Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Will Come ❯ Part Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Morning Will Come

Author: Emily,

Warnings: yaoi, het, language, violence, possible OOC, EU?, un-betaed, lime, sap/fluff

Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4, 5xM, 13x11

Archive: Want it? Take it. Just please give me credit.

Disclaimer: None of these characters and their personalities are mine, but the story's plot and concepts are mine, so please no stealing my creations. Unless you want to contribute accompanying art…then be my guest, but I want to see!

Comments: Um…lime ahead. Or is it a lemon? Eh, I'll call it a lime. -_-;; First one I ever wrote, so don't be mad. It was weird. I just started writing it and it started to come out on it's own. That or I'm just a natural with these things and I never even knew it. That's a scary thought. Anyhoo, on with the fic! Morning Will Come

Part Two

April 8, 1941

Duo Maxwell slowly cracked his eyes open, quickly screwing them shut again with the onslaught of sunlight pouring in the windows. He rubbed at the violet orbs, suddenly becoming aware of a dull, throbbing pain beating against his brain. He groaned aloud, only to cause more pain from the sound. Looks like I got hammered last night. God, it even hurts to think. Where the hell am I, anyway?

He forced himself to cope with the pain, sitting up and looking around. He definitely was not in the hotel. Hilde would have attacked him by now asking how dinner went. Duo narrowed his eyes. What did happen last night? I remember falling forward, but can't recall anything afterwards. Shit…

"You're awake. How do you feel?"

Duo scowled. "Like there's a gigantic nutcracker trying to break my brain open. What the hell was that stuff?"

"Sake…rice wine. I thought you knew that."

"Looks like I didn't, doesn't it?"

Heero chuckled quietly. "It's served in small cups for a reason."

The American flopped back down on the futon. "So what happened after I passed out?"

"I paid the bill and brought you here. You were asleep until now," Heero sat besides Duo on the mattress. "That was twelve hours ago."

Duo tried to remember the time but couldn't. His brain was still in Pacific Standard Time, so he was far behind. "What time is it?"

"A little past ten."

His eyes spread wide and Duo jolted forward, but his stomach wasn't prepared for the motion and a strong wave of nausea washed over him. He had to close his eyes and wait for the storm to pass. Strong hands gripped his shoulders, rubbing them. "Feel better?"

Duo nodded quickly, but felt sick again. He got up and flew through a closed door, relieved to find the bathroom, and emptied the contents of his stomach into the commode. He flushed, wiping his mouth on a napkin, and came back into the bedroom. "I do now. Can I have some water?" Heero nodded and went to get it.

Duo leaned against a wall, clutching his sides and daring his stomach to make him throw up again. He felt much better, though. The headache seemed to be going away, and the majority of the alcohol had been emptied of his system. Heero returned with the water. He swished it around in his mouth and spit it out into the sink before actually taking a sip. Duo was relieved when the puke flavor left his mouth. He had to wait for a moment until the water settled. Eating something would most definitely be out of the question.

"I'd ask if your hungry, but I know you'll say no." The braided young man smiled gratefully. Heero was so nice to him. If the past night's events had happened in San Francisco, Duo probably would've been violated in an alley and left there until he woke up. Not that all American guys were like that, but he liked Heero.

Since when did you come up to that decision? Oh, about five seconds ago. You think he'd let me kiss him? Why are all the good guys hiding in Japan? Duo shook away his thoughts. "I should probably get back to the hotel," he sighed. "Hilde is going to throw a fit. She's probably waiting to interrogate me right now."

"All right."

They walked back to the hotel in relative silence. Duo was trying to get a sense of direction or at least establish landmarks so he could find his way somewhere if he got lost. And he was having an on-going debate with his conscience on the possible results if he kissed Heero.

The silence was palpable standing in front of his room, 241. At least the numbers were written in Arabic numerals as well as the Japanese ones. Kept Duo from getting lost, at least. He'd need to stick a bright orange sign on the door otherwise. He turned back around, leaning against the closed door and facing Heero.

"I honestly didn't think I'd have a date on a business trip. I had fun…well…except for the throwing up part, but I probably would've gotten drunk last night whether I had a date or not," Duo felt awkward and flustered again.

"How long are you staying?" Heero asked. Duo couldn't pull his gaze away from the deep blue eyes. It felt like he was drowning in them.

"Leaving the tenth. We didn't plan for things to get wrapped up so easily."

