"Miss Helen are you there?" asked the voice of the teacher.

"Huh? I'm sorry what did you say?" I asked feeling embarrased of being the center of

"Are you even awake Helen? Every since you have come to this school you have been gazing
off...I need you to pay attention. You can daydream on your own time but try to listen to
me at my time." begged the teacher.

"I'm sorry, I'll pay attention ma'am." I apoligized.

In the corner of my eyes I can see Heero looking at me in an annoyed gaze. It hurt a lot.
Then someone walks into the classroom. Heeros eyes started to sparkle at first I thought
he was staring at me but then I see him up in the front of the classroom.


It hurts.....God it hurts so much I cannot even discribe it. Then it pops in my head Wufei
always spending time with Heero and Heero spending time with Wufei as much time as
possible....Heero had been cheating on me....(Remember the part in the first chapter how
Wufei leaned as close as possible to Heero.....) Ouch....That hurts even more than Heero
just leaving me.....I am going to find out how long had hes love only belong to me and not
another.....Something deep inside of me told me not to if I don't want to get hurt. But
I need to know....

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During Lunch...

I see Heero walking up to Wufei and asking to talk to him. Wufei nodded and they left to
start there little conversation. I just looked down at my food slowly and just played with

"Didn't your mother teach not to play with your food?" asked Quatre.

This cheared me up a bit and I thanked him. "Thanks Quat, but it still hurts. I think
Heero was cheating on me." I saw his puzzled face. "Didn't you noticed that Heero and
Wufei would always spend time in Wu's room? Its obvious." I said.

"You really don't know that for sure why don't you ask him yourself if you wamt to know the
truth..." suggested Trowa.

'But it would be better if you don't if you don't want to get hurt more than you already
have.' I thought to myself.

"Yeah, I'm planning to ask him next period no one else would be there and I'll ask him."
I said.

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After lunch period.....

"Heero..." Heero turned around and looked at me. "Can I ask you something?"

"Hn.....What do you want?" He asked while sitting down in his seat.

"When we were together....Were you cheating on me for Wufei?" He spinned around and
stared in shock. That was all I needed heart felt like it had been ripped

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Well...Thats all for now....

*Dodges objects being thrown at her* STOP!!! Let me explain......I'll update sooner this
time and you won't have to wait so long, kay?

Readers: FINE!!!

*Sighs* THANK YOU!!!

Well anyways.......I am going to type up a new fic.

Milly.....I will update Love "Beyond Reach" as soon as I find out what to do to save

If some of you read it could you by some chance give me an idea....Because I find it
impossible to do....First Tasuki is losing his life force cause of Tomo and he is losing
blood....Chichiri and Mitsukake cannot use there powers.....God this is complicated....

Well if you do decide to read it and you have an idea then please email me at:

Arigato Minaa-san...

