Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes and Misdemeanors ❯ 01- The way things are now ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mistakes and Misdemeanors

A Gundam Wing Fanfiction

By: Sanjuno Shori

Rating: R

Pairing: main 2x5x2(1+2+1)(1+5+1)=>1x5x2(1x2)(1x5) 1x2x5 [O.o … that… _still_ looks complicated…] mention of 3x4+3, 6x9, 11xSal

Warnings: Yaoi, mention of sodomy, mention of underage sex, mention of malpractice and illegal human experimentation.




Sanjuno runs in giddy screaming circles, even going so far as to glomp the homicidal terrorist trying to hack her files.


"O korosu! Yare, yare Hee-kun, don't you ever say anything else?"

"I've never had to say anything else!"

"Sou da yo? In~nsteresting!"

The door opens and Sanjuno's muses herd the rest of the Gundam pilots into the room. Sanjuno proceeds to scream and glomp them all at the same time. It really was impressive how she managed to get all four at once.


*Squeal! *

Even Reiai and Shinma looked wary as the Authoress bounces around the room. Reiai finally gathers the nerve to venture forth with a question.

"Ah, Sanjuno-sama? Are you… all right?"

The last word ended in a yelp as Sanjuno grabbed the effeminate muse up in a bear hug and twirled around the room with him.

"I'm better than all right! My first choice of University sent me back an acceptance letter! I'm in!"

Duo watches with wide eyes. He and the rest of the characters stood on the far side of the room from the cackling Authoress.

"I take that's a good thing?"

"Very good! It's ranked fourth in the country for it's English program, and it's the best place to go for a Fine Arts degree! And I made the cut for the BA English program! I send in my portfolio next Friday to see if I can take a Minor in Fine Arts!"

Shinma blinks.

"What're your chances Meijin-sama?"

She grins dropping the dizzy Reiai to pounce on her other muse.

"My Art Teachers confidant, I'm psyched, and my parents are blissed on the thought of getting me out of the house!"

"That's… good?"


She whirls around to point at the pilots. Crazy grin firmly in place as the Agaprcocaama flashes wildly.

"Onto the fic!"


= Whoosh! =


Mistakes and Misdemeanors

Episode 01: The Way Things Are Now


= April, AC 198, Location: Preventers Main Office, Earth =

Heero blinked as his vision blurred. Something in his gut seething violently before quieting again. The Wing pilot frowned; pressing the heel of his hand to his forehead as strange feeling of disorientation persisted.

"Oi Heero, you OK buddy?"

Blue eyes blinked again, and Heero looked up at his sometimes partner Duo Maxwell. The American pilot from L2 appeared worried, going so far as to abandon his perch on Wufei's desk to move towards the Japanese agent. Heero opened his mouth to answer but paused, staring at Duo with a shell-shocked expression.


A feeling he had long missed surged up in him, overloading long dormant reactions and flooding his systems with sensations. Heero felt his breathing catch, hold, and speed up as his blood rushed trough his veins, heart hammering in his chest. Heero felt the hands of the Deathscythe pilot close on his shoulders as he was turned to look into slightly panicked violet eyes.

"Heero! Hey, what is it?!"

Heero had time for one, single, glorious moment of clarity.

J's serum had finally worn off!

Then his body shut itself down to deal with the rapid changes taking place.

Duo's concern had attracted the attention of the other four agents who all looked over at the Wing pilot. Worry suddenly affected them all as they noticed the paleness of Heero's face, just before the Japanese agent passed out cold in Duo's hold.

"Heero! What the Hell?!"

Wufei was instantly at his lover's side as Duo shifted his teammate from the desk chair to their office floor. The Chinese pilot quickly loosened Heero's shirt collar as Quatre and Trowa joined them. Wufei exchanged looks with the other two pilots, who simply shrugged in response. He turned back to the L2 pilot.

"What happened Duo?"

"I don't know Wu, I was just talking to you and noticed that Heero was holding his head like it hurt or something, then I came over here and he just passed out!"


