Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Impossible ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys, I just borrow them from time to time and return them a whole lot happier, ne? Written for pleasure not profit.
Warnings: Yaoi, sap, angst, fluff, perverseness, humor attempts, Lemon, Heero POV.
Pairing: eventual 2x1
Rating: NC 17
Summary: Heero and Duo have worked as partners for Preventer for several years, completing many successful missions. What happens on this latest mission though will change them both forever.
Notes: Written for Sharon's Moment's of Rapture 2005/2006 fic comp.
Many thanks to Artemis & Yami_tai for the beta!
"Mission Impossible"
Dec 2005 ShenLong
Chapter 1
Hitting the print button, I sit back in my chair and rotate my head, trying to ease some of the stiffness from my neck. I could feel a headache tugging at the fringes of my mind and mentally glared at it. I didn't have time for headaches. The printer beeped, announcing the completion of the task and I sighed as I got up and walked over to retrieve the report, it had been a long day and I was tired. I scanned the pages and gave a small smile of satisfaction at a job well done. The report, along with the collected evidence, would see the criminals from our latest assignment put behind bars for quite a number of years.
It was ten minutes to five. Good. It was enough time to lodge the report with the prosecuting section and then sign out for the day. I took a look at my partner's desk and shook my head. Duo, it seemed, had disappeared. Idly, I wondered if he'd finished his report. Dismissing it from my mind, I was about to head out of the small office when my phone rang.
"Yuy," I said, punching the receive button.
The sound of Commander Une's voice came down the line, her tone clipped. That could only mean one thing; Une wasn't happy about something.
"Hai, Commander. We will be right up." I disconnected the call and dropped the report to my desk. It would have to wait for a few more minutes while I went in search of my colleague.
I found him in the lunch room, mug of coffee in one hand, braid over his shoulder as he talked animatedly to Gail from records. Noticing my arrival he paused. "Hey, Heero. Knock off time already?"
"Une wants to see us in her office right away," I replied, ignoring his question.
"Okay. Be right with you, buddy."
I waited patiently while he drained his mug, rinsed it and bid Gail farewell. "Any idea what's going down?"
I shook my head. "No. She didn't say."
Duo grunted.
I wasn't overly happy myself. We had completed our last mission just two days ago and with only Thursday and Friday remaining of the week, I was seriously looking forward to some relaxation this weekend.
"Got any plans for Saturday, Heero?"
The question drew me from my thoughts and I turned to Duo. "No, why?"
"Wanna catch a movie and maybe shoot some pool afterwards?"
The proposition was tempting. "Sure, why not?"
"What's on?"
"Dunno. Come over about one and we can check the movie guide."
I nodded and stepped into the elevator. Duo and I often hung out together on the weekends, shooting a few games of pool, taking in a movie or just sharing a few drinks. He was an interesting companion and had taken it upon himself to 'humanize' me after the wars. I didn't think I needed humanizing, I knew how the world, colonies and people worked; or so I thought.
But Duo showed me another side to life - one with laughter, warmth and friendship. As I began to discover this new side to life and the peace we'd fought so hard to achieve, I also discovered that Duo had been right; there was something left to live for.
"Ah, here we are. Eighth floor, strategy offices, planning center, ladies underwear and home of the industrious head of Preventer. Going down..." Duo's voice cut through the air as the elevator 'dinged' its arrival.
That was Duo, always the joker. I resisted the urge to throttle him with his braid.
As we stepped out of the elevator and proceeded along the corridor to Une's office, Duo once again contemplated what our Commander could want. "I hope it isn't another mission, I really could do with some down time after that last one."
"Hn," I grunted by way of reply. "I'm getting a bit fed up of mud, rain and flying bullets myself."
Duo passed a hand over his forehead and made to swoon. "I don't believe it; Heero Yuy, agent extrodinaire, the only man within the Earth Sphere United Nation to have a season ticket to 'Suicide Incorporated' is complaining about having to go on a mission."
"Baka!" I hit him upside the head.
"Ow! Sheesh, a little lighter on the strength next time, buddy if you don't mind. I'm rather fond of keeping my eyeballs in my head."
I gave him one of my better glares. I shouldn't have wasted my time. He was impervious to them anyway.
I opened the door and stepped into the small reception area, the large, double doors to Une's office loomed on the other side of the secretary's desk. I sensed Duo shudder behind me and a small wave of sympathy ran through my own body. To get to Une you had to go through her secretary, no mean feat in itself. Martha, the secretary, had strategically positioned her desk facing the entry door and with Une's office directly behind, you couldn't avoid the confrontation. Normally Duo would have charmed the pants off the secretary, he had every other female in the Preventer building wrapped around his little finger, so why not Martha?
