Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Will Come ❯ Part Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Morning Will Come

Author: Emily,

Warnings: yaoi, het, language, violence, possible OOC, EU?, un-betaed, alluded m/m sex, dirty talk (sorta-kinda), political-schmitical stuff, post-lemon (Ah ha! I'm making up new terms now!), sap (toothache warning)

Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4, 5xM, 13x11

Archive: Want it? Take it. Just please give me credit.

Disclaimer: None of these characters and their personalities are mine, but the story's plot and concepts are mine, so please no stealing my creations. Unless you want to contribute accompanying art…then be my guest, but I want to see!

Comments: Part 5 begins a month after part 4 and jumps around in the timeline from there. -=sings=- It's my story; I can change months if I want to, months if I want to… And after writing this story, I completely forgot Heero-kun and Duo-kun's birthdays. -=sweatdrop=- I said Heero's was June and Duo's was August sometime, but they never get written in. Well, they'll both be 20 after this part if anyone's keeping track. ^-^ Morning Will Come

Part Five

May 12, 1941

The past month came and went in a flurry, and spring finally settled in without any major incidences. Turned out that Heero was pretty damn allergic to ragweed; the mere presence of it would cause his eyes to get red and watery, and that was on a good day.

Relena Darlian never returned to the office, but she did keep leaving messages for the Japanese man with Hilde, and that was slowly wearing thin on Duo's nerves. No associates left his business for the woman's, and while the longhaired American never saw that as an actual threat, the possibility had been hovering over his, Quatre's, and Hilde's heads for sometime.

Otherwise, Duo couldn't have been happier.

Besides the issue with the ragweed, Heero had settled into the San Francisco lifestyle quite nicely. He enjoyed his new job immensely; the other staff members loved him, as well, because the students learned easier with Heero. The other teachers only knew enough Japanese to get them through the lessons everyday. Heero was bilingual and spoke Japanese as well as English fluently.

Back at home Heero was teaching Duo Japanese. It was easier to correspond with Nakamura-san that way - even though Heero still did translation - and it gave Duo a way to talk to Heero without thinking his friends were eavesdropping. His lover had told him that he was a fast learner.

They were sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast. Technically Heero was making omelets and Duo was gingerly sitting in a chair flipping through the paper. He was still a little sore from the previous evening's…activities. Finding no headlines that were particularly worthy of his interest, Duo stood up slowly and wrapped his arms around Heero's waist, hugging him from behind.

"Nan desu ka?"

Duo grinned demonically, resting his head on Heero's shoulder. "I was just picturing you in that apron…and nothing else."

Heero turned his head, Prussian blue looking pointedly into violet. "Hentai."

"Come on, Hee-chan!" Duo's grin broadened further when he saw Heero's eye twitch with his use of the honorific suffix for girls. "How 'bout right here…on the table? Or maybe even the floor!"

"Duo…" the Japanese man's eyes were stern but the corners of his mouth quirked upwards into a smile. "Sex on linoleum would be too…slippery."

Duo pouted playfully. "Fine." He briefly kissed the other's mouth. "At least tell me that you love me."

Heero turned around in his koi's arms, wrapping his arms around his body. "Ai shiteru, Duo." He leaned forward and pressed the kiss further, but Duo ended it with a nip at Heero's lower lip.

"Nuh uh, Heero, in English. Just to make sure you aren't pulling my leg with the Japanese," Duo kept his mouth hovering a mere centimeter over Heero's, expectant of the other man's response.

"I love you, Duo. Even when you're being a stubborn, suspicious pain in the ass." To emphasize the last word, he smacked Duo's butt with the spatula. "Now if you'll excuse me," he said after another kiss, "my omelets are going to burn."

Duo laughed. "And here I thought you didn't want to be a housewife!"


July 8, 1941

Duo blinked in obvious confusion when his brother slammed open his office door and casually dumped himself in the chair parallel to Duo's. Solo seemed to be fidgeting over something, but why his brother should be nervous over anything was beyond Duo.

"You're not here to talk about me, are you?" the braided man asked, slightly narrowing his eyes. It had been months since the first incident, but Duo was still a little apprehensive. He had enough to worry about.

Solo shook his head. "No…I need to tell you something…"

What would he need to tell me? Unless he wants me to put a leash on Hilde, but he wouldn't seem so…distracted because of it. "Sure. What's up?"

Solo handed him a piece of paper. "I was sent this a few hours ago."

