Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken ❯ Mistake 9: Whisper ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Mistaken 9: Whisper
By Shadow_Kat

Disclaimer: I dont own them...and if I did, I certainly wouldnt share them with you...because then they would be mine. And I dont play well with others...and I dont like being watched when I play with others. So dont sue me or I cant pay the funny doctor to give me happy pills and those silly white jackets. Oh and if I made money from this I wouldnt of had to move to China for a job in the first place...and I would move to Japan instead and then I would buy them...if I could only make money from this. *Damn I wish I could own them*

Warning: Male/Male sex *eventually*- relations, violence(?), and drama...Im not very good with the warnings I guess...Im not exactly sure what Im planning to do in this chapter :P Most of you are probably wondering what the hell happened to take me this long to update. **Long story short: Moved to China to teach at some University, didnt like it so after 10 months of NO internet/ or computer I finally got the balls to move to Japan. So after finally landing a job and a place to live. I rebuilt my computer from the fiery remains of what was left of my last one. **Leave it to me to set the damn computer on fire my first day in China!** Im back and planning to finish the fic soon!! I hope you like it, its kinda hard getting back into it after almost a year but lets see what happens? *************************************************************************** ****** about a case of the twilight zone...I could have sworn I just belted Heero Yuy in the jaw.

I blink, once...twice as I calmly glance about the room and taking a deep breath I close my eyes again. Well just shit, it wasnt some kind of hallucination...I had actually sucker punched the object of my dreams. I knew it had to be a sucker punch because could you really imagine Heero fucken Savior of the World Yuy getting his clock cleaned by some street rat runt? Yeah thats what I said!

But damn if I didnt feel...okay I really didnt know how I felt but it sure didnt help me figure out what the hell was happening at the moment. One second I was about to get fucked by some guy that looked like Heero and now the real Heero was standing right in front of me. After all the time I had waited...after all the pain, the rejection...the slow downward spiral into loathing, he comes now?

The first punch was just gut involuntary reaction to seeing Heero. But now that the initial pain- anger- hope had faded, the cold Shinigami mask slipped into place. The shock had made my mask slip...but Id be damned if it would happen twice.

With a cold smile I flipped my unbraided hair over my shoulder and looked Heero up and down like a piece of dirt. So were you in the neighborhood and just decided to drop by? Or did you decide to have a quick vacation and come slumming for the day?

He glared...shit what the hell did I expect? Duo, lets go. It wasnt a question...shit it wasnt even a request, that was an order if I ever heard one.

Now I dont really have to tell you that his little authoritarian display did nothing to soften my current disposition. Although, I must admit looking back, that it was kinda a turn on...but I digress.

Who the fuck do you think you are Yuy? I hissed, First of all I aint no soldier, second of all I aint some simpering pink cream puff that you can just order around...and thirdly you aint nothing to me. You left and I dont need that kind of shit anymore buddy-boy. So just put the damn door back where you found it and leave me the fuck alone.

**What the fuck was I doing?!?! ** Okay some small part of me wanted to just throw my arms around that spandex clad sociopath- but another part of me still cried out that he had hurt us...betrayed us in a way that could never be forgiven. You might think it strange that I mention the us instead of me...but really there is an Us. He betrayed the Duo part of me that had hoped and prayed that we had something special, even if it could only ever be friendship. And he betrayed the Shinigami part of me because he lied, he said he was my partner...that he would always have my back.

He made all the bad things true...everything I ever loved got taken away, only he did it one better and he left of his own free will. Sure I would have been mad as hell if he would have up and died on me back then. But Shit happens, and when youre soldiers tomorrow is never something you bet on.

Duo...lets go somewhere where we can talk. Heero had lost the edge off of the harsh tone that he had earlier, but that still wasnt gonna make it better.

What Heero? Whatcha got to say to me that you cant say here? What that your sorry that you left with not a fuckn word? That you feel lost without me? Better yet, you missed me right? Oh no get this needed someone who could understand your one grunt system? I laughed in his face. I couldnt help it, I actually threw my head back and laughed my ass off. Then I snapped back to the cold smile Why dont you turn tail and get your sorry ass reprogrammed? A fucken machine was all you were then and all youll ever be...a fucken weapon.

Funny thing was that ever word I spat at him in contempt was like a knife in my heart...those were the things I told myself about me. They were my fears...they didnt have shit to do with him.

He grunted, softly.

Thats when I looked at him for the first time since my mask slipped back in place...tears. He actually had tears in his eyes, and part of me hated myself even more. I not only hurt him...but I had smudged my perfect image of the perfect soldier. He was human.

We need to talk Duo... His eyes had become gentle, not the icy cold detached orbs that I had memorized from the war. It was a pleading stare that hit me where my heart used to be. Just five minuets alone...and if you still want me to leave. Then youll never have to see me again. But I have to...

It was the most I had ever heard him say at once...well that wasnt about a mission. I must have wavered for a second because the next thing I knew, his tears were gone and a burning hot glare was being thrown over my shoulder. Instinctively I spun around in time to get a handful of my hair caught in the grip of a large hand, and a barrel of a glock being shoved in my face.

The man had decided that he was done waiting for his little piece of tail and that it was high time that the unwanted guest hit the road. Shoving the pistol harder against my temple he growled for Heero to step the fuck back.

Heero was torn between risking getting me hurt by disobeying and what would happen if the man had me alone again.

Im telling ya some days you should just stay in bed, and I think this was one of them days.
