Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Will Come ❯ Part One ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Morning Will Come

Author: Emily,

Warnings: yaoi, het, language, violence, possible OOC, EU?, un-betaed

Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4, 5xM, 13x11

Archive: Want it? Take it. Just please give me credit.

Disclaimer: None of these characters and their personalities are mine, but the story's plot and concepts are mine, so please no stealing my creations. Unless you want to contribute accompanying art…then be my guest, but I want to see!

Comments: Story's from Duo's POV, so you aren't supposed to understand the Japanese because he doesn't. -=shrug=- If I screwed up, sorry. I'm using a dictionary not actual knowledge of the language. I think I get lazy and the translations become literal, but it's there for effect not fact! Morning Will Come

Part One

April 7, 1941

Duo Maxwell shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Something kept jabbing his ribs, and it was slowly bringing him out of a deep slumber. He muttered something unintelligible and tried to move away, but his confined location made that nearly impossible and he practically fell out of the seat into the aisle.

His arms flailed wildly, grabbing the seat in front of him before he hit the floor, and pulling himself back up. Duo ran his fingers through chestnut hair, making sure there was no blood from when his head hit the armrest. Satisfied that there was no damage, he gave the young woman next to him a sleepy glare, which only sent her into a fit of giggles.

Duo crossed his arms stubbornly. "I don't see what's so funny."

His secretary, Hilde Schbeiker, was trying hard to suppress the laughter. She was a small woman, but what she lacked in size she made up for three-fold with energy. Hilde was always looking for the humorous side of a situation, making the most of everything. Duo had known her since childhood and didn't hesitate in letting her work for him, but that wasn't just because of their close friendship. Besides the mirth Hilde carried in her crystal blue eyes, there was also a deep level of intelligence. Of course, if Duo had called Hilde his secretary to her face, he probably would have gotten hit. She preferred the title personal assistant. It was true, though. Duo didn't know what he'd do without her.

"Are you done, now?" Duo asked, playing with the end of his braid.

Hilde smiled playfully. "Yeah, I'm fine. The Captain said we'll be landing at Hiroshima in fifteen minutes or so, but you didn't hear because you were snoring the whole flight!"

Duo scowled. "I was not."

The woman nodded furiously, causing her dark bangs to bounce in front of her eyes. "Yes you were, Duo Maxwell! You were just lucky that no one complained to the stewardess about it."


"Excuse me, everyone? The Captain asked me to inform you that we will be landing at Hiroshima shortly. If everyone could remain seated for the next few minutes will be greatly appreciated. Thank you."

Duo gulped and tightened the seatbelt at his waist. He hated flying. Those damn planes always had to land and takeoff so nauseatingly. He sighed, leaning back into the seat, and closing his eyes.


Oh God we're going to get lost. How the hell am I supposed to be able to read that? "Er…Hilde? You didn't learn how to read Japanese on the flight over, by any chance, did you?" Duo had learned the basics to get around, but he knew they would be in big trouble if they got lost.

Hilde rolled her eyes. "Duo…I can't believe I work for you. The contact said they would send a driver."

Duo looked around and couldn't help but feel…out of place. Everyone here was, well, Japanese. 'Course, Maxwell, not only are you a stranger in a strange land and attracting attention because of that, you also have a three-foot long braid that makes you a little less subtle. "Hild'?" He pointed to a man in a black suit with a sign reading 'Maxwell D. from America' on it.

"All right. I'll go get our luggage. Don't go anywhere!"

Duo flashed his assistant his most charming smile. "Why would I go anywhere? Hilde, you know I'm lost without you." He turned away before he could catch her response and waved at the Japanese man. "Watashi wa Maxwell desu," he said awkwardly, hoping he got the pronunciation close enough. "Eigo ga dekimasu ka?" Duo mentally crossed his fingers. Please say yes…please say yes…please say yes…

"Yes…yes…but not much. You have bags?"

"Yes. My…friend is getting them."

Hilde returned a few minutes later dragging the luggage behind her. "We all set?"

Duo nodded. "This is our driver," jerking a thumb in the man's direction.

Hilde bowed her head. "Konnichi wa. Watashi wa Hilde desu. O-namae wa nan desu ka?" She shot her supervisor a cheeky smile; he gaped at her incredulously.