Violet eyes widened. It was a draft with the distinctively scrawled signature of a certain Solo Maxwell. Iceland was occupied yesterday… Roosevelt saw it as a precaution against any Nazi ships crossing the Atlantic. The country is getting prepared for a war we aren't even involved it; the people want to fight, but Roosevelt doesn't think it's necessary and wants to stay as neutral as possible. "Solo…you signed up in the draft?"

"Duo, come on, it was practically a year ago! I didn't think the 'States would actually get anywhere in the war."

The younger Maxwell read over the paper again. "You're to be stationed as ground troops in order to help the British? So now the government is lending soldiers as well as ships!?"

Solo averted his green-eyed gaze. "I'm just worried about telling Mom…how she'll take it. I'll be able to study the psychology of men in an intensely stressful and terrifying situation! Only war can cause such high emotions; it's the perfect opportunity for a study!"

"I…I don't understand…" He's enjoying this? He's seeing going to war as a psychological study, not that he's going have to kill in order to not be killed.

The other sighed, running fingers through short wheat-blond hair. "You're not supposed to understand. You're a businessman; I'm almost a doctor. We have different career ethnics to follow; I'm sure you'd be eager to sell food to the war-torn nations if you could."

Duo stood up quickly, slamming the palms of his hands against the desk, causing the wood to rattle. "No I wouldn't! It isn't fair to take advantage of others' misfortunes to make a profit! I don't understand how you can go to a place where peoples' personalities will do a one-eighty and you'll be enjoying it! You're just as bad as Hitler if you can find so much entertainment out of it!"

Solo looked up from where he sat, alerted by his brother's change in temperament. He clucked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "Duo…you're making a scene. And you're being unfair by automatically comparing me to Hitler because our views differ."

"So now I'm being unfair? Do you think that it's fair to Mom that you could get killed? They won't hail you as a hero; you'll just be seen as another number in the masses; another body to be left to the vultures or for beggars to steal clothes off of![1] I don't want to talk to you anymore; get out."

"Now Duo…"

"Get. Out. Now!"

Solo left quickly but calmly. Duo sat back down and leaned against his elbows, pinching the bridge of his nose. A few moments later, a different blond head peeked in the doorway. "Is everything alright?"

"Neh, come in, Quatre, I want to ask you something." When the smaller young man was seated across from him, door lightly closed, Duo rested his chin in his hands and met the curious aquamarine gaze. "Do you get angry with Trowa for knowingly putting himself in danger?"

Quatre got a knowing light in his eye. "I used to, but I realized that there was nothing I could do about it; I just have to trust that Trowa knows what he's doing and hope for the best. That doesn't keep me from worrying, though."

"Hm, I see. You think the war's going to end soon?"

The slight blond shrugged. "I think it would be faster if the US got involved; if the Axis Powers have Roosevelt and Churchill nervous, it would probably be better for Roosevelt to stop pretending to be an isolationist and let us help out where we're needed."

"Even if it cost Trowa's life?"

Tourmaline eyes turned melancholy. "I don't think I'm allowed to be selfish; how many people in Europe and Asia have lost their loved ones so far?"


August 14, 1941

"Hee~ro…where are we going?" Duo looked apprehensive as his lover motioned for him to sit in the passenger seat of the jeep. "And can't we walk?"

The Japanese man shook his head. "That would defeat the purpose of going where we are." Heero raised an eyebrow when he saw that Duo still made no move to get in the vehicle. "Do I need to help you into the carriage, mademoiselle?" he asked playfully. Duo scowled and made a huffing sound as he opened the door and slammed in behind him. Heero couldn't help but laugh, but then he saw Duo grasping the door handle so tightly that his knuckles were white. "Koi, you need to relax. Do you trust me?"

"…Yes…" Duo replied, sounding a little uncertain.

"Then leave the poor door handle alone." When Duo lightened his grasp a little, Heero started the car. "Listen to the radio or something.[2]"

Duo quickly switched on the AM band, glad for some distraction. Maybe they'll be some good news… Like maybe Hitler finally got laid and realized he was just taking sexual frustration out on all the people he's destroying…

"And in the news today… President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill issued the Atlantic Charter, a joint declaration by the United States and Britain expressing certain common principles in their national policies to be followed in the postwar period.

