Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Morituri te Salutant ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Warning: Pairings havn't changed ..... yet *evil smile*
Disclaimer: Nope still dont own them, I'll call you when I do.

Chapter 1

"Your late Maxwell" a rather ruffled Wufei greeted him as he entered the Preventers' Offices. Biting back the scathing remark that was currently trying to force its way from his mouth he sat down at his desk placing his jacket upon the back of his chair, and booting up his computer; he began to systematically go through the over flowing in-box on his desk completely unaware of the worried glances exchanged by his comrades.


Looking up from the mountain of paper work before him his eyes met the pale cornflower blue ones of the blonde seated before him. Even though Quatre had his own company to run he often showed up at the Preventers' if not to help on missions then only to bring freshly baked treats to his friends, completely refusing to allow time or distance to separate them ever again.(1) Though the true reason he suspected was to keep a protective eye on his emerald-eyed lover, who had a tendency to over work himself. Forcing a smile onto his face Duo wearily greeted his empathic friend. "Whats up Q."

Smiling in return Quatre studied his friend attempting to discern the cause of the normally exuberant boy's depression.

"I was just wondering if everything was okay, you seemed a little, out of it."

"Hey, ya beter quite worrying bout me Quat your gonna reach forty before ya hit twenty."

That's a distinct possibility" the blonde responded smiling slightly at his friend's forced humor. "Duo, is something bothering you? Please talk to me DUo, talking always helps."

Out of the corner of his eye Duo could see his friends turn around, concern leaking forth from behind their patented masks.

"There's nothing upsetting me" he bit out albeit a bit roughly. "Nothing upsets me Q, but if it did you'd be the first person to know." he added shrugging. With a sad smile Quatre rose and made his way to the desk he shared with Trowa. The four resumed their work, silence filing the room causing Duo to become anxious. Usually the office was alive with the endless noise that made the neighboring offices wonder how the ex-gundam pilots managed to acomplish anything. If he wasn't chatting non-stop then music was blaring from the computer's speakers. Despite what Lady Une thought it was not only Duo causing the rucous. Quatre was just as chatty and could often be found involved in conversation or friendly banter with the braided Preventer, wich usually resulted in the long semi-mini rants by Preventer Chang on the "injustice of noisy co-workers". But today was not one of those days, briefly glancing around affirmed what he had already thought. His fellow comrades where deeply "engrossed" in their work, no doubt trying to allow him the chance to compose himself. Why does he still have an effect on me? He asked himself, silently contemplalating how a brief glimpse of the boy could turn his cheery dispositon into a sour melancholy one.

"Because you love him" his conscience retorted some what gleefully.

"Well he dosn't love me."

"Are you sure?"


"Did you ask?"

"uh, no."

"See" the voice replied smugly, secure in the fact that the argument between the two was through. Duo was beginning to see how the others found his smuggness to be rather...anoying.

"Dosn't matter now" he mumbled in response aloud, causing the others to look up their eyes laden with sympathy and...pity. Thats it he fumed, Duo Maxwell needs no one's pity! Standing swiftly he turned and grabbed his leather jacket from its place upon the back of his chair and stode out of the room at a brisk pace. His mind, tuned into the continuing argument with his "other self" he did not hear the whispered mutterings of a certain chinese youth, which was was no doubt for the best, least he have heard Wufei ask "Do you think he has heard of Yuy's engagement to that onna?" A comment that might have sent the already stressed 02 over the edge.

Duo walked down steet after street, no particular destination in mind. Pain filled amethyst eyes seeing nothing but the guranteed lonliness he was surely destined to live. If those whom Shinigami loved didn't die, it apeared that in their hearts the love they felt for him, did. A light breeze blew across his face briefly removing the bangs from the beautiful heart-shaped face revealing the look of a lost child; somehow managing to make the viewer forget the beauty of the wearer. A harsh sigh managed to escape his pursed lips causing a racking shudder to run through the entirety of his body. Images of the past flew threw his mind in rapid fire succesion, a past he wished would remain exactly that, the past.

Why do I care he asked the emptying streets, why the fuck do I care. His feet came to a halt, looking up Duo found himself outside the same shop Heero had stood at just mere hours ago. Grief and remorse lashed through his body as he saw what lay in the window. It was not the exquisite craftsmanship of the jewlery, nor the lavish prices attached to them that nescisarily caused a wave of self-pity to flow over him. No it was what lay in the center of the display that forced tears to well in the amethyst depths. Within the center of the display, poised as if it were a venumous snake ready to sink its death-filled fangs into the hand of any who dared to come to close, lay a single engagement ring. So simple in design yet extravagantly done. It cried for an finger to be placed upon. Gazing at the single ring he found himself feeling much as the evil stepsisters must have in the fairy tales he had heard as boy in the orphanage. For try as he might it would never fit him, it was meant only for Cinderella, and Cinderella's hands were not covered in blood as his were. The ring's owner would have guilt-free hands, hands that had never touched bloodshed a pure ring for pure lily white hands. With a sinking sense of dispair he turned away from the window and the glaring reality it presented him with, the reality of a life without Heero was a reality he could not accept.