I can still remember the day that Une employed her new secretary. No one had seen her and the only information we had was that she was efficient and as cold as the Arctic. Even my skills at digging up information through my computer had failed to yield anything on the woman. Either she was very good at hiding her personal files, had a squeaky clean reputation, or simply didn't exist. Needless to say, Duo had immediately made it his goal to win the woman over and departed from our shared office with a cheeky grin and unlimited sex appeal on the day Martha joined the Preventer payroll. I was therefore surprised when he returned not fifteen minutes later, tail firmly between his legs and licking his wounds.
It took me a while to get the story out of him; and then it was only by sheer bribery. It was the best dozen beers I'd ever bought. Turns out the woman was about fifty five not out, [1] with graying hair which she kept pulled back into a severe bun. Thin, black rimmed glasses sat perched on the end of her nose, and she had a pair of eyes that rivaled the mythological Medusa for rendering a person to stone. Duo had done a double take when arriving at Une's office. Not one to be deterred easily, he'd applied the Maxwell charm.
Only this time it didn't work.
The woman had simply given Duo a withering glance and asked what his reason for being there was. When she found out he didn't have an appointment she was quick to put two and two together; combine that with a sharp tongue that told Duo she wasn't about to be influenced by a mere 'boy' (I'm certain there was a whole lot more in that conversation but Duo clammed up when questioned on it and I wasn't about to push it given the fragile state of his ego at the time.) and the 'Duo Casanova' of Preventer had promptly done what he did best - run and hid.
It wasn't just Duo though who came in for the steely glares and cold treatment, it was everyone at Preventer. I never thought I would see the day when Wufei would bow to an 'onna'. I think Sally Po was the only person, besides Une herself, that Martha didn't intimidate. Although, come to think of it, no one intimidates Sally. I guess it has something to do with her doctor status and the fact that she's the one who does all our medical checks, shots and patch ups. Most of us have learnt over time that it does not pay to piss off the medic.
But I digress.
Here we were, two ex - Gundam pilots, top Preventer agents (young, muscular and strong), having survived torture both physical and mental that would have broken men twice our age and size in mere minutes, cowering like two naughty schoolboys facing the principal. I scowled as I felt Duo poke me from behind, causing me to stumble forward. Martha's eyes had fixed us both when we stepped inside and had narrowed even further.
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: For thou art with me. I hope you are anyway, Heero." [2]
I turned my head slightly and caught Duo's muttering as he moved forward and closer to my side.
"Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. At least I can use them to beat the shit outta anyone that attacks me."
I was seriously beginning to wonder about my partner's sanity as his little ramble continued.
"Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; only I don't want to be the sacrificial virgin..."
Now I was certain he'd lost his marbles. I turned to glare at him and received a lopsided grin in return; along with his last few pearls of wisdom.

"Thou annointest my head with oil; My cup runneth over. I just wish the oil would fry the enemy and my feet would runneth me out of here."
I elbowed him sharply to shut him up as we finally reached Martha's desk. The last thing I needed was for the secretary to hear him.
"Something you want, boys?"
Martha's sharp tone brought us both back to our current situation. Seeing as how Duo's vocabulary skills had deserted him, not surprising after that little monologue, it was left to me to state the purpose for our visit to the lion's den. Where the hell was Trowa when you needed him?
"Commander Une requested our attendance for a mission briefing," I managed to get out past a dry throat and tongue that wanted to stick to the roof of my mouth. Thank heavens my voice remained calm with only a slight rise in pitch.
"Does she now?" Martha fixed us with a steely eye and punched a button on the intercom unit. "Commander Une, I have two agents out here who claim you sent for them. I have nothing in the book to verify that."
"That's okay, Martha, you can send them in. I did page Agents Yuy and Maxwell."
"As you wish." Martha disconnected the intercom. "You may go in."
Carefully inching past her desk, I made my way to those double doors, feeling the woman's eyes boring into my back and Duo pressed close behind me. I swear if he was any closer he'd be inside my uniform with me. I opened the doors and slipped inside, the relief washing over and through me as I shut them again behind us.
"Ah, Yuy and Maxwell."
I felt the tension beginning to build again.
"Commander," Duo's cheerful voice rang out. Looked like he'd found his vocal chords again.
"Please, sit for a moment."
We did as requested, Duo giving me a questioning look which I returned with a shrug of my shoulders. I had no idea how long this was going to take and why we should be asked to sit for the briefing.
