Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Angel
Chapter 2
Duo awoke with sunlight burning into his eyes, which he was not used to since he never opened his shades, even in the day. With a squeak, he fell out of bed and landed in a clutter of paper. He rubbed at his head indignantly. Had he gotten drunk or something? He usually didn't feel so fuzzy and well rested in the morning. Though, he didn't usually drink alcohol as he was afraid that he might turn into an alcoholic or a violent drunk. He had heard stories about struggling artists turning to alcohol and drugs for inspiration and did not want to be one of those artists. He desperately tried to remember what had happened last night. He had gone out and saw a fire in the field. Or at least he had assumed it was a fire, but instead, all he saw was a bright light then… then… Duo thought harder. Then someone fell from the sky. No, not fell, floated. Someone with a beautiful face and pure white wings. Duo shook his head and laughed at himself. He had to have been drunk. Even if he believed in God or Heaven, which he didn't, just the idea of seeing an angel made Duo consider checking himself into a health clinic. Still, the angel had been gorgeous…
Suddenly, for the first time in awhile, Duo had the urge to draw. Duo rushed to his desk and sat, grabbing pencils. He didn't care if he had dreamed it or not, the angel had been a miracle, even if it was just all in his head.
Trowa sighed again as he and Quatre walked to Duo's door.
“We shouldn't be bothering him,” Trowa tried to convince his lover, “He's been very busy and he has deadlines.”
“He hasn't drawn anything in weeks,” Quatre protested, “What he needs is to get back on the dating scene. What happened to Zechs made him stop drawing, but once he finds someone else, everything will be back to normal.”
Trowa bit his lip to keep from criticizing Quatre. That wasn't the truth at all. Yes, Duo had stopped drawing after Zechs had died, but Trowa understood that it was mourning that was affecting Duo's talent, but guilt. Even if he was in mourning, more dating was not going to cure it. Duo needed to figure things out on his own and Trowa didn't think that them stopping by every hour to check on him was going to improve Duo's drawing block. Trowa thought all of these things, but did not say anything. He rather liked sleeping in bed and not on the couch. Quatre meant well, but he was always so concerned with making things perfect and fixing people, he ended up interfering in situations that needed to fix themselves. And yet, here they were, knocking on Duo's door once more. Trowa was instantly worried when he heard cursing and it took a good five minutes for Duo to answer the door. Trowa understood why Quatre was so insistent on looking after Duo. That first week after the funeral had been brutal. Duo had been… well, not suicidal, but not mentally fit, either. More like subtlety self destructive. But, as time went on, Duo had gotten better. Sure, he was still caught in a dark spiral of depression, but this was more because of the fact that he could no longer draw and being lonely with no one in his apartment than outright angst at Zechs' death. Duo was not a cold person. Trowa knew that Duo was still sad about his boyfriend's death, but they had not been close like Trowa and Quatre were and Trowa was confident that Duo would get over it. Right now he was more worried about Duo's artistic skills. It was not so much his inability to make money as it was just the act of drawing. Duo had gone through a lot of abandonment in his life. His parents had dropped him off at an orphanage when he was six and had never come back for him or even visited. The orphanage had shut down after the two owners had died from a drive by shooting and the orphanage did not have sufficient funds to stay open. That was the problem with living in such a poor area. Crimes like that happened every day. After being bounced from one abusive foster family to the next, Duo gave up and ran to the streets. He had just narrowly escaped being a prostitute or common druggy thug when one of Quatre's fellow editors had discovered one of Duo's murals on an alley wall and had sought him out. Duo had been leery at first, but once he had drawn a few sketches for the man and the man had given him a contract and a paycheck, Duo's doubts flew out the window. Duo drew like a victim of abuse would attack a punching bag. Quatre had once complained that he had never seen Duo crying, but he didn't need to. His art was his tears. He poured all of his fears and insecurities into his drawings. So now, when he couldn't draw, it was all getting backed up again like a bubble of pus in an organ. Also, Shini had been missing for three days now. Duo was worried about his cat, but even though he had put up missing posters, no one had found her. It was actually Quatre's fault and he felt so bad about it. Duo had asked him to check up on her when he had gone grocery shopping as the cat had the tendency to chew on weird things. Quatre had gone into Duo's apartment, but then heard his own phone ring and had run back to his room, leaving Duo's door wide open. When Quatre had gone back, the cat was nowhere to be found. When Quatre had begged Duo for forgiveness, saying he would buy him another cat, Duo had exploded. He had had the childish, but understandable reaction: “I don't want another cat, I want my cat!” Then, Duo had started to cry which was a rare and startling sight. Neither of them blamed Duo, Shini was his only companion besides Trowa and Quatre and the cat had never abandoned him before. It was like all of the other relationships in his life, things were going great and Duo was loving the person or creature so unconditionally, but then they would abandon him when he needed them the most. Trowa honestly didn't know what they were going to do if they never found the black cat.
The door finally opened and Duo peaked out. Trowa and Quatre were stunned by his appearance. For one, his eyes were shining with life and there was a grin on his face, another thing was that he was covered in paint and there was even a little smidge of blue on his nose.
“Can I help you?” He asked impatiently.
“Duo, what's going on?” Quatre asked. Duo hopped from foot to foot like he had to pee.
“Um, I'm kinda working on a project right now, so if you don't need anything, could you come back later, like, much later?”
Trowa had seen this side of Duo before. Once the longhaired American got started on something big, he didn't want to stop. He said that stopping for even so much as a glass of water would interrupt his `flow'. When they tried to talk to him during one of these grand projects, he would act impatient and at times, rude, though they both knew he didn't mean to be, it was just how Duo worked. Trowa smiled reassuringly at Duo.
“Duo that's great!” Quatre squealed in happiness. Trowa pulled his hyperactive lover away from the door.
“We won't bother you until you're done and I'm proud of you, Duo,” Trowa said. Duo's grin grew.
“Thanks!” He said and slammed the door shut. They could hear him on the other side running back to whatever he was doing. They walked back to their own apartment and Trowa vowed to make Duo the apple pie he liked so much as a celebration.
“See?” He told Quatre, “Everything's fine, now.” Quatre crossed his arms over his chest and frowned.
“Yeah, but I still say that he needs to get laid.”
End Chapter 2
No, Heero is not a figment of Duo's imagination. Yes, Heero will be showing up in the next chapter.