Turning the lock sharply he all but threw himself into his apartment, kicking the door shut behind him. Not bothering to remove his jacket he fell, face first onto his couch. He lay there motionless, seemingly devoid of life as once again he felt the wash of re-memory take him into its world of darkness. Every memory, every flash of hope and love raced through his mind. The thousand seemingly innocent touches and words spoken over the years coursed through his body burning him with its chilling reminder of what could have been. And in the center of this bombardment of sensory overload stood the single visage of Heero, the boy he had given his heart to and in return received only a push towards the brink. He stood there in the middle of the storm reaching out to his dark angel hoping, trying to move towards the warm light that seemed to extend to the point that blurred the bnoundaries of his world and that of his love's. Along his side stood his friends, the three apeared to be aiding their comrades aproach to the promising warmth but with each step he felt the connection with them flicker and begin to fade. The reason for that laying in the fact that even they knew not what had transpired between the Perfect Solider and the God of Death. A lover's tiff they had no doubt surmised but in fact they had never even reached a first kiss. Looking around he saw that the three no longer stood by his side, instead they had moved away into the light. Yes, thats where they belonged along side his angel, surounded and bathed in light. Not freezing in the darkness that was his world. If they knew what had truly transpired they would no doubt move away from him and the coldness that lay within his heart.

His dear friends, they belived the years of sepration had been spurred by a mere lover's tiff, resulting in the discovery of Heero's love for the Relena. Damn even the mention of her name in his head was enough to scorch his heart, leaving third degree burns in the wake. He wanted to kick and to scream, to voice his anger at the bad hand fate had dealt him. He was not Trowa, he knew nothing of the ways to exchange a bad hand for a better one amidst a game of poker, so how could he change his fate? It seemed pointless to try and yet he felt it was nescisary, if only to say 'at least I tried'. Relena herself thought the two had been lovers, it apeared apparent in their eyes and words, and yet they had never had that chance. He had tried to move beyound the simple platonic state they were in, but Heero had eyes only for Relena. Had he mis-read the signs so badly, could he have mis-interpreted Heero's feelings towards him? Apparntly he had.

All the people he had ever dared to love had died, but Heero couldn't die; the boy had wriggled out of Death's grip more than once. In Heero he had found someone he could love, someone who would never leave him. He had found a friend, and yet what he felt went further than that, so much further. He had thought that he could be the one to teach the Perfect Solider that he was so much more than a mere killing machine created by evil scientists whose sole purpose was to sit back and enjoy wholesale destruction from the comfort of their homes. He had wanted to prove to Heero that he did have emotions, and feelings of his own, and he had wanted to be able to return them as well. Heero never saw him as more than a friend, if even that he mused. What had hurt him most was that Heero had thought him to be a tease, a flirt and nothing more. That had hurt! He was flaky at times and fickle in many cases, but a tease he was not! Could Heero not see his heart so plainly laid out for him?

The day Heero had moved out was still a blur, he hadn't shed a single tear till after the fact, when it was to late and the only thing to catch his tears was the carpet below him. He hadn't cried as Heero packed his few possesions, no instead like the eternal joker that he was (he was beginning to see how Heero could find him to be a tease) he had stood there; sardonic grin fixed upon his face, arms crossed mockingly as he leaned aginat the wall watching Heero pack, cracking jokes at the stoic boy's exspense. If he could have spilt the tears that pleaded for a release, if he could have said the words that were in his heart from the moment he laid eyes on the tousled haired adonis he might have been lying in the arms of his love, content and sated with the turn that life had taken, not lying here upon an old lumpy couch; cushions slowly cutting into his face.

Faintly a voice whispered in the back of his head the same words of wisdom they had repeated since the day he had left the Maxwell church bent on revenge, the words he had yet to learn the true meaning to.

"Follow your heart."

(1) Um for those that havn't seen the OVA (Endless Waltz) during the year that passes between the end of the series and the movie the piolts allow distance to sperate them. Duo and Heero appear to remain close where as Trowa and and Quatre remain close to each other as well. Duo and Quatre meet only to send the Gundams to into the sun, and Wufei having had no home to return to after the series joins the Barton Foundation breaking contact with the other four. In the end they are reunited and Wufei joins the "good guys" once again.