"Oh." The Japanese man sounded sad or disappointed; Duo couldn't quite tell which it was. "I'd like to keep seeing you."

"Me too," Duo allowed a small smile. Heero mirrored his smile, leaning forward tentatively to give Duo the chance to say no, and softly kissed him on the lips. Duo threw his arms around the other's shoulders, eagerly deepening it. They plundered each other's mouths like a starving man finding food.

They were both leaning heavily on the door, now. Heero broke momentarily. "Tomorrow?" he panted; Duo nodded in agreement, no more words needed, and they wrapped up in each other once more.

And then Hilde opened the door.


With all their weight against the door and Hilde having opened it inwards, they fell into the room as a tumble of limbs. Hilde had found the highly hysterical, laughing heavily at Duo and Heero's expense. They had said hurried, embarrassed goodbyes and Duo locked himself in his room with Hilde standing outside pounding on the door.

"Duo! Open up! Come on, please? I'll be nice, I promise! Duo, you need to keep in mind who has the final paperwork for the business dealings! Duo, open the damn door!"

Duo unlocked the door for Hilde to let herself in. It was futile to avoid her, anyway. She could resort in knocking the door down, if desperate. And from the sound of it, she was getting to that point, so he unlocked the door.

Hilde let herself in, bouncing in and slamming the door behind her. Duo's violet eyes shone with resentment, and the woman burst out laughing again.

"I think I've dealt with enough shit from you, Hilde Schbeiker!" Duo snarled. She stopped laughing. Duo only used full names when he was royally pissed off, and he was. "You're job description does not carry over into my personal life!"

"You're right, it doesn't, but you haven't had a personal life since your father died, and that was two years ago, Duo! You've been working yourself bone-weary ever since." They were silent for a moment. "So…it went well? If you don't tell me anything, I'm going to assume it did because you, apparently, had a sleepover, and we all know what that means."

"I got drunk and passed out in the middle of a restaurant, Hilde; we didn't sleep with each other… Well, maybe we did, I'm not sure, but we didn't have sex." The corners of Duo's mouth quirked upwards at the idea of having sex with Heero. "Bet he's one hell of a good fuck, though. Probably gives a good one, too."

The implications didn't bother Hilde. She was used to it by now. "So you slept with him but nothing happened? And you didn't hold your alcohol? You're getting old!"

"Shut up, Hild'. There's always tomorrow, you know."

"Yeah, I heard," she leaned on her elbows against the table. "Any plans?"

Duo shrugged. "I like him, Hilde. A lot. If nothing else is expected to come out of this, I at least want neither of us to be able to walk correctly afterwards."

The woman ran her fingers through her short hair. "You're a sick one, boss. I bet you don't talk to Solo about this sort of stuff."

The braided American smiled devilishly. "Solo, no; Quatre, yes." Duo went over to his luggage and started fishing through his clothes. "Can you help me find something to wear for tomorrow?"

"Sure thing."


April 9, 1941

Duo felt like there were butterflies the size of aircraft carriers in his stomach. He was nervous! They had managed to dig up a pair of black leather pants that clung to Duo like a second skin with a zip-up, red T-shirt, and a jacket that matched the pants. He hadn't finished brushing his hair, so it was cascading down his body freely as he checked himself in the mirror. Damn, I look good! He picked the brush back up a ran it through his hair, struggling with the tangles.

A knock was heard at the door. Ack! What the hell does she want now? "It's open!"

The door clicked open and shut and soft footsteps were heard padding in. Doesn't Hilde usually come bounding in? Duo turned and looked at the entryway. "H-Heero! You're early!" he exclaimed, dropping the hairbrush and fumbling to catch it again.

"You look good…real good."

"You too," Duo replied, absorbing inch after tantalizing inch of Heero's body. He was wearing a simple green tank top with a pair of blue denim pants, but it only accentuated his strength. His thoughts rapidly became more perverted as his eyes traveled down the Japanese man's body, and suddenly the air in the room seemed constricting.

Duo didn't notice when Heero approached him, grabbing the brush and smoothing the chestnut strands. Duo was nearly purring. He had never let any of his past boyfriends brush his hair or even let them see it out of the confining braid, but with Heero, the American didn't seem to mind. Heero divided his hair in three sections, braiding it, and using an elastic that had been wrapped around the handle of the brush. He gently grabbed Duo's face by the chin, turning his head so they were facing each other, and their mouths met with as much passion as they had the day prior.