"The two leaders declared that the US and Britain seek no territorial, or any other, aggrandizement from the war. They proclaimed the right of all peoples to choose their own form of government and not to have boundary changes imposed on them. The right of all nations - victors and vanquished - to have access to the earth's natural resources was also recognized, as was the desirability of economic cooperation among nations and improved living conditions for working people. The charter expresses the hope that, after the defeat of the Nazis, all countries will be able to feel secure from aggression, and that the people of the world would be free from fear and want. It also recognizes the principle of freedom of the seas, expresses the conviction that humanity must renounce the use of force in international relations, and affirms the need for disarmament after the expected Allied victory. Furthermore…[3]"

"This is ridiculous! Why the hell are they so damn sure that the Allies will win? Roosevelt sure is talking big for someone who won't ask Congress to send us to war! Hey…why are we stopping here?" Duo looked around them. A big empty lot? Maybe Heero got sick of using the bedroom…and the couch…and the recliner…and the kitchen table…and the desk in my office. I don't even like cars…although the back seat is rather big…

Heero turned off the car and tossed the keys to his koibito. "You're driving."

"WHAT?! Heero…babe…have you gone insane?! You know I can't drive!"

"You're going to have to; I don't know how to get back." Heero moved to the back and closed his eyes while crossing his arms. He looked like he was taking a nap.

"Bullshit, you got us here! Unless you really are lost even though I can't imagine how. I'll tell you how to get us back then!"

"I don't understand English."

"HEERO!" One Prussian blue eye cracked open, and Duo attempted a pitiful whimper in response. "I-I can't!"

"Why don't?"

"I just can't!"

Heero sighed, sliding over so he was positioned behind Duo and began to massage the other young man's neck and shoulders. "Do I need to give you some kind of incentive, hm?" He leaned forward and lightly nipped Duo's earlobe. "I'm sure I could think of some way to motivate you," Heero's voice got huskier and it caused Duo to shudder involuntarily. "Maybe we could get some takeout? Then we could go to…bed…early. I know how much you love fudge-dipped strawberries…"

Heero let out a low chuckle as Duo slipped out of his grasp and tentatively crawled into the driver's seat. "Well…I guess there's no harm in trying, right?" His voice sounded shaky, but even Duo couldn't tell whether it was from his nervousness or the sudden lust Heero induced in him. He buckled the safety belt, tightening it as much as possible. He slowly turned the ignition, listening to the rumble as the engine started up. Trying to keep his hands from trembling, he shifted into first gear and the car stalled.

Duo could hear Heero's breath in his ear. "Try the clutch first, koi. It's just like riding a bicycle again." Duo almost said something about how he never needed a bicycle but bit his tongue instead. Strangely enough, the lust he was feeling for Heero practically overrode his fear of driving, and the mental image of him dipping a strawberry into the pool of fudge that settled in his lover's bellybutton was driving Duo insane.[4]

The braided American tried again, remembering to depress the clutch as he shifted gears.[5] The jeep started smoothly, and Duo thought he'd go cross-eyed from simple pleasure as Heero went from massaging his shoulders to his scalp. If he keeps this up, the backseat is starting to look really good!

"Are you feeling okay?"

Duo snorted. "Why's it matter?" He smiled. "I thought you don't understand English."

"Hn. Baka. I had to try something."

"Why are you so desperate to get me to drive, anyway?"

Duo saw Heero shrug in the rearview mirror. "We could leave the city; go someplace a little more…private."

Duo suddenly remembered the winter cabin his family had in the mountains. He wondered if they still owned it or if they sold it when his father passed away. We just might have some use for it after all.


Boy that sure was some incentive! was all Duo could think as collapsed onto Heero, exhausted and covered in a fine sheen of sweat, as he carefully pulled out of the tight, hot sheath that was his Japanese lover's body. He bent forward and captured Heero's mouth in a tender, lazy kiss as the other man ran his fingers through long, chestnut tangles.

"Boku no itoshii tenshi," Heero said fondly, raising a hand to cup the side of his love's heart-shaped face. "Ai shiteru itsumo."

The corners of Duo's mouth turned up in a grin. Heero hadn't taught him all Japanese…just the important stuff…which basically meant endearments and profanities. "I love you, too, Heero." Duo placed his hand over Heero's, intertwining their fingers and moving their held hands so they were over the American's heart. "Eternally yours."

"Eternally mine…" Heero repeated, a slight smile adorning his features with love shining in his deep blue eyes. "I like the sound of that," he said, and laughed when a light blush tinged Duo's cheeks.

