Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother's a Wizard? ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own them.
Sorry about the really long wait, I've been stuck.
Chapter 11
Harry stared at the photo in his hand, watching as Draco tackled him and his younger self laughed. He missed the blonde so much it hurt and yet… He sighed and put the photo down. He didn't know what was going on with his own emotions lately and it was beginning to annoy him. He'd kissed Heero; sure it had only been on the cheek but still… He'd never kissed anyone other than Draco before. Did that mean he had feelings for the silent pilot? Or was it simply that he had held him while he had cried? The last thing he needed right now was this sort of distraction, they still hadn't caught the people who had nearly succeeded in blowing Wufei and him up. He sighed and put the photo away before standing and grabbing his uniform from where he'd flung it the night before and headed for the shower, he didn't need to be late for work.
“Hey Quatre.” Harry greeted form the doorway. The blonde looked up and smiled, motioning the younger man into the room. Harry slipped in and sat down on Quatre's desk chair, watching as the ex-pilot put his book down and sat up on his bed.
“Is something wrong Harry?” Quatre asked in concern, seeing how nervous Harry was.
“I need help. I don't know what to do. I just…” Harry looked down miserably and Quatre moved to grasp his hand.
“Harry whatever it is I'll listen and do what ever I can to help you. You're part of this family, as weird as it is.” That got a small chuckle from the wizard. Harry sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair, looking around the room, unsure what exactly to say now that he was here.
“I…it's Heero. I kissed him and now everything is weird. I don't even know why I kissed him! I've never kissed anyone but Draco before. It's not like I kissed him on the lips or anything so why can't I forget it? I'm going crazy and I don't even know why!” Quatre blinked in surprise as Harry finally finished babbling. He could honestly say that was not what he was expecting when Harry had asked for help.
“Okay.” Quatre took a deep breath.
“Where did you kiss him?”
“The cheek.” Harry answered softly.
“Why did you kiss him?”
“I…I don't really know. It was when we were on Earth. It was the anniversary night and I was a bit of a mess. He held me when I broke down. No one's done that for me in a long time.” Harry looked down at his clasped hands, frustrated and confused. Quatre smiled softly.
“Harry what do you think of Heero?”
“Loyal, a mother-hen when those he cares about are hurt. Focused, helpful, hard but kind. Um…” Harry trailed off, unsure what his friend was looking for and a bit nervous about the grin on the blondes face.
“Sounds like someone has a crush.” Quatre finally said and Harry turned red.
“But…I can't!”
“Why not? You're both single and you know you like guys.”
“But…” Harry just stared at Quatre, eyes wide with shock. Quatre placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Harry there's nothing wrong with having a crush. You don't have to act on it if you don't want to. Just don't let a chance for happiness slip by, Draco would not have wanted you to be alone forever.” With that the blonde left the room.
Duo watched Harry as the younger man moved around the kitchen and smirked as he saw him glancing at Heero from the corner of his eye when he thought no one was looking. Looked like his best friend had a chance after all. He was happy about that, Heero deserved to have someone like he had Trowa. And Trowa really couldn't ask for a better partner for his little brother than Heero so really it all worked out, if he could get those two to realise and admit their feelings anyway.
Incredibly, incredibly short I know but at least it's something. They just aren't cooperating so I have no idea when the next chapter will be out, sorry.