They pulled away for air, and Duo was surprised to see unadulterated desire in Heero's Prussian blue gaze. "Duo…I need…"

"Shh, I know." The American gave a sly smile. "Is brushing my hair your idea of foreplay?" Heero silenced him with a kiss, starting at his mouth and moving down the writhing body.

Duo moaned as he felt cool hands on his heated flesh, Heero removing his clothes without breaking contact between his mouth and Duo's body. Heero succeeded in peeling off the different layers, so Duo lay naked on the bed, his swollen sex begging for attention. Heero's hands ghosted downwards, passing over Duo's erection to the inside of his thighs.

"Hee~ro!" Duo yelled, thrusting his hips towards the Japanese man's hand. Duo's violet eyes darkened with lust and pleasure as Heero gently flicked his thumb over the tip, stroking the shaft gently with increasing speed and pressure.

The American felt like he was drowning in a sea of pleasure. Hilde was right about his personal life, and it had been sometime since someone had touched him in such ways, but the sensations Heero drove through him seemed to be the epitome of bliss.

Duo gasped when Heero took him in the mouth, the warm, velvety recesses bringing such a feeling that Duo thought he would pass out. It wasn't long before he came, screaming Heero's name as he emptied his load into the Japanese man's mouth. Duo collapsed, sweaty, on the sheets, tired but not spent. Heero crawled up and kissed his mouth frantically; Duo tasting himself on Heero's tongue, which only renewed his sexual energy. He pressed a hand against Heero's chest, pushing him back and rolling so they switched positions.

"Heero, you are way over-dressed," he purred, relieving Heero of his tank top and pants. He lightly brushed his hand over the other's cloth-covered erection, causing Heero to moan. Duo grinned as he removed the only fabric left on his body.

Heero was well built, and seeing his naked, bronze skin in this state of arousal was almost too much for Duo. "You're beautiful, Heero," he said, tracing his tongue over the sensitive bits of flesh on Heero's arms, chest, stomach, and thighs. The Japanese man's moans and pleads causing Duo to get aroused again. He breathed over the tip of Heero's hard penis causing Heero to thrust towards his mouth, but Duo pulled his head back to Heero's and they kissed fervently.

Heero growled in the back of his throat and regained dominance, running on hand down Duo's body and gently probing his entrance while the other hand groped around blindly. He found what he was looking for in his pants' pocket.

Duo raised an eyebrow at the lube. "My, aren't we prepared." Heero covered the other's mouth with his own, coating his erection with the lubricant and being careful not to hurt Duo. "Heero, just do it already!" he pleaded, and Heero slammed to the hilt in response, causing the braided man to moan at their union.

Heero rocked rhythmically and Duo met each thrust with one of his own. Blinding white pleasure came in waves, and Duo felt Heero's release inside of him, soon followed by Duo's own. They collapsed onto the futon, panting, hot, and sweaty. Heero kissed up Duo's jaw line and nuzzled against his neck, content in the afterglow.



"Come home with me, please?"

Heero propped himself up on his elbows, sapphire meeting amethyst. "Why?"

"I-I want you to! I don't think a relationship this long distance could work out, and I need you. No, that's a lie. Heero…I love you." Duo held his breath and waited for Heero's wrath. Please, God, if this is going to end, at least leave it on good terms…

But Heero was smiling. "All right. I will."

Duo blinked. "Really?" Heero nodded. "Wow. Hey, Heero? Can we, um, stay here all day instead of go out? I mean, if you want to go out, we can, but I can think of…other things to be occupied with here…" Heero's smile widened, understanding Duo's implications.

"Of course. Ai shiteru, Duo." He laughed at the other's questioning glance. "That's Japanese for I love you, but it's deeper than that." Heero struggled to find a better explanation. "It's I love you, but it's also I'm completely devoted to you, koi. That means love or sweetheart."

Duo smiled, radiating pure happiness. "I like the sound of that." He brushed his lips over Heero's. "As much as I love pillow talk, I can think of better things to be doing with that luscious mouth of yours."


April 10, 1941

It had been a stressful morning, but everything turned out all right. They had to fly coach, now, but it didn't matter. Heero was coming home with him and the business deal had been successful. Duo felt like he was walking on air.

Hilde had been ecstatic for the both of them. Duo could only think on how he couldn't wait for Heero to meet everyone at him. Of course he was going to show off his attractive lover to his friends and family!