The man bowed in response. "Watashi no namae wa Tanaka desu. Dozo yoroshiku. O-genki desu ka?"

"Hai, genki desu Tanaka-san wa?"

"Hai." Tanaka-san made a motion for them to follow. Duo adjusted the bag to his other hand, letting Hilde follow first.

"I don't believe you," Duo glowered. "Making me look bad."

"That's what I'm paid to do, Dewy."

"Aw, shut up, Hilly. You know not to call me that anymore."

The driver opened the trunk and took their bags. "Maxwell-san…Hilde-san…we go to Nakamura-san now, okay?"

"Okay," Hilde replied, climbing into the back of the car next to Duo.

"This guy better not be the translator," Duo murmured under his breath.

Hilde slapped his knee. "Don't worry about it. Whoever the contact was knew English much better than Tanaka-san."

"I really do hope so." The car was started and Duo immediately got lost in the maze of the city. I could get around San Francisco blindfolded, but here I can't read the signs, can't understand the people, and don't know my way around. He saw a little girl clutching her mother with one hand and a doll in the other. Come on, Duo, you can do this. Do it for Dad if no one else.


After changing into something that made them look more presentable, they signed in at a hotel and went to meet with Nakamura-san, whose office happened to be across the street. It looked more like an apartment complex than a business, but upon entering it had the familiar hustle and bustle of a running company.

Getting people staring at him with every step he took made things a lot less comfortable. All right, I'm a stranger here; so sue me! They didn't seem embarrassed about it, either, when Duo confronted their gaze, a challenge in his violet eyes. He never had an issue with self-confidence, and he absorbed the attention like a sponge does water, but the fact that everyone stopped what they were doing to simultaneous watch him walk through the hall was nerve-wracking. They just don't expect foreigners since they're at war and all, but I'm here non-politically…simple business…

Hilde nudged the young man's elbow lightly. "Don't let the attention get to your head, Maxwell, or have problems fitting it through doorways."

"Minna-san, shigoto kaeru ni!" came a commanding voice behind the Americans. The workers got back to their tasks without a moment's hesitation.

Duo spun on a heel, assuming it was Nakamura-san because of the authority over the workers. After all, that's who they were here to see. The speaker was actually a young man, Duo guessed they were around the same age, and had to have been an inch shorter than the braided one. The other's features didn't look as…Japanese…as the other employees. The man's hair was a dark brown, darker than Duo's, with a ruffled appearance and his deep blue eyes reflected amusement over the attention the Americans were warranting. His figure was slim, but by the way his clothes clung to his body, Duo could tell that he was strong and well defined, on top of that.

He approached smoothly and extended a hand. "Mr. Maxwell," he spoke, in flawless English, "my name is Heero Yuy. I will be serving as a translator between yourself and Nakamura-san." They shook hands, but Duo's mind seemed to be registering information slower than it was being received. Oh thank God he speaks English! Heero Yuy…he can't be much older than myself, if at all, so why isn't he among the army ranks in China?

"You must be Miss Schbeiker. I'm surprised to see a woman working for a private business, so your talents must be immeasurable."

Hilde looked down at her feet modestly as a blush crept to her cheeks. "You are too kind, Yuy-san. May I call you Heero?" Duo rolled his eyes. Hilde was practically purring from the attractive young man's attention.

"Of course," he flashed her a smile. "Now I believe Nakamura-san is expecting you upstairs. This way, please."

They followed up a winding staircase that went for several flights. Hilde jabbed Duo playfully, nodding her head in Heero's direction and wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. The braided man quickly turned away and tried his best to ignore her, but she was still doing it when he looked back. "To pretty to be straight, boss," she mouthed, winking.

Duo Maxwell knew that his sexual interests lied elsewhere a little before high school. He and Hilde had been friends as long as he could remember, and he never saw her as anything else…her or any other girl, for that matter. His brother, Solo, was three years his elder, and had teased Duo for not accepting the advances girls made on him. He had never considered that he could have been gay until he caught himself checking out the guys at school.

Solo hadn't cared when he told him. He had just shrugged and said Duo was still his kid brother and nothing had changed. His mother had also accepted, saying it must be the will of God; the only real problem was his father, who had seemed to avoid Duo for a little while until he noticed that his younger son wasn't a different person just because he had admitted to liking guys and not girls. Hilde didn't seem to mind at all, and that was another reason why Duo was so quick to hire her; his business accountant was even involved with a man, but he was based in Hawaii for some time.

