Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother's a Wizard? ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own them, mores the pity.
Thanks for all the great reviews! I honestly wasn't expecting that much positive feedback! No, I am not abandoning Surrey Troubles so relax, just felt like trying something different and this was bouncing around in my head.
Only thing I'm using from HBP is Dumbledore's death and Snape being evil, that I know of, still haven't read the whole book.
Chapter 2
Harry stared up at the ceiling, thoughts racing to fast to sleep. So much had changed in the last year. Tom was finally dead for good but the final battle had been won at too high a cost. So many people were dead and Harry couldn't help feeling responsible. Since Dumbledore's death all he'd done was train and search for a way to kill Voldemort, he'd never returned for his final year at Hogwarts, much to Hermione's dismay. Half way through that year Draco had shown up, half dead and drained of his magic. Three months later they'd shared their first kiss. Two weeks later Hogwarts was hit and a good portion of the upper years killed. Harry and Draco had been in muggle London at the time and had learned of it to late to help. Casualties had included Ron and Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Seamus Finnegan, Dean Thomas, the Patil twins and a lot of Harry's other friends. The DA had put up a good fight but had been overwhelmed before the Aurors could arrive. It had taken a while to realise that the attacking forces had included more than just Death Eaters, two months later Harry had had to stake Seamus and Dean himself and the memory still hurt as if fresh. They'd been his dorm mates for six years and he'd considered them friends.
After that Harry had withdrawn from all but Draco, his beautiful Dragon. He'd thrown himself into training, muggle and magical with his lover always by his side, willing to hold him when the nightmares threatened to consume him. But Draco had been a Wizard all his life and couldn't adjust to life as a muggle. He'd grown bitter and resentful of his powerful lover until one day he'd simply vanished after nearly two years together. Voldemort had taken great pleasure in displaying his broken body and describing his last days in great detail, laughing as he talked about how Draco had screamed for Harry and how he'd made sure Harry would have no visions in time to save his lover. That had been the last straw and Harry had snapped. When the dust settled everyone who bore the Dark Mark was dead, including the murderer Snape. Tom Riddle had been destroyed totally, body and soul. That had been a year ago now and Harry still hadn't fully recovered, not that anyone could tell.
He's spent nearly a month semi-conscious in St. Mungos as his magic slowly rebuilt itself and his body recovered from the damage caused by unblocked curses. After that he'd spent three months helping to rebuild the Wizarding World but he couldn't stay any longer than that. That world had simply taken too much from him, his innocence, his ability to trust easily, his first friends, the people he looked to as parents, his mentor and the only person he'd ever loved as a lover, and they still hadn't learnt. Already, prejudices put aside in those last months for the final push in the war were reappearing. He couldn't stay and watch the hypocrisy anymore so he'd left for the muggle world. He'd left a clear message with the ministry, leave me alone or else and it was a threat everyone knew he could and would follow threw with. If he said jump they'd ask how high just to keep him from blasting them to kingdom come and they all knew it. But Harry didn't want power, didn't want to rule anyone even though he had the ability. Neville had backed him up, taking as much of the spotlight as he could to help Harry in his need to just disappear. He was as much a war hero as Harry, the only survivor from their dorm and a surprisingly powerful wizard in his own right. Neville had simply nodded and hugged him when he'd told the other teen that the prophecy could have originally meant either of them. They'd never be as close as Harry had been with Ron or Draco but they both knew they could always turn to the other for anything. In fact, Neville was the only one who knew where Harry had disappeared to and had a sure way to contact him. But the Ministry still wanted their `hero', wanted Harry. He'd been their General and symbol for the last few years and they wanted him back.
Hermione had once called him a natural leader and she had been right. It had been his battle plans that had pushed the Dark Forces back after Hogwarts; his raids that decimated the Inner Circle and made the vampires pull out of their alliance because he made it too costly for them to remain in the war. But he'd been fighting since he was eleven and he was tired of playing the hero, let someone else do it. He'd simply backed his bags and walked out eight months ago and hadn't left a forwarding address. Only the Hogwarts owl seemed able to find him and McGonagall knew better than to try a tracking spell although she wasn't above pleading with him to come teach. He'd found a flat easily enough and had been living off his inheritance, just relaxing and unlearning some of his more dangerous and paranoid reactions from the war. It had been fun relearning how to live in the muggle world while deciding what he wanted to do with his life. He'd even started volunteering at a nearby orphanage for the many war orphans the various recent conflicts had produced. He found it easy to relate with children who had lost everything just like he had and it was an incredible feeling, knowing it was because of something he did or said that would cause one to suddenly smile and forget their troubles for just a moment.