They were currently waiting for the plane to take off. "Okay, so my business is run in my house…sort of. The bottom floor is where all the official meetings and such go on and where Hilde runs things; the offices are on the middle floor; and I live on the top floor. It's easier, that way, so Hilde is technically correct when she says I live at work. Quatre's my accountant; he's a really great guy; his boyfriend is stationed in Hawaii right now, so if he acts a little…lonely, don't take it personally. Solo's my brother. He's at college right now getting a degree, but he comes home to visit Mom every few weeks. He's twenty-two and likes to embarrass me in front of people. Mom will insist to have us over for dinner. She likes to know how the business is going and such. I don't think she'll make you call her Mrs. Maxwell. Maybe just Helen, but she might make you call her Mom. If she does, ignore her and call her Helen, anyway. Again, it's nothing personal. She already has Hilde calling her Mom. Well, we've known Hilde long enough, but she's kinda the Maxwell daughter that never existed." Duo was chewing Heero's ear off with nervous energy, but he couldn't help it. He was nervous! "Um, any questions?"

Heero leaned over and kissed Duo chastely. "Stop worrying, koi. You'll give yourself an ulcer and then you'll really have something to worry about."

Hilde looked away from the window. "Just ignore him. He talks like that all the time; you learn to tone it out after awhile." She perked up. "So Solo's coming over? Could you invite me to dinner, too?"

Duo rolled his eyes. "Hilde's taken with my brother," he winked. "She was so devastated when I told her I'm gay that she resorted to Solo."

Hilde sharply elbowed Duo just as the plane started to move, and Duo yipped more from the take off than his friend. He closed his eyes sharply and tried to school his breathing.

"Duo?" Heero said, clearly worried. "What's wrong?"

"He doesn't like planes," Hilde supplied. "Technically, he doesn't like take off and landing. You get used to it."

"According to you I'm going to get used to a lot of things."

"Is it over?"

"Yes, koi. Now take your hands off your eyes; we're in the air."

Duo removed his hands and leaned into his lover, sighing contently. "I'm taking a nap; it's a long flight. 'Night." He felt fingers brushing his hair out of his eyes before falling asleep.


"Come on, boys, we have to head home before your mother starts worrying," Kline Maxwell hurried his sons back to the car.

Solo Maxwell, twenty at the time and in his junior year of college, lobbed a snowball in his younger brother's direction. Duo, seventeen, playfully shoved his older brother so that the slightly taller, blond boy fell backwards into a snow bank.

They had gone on one of their winter ski trips, this one only for the day since Solo had to return to San Jose University the next day, but it was fun nevertheless. Solo had a grand time telling all the girls he was a college student, and even Duo got involved with a little harmless flirting… Well, one guy started hitting on him thinking he was a girl and got pissed off rather quickly when he figured out he was actually flirting with a guy who happened to be flirting back. Solo had beat the shit out of him, and everyone left them alone afterwards.

Kline was just happy to be spending time with his kids away from home. Solo was too busy with college to visit frequently and Duo acted more himself when his brother was around; not to mention the mountains were just a picturesque location to spend the day in, especially with the snow coating everything like powdered sugar.

But all good things had to come to an end.

"Hey, Dad, can I drive home?" Duo asked, a hopeful expression on his face.

Solo looked more horrified. "No way! The way he drives he'll get us all killed! He's the devil when he gets behind the wheel, Dad!"

"Enough, Solo," Kline said, "you weren't any better. You still aren't, so you have no right to judge. Duo may like to drive a little recklessly, but at least he's responsible about it." Solo's fair features turned red as he recalled the time he totaled his father's car and hid it, saying it got stolen.

Duo stuck his tongue out at Solo in victory. Boys will be boys. Solo stuck out his own in response, emerald eyes gleaming defiantly. The younger caught the keys as they were tossed to him, throwing equipment in the back of the jeep and jumping behind the wheel. Solo sat behind him with their father getting shotgun. He started the car and they were on their way home.

The roads were icy and the snow made visibility difficult on the windy roads in undeveloped California, so Duo was forced to drive slow, keeping constant vigil for anything potentially dangerous. He was suddenly wishing he didn't ask to drive home. The snow was only getting thicker.

Solo grabbed his shoulder from behind him. "Duo, look out for the deer!"

Duo hadn't seen it. It was standing in the middle of the road, just staring at the headlights. Duo slammed on the brakes, but the tires hit an icy patch at the same time, sending the jeep into a spin. It didn't stop until it went off the road and broadsided a large redwood that bore into the car two feet on the front passenger side, sending splinters ricocheting in all directions.

