Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Friends ❯ After the Party ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

More than friends

Chapter 1

Warnings: 1+2, 3+4 lime, drinking, maybe smoking, a little bit of angst. Stuff like that

Disclaimer: I hate this part, what a way to deflate an author's ego. *sigh* I don't own gundam wing, all I own is paper and dirt. So, please don't even think about suing me. All I can give you is a handful of dirt and a few sheets of my precious notebook paper. Seriously, I would be happy to be Duo's slave, I would never be able to be his owner.

Summary: This is a story about Heero and Duo. Got that? Heero, and Duo. Their in highschool and the both secretly like each other. That's really all you need to know. So... R&R please!


Duo woke up and groaned. He was sprawled across Heero's floor with a blanket thrown across his back. //God my head hurts//

"Uhh...drinking should be illegal," he groaned.

"Idiot. It already is" Heero stated from his computer chair.

Duo snorted "Well then why do people sell beer and liquor to minors? They are a danger to society and should be contained to help prevent poor sophomores like me passing out from alcohol poisoning."

"Then you would have just stolen it instead wouldn't you?"

"Good point. I never said I want them to go to jail, that's just where they should go. It's a good thing police are so damn lazy or people like me would be in trouble- and I think I'm going to puke now."

Duo got on his hands and knees and slowly crawled out of Heero's room, across the hall to the bathroom. The door closed and he proceeded to empty his stomach due to too many drinking contests, food, and dancing till two the night before.

//Stupid damned alcohol. I'll get my vengeance. What good is beating Wufei in a drinking contest, if I pass out ten minutes after him? It was worth it though. I can't wait to see the pictures of him wearing a leather skirt and high heels with lipstick and eyeshadow. Next time I won't pass out, I won't, I won't, I-I'm gonna be sick.//

Heero smirked at his computer screen. He wasn't paying attention to it of course, his mind was on the boy in his bathroom. You know, the braided idiot, who didn't notice several of his strands had fallen out the night before framing his face and beautiful blue-violet eyes, the boy who was currently wearing black leather pants and a-

//Stop it. That's just not right. Duo's eyes aren't beautiful, they're unusual. It's not everyday you see someone who's eyes turn violet. It's not gay to think about your best friend's eyes. There's nothing wrong with that.//

"Oohh..." Duo's groaning alerted him of his friend's presence, startling him out oh his rather disturbing thoughts of a certain someone chained to his bed wearing nothing but silky hair covering his soft skin.

"Stupid teenage hormones" Heero grumbled.

"You say something Heero?"


"I hate that word."


"Stop it"


"Shut up!" Duo whined. Heero smirked, he loved irritating his friend, the way he frowned was just so-


"Jesus Heero, your making my migrane worse. It's bad enough I feel like a herd of Hippos decided to tap dance on my skull."

"Tap dance?" Heero raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, now shut up. I'm trying to think straight."

Several seconds passed in silence and then "Owe, maybe that wasn't one of my best ideas. Thinking hurts" Heero tried not to laugh, he really did, but it didn't work.

"Hey, that's not funny," Duo protested weakly. He scowled, "Why is it I wake up with a bitch of a headache and a hangover that could kill when your sitting at your damn computer doing God knows what and your laughing at me." If Duo had been feeling better he would have been yelling, but seeing as talking hurt enough, and thinking even more, he only grumbled. "You know what Yuy, I- nevermind" Duo rushed to the bathroon and began puking all over again.

Heero knew he shoudn't find this amusing, but it was funny. Heero sighed. It wasn't his fault that duo drank twice as much beer and was in two drinking contests. Heero only participated in one, and his opponent passed out on only the fifth shot of liquor. // It wasn't even my idea.//


Heero's parent's were going away for the weekend so it would be the perfect time to hold a party. It wasn't Heero's idea, it was more of Duo's, and Heero being tje way he was could never say no to Duo. Well, almost never.

"My parents are going to a ski resort this weekend for their anniversary."

Duo's eyes sparkled mischievously "So they'll be gone?"


"Sweet! Let's have a party at you place!"






"Oh, come on Heero, it'll be fun. They'll be music, beer, dancing, beer, food, oh and lots of beer! Maybe some liquor too. Let's see, I'll have to make a list. Maybe Quatre can help"





***End flashback***

Duo won eventually, but not before he subjected Heero to his lost puppy look, the one with the cute frown and watery eyes. //Duo's even better at that look than Quatre. He's sexier than Quatre too. Wait, sexier? I do not lust after Duo. I do not lust after Duo. I do not lust after Duo. Who wouldn't lust after Duo with that hair? I'd love to comb my fingers through it. I wonder if it feels as soft and silky as it looks? He has a sexy butt too... Am I getting hard? Shit! Umm... think unsexy thoughts.....unsexy thoughts.... Relena! Umm... long blond hair, blue eyes way too big to fit her face, the way her shrill voice sounds when she calls my name, how she kept trying to seduce me at the party// Heero cringed. //Major turn off.// Heero was so busy thinking of ways not to think about a naked Duo handcuffed to his bed, that he didn't notice the object of his previous thoughts enter the room.

"Heero I- I thinkim gonna be sick" Duo ran back to the bathroom clutching his stomack for the third time since he woke up and started dry heaving. // Maybe I should get Duo some water// Heero thought absentmindedly. // And aspirin, Lots of aspirin// Heero turned off his computer, and went downstairs to the kitchen, and tripped over a still unconcious Wufei.

So, did you like it? Hate it? Want to tell me something I did wrong? Review.