"I know you have both just completed a mission and a successful one at that. Congratulations again."
"Arigato," I murmured.
"I really don't want to do this seeing as how you've just finished one mission, but I don't have much of a choice. Although this shouldn't be too hard."
Now my curiosity was aroused. Normally, Duo and I got the tough missions, the ones that demanded we use the skills we'd fine tuned during the wars. But then again, Une's version of a hard mission and ours were usually totally different.
"As you are aware, Relena has been through many meetings, talks and conferences recently. She has decided to take a couple of days off for some relaxation."
"Good for her," muttered Duo. "Wish I could do the same."
Une's sharp hearing caught the words and she turned to face Duo. "I'm glad you feel the same way, Agent Maxwell as both yourself and Agent Yuy will be accompanying Relena as her security detail."
I guess my face must have had the same blank expression as Duo's 'huh?' did.
"Relena hasn't divulged much in the way of details to me, just enough to satisfy the basic requirements set down by Preventer for any delegate it's required to protect." Une passed over two manila envelopes. "All the details we have are in there, including shuttle details and accommodation vouchers. All I can brief you on is that Relena will be going overseas, leaving tonight and returning on Monday afternoon."
I stared at the envelope. All the plans for the lazy weekend, movie, pool, take out for tea gone south with the ducks. A weekend away would be nice. A weekend away with Relena as her security detail was going to be another kettle of fish. There wouldn't be much time for relaxation given the woman's well known status. I could think of nothing worse than trailing around after the girl as she busied herself sightseeing and doing all the touristy things.
"Any questions?"
Duo cleared his throat. "Ah, where exactly are we going?"
"San Francisco."
"Right. Um, where are we staying?"
"The Clariton hotel."
"When do we leave?" I heard myself ask, wondering if I could get Wufei to feed my cat while I was gone again.
"I believe the shuttle is scheduled for departure at 23.30 hours."
I looked at the clock. It was five thirty.
"Any other questions?"
I shook my head, Duo imitating my action.
"Then I suggest you both get moving. Enjoy the trip and look after Relena." Une turned her focus back to the paperwork on her desk indicating we were dismissed.
I stood and with Duo following me, prepared for the sprint across the reception area and back to the corridor and freedom. We were lucky though. Martha wasn't sitting behind her desk; in fact she wasn't in the reception area at all.
"Looks like even the iron maiden has a home to go to, although I think a fortress is probably more her style," growled Duo as we walked across the thick carpet to the door.
I declined to answer. The envelope in my hand burned against my palm. I really didn't want to be spending the weekend playing bodyguard to Relena. As much as I admired the woman, and had even become friends with her, I'd much rather be spending my time at home. Many people had speculated on our relationship but there was no truth in the rumors that seemed to rise whenever I was assigned to protect her.
She had gotten over her crush on me; I never had one on her to start with, and we were now simply good friends. The tabloids continued to speculate on our relationship and I had learned long ago that no matter how much I protested and denied the allegations about us the press would report what they wanted. Now I just said nothing.
The truth of the matter was, Relena didn't do anything for me. Yes, she was a fine woman with ideals and a silver tongue, but I couldn't think of her in a romantic way. I wasn't sure what I desired in a companion, I hadn't really given it much thought. My life was too busy with my job. Besides, all the missions I was required to carry out, life threatening and otherwise, were not conducive to having a relationship.
It wouldn't be fair to have a girlfriend and expect her to understand the risks of my job, the possibility that I may not make it home one day. Hell, it wasn't even fair on my cat! No, it was far better to remain single and avoid all that crap.
"Wanna come back to my place first? I'll grab my stuff and then we can go to your place and finalize this mission before heading to the shuttle port." Duo's words brought me back to the present and I was surprised to find we were back in our office.
"Sure," I replied. "I'll drop this report off on the way out. Meet you in the parking lot in five?"
"Be waiting for ya, buddy."
I watched as Duo left, braid swinging behind him, and then picked up my report. I stuffed the manila envelope in my briefcase, shut off the lights and departed the office.
So much for a weekend of relaxation.
~ * ~
[1] This is a bit of Aussie humor. It's something we tend to say in reference to a person's age. In this case 55 not out meaning the woman could be anywhere from 55 upwards and still going. It comes from the game of cricket when a batsman at the end of a match is referred to as having x number of runs - not out, meaning the number he could have made is anyone's guess.
[2] Psalm 23 - second stanza. My apologies to anyone who may be offended by my butchering of this part of the Psalm. It was not intended to offend.