Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mortal Kombat: Annihilation ❯ Chapter 8

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Jogging swiftly, Quatre tried to keep up with his peers. It seemed as if trying to control his 'ki', as they called it, took a lot out of him. Heero only thought of this jog as another form of exercise; dense forestry, random mud puddles and the occasional tree branch were the only real obstacles. Stopping abruptly, Duo caused a chain reaction - Trowa bumped into him, Heero into Trowa, Wufei into Heero and Quatre into Wufei.

Rubbing his forehead, Wufei scowled. "Why did you stop? You aren't tired, are you?" Duo only put a finger to his lips as a reply. Listening closely, he heard a rustling sound. Small, but audible footsteps could be heard. "Are you guys telling me you don't hear that?" Duo asked quietly, eyes looking over in the direction of the noise.

Over in the brush, low whispers could be heard as the shrub moved slightly. Slightly... violently.. the shrub shook. A white coloured smoke streamed from the shrub. Then it was gone. The whispers, the footsteps were gone. All movement ceased. A brief bewildered look crossed the pilots faces. Startled, but not fully shaken, Duo started to jog; setting a scantily slower pace.

Lost in their own thoughts, neither boy recognized when they had finally reached the Capsule Corp. base. Mentally smacking himself, Quatre was snapped back into reality. "Hey, we're here. That was quick. I'm going to take a shower.."


Putting his hand onto Gohan and Vejiita's shoulder, with Goten and Trunks gripping his pant leg, Goku used his instantly transmission to transport them back to Capsule Corp., much to Vejiita's annoyance. As far as Vejiita was concerned, Goku's hand touched his shoulder far too long. Shrugging off Goku's lingering hand, he looked up to the taller man. "Spar with me, Kakarotto." Vejiita said. It wasn't a question. It wasn't even a statement. It was a demand.

The prince's hand rested on his hips as he walked, waiting for Goku to catch up with him and follow him to the gravity chamber. "Hurry up, Kakarotto! We haven't all day." Vejiita spoke. "I'm coming, Vejiita." Replied Goku, saying his piece to Gohan.

"..tomorrow I want their training speed doubled. As far as I know, their world could be in shambles. They need to only know the basics, and maybe the intermediate in some areas. I'll leave the procedure to you, son." Goku whispered, sprinting off after his impatient prince. Gohan processed all of his father's words, and briefly wondered why he bothered to put up with Vejiita. Shrugging, he strolled up the narrow stairs to his designated room.


Zechs and Noin stood at a relaxed attention stance, while Lady Une paced the room. On the video screen was Treize, his elbows on the table and wringing his hands. "Mr. Treize, what do you propose we do?" Lady Une asked, stepping back into the vision of the video screen. "What do I propose? I propose we wait. Do not leave your station until you have heard again from one of my messangers," Treize spoke smoothly, covering his dread and anxiety. "I also would like to thank you all personally and commend you, for being brave enough to go back to Mars." With that last statement, the video screen clicked off. Blue line, blue dot, black.

Lady Une turned around to face Zechs and Noin. "Before you tried those chemicals on the soil, what did it look like, Noin?" , "It was a reddish-brown, pink-tinted." Noin said. "Was there anything unusual about it?" Lady Une questioned. "The only thing to appear slightly off was that it was already packed into a petri dish." Noin replied, calmly moving hair out of her face. Zechs spoke up then. "Noin. I think you and Bennington walked into a trap."

Noin craned her head to look at Zechs. "A trap?? You think they're that intelligent? Smart enough to set a trap for us?"

Zechs sighed. "It looks that way."

"If that was a trap.. a lure.. then what do we have on our side?" Noin said.

"That's enough. It's late and you both are tired, and so am I. We should all sleep." Lady Une interrupted. This alien talk grated her already stressed nerves - but she could not let them see her break. All three OZ personel nodded before single-filing out of the small communication room.


The day passed quickly, though boredom permeated all rooms. Atleast all rooms except the gravity room. For hours, Goku and Vejiita fought. Smashing each other into stainless steel walls and linoleum floors. The time now was 8:00 PM. Both Saiyajin men near-staggered out of the gravity chamber, totally worn out. This day's battle was, remarkably, a draw. Vejiita looked up at Goku before raising his fist.

"Next time, Kakarotto.. I will be victor. No draws."

Goku just smiled and winked at him. "Sure, Vejiita." And with that, Goku rounded the corner and disappeared up the stairs to take a bath.