Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Angel
Pairings: 1+2, R+1, past 6+2
Warnings: AU, language, angst, attempted NCS, lemon, some violence, death (not Heero or Duo)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Duo is a struggling manga artist who has lost all inspiration. Then, one night, he sees an angel in a field.
Chapter 1: Sighting
Duo managed to draw his sixth character sketch before throwing his pencil down in disgust.
“This is pointless,” he muttered. He desperately looked around his studio in his apartment which was cluttered with papers and art supplies. He tried so hard to feel it, that spark of inspiration, which used to come so easily before, but now seemed so far away, yet just out of reach. He sighed. After writing three popular manga series that totaled over forty volumes, you would think this would be easy, but ever since the accident, it felt as though his heart was empty. Duo ran a hand through his auburn hair. His next door neighbors kept pressuring him to go see a therapist, but he didn't have the money for it and he didn't want to go. Quatre and Trowa meant well, but they were so nosey! If it weren't for Duo's initial reaction to the accident, Quatre would be forcing him to every club he knew, trying to find him a date. But, what Duo needed right now was not another boyfriend. He had been seeing Zechs for only three months, but his death still hurt. At first, when he had gotten a phone call that his boyfriend had been hit by a truck when the driver had fallen asleep at the wheel, he had cried and sobbed, locking himself in his room and cutting off all human contact. But then, three weeks later, he was… over it. He felt heartless and an overwhelming sense of guilt about that. How could he be so cold? But no matter how hard he tried, he felt emotionless about it. He now felt a horrible emptiness, which had always been there; Zechs' death had only caused to bring it out full force. He supposed that is he really thought about it, he had never cared for Zechs. Yes, he was beautiful, but he had never truly gotten into the relationship. So then, why did it hurt so much? It was the loneliness. And the knowledge that yet another person had left him all alone. If he thought for even longer, he would find that he believed that everyone would leave him eventually, that he was destined to be alone. But then again, he had stopped believing in god and destiny a long time ago. He sighed again, this time more deeply.
“I guess I'll go for a walk,” he murmured to no one for once. Not even Shini was here to listen to his ramblings, but he was used to talking to his walls. He grabbed his usual black t-shirt and blue jeans, strapping his black watch to his thin wrist.
`Note to self: walk for an hour; go to convenience store and get ramen and soda.' As he exited his apartment, he looked around nervously. No one was around.
`Good, coast is clear.' He walked briskly towards the elevator.
“DUO!” Duo winced as he heard his neighbor call out to him in a, in his opinion, overly cheerful voice.
Right across from his apartment lived Trowa Barton and Quatre Winner. Trowa was a doctor, a vet to be exact, and usually minded his own business, unlike his significant other. He and Duo had an unspoken understanding of each other. They would often get a bagel in the morning together and when Shini got sick, Trowa was the first person he went to. Quatre, however, was a different story. He meant well, but because of his rampant worry and nurturing personality, he needed to know everything that as going on. Still, duo let him know when to back-off. Quatre used to belong to a rather rich family, but they disowned him as soon as they had learned about his relationship with Trowa. Surprisingly, he hadn't cared too much.
“If I had to choose,” Quatre had told Duo, “between my wealth and Trowa, I would always choose Trowa.” Sappy, but true. Duo knew that if it had ever come between Zechs and his art, there wouldn't have been an issue, Zechs would have had to go.
“I wish had a relationship like that,” Duo would often think when he was around them. Quatre actually worked in the same publishing company that published Duos books. He had a comfortable relationship with the blonde, but when he wanted to be alone, he was such a nuisance. Times like, well, now.
“Duo! Where are you going?” Duo Quatre queried as soon as he came within talking distance.
“A walk and to get some dinner.” Quatre frowned.
“Duo! Please tell me you're not eating ramen noodles again!” Duo blushed. Guilty as charged.
“Duo, please promise me you'll get something decent for once! A steak or something; I know you can cook. Heck, I'm going to come over when you get back and make sure you didn't get anything that requires a microwave, you hear me?” Duo nodded sheepishly.
“Ok, ok, I'll cook tonight. Hey, why don't you and Trow come over for dinner later? Six o'clock?” Quatre brightened.
“Alright! You know how I love your cooking!” Duo waved him goodbye and hurried towards the elevator before he could be stopped again.
About a twenty minute walk from his apartment was a beautiful field filled with wildflowers. He normally couldn't go there with Quatre and Trowa because of Quatre's allergies and often went just to relax and be alone. Tonight was chilly and awfully windy, much to Duo's disappointment. He shouldn't have chanced it and brought a jacket. He was about to turn around when he saw a bluish-red light coming from the middle of the field. He clenched his fist.
`Fucking kids! If they're starting fires again, this time I'll smack them around myself! Stupid parents! “They're not doing anything wrong”, my ass! Destroying such beautiful flowers, have they no respect?!' He ran over to where he saw the light, and then stopped dead in his tracks. His first impulse was to run. Run back to reality and try to convince him that he was exhausted and hallucinating. But the artist in him kept him from budging. He silently wished that he had brought his sketchpad. He simply stood there and stared at the apparition before him. The fierce wind whipped his chocolate-colored hair and the white robes he wore around fiercely, yet the pure white, downy wings which sprouted in huge, delicate arcs from his clothed back were unmoved.
The light, which surrounded the ethereal had turned to a deep blue which accented his slightly tan skin and cobalt blue eyes, which seemed as deep as the lake a few feet away from the edge of the field.
End Chapter 1