Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken ❯ Mistaken 2: Undecided ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
This will be a bit strange...I know but it seemed fitting to do. Thank everyone who left a review :D I love ya lots. since Mistaken1 was my first fic..heehhehe not that you'd really care.

I'm fairly sure that you know thta I don't own Gundam Wing or anything else so it seems pointless to even mention it.

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Heero's POV

Frankly I have no clue what brought me to this God forsaken place...the dirt and the garbage rise around me like an endless sea. It's been over a year and frankly I have no hope of finding him, and that only leaves me with a feeling of bitterness.

The ride on the shuttle was a bit strange though, I closed my eyes for sleep and all I got were a pair of violet orbs peeking back at me. It would have been funny if I had any kind of a sense of humor...but I don't, at least that is what I have been told.

It's been almost twelve months since I left that last safehouse. Twelve whole months to think about my life and exactly who I really am...did it help? Honestly..No, I think I already knew that I was meant to be with that braided baka...leave it to me to even fuck that up. I admit that people skills are not my strong point, but still you'd think I would have noticed my...'attraction' to him sooner. Let's just say that I never even considered it.

I guess you could say tht there were alot of things that "I should have done" back then. I should have died in the war, I should have told him I cared for him, I should have let them all into my life...I think I might drown in all the "should have's" I carry around.

I left that safehouse in fear...heh, what you didn't think that the perfect fucken soldier could feel fear?...well you'd be wrong. After the second war ended and basically my reason for living, I was afraid...not as afraid as I am at this very moment but afraid none the less. Why the fuck was I still alive, frankly I was not programed to be a civilian and the thought of being one scared the crap out of me. And so I left, maybe to find myself and maybe just to run away from the fact that I didn't really know who I was. But anyway I ran none the less.

Those first few months were rough, I felt hollow and unsure...I felt things that were never mentioned in all my training. But there was one thing that I never felt after I left the other There was no longer any one to be my enemy but there was no one that I could feel safe with either. All my comrads...'friends' were gone and I was alone in the world again...and that made me angry.

I guess that's when the dreams started, just after I left them. They couldn't really be considered nightmares, unless you took into account that I woke up in tears each night reaching out to someone who was no longer there. Yep, you guessed it...Duo was no longer there for me to rely on. Sounds funny? It threw me for a loop too. I never even considered how much I looked forward to his stupid smile and inappropriate laughter to get me through the bad stuff in my life.

And now here I am, twelve months later in the dump most call L2. And I am not so much afraid that I won't find him...I am more frightened that he will reject me. I mean it's not like I really said "hey are you gay or at leaset bi?" But now that I wanted him a permenate part of my life I could think of all the little snags in my plan.

It wasn't too hard to find him, I really don't think he tried to hide the way I did. Shit he still had that silly braid, and frankly it was a dead give away after all of our pictures were posted up like we were the saviors of the universe.

"The Metro is the biggest meat market around" the young woman with the funky hair answered when I asked where to go for some 'company'. It was a long shot asking some stranger in the spaceport cafe but I still had to try right?

"hn" I think that my usual grunt suprised her because she seemed to back away from me...but considering my mood I think she made the right move. The waitress had been quite pushy and I got the distinct feeling that she was interested in me by the way she kept offering fresh coffee and batting her eye lashes at me...then again I could have been wrong. Never the less she began to remind me of that stupid onna Reelena...and I was just not in the mood for it.

And so I went to the Metro after I finished unpacking at the hotel that I was staying at...I know that 7:30 is really early to go a club but I couldn't stop myself when there was a chance that I might see him again. Shit, I wasn't kidding myself that it was a damn slim chance of even going to one of his haunts.

After so many years living with Duo I kinda figured out what I needed to wear. So I donned my tightest black jeans and a rather risque black silk shirt that I had picked up. Personally I though that my outfit was scandalous but somehow I knew Duo would approve.

With a tight smile and a pocket full of credits I made my way to the club...I really don't think I was going to find him but it was atleast a try right?

I really didn't want to be recognized so I had dyed my hair a light brown color. I may not be a soldier anymore but I still had to maintain my mission's integrity. That's right my "mission". My mission was to find Duo, and I couldn't just walk around without someone spotting me and giving my position away.

Well when I finally reached the club it was dead...but like I said 7:30 in the evening is just not a good time for clubs. So I avoided the bar and grabbed a table in a dark corner near the dance floor. Yep, if this really is where Duo hangs out then the dance floor was where he would be.

I used to watch him dance sometimes, when he didn't realize I was in the room. It was funny because he seemed to dance alot when it was his turn to clean the kitchen, and believe me when I say that Duo knew what to do with bubbles and a broom.

*But I degress* Back at the club I ordered a Crown and coke from one of the waitresses that actually had noticed me sitting at the dark table and I waited. I don't really drink but for one: I didn't want to stick out as "the man at a club that didn't drink" and for two: I think I needed the extra shot of confidance. Because frankly I really wanted to just turn tail and run.

I didn't really notice as the random woman or even man came up to talk to me as I waited, none of them mattered to me. I was there for someone special...I was there for Duo.

After three hours I saw him cruise up to the bar...I almost got up right there and dragged him out of this dive, but I decided to wait. He was talking with the bartender like an old friend and I figured that Duo really must be a regular here. That's when I noticed them both looking at the man across the dance floor from me. And you'll never believe my first thought...I thought he looked like me. Well not the "me" as I am right now, but the me that I had been in the war with the messy chocolate hair that would never do what I wanted it to do.

And that's when I realized that was Duo's mark...or rather his prey for the night. I don't know if I was happy or sad about it though...I was happy that yes he's gay or atleast bi and going for someone who looked like me and I was sad because this person WAS NOT ME...

*Me Jealous?...never*

That is when the "show" started...I mean it's one thing to watch someone dance when they think their alone but it is quite another story when that person wants someone to watch. Boy oh boy, did Duo want someone to watch his dance. It was erotic and a bit mysterious.
It wasn't like he went directly up to that man and said "this dance is for you", it was more like a seduction. Duo never even made eye contact with the man he silently danced for, but he always made sure the man could see his every move.

The way his tight pants fit over his toned legs, the way his muscles rippled under the mesh of his shirt, the inviting way his hips swayed to the thumping music was hypnotic. You could only imagine what this fey creature would be like writhing under you...shit or even over you. It didn't really matter as long as he was touching you.

Damn near every one in that club had their eyes glued to his every move. As his hands trailed lightly over his toned form, teasing his captive audiance, all that mattered at the moment was his body.

And I for one wanted that slick body all to myself and the fact that all those other people were watching got me fucking mad.