Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Jusenkyo ❯ The Pilots match ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: We do not own either Ranma or Gundam Wing. If we did, not
only would we be richer, we'd be able to draw better. ^_^

Author's note: Goofier and Goofier, Just the way we planned. We hope
to have part 2 out by tomorrow but well, you never know what might
happen. Anyway, happy reading!!!!

Chapter 1: The Pilot's Match

A Ranma and Gundam Wing Crossover

By: Yaten, Aisha, Zel (short for Zelgadis), and Hee-chan (nickname for


Heero found himself underwater. Trying to swim, he found much easier
than it had ever been before. `Must be the training' He thought
smugly. Yes ladies and gentlemen, Heero Yuy does have an ego. Finally
surfacing he found himself facing a slightly balding Chinese man, he
automatically reached for his gun, instead encountering feathers.
`Feathers?' Opening up his mouth to ask what the hell was going on, he



As Duo finally surfaced in what seemed to be an awfully deep spring he
took a deep breath. To his right, Wufei was surfacing next to him.

"Hey Wu-man, you okay?"

"I told you not to call me that Maxwell. Is it just me or does your
voice sound weird?"

"Yours does to."

Reaching the edge of the spring they both climbed out. Duo turned
around to face his comrade, and fell out laughing

*5 minutes later*

Duo was still cracking up. It was at that moment that Wufei caught his
reflection in the spring.



When Relena reached the surface, tears were leaking from her eyes like
fountains. "H-H-H-Heero, how could you?" Still crying, she swam over
to the edge and climbed out. There she cried for some time. In the
background, someone was laughing their head off. (We know who that is
don't we?) Finally looking down at her hand she noticed her ring was
missing. Sniffling she bent to look in the water.



Hilde had a hard time getting back to surface. Mainly because she was
still tangled in her parachute. `Damn Duo for this pink thing. I hope
he caught his privates on a tree.' She finally managed to get herself
untangled. It was at that moment that she caught her reflection. `Well
oh hell'

"Ahhh!" Quatre screamed as the parachute gave way under him. His body
wrapped around it and he fell like a torpedo.

"Ahhh!" He could see the ground getting closer. Closer! Closer! "Ahhh
*splash* oofan!" He landed in the spring on his stomach, slowly, he
fell to the bottom. Somewhere off in the distance, Wufei cringed and
Duo stopped laughing.

"Oooh that must have hurt!"

"Injustice, belly flops."

Quatre came to surface in a weird daze. Out of his foggy image, he saw
a balding Chinese man. The Chinese man shook his head slowly, making
clicking noises with his tongue. Quatre gave him a confused look. Just
as slowly as he shook his head, the old man reached for a mirror.
After a few moments pause, Quatre began to run around in circles

"Eaaaaaah! Oink Oink *snort*" He was out of control! He took one look
behind him and in that brief moment, the Chinese man vanished. Quatre
went head on into a tree, cutting off his squeals.


Trowa fell in an open spring hitting the bottom quickly. His lungs
gave way and he slowly made his way to the surface. `Man! What a deep
spring.' Finally he reached the surface and gasped for breath. He
looked up to see a VERY big Chinese man eating cheese. Trowa began the
long journey to shore.

When he finally reached land, Trowa panted in disgust. He tried to
speak, but no sound came out. The Chinese man nodded and pointed to
the cheese.


Trowa had a sudden urge to steal it. His mind said `Food! Food! Eat!
Eat' The Chinese man took another bite.

"Mmm! Good! You like cheese mousie?" Trowa bared his teeth, his mind
took over. `Must have food!' Trowa quickly climbed up the man's leg
and up his shirt, toward the cheese. `Oooh! Tasty morsel!' Trowa
opened his mouth and went for it. *thwack* Trowa flew across the land
as the Chinese man flicked him away.

"No, no cheese mine away you leave."

Trowa hissed and ran up again, this time biting the man in the hand.
The man gave out a yelp. Trowa jumped, took the cheese, and ran away.
"Squeak!" Trowa yelled out a war cry.

So this chapter ends, but let it be told. The Gundam pilots have met
their match. It's name, Jusenkyo.

Ps. Thank you so much for the reviews. ^_^

Have you ever had questions you wanted to ask your favorite anime
character? Well now, we industrious authors are starting a talk show
in which you ask the questions. Just e-mail your questions to
[1], and we'll get back to you as soon as possible

