Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother's a Wizard? ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own Harry Potter or Gundam Wing. They belong to their various creators and stuff.
I seem to like crossovers of these two. I know this is an over used storyline but I figured I might as well give it a go.
This is Duo/Trowa, Wufei/Quatre and maybe Harry/Heero (not sure about that one). Past Harry/Draco.
Chapter 1
He stared up at the imposing building, causing his escort to pause and smile.
“It's something, isn't it?”
“Yeah. Better get this over with I suppose.”
“Relax, the doc's just want to double check everything.”
“Again. I feel like I'm at the mercy of a bunch of vampires. How much blood do these tests really need?” His escort laughed as they entered the building and walked to the lift.
Lady Une smiled as the young man completed what had to be his thousandth lap of the briefing room. It was weird, he didn't look or act much like his brother, and in fact he looked a lot like one of her other subordinates.
“Relax, wearing a hole in the carpet will not make him get here any quicker.” A sheepish grin was tossed her way as he slumped into a chair.
“Sorry, guess I'm nervous.”
“You have every right to be. How well do you remember him?” She looked at him in honest curiosity. He hadn't said much about his childhood with his brother but he had jumped at the chance to find out if what the Preventers had found was true.
“Just vague images and feelings really. The day they took him is clearer and it's the one memory I wish would fade a little.” He sighed, running his fingers through already messy hair.
“I should go, this isn't right.”
“What do you mean?”
“What gives me the right to come in here and disrupt his life? You said he doesn't remember me or our family, maybe it should stay that way.”
“But what right do you have to deny him that knowledge.”
“So no matter what I do… This is so frustrating!” They both looked up as the doors opened and six people walked in, five male and one female.
“Hey Lady Une! New recruit?” He watched as the guy with a long braid literally bounced over to his seat. He hungrily studied the five, which was he? He quickly narrowed it down to two based on looks.
“No, please be seated. I'd like to introduce Harry Potter. Harry, these are our top agents. In order from closest to me and then to you are Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei, Quatre Winner, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton and Sally Po.”
“It's a pleasure to meet you all.” Harry smiled politely.
“He's British!”
“Maxwell. Stop stating the obvious.” Duo stuck his tongue out at Wufei, causing Harry to stifle a laugh behind his hand.
“A pleasure to meet you Mr. Potter.”
“Harry, please. I'm pretty sure you're all older than me.”
“What did you want to see us about Lady Une?” Quatre asked politely.
“As you all know, after the last bout of violence it was decided to make a database of all records, Colonial and Planet based. The database was completed a month and a half ago. We set the computers to run searches based on blood type and DNA, trying to match up families that have been split up over the last few years. Five weeks ago we got a hit with someone in our own files and an Earth civilian. The civilian was contacted and agreed to further medical testing. Two days we got the final results, proving the match beyond a doubt.”
“So Harry's the civilian and he's related to a Preventer.” Duo finished. Une nodded.
“It's one of us.” Heero spoke for the first time.
“So who is it?” Duo turned to Harry who shrugged.
“I don't know, she wouldn't tell me till you were here.”
“Despite their physical similarities it is not Heero.”
“Well we know it can't be me, Sally or Quatre.” Wufei pointed out.
“That leaves me or Trowa. Which is it?” Duo was nervous. What if it was him? What would he do with a brother? But if it wasn't him then it was Trowa, how would this affect them?
“Trowa Barton, your brother, Harry Potter.” The two young men stared at each other, Harry managing a smile.
“They have the same eyes.” Quatre whispered. Harry stood and approached his brother, slowly extending his hand.
“Hello.” Trowa took his hand and clasped it firmly but briefly.
“Hello.” Trowa's voice was soft and quiet.
“I've arranged for you to have the rest of the week off to get used to this, maybe get to know each other. Decide what you want to do. Duo, Quatre and Heero have it as well. Sorry Wufei, Sally but you will still have to come in.” The two Preventers nodded. Trowa having the time off left Quatre without his partner and Duo was given the time off to support Trowa so Heero also got it or he'd be in the same position Quatre would have been.
“The three of us will get back to work then.” With that the three who still had to work left the room and it fell silent, not even Duo knew what to say.
“So, you're from England?” Quatre asked, trying to start a conversation.
“Yeah, Surrey but I've been living in London the last eight months.”
“Any other family?”
“An aunt on mum's side. She has a husband and a son the same age as me. We don't really get along.” Harry shrugged uncomfortably.
“What happened to your parents?” Duo asked, putting a comforting hand on Trowa's knee out of sight under the table. They didn't miss the flash of pain in Harry's eyes.
“They were murdered when I was one, Trowa was two. After that we were sent to our aunt.”
“What is my real name?” Harry swallowed.
“I…I don't remember. It did start with a T but…I'm sorry. I was four years old when they took you. That day's the clearest memory I have of you.”
“I don't remember you.” Trowa stated quietly.