They exchanged a chaste kiss before curling up in the sheets together and falling asleep.


August 15, 1941

Duo came back from his lunch break with Hilde shortly before twelve-thirty and was greeted with the sight of Quatre sitting in Trowa's lap, each man trying to shove his tongue down the other's throat. Duo lightly cleared his throat, causing Quatre to jump two feet in the air and turn a comical shade of red. "DuoI'msorryIdidn'tknowyou'dbecomingbackearly!"

Duo shook his hand at the pair, excusing the apology. "Hey, don't worry about it; it's still lunch time, anyway. Anything…interesting happen while I was gone?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary. You're mother wants us to go over for dinner sometime this weekend; Relena Darlian thinks she owns this place and tried to get upstairs but we…took care of that problem; somebody called thinking I was Hilde but hung up when they realized I wasn't; I think I'm forgetting something… Oh! There was a delivery for you. I left it on your desk."

Delivery? Was I expecting something? "Aa, thanks, Cat. You guys still have five minutes for lunch, but keep in mind that Hilde isn't as nice or as tolerant as I am. Oh, and Trowa?" The taller, green-eyed man blinked in response. "Watch out…he bites."

Trowa smiled slightly, his visible green-eye gleaming impishly. "I know."


Duo stood at his office door with his hand hovering over the knob. Quatre said it's a delivery… That can't be anything bad, right? What if one of the customers did cancel and decided to go to Relena? Or maybe she wanted to get rid of me and the box will explode the second I open it. Duo shuddered at the last thought. I don't even want to think about what that girl is capable of.

He slowly creaked the door open and peeked inside…and immediately felt his heart melt. Lying wrapped in white paper on his desk was a dozen red roses, all of them perfect and just as beautiful as the next one. Duo picked up the card that was sitting amongst the roses. "Look in the top left-hand drawer," he read aloud. Heero's neat, careful script was legible in the black ink on the white paper, and Duo wondered what his love was up to.

In the top left-hand drawer was another card, only this one was bigger and in an envelope. He quickly scanned the card and felt his eyes widen in surprise. "My dearest Duo; I know we just met four months and a week ago, but I feel as if I have known you for a lifetime. I know your church would forbid it and their would be no official legality, but I wish to belong to each other for all of eternity. Look in the top right-hand drawer."

Duo felt his heartbeat speed up. Is this really what I think it is? He carefully opened the drawer, and inside, sitting on a stack of papers and other documents, was a black velvet box. He picked it up slowly, almost not believing that it was real. His eyes felt wet all of a sudden as he slowly opened it, gasping at the box's contents.

Two rings of white gold sat next to each other. They were precisely identical except for where one had an inset band of sapphires and diamonds cut inside the gold, the other had a band of amethyst and diamond.[6] A small, folded piece of paper was balanced between them, and Duo unfolded it with trembling fingers. "Duo, will you marry me?"

A knock was at the door and he heard it click open and shut. Duo was too entranced with the objects in the velvet box that he didn't register the other's presence until he saw another form entering his field of vision. "H-Heero?!" he gasped, not wishing to find that he was dreaming or it was a mistake.

Prussian blue eyes just gazed at him, expectant and slightly nervous. "Why are you crying, koi? You aren't supposed to be sad."

"I'm just…so happy," he smiled broadly before launching himself into Heero's arms. "Yes. Yesyesyesyes! Oh, Heero, yes!" He watched elatedly as Heero placed the sapphire and diamond band on his finger; Duo grabbed the amethyst and diamond one to put on Heero's. "I love you, Heero Yuy; screw the church and fuck legality, I will marry you!"

"I'm glad; I love you, Duo Maxwell…"



[1] I saw some documentary…this really happened. There would be bodies lying in battlefields and people that traveled through would take money, clothes, jewelry, or whatever else the soldiers had. Dead soldiers were stripped of weapons and metal for future use.

[2] Did cars have radios back then? Eh. They might have. Look, I'm making Heero's language less articulate…check out that sentence. He might as well be saying "Listen to the thing that plays that music stuff." LOL.

[3] Information basically copied from under the search "Atlantic Charter".

[4] -=giggles=- Hey, it's driving me insane to! O.O

[5] I have no idea how to drive stick… I'm making it up as I go along. Wow, I'm feeling really footnote-happy today, aren't I?

[6] I have pics if anyone's curious… Yes I did do research before writing this part!