Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Will Come ❯ Part Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Morning Will Come

Author: Emily,

Warnings: yaoi, het, language, violence, possible OOC, EU?, un-betaed

Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4, 5xM, 13x11

Archive: Want it? Take it. Just please give me credit.

Disclaimer: None of these characters and their personalities are mine, but the story's plot and concepts are mine, so please no stealing my creations. Unless you want to contribute accompanying art…then be my guest, but I want to see!

Comments: Time zone confusion! What fun! Um, see, it's still the 10th because we switch from Japan time to California time. The International Dateline makes things lovely like that, neh? Morning Will Come

Part Three

April 10, 1941

Duo jolted awake from the nightmare, clutching the armrests at his sides and digging his short fingernails into the hard surface. Calm down…easy… Just a nightmare…not real… He whimpered lightly, when he really wanted to scream. But it was real! He closed his eyes. Dad…would you ever forgive me?

He flagged down a stewardess and asked for a glass of water, downing it the second it arrived. His breathing became less ragged and he felt himself relaxing.

The plane jolted up and then back down, hitting thick clouds, causing Duo to jump out of his seat and grab at the easiest things in his reach…which happened to be the back of the seat in front of him and Heero's right knee.

Heero cracked open Prussian blue eyes and looked over at his American lover. "Duo, what is it?"

"Eh…nothing," he quickly forced on a smile. "Just a little turbulence, that's all. Nothing that'll kill me." Duo winced inwardly at his attempted joke.

"I hope so," Heero leaned over and planted a chaste kiss on the tip of Duo's nose. He then proceeded to stretch unused muscles and joints. "The sooner we get off this damn plane the better."

"I agree," Duo tried to lean over Hilde to see out the window, but all he could see was the deep blue-green Pacific Ocean and the wing of the plane. "Great view," he snorted as an island came into view. "Alcatraz…we're practically there." The braided man yawned dramatically and stretched languorously in his seat. Time for a little payback. He motioned for Heero to stay quiet as he leaned towards Hilde. "Hilly, we're home!" he half-shouted, proceeding to tickle the young woman awake.


The airport was crowded as all hell. The main populace seemed to be men in business suits, but crying women and screaming children made the place a whole lot louder. They almost drowned out the sounds of aircraft. Almost.

Hilde squealed in delight and all but tackled a tall, fair man. He was in his early-twenties, stood a smidge taller than Duo at six-foot two, wheat blond hair kept short, and held an intelligent yet prankish light in his emerald eyes, returning the enthusiastic embrace. "Hilde Schbeiker…you haven't found anything better to do with your time besides playing secretary for my dear little brother?"

The young woman smiled flirtatiously. "It's only temporary until I can be your personal assistant, Solo Maxwell."

Duo let out an abrupt laugh. "We won't get into the details on what Hilde would like to assist you with."

"Duo," Solo said, quirking an eyebrow, "you're being rude. I haven't been introduced to your…friend." Uncertainty was evident in the elder Maxwell brother's voice as he said the last word.

A gigantic grin spread across Duo's face. "Solo, this Heero Yuy, my beloved. Heero, this is Solo, my brother." Duo bit his lip as the two mentally appraised each other as they shook hands.

"You're Japanese?"


"How is it that you weren't drafted for the war?"

Heero smiled. "If you would like to discuss the politics of war, sometime, I would be much interested, but now isn't the time."

Solo returned the gesture, and Duo rolled his eyes as Hilde practically melted into the floor. She already had her arm firmly intertwined with his. Solo seemed to be going along with it more out of politeness than any reciprocating emotions. "Politics isn't my field anymore, but that would be interesting."

"Solo's studying for his doctorate!" the dark-haired young woman gushed.

Duo snorted. "Hilde, he's going after a doctorate in psychiatry."

"So? Doctor Solo Maxwell has a nice ring to it, don't you think? Then I could be Missus Doctor Solo Maxwell," Hilde was over exaggerating the swoon, but it made Solo turn a comical shade of red.

Amethyst eyes lit up mischievously. "Look on the bright side, Solo: When you do get your doctorate you'll be able to prescribe Hilde with shock therapy sessions."

"Ha ha, very funny, Duo. Can we leave now?"

No one objected so they picked up their luggage and met Solo outside. He slid behind the wheel, Hilde grabbing the seat next to him, with Duo and Heero sliding into the backseat.