Wufei looked up at his lover; Duo was hovering over the L1 pilot, hands on the Japanese agent's shoulders as he cradled Heero's head in his lap. Confused violet eyes met the worried black of his partners. Wufei felt a brief surge of helplessness; it seemed surreal to have Heero lying still on the floor of the office with not a mark on him. The Chinese pilot wanted to scream his frustration out loud but didn't, instead focusing on checking Heero's vitals.

Quatre's voice interrupted Wufei's thoughts.

"We should take him to Sally."

"Good idea Q, you and Tro' should go ahead and let her know we're coming. Wu' and I'll can handle carrying `Ro."

So saying Wufei and Duo arranged their teammates limp body between them as Quatre and Trowa disappeared down the hallway.


Duo paced the small waiting room, chewing nervously on his bottom lip as he glanced at the small clock above the door. Quatre and Trowa had been summoned to see Une, first purpose to report on the last mission and second to relay what had happened earlier with Heero. Wufei and Duo had refused to leave. The American stating that he would be there when Heero woke up while his lover simply sat down in a chair and closed his eyes.

Wufei's posture dared them to tell him to move. He hadn't changed position since he sat down. Duo sighed explosively and began another circuit of them room, clasping his hands behind his back.

"Stop pacing, you're making me dizzy."

Duo looked over at his lover and snorted.

"You aren't even looking at me, faker."

The L5 pilot sighed, opened his eyes, shifted forward in his seat to snag one of Duo's arms and dragged the other agent onto his lap. Duo relaxed against his partner's chest, wrapping his arms around Wufei's neck.

"It's stupid isn't it?"


Duo looked into Wufei's eyes, resting their foreheads together.

"To still hope he'll see me, see us, like I want him to. Like you do. It's been nearly three fucking years and he hasn't once even so much as looked in my, or your, direction. But I want him `Fei. I want him to love me and want me like I love and want him. I want him to love you like we love him. I want him to be with us, the way I think he should be. Is that wrong? Or am I just being stupid again?"

The Chinese agent sighed bringing his hands up to cup Duo's face as his dark eyes closed briefly in pain.

"No more wrong or stupid than I have been, and still am."

Duo laughed without humor.

"We're a pair aren't we? Some couples bond over their love of sports or something, but we go and bond over our unrequited love for Heero `omae o korosu' Yuy. Damn we're pathetic. You'd think we'd have learned better by now."

"Hn, it was a very simple thing to fall in love with him, but it's not nearly so simple a matter to fall out of love with him."

There was nothing to be said to that. Of their various similarities their mutual love for the Wing pilot was the one they kept jealously guarded between themselves. So they simply tightened their arms around each other and waited for Sally to return with what she had discovered about their friend.


Sally rubbed her neck wearily. Looking again at the results of the Japanese agent's blood work. It made no sense. All of Heero's systems had gone haywire; his system was flooded with hormones and chemicals, which was probably the reason for his unconsciousness. Accelerated heart rate and respiration had calmed noticeably since his partners had brought him in.

Movement from the bed distracted her from the charts.

"Heero, are you awake?"


The Wing pilot sat up, discarding the monitoring equipment as he went. He may trust Sally now, but that had not cured his deep-seated dislike of labs or hospitals in general.

"How do you feel? Do you know what happened? How much do you remember?"

"Fine, hai, and everything up until Maxwell grabbed my shoulders."

Sally took a moment to note on her chart that he appeared to be functioning normally and thinking clearly.

"So why did you pass out?"

"Hormonal overload."

"I beg you pardon?"

Heero regarded her calmly as he pulled his shirt back on. Weighing the matter in his mind, she was his doctor now, and he trusted her far more than he had ever trusted J, before responding.

"J implanted several units in my body before I was dispatched to Earth. The units contained libido suppressants that J deemed necessary so that I could focus more clearly on my mission to his satisfaction. The units contained a dosage that would last a maximum of three years."

Sally blinked. That had not been the explanation she was expecting.

"Have the implants run out? Is that why you fell unconscious?"