“I know, Lady Une warned me. She said you'd lost your memory as a kid and then again a few years ago. At least this way you don't remember our parents death.”
“You do?” Duo asked.
“Just mum screaming and that only barely.” Only because of the Dementors but that bit of information could wait.
“Wouldn't the records have your real name?” Duo asked.
“I've looked.” They looked at Harry.
“When I got old enough to do it by myself. I checked the hospitals, everywhere. There's no record that I ever even had a brother.”
“Whoever took you must have covered their tracks well. Maybe we can find something, now that we at least have a last name.” Quatre turned to Harry.
“Potter is the right name? Your name wasn't changed when your aunt took you in?”
“No, she would never want to acknowledge we were related like that.”
“How about we get out of here, go somewhere less intimidating to talk? Quat?”
“Sure. Where are you staying Harry?”
“Hotel a few streets away.”
“You're welcome to stay at my place.” Quatre smiled at Trowa's brother.
“I don't want to be a bother.”
“Relax Har, Quatre's places are always huge. Comes of owning your own company.” Duo grinned at him.
“Relax, Duo nicknames everyone he likes.” Quatre explained.
“Oh, are you sure it's okay? The hotel is fine.”
“Of course. Your Trowa's brother, that makes you family.” Quatre's smile was infectious and Harry found himself smiling back.
“So you're twenty. When's your birthday?” Duo asked as he finished his pizza.
“July 31st.” Harry took a sip of his coke, relaxing back into the couch. Quatre's place was big but a lot more homey feeling than Malfoy Manor had been. He felt a pang of grief thinking about it and pushed the memories aside.
“Do you know…” Duo trailed off, looking between his lover and his brother.
“September 19th. You'll be twenty-two in a week.” Trowa nodded.
“So, what do you do? University, work, what?” Duo was trying to keep the conversation going and find out as much as he could since he knew Trowa wouldn't or couldn't ask.
“Nothing at the moment. I'm not sure what I want to do. The Potter inheritance is enough to live off so there's no rush. Half of that's yours by the way.” Harry turned to Trowa.
“You're family's rich?” Duo got a disapproving look from the other three ex-pilots for that but Harry just smiled.
“Not to this extent.” He indicated Quatre's mansion.
“But we're an old family. Technically Trowa's Lord Potter.” Harry shrugged.
“They tried to stick me with it a while ago but I refused on the grounds that I'm not the oldest male Potter. They couldn't prove my brother was dead so it was a stalemate since I couldn't prove he was alive.”
“Nice.” Duo grinned; he was dating an English Lord.
“How's your room?”
“Great, Quatre knows how to look after guests.” Harry smiled at Duo.
“Yeah, we all live here when we're around. Quat's got places just about everywhere so we tend to use them when travelling.” Duo sat opposite Harry in the lounge room.
“I'm still trying to get used to not being on Earth.”
“First time in space huh?” Duo grinned.
“Yeah, I've never been further than Scotland before.” Harry shrugged.
“I can't imagine that.”
“What about you?”
“Lived on L2 most of my life then I travelled around earth for a few years before joining the Preventers.” Duo shrugged, playing with his braid.
“Can I ask you something about Trowa?” Harry shifted in his seat uncomfortably.
“Sure, I might not answer but ask away.”
“I know. It's just; do you think I've done the right thing? He doesn't even remember me and we were so young, I barely remember him. I don't want to disrupt his life or something.” Harry suddenly found his shoes very interesting and Duo knew he was serious.
“Trowa's always been alone, even with us. You both deserve the chance to get to know your family. There's nothing saying that his memory will never come back, especially with someone around to jog it.” Duo shrugged, uncomfortable with how serious the conversation had become but he knew it was necessary. They both looked up as Trowa walked and sat stiffly beside Duo. Harry studied the two before smiling.
“How long have you been together?” The other two looked at him, surprised.
“The way you both react to each other, its there if you look hard enough.” Harry was grinning now.
“Five years now. So, it doesn't bother you?” Duo didn't want this to ruin the brother's chances.
“It would be a bit hypocritical since I was dating a classmate for a while. Draco and I hated each other for years and then suddenly we were kissing. Shocked a lot of people.” Harry smiled sadly at the memory even as the other two relaxed a bit. Duo grinned; Trowa had been worried about how Harry would react, a good sign.
Harry seems like a nice guy.” Trowa nodded and continued to get ready for bed.
“Tro? Come on, talk to me. Please?” Hearing the concern in his lovers voice he turned to face him.
“I don't know. Why can't I remember him? Why did I forget?”
“Sally still can't find anything?” Trowa shook his head and Duo moved to wrap his arms around him.
“You do remember him somewhere, you just have to find the memories. Try to get to know him, for both of your sakes. He's worried that he'll upset your life, that he shouldn't have come.”
“I think that would be worse.” Trowa whispered, hugging him back.
Any good? Should I continue or not?