The house was two stories tall, and looked much like it's neighbors, with carefully kept gardens and even a white picket fence. Off-white paint was bordered in a light blue, and the house Duo and Solo had grown up in seemed to fit the stereotype of the perfect American home. All we need is for Mom to have a pie cooling on a windowsill…

Duo looked over at Heero; it was probably overwhelming for his Japanese lover to have to absorb so much new information at once, but he appeared to be handling it all right. The braided young man leaned over and wrapped an arm around Heero's waist, receiving a similar gesture in return. "Feeling okay?"

Heero nodded and smiled a little. "I'm starting to feel like a zoo attraction."

Duo scrunched up his nose, thinking back to the morning they had spent in his hotel room. "I may love animals, but not that much!" he laughed. He looked at the doorway of his old home and waved enthusiastically when he saw his mother standing with the door open. "Hey, Mom…what's for dinner?"

Helen Maxwell laughed. "Duo, I swear, you're nothing more than a walking stomach with a braid." She was an average-sized woman in her mid-forties, and it was easy to tell she was the mother of her two boys. For the most part, her features were the same as Solo's with fair features and blonde hair, lightening with age, but her eyes were a shining amethyst like Duo's. "Hilde, he's not working you too hard, right, dear?"

Hilde gave the older woman a hug. "At this rate, I'll be in charge," she grinned, winking merrily.

Mrs. Maxwell laughed and ushered everyone in the house. "This is wonderful. It's almost like old times… Solo not at school, Hilde visiting, and Duo bringing dates home for dinner."

Duo cleared his throat when he noticed Heero turning pink. "Mom, this is Heero, my…boyfriend."

She smiled and nodded her head politely. "Heero…a French name?"

"Japanese," he replied, looking over at Duo who seemed to be fidgeting nervously.

"Well, Heero, you can call me Helen." She titled her head. "You don't look Japanese. You must know that Duo just got back from a business dealing in Japan…"

"Hey, uh, Mom?" Duo could see Hilde snickering with Solo at the kitchen table. "He knows; that's where we met." It was strangely uncomfortable for a moment, and Duo tightened his grip around his lover as he waited for some reaction to the news of their fast relationship.

"So," Hilde said after a minute or so, "what's for dinner?"


Dinner went extremely well. It wasn't anything fancy - chicken, potatoes, and carrots roasted together - but it was enjoyable nonetheless. Heero fit right in; he seemed happier to sit back and listen to everyone but did get into that political conversation which eventually let to discussing the wars in Asia and Europe. Turns out that Heero didn't have to fight because he wasn't really a Japanese citizen; he was legally American. The Japanese military couldn't recruit a foreigner if he didn't volunteer.

Helen Maxwell wanted to get caught up in how the business was going, so Hilde and Duo sat in the kitchen and got her up-to-date. Heero and Solo and gone in another room, Duo assumed, to continue their discussion.

"That's magnificent! God is smiling on you, Duo; if only your father could see what a successful business man you're becoming."

Hilde gave an arrogant grin. "Irresponsible with money and paperwork, but successful."

Duo narrowed his eyes at the young woman briefly. "I don't need to be responsible with the paperwork and money…that's what you and Quatre are paid to do."

Mrs. Maxwell smiled. "At least Duo knows that he needs people to help him and isn't afraid to reach out for it. You're profiting better because of that." She stood up slowly. "Duo, I have something to give you. Hilde, we'll have to excuse you for a moment."


Duo followed his mother upstairs to the master bedroom. He felt a pang of guilt and sorrow at the photographs on the walls and tables; pictures of the four of them throughout the years at various times of their lives. His eyes settled on a picture of himself, Solo, and their father in a lodge with a spectacular view of the mountains in the background. God, that picture was from the morning right before he was killed…

"I was digging through your father's things and I found this," Helen held out a velvet envelope to her youngest son. "You should have it."

Duo slowly opened the envelope, wondering at what it could possibly have been. He felt something cold and pulled it out, breath hitching in his throat when he recognized the object. A simple gold cross hung on a matching chain. Some of the shine had been worn out from constant wear and the edges were smoother from being rubbed, but it was otherwise flawless. It's Dad's cross…he rarely took it off… It's Dad's cross… Why wasn't he buried wearing it?

He remembered, suddenly. Kline Maxwell had taken it off and left it at home for that weekend. He didn't want to lose it on the mountain, so it got left home.