Sally was making more notes on her charts.

"What else can you tell me about this suppressant? How it works, side effects, ingredients, etc. that sort of thing."

"It acted on the principal of negative feedback. The end result was that I was unable to respond physically to sexual simulation. The side effects were increased antisocial tendencies and depression leading to self-destructive action. It had no negative effect on normal growth and development. I don't know what he put in it, he tailored it to my body chemistry."

Sally nearly broke the tip of her pencil off in surprise.

"Why on earth would J force you to take something that encouraged you to self-destruct?!"

Heero looked thoughtful for a moment before he answered.

"I think it was revenge for the time I laid up a fifth of his research team."

"You beat up J's scientists?"


Sally wanted to ask. She really did. But could she handle the answer? She could feel the question forming on the tip of her tongue. Heero was being unusually talkative, which was probably a result of the drug wearing off if what he had told her was any indication.

Then Sally paused, and her brain started sending frantic `don't go there' signals, pointing at the strange smirk on Heero's normally scowling face and screaming `that ain't right!' But her thought processes kept going. Heero had said that they were `laid' up. Normally one wouldn't even consider the double meaning of the word when considering Heero, but he was talking about a libido suppressant…

"Oh my god."

Sally stared at the smirking pilot who was watching her face in amusement as the connections took place in her mind.

"You can't be serious. How old were you?!"

Heero just looked at her. Calmly fastening his shirt and picking up his jacket.

"I was a thirteen year old assassin with nothing better to do. Puberty provided me with endless amusement for about two years before J started experimenting on his suppressants. I had just turned fifteen when he implanted the units."

"Oh my god."

"Aa, now if you'll excuse me, I have some work to catch up on."

Heero flashed her another smirk before he turned to leave the room, but paused and called out over his shoulder.

"I hope you remember that what I've told you is confidential. Need to know basis only."

"Of… course."

Sally watched his retreating back as she collapsed into a chair. Glancing at her notes she tapped her chin thoughtfully before reaching for the phone. Une needed to know that it was time to give the Gundam pilots some vacation time.

Extended, enforced vacation time, preferably.


Une looked at the reports from Sally on her desk. In them were personal observations and the results of the tests taken earlier that week when Agent Yuy had lost consciousness without warning. The Head of Preventers pushed her glasses further up her nose as she needlessly read the information over once again before pushing her chair back. Une then rose from her seat and walked to the window that made up the back wall of her office, looking out over the lights of the city as she pondered the actions she could take.

Eventually she turned around and returned to her desk to make a note of her decision and write e-mails to each of the five former Gundam pilots.

Yuy was frightening enough without emotion. It would be interesting to see what would happen now that he was free to feel, as he liked.

The light reflected off the lenses of Une's glasses as she smirked. Her expression eerily reminiscent of when she was still second in command of the Oz forces.

Very interesting indeed.


|| Agent Maxwell,

You are now on two months leave starting Friday, as are the other members of your team.

Enjoy yourself.

Chief Une,

Head of Preventers ||

Duo stared at the email thoughtfully. Heero had experienced his little episode on Monday, it was now Wednesday and Quatre had already informed the others that they would all be going to one of his estates for their vacation, so there was no reason to make any other plans.

Duo darted a look across the office to where Heero sat diligently working away at his computer as per usual. After he had left Sally's care all Heero had told the others was that his collapse had been a result of something J had done that had worn off suddenly. Then he said that there was nothing to worry about, before going right back to work as if nothing had happened.

But the others did worry. They had all, at one time or another, taken care of the Japanese pilot after a `minor' injury had turned out to be something more than simply that.

Quatre's commandeering of their vacation plans was just evidence of the entire teams desire to look after the stoic Wing pilot. It would give them all plenty of opportunity to keep an eye on Heero and make sure there were no other problems created by the incident.

During the war there had been no time to take care of each other. They had not possessed the resources for extended care, and their orders had resulted in the pilots working alone for the most part. The trust between the pilots had been slow to grow during that time, especially considering that a battle was acknowledged as their disastrous first meeting.