Duo liked knowing that it didn't matter to the people he loved and saw everyday; he knew that people feared differences, and to some, being different was reason enough to be murdered.

And now, here he was, in Hiroshima, with his secretary telling him to hit on the translator. I'm bringing Quatre with me on trips, now, and I mean it!

They had reached the upper level. The stairs led to an open room that was moderately furnished in the Japanese style with a tranquility fountain in the middle and a miniature Zen garden on the low table. A man in his mid-sixties, if Duo had to guess, was kneeling on a mat next to the said table, his eyes closed as if meditating instead of sleeping.

"Nakamura-san," Heero said reverently, "Maxwell-san soshite no hisho, Schbeiker-san, tsuku." The old man mumbled something in Japanese and stood up.

Heero faced the Americans, a somewhat sheepish expression on his features. "Nakamura-san would prefer a proper introduction."

Duo put his business-face back on, keeping his attention away from their beautiful Japanese translator and onto the dealings at hand.


The meeting had gone successfully. The two businesses would have a trade, purchasing Japanese and American merchandise to sell in the different countries for the larger companies. Japan was mostly looking for the newest technology, and when they found a better, more efficient way to run it, the product, in turn, would be sold back to Duo to sell to the companies in California. Mostly the San Francisco companies were interest, but he had received a letter from a Boston company that was interested in business deals. Word was spreading and his father's company was getting out to the country and the world. Duo felt extremely pleased.

They returned to the lobby, Hilde going off in search of the bathroom before retrieving the shoes they had to leave in a cubby by the door.

"That seemed to go well…" Heero started, not seeming sure if he was saying the right thing or not.

"Oh, yes, very well!" Duo gushed, grinning from ear to ear. He was ready to whoop, yell, holler, and dance his joy in the streets, not caring what opinions were thought of the American. That was the best thing that occurred since he inherited the company in the first place, and things were starting to happen!

"Mr. Maxwell…"

"Call me Duo, please. I mean, come on, how old are you?"


He is the same age as me. "Really? What month?"

"Rokugat- Sorry. June."

"Damn it. You're two months older than me. Anyhoo, we're the same age and all, so you don't have to call me 'Mr. Maxwell'… Sounds kinda weird and it takes me a while to realize that you're talking to me. 'Mr. Maxwell' is my father; just call me Duo."

Heero smirked. "All right, Duo."

Duo chuckled. "See, now I interrupted you, and you forgot what you were going to say before. Me and my big mouth."

"No, it's okay, I have a good memory…" I bet you're a lot of good things, Heero, Duo thought unconsciously. He suddenly felt his cheeks turning red and he wanted to sink into the floor. Giant, walking hormone, that's what you are! A giant, walking hormone! "…I was wondering, since your ­gaijin you might have some problems getting around and such, so I was wondering if you'd like to," Heero cleared his throat covertly, "let me bring you out for dinner… As a celebration of your business deal, and because you're not from around here, so it would be best for you to have a guide…" the Japanese man was hurried and acting flustered. "…Hilde can come too," he added as an afterthought.

Did I just get asked on a date? It sure sounded like it. And he's acting all cute and embarrassed about it. He wouldn't be if it wasn't. Before Duo could open his mouth to reply, someone else spoke up. "Nah, I'm going to fall asleep any second. I'll get room service or whatever if I get hungry. You two have fun without me. And, Maxwell, you can celebrate, but I'm going to tie you to a plane and ship you home if you have a hangover tomorrow." She grabbed her shoes, nodding a goodbye, and left. Traitor.

"I-I guess… No, what am I saying? I'd love to. I didn't get to see much of the city and I'd probably get lost, anyways. That and I'm starving, but I'll warn you, there is no way in hell I'm going to eat raw fish. I don't like my meat squirming on the way down."

Heero smiled, relieved. "Good. It'll take a moment here. You can go to your room and get changed. I'll be by in an hour."

"All right…I'll see you then, I guess," Duo pulled on his shoes and ran across the street, nearly getting hit by half a dozen cars in the process. You know what? I think you have a date tonight, but he doesn't know you're room number…shit… I'll have to wait in the lobby. It's not like I'm actually interested or anything; there was just no way I could turn down a free meal. Duo pressed the elevator button repeatedly before one opened up. Hey, Maxwell, if this is just an excuse for free food, why can't you stop thinking about him?