Helen noticed her son's lack of speech and rubbed his back. "You've been busy for the past few days; go home and rest, Duo. You deserve it." She gently pulled his face to hers and kissed Duo's forehead before returning downstairs to Hilde.

Duo looked back down. The cross was sitting in the middle of his open hand with the chain draped over his fingers. Dad's cross…Dad's cross…Dad's cross… He almost put it back in the envelope. He almost threw it away, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Instead Duo mechanically opened the clasp and put it around his neck, tucking the necklace under his shirt. He took a deep breath. Home…sleep…

He was about to start down the stairs when he heard voices down the hall. Duo looked at his and Solo's old room, listening for a moment. People were in there; it must be Heero and Solo. He carefully approached the door and was about to open it when their actual conversation reached his ears.

"…and ever since the accident, Duo's been blaming himself for our father's death. It's getting worse, if anything."

"He doesn't like riding in cars, much; planes, too, for that matter."

"Duo's an amaxophobic…he doesn't like riding in or being in vehicles. Cars are understandable, but I don't know why it would carry over into airplanes. Wonder if he also has a problem with boats, trains, and bikes."

"Is Duo the reason you switched majors?"

"Hm? Yeah…partially, at least. In the two years since the accident, Duo's been wrapping himself up in Dad's business. He dropped out of school and everything. We were very surprised to see you; maybe he is getting better, after all…"

Duo was astounded. Solo has no right to tell all that to Heero! I have every right to be guilty because it was my fault; now Solo's making it sound like I have a mental health problem. This conversation ends now. He shoved the door open and glared darkly at the two men in his old room. "Heero, we're going home now; I'm tired."

"Duo? What's wrong, little brother, you look upset…"

The braided American turned his anger to his brother. "Upset? Upset! Why would I look upset to you, Mr. Psychiatrist-In-Training? Everything's just super!" Duo saw Heero wince from the sarcasm and malice oozing out of his last sentence.

"Duo, if you just admit that you have a problem…"

That was the last straw. "I don't have a problem, Solo, and I fucking don't appreciate you telling the people I love that I do!" Duo's furious violet eyes met Heero's deep blue ones. They were so full of love and concern that Duo felt sick all of a sudden. He turned around and saw Hilde and his mother in the hallway, and all of a sudden he felt tears welling up in his eyes. Aw, shit, come on, Duo… Don't be such a girl; boy's don't cry. He clenched his jaw and left, briefly catching Hilde saying goodnight and that she'd catch a cab home.

There were footsteps behind him. "Duo? Duo! Duo, please stop!" It was Heero. Duo snorted as his introductory motto popped in mind. I run; I hide; but I never tell a lie. Well, it looks like I'm running. He started off sprinting, thankful for once that his long legs were carrying him further faster than otherwise possible. When he breathing became harsh, ragged gasps he still didn't stop; cars honked and people yelled at him to get out of the way, but Duo kept running. And running, and running, and running, and running.

Then he stopped. Heero doesn't know where I live… Damn, I hope he isn't lost. Duo waited for a few minutes and almost started retracing his steps back when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Duo…"

The American looked up at the sky, searching for the stars, but he couldn't see them. A raindrop splashed him in the eye, instead, and a steady rain began. The drops were huge and splashed onto the streets more than fell.

"Heero…Solo just thinks he's a know-it-all. He's not right, you know that. He thinks it's wrong for me to believe in the truth; Heero, I never lie!" Duo blinked. Heero was behind me… How?… "And how to you get behind me?"

"Duo…" Jesus, the guy is barely winded! He must be stronger than I thought. "My parents were killed when I was three-years-old. Odin Lowe, my guardian, told me it was a hate crime because they were Japanese; I was spared because they thought I wouldn't be able to survive on my own. I lived on the streets of San Francisco until I was five when Odin found me and brought me to Japan." He closed his eyes. "I remember the city better than I thought I would."[1] Heero reopened them, and Duo let the tears fall. This is his story…this isn't really our fifth date, but he thinks it's fair. Solo blabbed about my past, so now he's going to tell me about his. Damn it. "I hadn't known the real reason for my parents' deaths until Odin told me, and I thought somehow it was my fault. I had no substantial memories of my parents, and I was three at the time they died, but four years later, when I found out the truth, I thought there was something I could have done to protect them, someway I could have helped.

