Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Friends ❯ Retrieving Advil ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

More than friends

Chapter 2

Author's note: I'm really sorry about waiting so long to update, but I have a very busy life right now. School, gymnastics, reading fan fics, homework, fan fics =P. Yup, really busy, I swear! If I wait this long to update again, please, somebody slap me.

Warnings: 1+2, 3+4 lime, drinking, maybe smoking, a little bit of angst. Stuff like that.

Disclaimer: I hate this part, what a way to deflate an author's ego. *sigh* I don't own gundam wing, all I own is paper and dirt. So, please don't even think about suing me. All I can give you is a handful of dirt and a few sheets of my precious notebook paper. Seriously, I would be happy to be Duo's slave, I would never be able to be his owner.

Summary: This is a story about Heero and Duo. Got that? Heero, and Duo. Their in highschool and the both secretly like each other. That's really all you need to know. So... R&R please!


Wufei groaned and rolled over clutching an empty Wild Turkey bottle to his chest, drool hanging from his mouth. Heero picked himself up off the ground and chuckled. //If only I had a camera...// Since Heero didn't have one he could use for blackmail someday, he decided to just scare Wufei instead. With an evil glint in his eyes, Heero went to the refrigerator and took out the coldest bottle of water he could find, and proceded to pour it all over 'Fei.

"AHHH!!" Wufei screamed, and jumped up, only to hold his head in obvious pain and fall back down again. "YUY" He whined. He would have yelled, but his migrane wouldn't have allowed it and his stomach didn't feel too good either.

"Wonderful morning isn't it Wufei?" Heero said in his best impression of Duo he could muster at the moment. This must seem a little out of character for Heero, but then again he spends all his time around Duo. Not to mention Heero had a little too many pain killers, so he is unnaturally perky at the moment. Besides, Heero loves watching Wufei when he is annoyed, he just usually doesn't have to do anything. Duo takes care of that.

"Injustice" Wufei groaned. "God damn japanese-american..." Wufei stopped, as he suddenly became very dizzy and wanted to empty his stomach all over the floor. " I think I'm going to be sick," he groaned.

"Don't use the bathroom upstairs"



"Oh" Wufei dragged himself to his feet and ran to the nearest toilet where he would spend the next two hours puking and groaning in a most undignified manner for his standards.

Heero stared at the place where Wufei had been before he ran. He heard the bathroom door shut and was once again reminded of why he had gone to the kitchen in the first place. Trying not to step on empty bottles, and various pieces of clothing or trash, Heero got Duo a glass of water and a bottle of Advil and made his way upstairs. He'd take care of Wufei later, right now he needed to help Duo.

Duo was currently leaning over the toilet, waiting to puke again. He wasn't paying attention to his complaining stomach though, he was thinking about last night. He winced // Maybe I shouldn't have drunk so much. It was worth it though, I got to hang all over Heero and he didn't think anything of it because I was drunk. I'm suprised he didn't turn me away though. I guess he must have been a little intoxicated too. If only that bitch wasn't there. Relena kept flirting and trying to get laid.//


beginning of the party:

Come on Heero, dance, you won't have any fun standing next to the wall all night." Duo sighed. Heero hadn't moved for the last half hour trying to blend in and not be noticed. Unbeknownst to Duo, Heero thought that watching Duo dance was much more entertaining than dancing himself. He was annoyed that Duo stopped when he spotted him leaning against the wall. Others were angry also, for they were also watching Duo. Many of the girls and even a couple of boys were captivated by the graceful, sexy way that Duo moved his body to the music. His tight clothes had left little to the imagination...

"Heero" Duo whined, " Come on, it's your party, dance!" Duo had hoped that the party would make his best friend happy, he didn't want him to mope the whole time.

Heero raised an eyebrow, "My party? It was your idea. It's just at my house."

Duo faltered. His grin faided into a dejected look except for the mischievous look in his eyes which frightened Heero.

"Fine, I'll leave you alone..."

"Oh HEERO!" Relena screeched, pushing through the crowd.

"..But Relena won't" and with that remark Duo winked at Heero and disapeared into the crowd.

//If I can't get him to have fun with me, at least I'll get to watch him and Relena together.// Duo didn't know if that was a good or bad thing. he continued to dance, sneaking glances at Heero every now and then, but his heart wasn't in it, so he drowned himself in alcohol.

**end flashback**

"Stupid bitch" Duo grumbled.

"Duo?" came Heero's muffled voice through the door.

"Come in" Duo said tiredly.

"Heero opened the door and found Duo leaning against the bathtub next to the toilet. He wasn't looking as pale as he was earlier but you could tell he'd been sick. Heero handed Duo a glass of water and bottle of Advil who took it it gratefully. Duo swallowed four pills at once, washing it down with the water Heero handed him.

Heero slid to the floor next to him with a silent question in his eyes.

"I'm fine Heero" Duo sighed rubbing his head. Heero nodded at this and refrained from putting the braided baka in his lap. His arms ached for Duo to be in them. His fingers wanted to run through Duo's long hair. Heero shook himself back into reality, Duo was straight. He had to be, right?

"Heero!" Duo said waving a hand in front of his face.

"Hn." Heero realized that he had been staring at Duo and stood up while trying to hide the blush on his face. "I'm going to go check on Wufei" he said quickly and left a very confused looking Duo still sitting on the bathroom floor, trying to understand what just happened. Was Heero Yuy blushing? // In all the years I've known him, I've never seen him blush// Duo smiled, wondering why he had blushed. Finally, he pushed himself off the floor, once he knew he could walk without puking he decided to go down stairs.