Prussian blue eyes and dark, messy hair haunted Duo into his room.


Duo fidgeted nervously, twirling the end of his braid in his fingers. They had gone by various restaurants proclaiming their name in hiragana with bright lights. So…are we supposed to hold hands or something? Or isn't an open display of affection frowned down upon in Japan? Damn it, I'm so confused. He and Heero had met in the lobby, Duo surprised that the Japanese casual clothes were similar to some American styles among the middle class. Duo had been pleased to find out that his assumptions on Heero's build were correct. So far it's a 110% in the looks department, so the physical attraction is there. Just waiting on emotional and intellectual, now.

Heero finally seemed to make up his mind, a hostess waiting for them eagerly. "Konnichi wa! Dono kurai?"

"Futari onegai shimasu. Eigo no menyu ga arimasu ka?"

"Hai. Chotto matte."

They were seated at a table in the back near a gigantic fish tank with various sized and colored goldfish. The hostess came back, setting a teapot on the table and handing out the menus. "Watashi kaeru."

Duo blinked at the menu. "It's in English."

Heero looked up over his menu. "Good to know you can distinguish that," he said, a smile playing over his features.

"Shut up. You know what I meant. I don't know what to get…there's so much here that I've never heard of before." He looked at Heero, batting violet eyes. "What are you getting?"

"Tenpura udon with gyu-don."

Duo leaned back in his seat and sighed heavily. "I should have gone to China. I'd know what to eat, there, at least. Maybe you should order for me. What kind of tea is this?"

Heero shrugged. "Either green or oolong. What color is it?"

"I don't know…black, maybe."

"Oolong, then."

The braided American took a sip, swishing it around his tongue before swallowing. "Not bad. Can I ask you a question?"


"Where'd you learn English?"

The Japanese man with the deep blue eyes blinked, carefully setting the menu down and trying to form an answer. "I used to live in the States."

"Really? How long ago was that?"

"Fourteen years."

Duo thought for a moment. "So shouldn't you only have the English skills of a five-year-old?"

Heero shook his head. "My…guardian could only speak English and a little Norwegian, so I kept learning it through him."

"Then why did you move to Japan in the first place?"

"He wanted me to learn Japanese," Heero shrugged. "Had no reason to stay in America, as well."

Duo put the tea back down. Every time he got a question answered, five more seemed to materialize. "If you were raised by a guardian since you were five, what happened to your parents?"

"Anata-tachi no chumon onegai," a waiter interrupted before Heero could start whatever his reply was.

"Hayashi-raisu, tenpura udon, gyoza, soshite gyu-don onegai. Sake mo."


"My childhood is the type of subject matter that is more appropriate for the fifth date than the first," Heero said quietly, partly leaning towards Duo across the table.

"Ah, so this is a date," amethystine eyes shining with something close to amusement.

"It is if you want it to be," the Japanese man returned to his normal tone of voice.

The American smiled softly, brushing uneven bangs out of his eyes. "Yeah, I do." They were silent for a moment. "Has anyone made it to that fifth date?" Heero shook his head. "Really?" He nodded. "Well, now I have something to try for, don't I?"

Heero smiled, and Duo felt relieved. Whatever tension had been in the air before had dissipated, and now it was the aura of a date, filled with questions, curiosity, and the nervous tension replaced with sexual.

The food arrived, as well as the sake, and things went smoothly for the rest of the evening. The meal was good. Duo seemed to have gotten some sort of meat and vegetables over rice with fried dumplings. Heero had to teach Duo on the art of eating with chopsticks, however, which the impatient American was getting frustrated over. He liked the stab or shovel it, put it in your mouth, chew, and swallow method. The chopsticks were making things much more complicated.

"Aargh! This isn't fair! Eating is supposed to be a necessity, not a form of art!"

Duo never asked what the sake was, but it seemed to be an acquired taste. It was strange at first, but quickly grew on you the more you had. Needless to say it disappeared faster than the tea, and when Duo's mind got fuzzy and his vision foggy, the last thing he could remember was Heero rushing forwards to catch him before seeing black.