He'd gotten the shock of his life when he'd come home one day to find a message from the preventers HQ on L4. It was only because of curiosity that he'd returned the call. Being put through to Lady Une herself had been a shock but that had paled next to the information she'd given him. His brother was alive and well, working as a preventer on L4. Harry had always believed he was alive, no matter what others had said. He hadn't been able to do anything about it until after the war but he had gone to Dumbledore back in first year. The Headmaster had assured him that he'd do everything he could to help but had never followed through, despite what he said in the following years. Looking back Harry could see it for what it was, a way to keep him in line, but he couldn't be mad at the man he'd considered an almost grandfather, not anymore.
But now he was on L4, in the same house as his brother. A brother that didn't remember him and had his own life. Harry rolled over to stare at the wall. He'd gone through nearly a month of medical and background checks before boarding a Preventer for space. He had no clue how he'd past the checks, he'd pretty much lived in the Wizarding World since he was eleven so the lack of records had surely been suspicious. Now that he was here he didn't know what to do, should he tell Trowa everything? Would he believe him if he did? But, didn't he deserve to know his heritage? He punched his pillow, trying to get comfortable.
“Relax, get some sleep. Stop over analysing what ever it is.” Harry shot up in bed to see Heero in the doorway. Even two months ago he'd never have been able to sneak up on him. Maybe he'd unlearned to many of his wartime instincts but he was too tired lately to really care.
“What makes you say that?” He automatically went to reach for his glasses, momentarily forgetting that he no longer needed them.
“I could hear you.” Heero's expression didn't change but Harry felt a twinge of guilt for keeping the other man up.
“Sorry, used to being on my own.” Heero nodded and turned to leave.
“You'll be no good tomorrow if you don't sleep soon.”
“Thanks.” Harry watched as Heero nodded and let. Sighing, he lay back down, clearing his mind out of habit before finally drifting off to sleep.
“Where's Harry?” Duo asked as they all gathered in the kitchen for breakfast, Wufei had left for work an hour earlier.
“He was still awake at two.” Heero told him as he sipped his coffee.
“Trouble adjusting to the time difference?” Quatre asked.
“Thinking too hard. Duo let him sleep.” Heero glared at his partner who slumped back into his seat, leaning against his lover. Trowa smiled and kissed him softly.
“Should we tone things down while Harry is here?” Quatre didn't want to make the other young man uncomfortable.
“Didn't take him long to figure me and Tro out. He had a boyfriend a few years ago so he's cool with it.”
“Who's cool with what?” Came a groggy voice from the doorway. Harry's hair was sticking up more than usual and he looked half asleep.
“You're cool with us being together.” Duo grinned as Harry sat down, accepting a mug of coffee from Quatre.
“I'm thinking you each got a different parents hair.” He snickered slightly as Harry tried to get his to behave.
“Everyone says I'm the spitting image of Dad except for my eyes and height. We both got Mum's eyes. Looks like Trowa got Dad's height and I got Mum's. No idea where he gets the hair though, Mum's was red. Then again, Aunt Petunia isn't and neither is Dudley. Your hair is closer in colour to theirs than Mum's.”
“Dudley?” Duo asked, pulling a face at the name.
“Cousin. Luckily we look nothing alike.” Harry drank his coffee, watching the interaction around the table and feeling a pang of grief and longing. How long had it been since he had sat around with friends, doing nothing? He missed the concerned glance Quatre threw his way but the others didn't.
“Do they know you've found me?” Trowa asked as he took a sip of his own coffee.
“Haven't been in contact since I turned seventeen. I can give you their address if you want to contact them.” Harry shrugged, he really didn't want to see tem ever again, they'd made his childhood a living hell and he'd be happy to never hear from them again. Draco had wanted Harry to hex them when he'd learnt what Harry's childhood had been like but Harry had eventually managed to talk him out of it. Trowa really didn't need to be exposed to their small, petty opinions. He'd be hated just for being `her' son, muggle or not. Harry was nearly positive that Trowa had no magical ability at all and was relieved in a way. Sure, it meant he'd never truly belong in the world their parents had loved but it also meant he wouldn't be exposed to its fickle inhabitants.
Lady Une stared in shock at the highly classified British file she'd just finished reading. Only question was, what should she do with the information? Confront him or allow him to hopefully open up in his own time. The Preventers could use someone with his skills but would he agree?