Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Will Come ❯ Interlude One ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Morning Will Come

Author: Emily,

Warnings: yaoi, het, language, violence, possible OOC, EU?, un-betaed

Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4, 5xM, 13x11

Archive: Want it? Take it. Just please give me credit.

Disclaimer: None of these characters and their personalities are mine, but the story's plot and concepts are mine, so please no stealing my creations. Unless you want to contribute accompanying art…then be my guest, but I want to see!

Comments: This isn't part of the story… It's a gigantic author's note! Please do read it, though. It might answer a few questions. Song at the end is "H" by Tool. Morning Will Come

Interlude One

Sorry, everyone, but you have to get to the main plot of every fic eventually. I wanted to get at least five parts in before I got into the true nature of this story, and I had to force myself to get the last part out before jumping to the good stuff.

Wonderful fluffiness with a tiny bit of angst tinged in the beginning, though, wasn't there? This story has been full of firsts for me; I'm normally not this sappy! ::laughs::

I've been emailed asking about how this story is going to end. I'll tell you all now: I don't know. I have ideas on how it could end, but the actually ending depends on what my muses are feeling when my fingers are flying too fast for my brain to keep up with the words I'm putting in Word. We've already seen some lovely examples of my fingers getting ahead of my brain and my muses writing the story without consulting me first. In Part One, my original plan was for Duo to ask Heero to dinner, and the reverse happened. The citrus scene in Part Two wrote itself…trust me on that. (It just kinda came out. My first citrus scene, too. Hope it's okay. I feel so hentai now. ^_~) Kline Maxwell's death was unplanned, as well. I wanted Duo to feel some remorse over it, but I didn't plan for him to die in an accident. I was thinking cancer originally, actually. Relena's role was completely different in my original planning, Helen Maxwell was never supposed to be seen as an actual character, and I sure as hell didn't plan Heero's proposal. So stay on your toes for how the story develops. Even I will be surprised.

Trowa's fate is very much unknown at this point, so stop asking me! You'll find out soon enough. Very soon because the next part is starting December 7, 1941. I know, that means I'm jumping months again, but the only real difference in the next part will be that Solo's at a training camp, and Trowa's not around anymore. He's at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii which gets bombed December 7, 1941. Buh ba bummmmmm!

Chapter lengths will be shifting from here on in. We'll get a new and exciting POV, too, in a little while. I'm still having problems writing the Heero in this story, which is lovely because I just figured out how to write the canon Heero and now I'm having problems gauging the one I created.

The rest of the story from here on in is going to be a hell of a lot less fun, so if you want to end Morning Will Come at Part Five, go ahead, I can't stop you, but you really aren't being fair to the story. These upcoming chapters are the parts that I've been looking forward to for the past couple months, so not having an audience will be quiet upsetting. I love feedback, people! I thrive on it, and the more I get, the more I feel like I should keep going! Thank you to the people who have been very supportive of this story! I'm my own worst critic, so my opinion of this work isn't as high as it could be, and you people give me the motivation to carry on. I know it seems like a long time between additions, but junior year of high school sucks royally.

Well, I went off on a tangent and probably forgot what I wanted to cover, but I should stop now before Interlude One gets too long.


What's coming through is alive. What's holding up is a mirror.

What's singing songs is a snake and I'm looking to turn the piss to wine.

They're both totally void of hate, but killing me just the same.

The snake behind me hisses what my damage could have been.

My blood before me begs me open up my heart again.

And I feel this coming over like a storm again. Considerately.

Venomous voice, tempts me, drains me,

bleeds me, leaves me cracked and empty.

Drags me down like some sweet gravity.

The snake behind me hisses what my damage could have been.

My blood before me begs me open up my heart again.

And I feel this coming over like a storm again.

I feel this coming over like a storm again.

I am too connected to you to slip away, fade away.

Days away I still feel you touching me, changing me.

Considerately kill me. Considerately kill me.

Considerately kill me. Considerately kill me.

Without the skin, here, beneath the storm.

Under these tears, now, the walls came down.

As the snake is drowned and as I look in his eyes,

my fear begins to fade recalling all of the times.

I could have cried then. I should have cried then.

As the walls come down and as I look in your eyes,

my fear begins to fade recalling all of the times I have died

and will die. It's all right. I don't mind. I don't mind. I don't mind.

I am too connected to you to slip away, to fade away.

Days away I still feel you touching me, changing me.

Considerately kill me. Considerately kill me. Considerately kill me.