Once the Gundam pilots had joined the Preventers however, their wartime bonds had grown into true friendships. For the most part anyway.

Duo grinned as he caught Wufei watching Heero with a slight frown on his face and worry in his dark eyes. Maybe this would be the chance he and his Chinese lover had been waiting for. The American knew for a fact that Heero wasn't seeing anybody, so… maybe they still had a chance.

Maybe his foolish hopes weren't so foolish after all.


They were watching Heero again.

Trowa was finding the situation greatly amusing. Neither Duo nor Wufei was even remotely trying to hide how they felt any more. Duo kept glancing up at Heero every few minutes. It was very unlikely that the braided man was getting any work done at all. Wufei might have yelled at him, had he noticed, but the Chinese pilot had all but stopped pretending to do his work and was staring at Heero like he was about to disappear.

The uni-banged pilot was relieved that his friends had worked things out between the two of them. He could remember Quatre rushing out of the apartment at two in the morning early last fall after a call from Duo had woken them. Apparently the two other pilots had fought, and Duo had run out. Trowa found out later that Duo had hidden in an all-night café, where Quatre had immediately coaxed the braided American into a heart-to-heart on the reason for the fight.

Meanwhile Wufei had shown up at their apartment door in his nightclothes, asking if he had heard from Duo. Trowa had brought the stressed Chinese man inside and forced him to have some tea. Soon the whole story of the fight had come pouring out into Trowa's sympathetic ear.

Apparently one or the other had called out the wrong name; Heero's to be precise, during an intense moment. It never really was clear exactly who it had been, but that was beside the point. The shocked pair had begun to throw accusations and doubts at each other until Duo had left.

In the end, things had resolved themselves. Both Duo and Wufei were still as much in love with each other as they ever were; only now they had the added problem of admitting to a mutual attraction to one Heero Yuy. More than a mutual appreciation for his body, it turned out that the both of them had been in love with Heero for a while. About the same length of time they had been in love with each other actually, but had ignored the fact in favor of pursuing a relationship with the other.

Duo had finally come to a point where the `mushy' talk became too much for him and declared that there was only one solution to their problem. They would have to seduce Heero and add him to their relationship.

The look on Wufei's face had been hilarious.

The Altron pilot had agreed to the plan once he had finished sputtering though. The Chinese man and his braided partner had started plotting then.

It was one of the scariest moments in Trowa's memory.

Trowa was good at watching people; it was one of the things that made him so adept at infiltrating enemy organizations. Right now he was covertly watching his teammates. After Heero's collapse on Monday they were all understandably tense, and worried. Of them all, Heero had suffered the worst from training. On all accounts J was a sadistic bastard who experimented on humans under the guise of `training'. Who knew what sort of repercussions the scientist's experiments may have on the Japanese agent in the long run.

Quatre was rushing through his paperwork with a driven single-mindedness that was almost frightening. Trowa thought the blonde was acting as if finishing early would make the day their vacation started come sooner. The only time he stopped was when he ran out of tea.

Heero was acting as if nothing had happened and was doing his work with all the thoroughness and dedication to the `mission' that he was so famous for.

Duo and Wufei were still perfecting their unique brand of tag team Heero watching. No work was getting finished there.

Trowa sighed and typed a quick message and sent it to his oblivious friends.

Both started guiltily when the message popped up on their screens.

|| Get some work done you two, or Une may decide to make you stay behind until your paperwork is finished. -03 ||

They both ducked their heads down and started looking busy. Sneaking glances only once every minute or so.

Trowa sighed again.

It would appear that even Gundam pilots could be as stupid and absentminded as any other teenager on the planet when they were in love.


He could feel their eyes on him, not just the two who desired him, but the other pair as well.

They were worried about him. It was… strange, to know that they cared for him, for his well being. Sally Po had kept the Doctor-patient trust; they knew nothing more than he had told them. It was interesting that none of them had hacked the good Doctor Po's files to find out what they wanted to know.