"Odin thought Japan would be safer for me, but I couldn't stand it. You see, Duo, my father was Japanese, but my mother wasn't, and they were killed because my father married outside his ethnicity." Heero closed the gap between them so he was able to whisper and still be heard. Duo was barely conscious of the rain soaking their clothes and hair. "We're only human, Duo. We can't predict consequences or stop time to rewind it and try again. You have to recognize that, or there will be an unnecessary weight on your shoulders for the rest of your life."

Unable to think of anything to say, Duo pressed forward into Heero's mouth and delved it with his own. The kiss was slow, almost as if they were in mourning. They walked back to Duo's house in each other's arms and made slow, deliberate love before they fell asleep.

That night, he had no nightmares.


April 11, 1941

Sunlight streaming through the windows, curtains having been left open, forced Duo awake. He moaned sleepily and grabbed for the watch[2] on the end table next to his head. Eight at night…what the hell? Oh, I never adjusted it back to Pacific Standard. He did a little math in his head. It's ten o'clock. I should have been up two hours ago in order to be ready by nine. Quatre won't be happy.

Duo tried to get up, but something was inhibiting his movement. He looked down at his right arm and smiled; his arm was under the small of Heero's back. Duo rolled over and planted a light kiss on the Japanese man's mouth. "Wake up, love. You can't laze around in bed all day." As much as I'd love to, he added mentally.

Heero hazily blinked and sat up on his elbows. "Why's that? You can't imagine a second without me?"

"No," Duo mocked scowled. "You're lying on my hair, and I can't get up because of it." Heero sat up enough for Duo to get up and laid back down on the bed. "You're, uh, going to have to borrow some of my clothes; our bags are still in Solo's car." He put on a pair of pants and grabbed his brush off the dresser and started to struggle with the tangled locks. Should've done this before I fell asleep…

"Can I help?" Heero was standing behind his braided lover and had managed to find his pants.

"Uh…sure…" Duo dug around through his things before he found another brush. "You do one half, I'll do the other, and we can meet in the middle." Splitting up the mass of hair, they managed to cut an extensive job into seven minutes, and Duo rapidly braided it with skilled ease.

The closet was a disarray. Duo had packed all of the clothes he liked, but managed to find khakis, a dark green shirt, and a white tie. He briefly ran his fingers through his bangs to try and make it look less like he just woke up, but it was hopeless, as always, so he grabbed his shoes. "If you need anything, I'm not leaving the house. Hilde will be on the bottom floor if I am busy. Feel free to eat anything you want, but I don't think the milk will be…healthy for consumption." Heero nodded and wrapped his arms around the slightly taller man, kissing him slowly and deeply.

When they broke, Duo felt bad for having to go and work, leaving Heero alone with nothing to do for several hours. He nodded over back to the dresser. "You can take my keys and go out. There's a car in the garage if you need it."

Heero smiled. "I'm starting to feel like a housewife. Would you like me to pick up milk and bread, koi?"

Duo laughed in reply. "Only if you want to."

The other shook his head, causing chocolate locks to fall in front of his eyes. "I'll pick up our things and find a job."

They exchanged one last kiss before Duo headed downstairs. "Don't forget the milk and bread!"


"Good morning, Duo. Feeling better?" Hilde met him at his desk.

"Yeah, actually, I do, but I still have a bone to pick with Solo next time I see him."

"You always were the over-sensitive one, Dewy. And I think you should give Solo a break; he already dealt with your mother. I swear, the youngest child is always the coddled one…"

Duo snorted. "This coming from an only child. Where's Quatre?"

"I told him to come at eleven. I knew you'd be tired and Trowa's back on leave, so," she waggled her eyebrows suggestively, "you can imagine that they were using the extra time for alternative activities."

The braided man rolled his eyes. "Well you could have told me this. Then I could be involved in 'alternative activities' right now instead of down here talking to you!"

Hilde tossed the paperwork from the past couple of days onto his desk. "Well, you have to get cranking. We have work to do."



[1] Emily has never been to San Francisco…especially in the 1940s. She's been to San Diego, but not San Francisco. I know Boston has names for different parts of the city, but I don't know if that's true about SF, but Duo's kinda in the suburbia outskirts… Heero means the same…do you really think a toddler could survive in the big city!?

[2] Didn't have wristwatches back then, did they? Damn. Oh well. It has to be a pocket watch. -=tries to pictures Duo polishing a pocket watch and giggles=-