Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes and Misdemeanors ❯ 00- How it Really Happened ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mistakes and Misdemeanors

A Gundam Wing Fanfiction

By: Sanjuno Shori

Rating: R-NC17

Pairing: 2x5x2(1+2+1)(1+5+1)=>1x5x2(1x2)(1x5) 1x2x5 [O.o gah… that… looks complicated…] mention of 3x4+3, 6x9, 11xSal

Warnings: Yaoi, mention of sodomy, mention of underage sex, mention of malpractice and illegal human experimentation.



"Yo minna!"

Sanjuno waves perkily. The seven empty boxes of Nerdsâ"¢ and six empty bottles of Clearly Canadian are probably the reason for her mood. She grins at the looks being directed at her.

"Well I know that since I've not yet finished my other fics yet…"


"And you're probably getting a wee bit peeved at me for writing not one, but _two_ new fics instead of writing the next part of FotP but I just couldn't help myself. The idea was just so precious and original and _nobody_ I've read before has done _anything_ like this. I just _had_ to do this! You'll see what I mean in a bit. I just need my muses to get here with my character first."

As if cued by her words the door swings open. Shinma is dragging a struggling form wrapped in duct tape in by its ankles.

"Omae o korosu!"

One can now tell, from the furious blue eyes, messy brown hair, and the many death threats that Sanjuno's new `guest' us none other than Heero Yuy. Shinma just snorts in amusement and unceremoniously tosses the pilot to the floor. Sanjuno smiles and shakes her head.

"Was that really necessary?"

"Was it really necessary for you to start another fic?"

Sanjuno ponders this for a moment.

"Well… I'm currently snowed in, have a drift higher than my head on my front porch and the roads have been closed for the last two days. I want to do something new, and this is it. Besides, you know you'll enjoy it."

Shinma snorts. Reiai walks in with the Fanfiction notebook held high.

"I found it!"

"A good now we can get to work!"

Shinma makes a face, kicks Heero into the plot and pops chibi to join his younger brother on top of the authoress' head.


Mistakes and Misdemeanors

Episode 00: How It Really Happened


AC 193, the L1 colony cluster 1.0025215

Unit 01 sighed, wandering down the cold, white corridor of the secret laboratory complex in a careless fashion. Frozen blue eyes, unruly dark chocolate hair and whipcord muscles gave the attractive young teen his physical allure. The dangerous, feral aura of a trained killer turned that allure into the beauty of a statue molded from flame. Breathtaking, but ultimately untouchable, deadly if brought too close.

A young lab assistant, fresh faced and new to the project, hurried down the hall toward the boy with his nose buried in his clipboard. Flyaway strands of dark blonde hair escaped from his ponytail. Unit 01 estimated his age at around twenty, noting the thin, soft build of a life dedicated to study instead of action. There was nothing special about this one except that he wasn't old, fat or ugly as the majority of the scientists were. This situation had potential.

Unit 01 smirked as he watched the man disappear into one of the many single labs located in this section of the base. A predatory gleam lit up the sharp blue eyes as he looked around for witnesses. Seeing no others he calmly entered the room, shutting and locking the door as he turned to face his prey.

This should help relieve his boredom nicely.

He cut the lights.


J was fuming, he had hoped that the arrival of new workers would have gone unnoticed. Instead he had to deal with three lab assistants who couldn't walk, a limping technician and four mechanics in various stages of prone. The old scientist glared at the expressionless boy standing before him. Absently wondering once again, how, in god's name, a thirteen-year-old boy managed to put so many young men out of commission by way of intercourse.

Unit 01 watched in well-hidden fascination as the old man went through several variations of red, white, pink, and purple. It wasn't his fault nobody could keep up with him. If J would let him out of the base for anything other than missions then he wouldn't have to resort to using the facility personnel. It was the old bastard's old damn fault for keeping him cooped up like this. He had told J this the first time the old scientist had lectured him on restraint; he was not planning on repeating himself.

J cursed silently as he turned away, thankful that the boy was immune to aphrodisiacs. Or at least, the effects were negligible to the point of being non-existent… Now that gave him an idea. Perhaps if he devised an anti-aphrodisiac, tailored to Unit 01's system… The old man continued to expand on the idea as he injected another interrogation drug into the silent boys system. Absently ordering his assistants to monitor the results.

The young assassin child once called Odin Lowe Jr. now Unit 01, had enhanced senses, super-human strength, speed, endurance, accelerated healing, metabolism… and an extraordinary libido. J did not know how much was the result of the assassin training, his own efforts, or the boys own natural skills, but Unit 01 was the best choice he had available as a pilot for his Gundam. All he had to do was concoct something to rein in the boy's hormones, and he would be perfect.

Unit 01 watched with narrowed eyes as the old scientist left the room, absentmindedly ordering his assistants to continue the anti-interrogation training. The kusojiji was planning something, and something deep in his gut told the youth that he would not appreciate the results. This so distracted the young teen that he hardly paid attention to the rest of the session, he was too preoccupied with listing the different methods of finding out what J was planning before he was subjected to it.


AC 195, at the launch of Operation: Meteor.

J sighed, watching as the Wing Gundam disappeared into the distance. The drug he had devised for Unit 01 had worked, but unfortunately encouraged depression and suicidal tendencies in the boy. Ah well, the implants only contained enough of the serum to last about two to three years. After that it was anyone's game. The old scientist chuckled quietly, if his boy survived the war he would be free to do, as he liked. Or who he liked, for that matter.

The implants themselves would be expelled once their contents were exhausted. J pondered Unit 01's reaction when his hormones woke up again. The old scientist paled.

God be merciful…

= Tsuzuku… =



Sanjuno smiles crazily. Shinma and Reiai have broken down into hysterical laughter over the plot device. Heero is Not Amused.

"That's not what happened!"

Sanjuno just smiles at him.

"I know that! Its called creative license! See?"

She shows him a laminated card with her picture on it. Heero is unimpressed and fumes silently. Sanjuno just shrugs after a moment and turns around.

"Anyway, it's 2:42 am and I should probably get to sleep now. If anybody wants me to continue with this, drop me a line. Click on the little blue box or what-have-you. If anyone knows of someone else who has done a fic under this premise _tell me_! I really wanna be able to say I was the first to try this angle, but anyway, hope you like it!"

Shinma grins evilly.

"You can probably tell where this is going so all you dirty minded hentai lovers will definitely want to encourage Meijin-sama to keep going."

Reiai jumps up nodding cheerfully.

"Hai, and think of how much fun it's gonna be for me! Angst, smut, humor and more! Whee! Read and Review minna!"

Heero glares from his trussed up position in the corner.

"… I will kill you all."