Had they really changed that much in the last three years?


They still had all their skills; they remained the same people they had been during the war. It was simply that they… trusted him now. Trusted him to tell them if he was ill, or if something had happened to be a danger to the team. They had all grown, in mind and body, during the `peaceful' times since the war.

He held back a smirk as another set of heated, concerned glances swept over him. He was free now of the unnatural cold that had lain in his blood for the last three years, he was free to act on his true wants and emotions.

He had been attracted to them from the start; just because he was unable to act on his needs did not mean he was blind to the desires in himself and others. He knew that they wanted him. Monitoring the conversations they had about him when they were alone, and studying the way they spoke and acted in his presence had told him all he needed to know.

If he were to act now he could have them in whatever way he wanted. He could break them apart or drive them away for good.

That was not his plan.

Despite the knowledge of what he could do, and probably would have done had he truly been as cold as J's serum had made him out to be, he was not heart-blind. He want them both, warm, willing, and in his bed. It wouldn't take long at all, but it was best to seduce them slowly, let them get used to the idea that, yes, he wanted them, was willing to be with the both of them.

Love, he had to laugh at himself.

J had only suppressed his libido; not his ability to appreciate other peoples physical beauty or personalities. They loved him, or thought they loved the version him they knew. It was another reason to take things slowly. He would not put the hearts of his teammates at risk because of what could be mere infatuation on their parts.

He knew he loved them. He would not risk them being hurt. Hiding another smile as he read the message that had been sent to his interests, he watched in amusement as they flushed and tried to look busy. It was a pity they were still at work, his dedication to the `mission' was not feigned. The single-minded obsession with it resulted from the fact that the adrenaline rush had been the closest thing he got to true physical pleasure.

Ah well, only a few more days left before he could start playing the game. Then he had a whole two months to catch them, such bliss. He knew the area where they were going. Hopefully his contacts were still operational in the same places. If not, it shouldn't be hard to track them down.

His reports were finished; perhaps he should look into the matter.

Life was good, and on its way to getting better.

= Tsuzuku… =



= Whoosh! =

Sanjuno claps her hands.

"Waii! You're back! So what cha' think? Like it? No? Ideas?"

Quatre blinks slowly at the hyper Authoress.

"It's a… unique premise."

She grins.

"I thought so. Would you believe that I'm the first person to use this angle as an explanation for Hee-kun's lack of inter-personal relationships?"


"Anyway it's time for us to tell all the nice readers that I'll be their bestest-best friend if they become reviewers."

Trowa blinks and gets shoved to the side by Wufei as he glares at Sanjuno.


"Onna! What are you planning!"

Sanjuno simply gives a Buddha smile.

"Eh, I'm planning on turning Heero into a sex god while still keeping him In Character (for the most part) and then seeing how many different ways he can freak you and Duo out before you both go crazy with lust and fall into bed with him where he'll nail you both to the mattress, repeatedly, until neither of you can get it up any longer, then I'll have him do it again. Any other questions?"


Sanjuno smiles serenely at the silence. Duo and Wufei sport identical stunned expressions, Quatre's turned red, Trowa has a blank expression that either means he's truly apathetic or trying to repress hysterical laughter, and Heero… Heero looks thoughtful.

Shinma pokes his authoress in the shoulder and leans down to whisper in her ear.

"Are your sure it's all right to tell them that?"

"Bah, it's not like it was a big secret anyhow. I had Heero say as much at the end of this chapter."


Reiai pops up on her other side.

"Perhaps we should wrap this up before they recover."

"Sou da na."

Sanjuno twists around to look up.

"All right-y minna-san! Send me your comments, thoughts, ideas, death threats, bribes and criticism to the appropriate location! If you want to see Heero do something, or if you have an idea, send it in and I'll see if I can fit it in or was planning on doing it anyway! The most original request gets a special mention and can chose, Duo or Wufei, which one Heero ravishes first! So send your thoughts in!"

She waves.

"Review onegai! Ja matta ne!"

"Is she always like that?"

"Pretty much."
