Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother's a Wizard? ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Still don't own.
Some people misunderstood my note at the end of the last chapter; I have no intentions to ever abandon any of my fics. All I was saying is that this one will not go on forever like Surrey Trouble; in fact, if Harry and Heero get their act together it will probably end at ch20.
In case no one reads the author profiles. I am going into hospital on June 15. Nothing major, just helping a stubborn ankle that flat out refuses to heal on its own. I will try to write while recovering but won't have reliable internet access for at least 3 weeks so sorry.
Harry's animagus form is revealed.
Chapter 10
Heero paused as he saw the figure outlined by moonlight. Not wanting to intrude he began to withdraw.
“Wouldn't mind the company.” The soft comment made him stop and then walk out onto the balcony, joining Harry at the rail. It had been three months since the attack and they were no closer to finding the culprits or the intended target making everyone edgy. Harry however had remained surprisingly calm, he'd just shrugged and said he was used to things like that happening. During the war that would have made Heero suspect him but he had helped pull Harry from the rubble, had seen his nervousness about rejection when it came to Trowa and to a lesser extent the rest of them. He knew that Harry had nothing to do with it, except as a possible target.
“Don't you have a mission in the morning?”
“Couldn't sleep.” Harry answered, leaning against the rail. He smiled slightly as a nearby owl hooted, enjoying being back on Earth. The six were on the planet, chasing leads on the bombing but so far had nothing to show for their work.
“It's routine.” Heero said, a little confused by Harry's mood, they'd been doing this for the last month.
“It's not that Heero. It's…” Harry turned so that his face was hidden by shadows and Heero frowned. Was that a tear?
“Harry? Are you hurt?” Harry shook his head.
“I'm sorry.” Harry went to walk away but Heero grabbed his arm. Harry reacted on instinct, hand coming up and a hex on his lips before he realised who had grabbed him. Heero let go and stepped back slightly. Harry blushed in embarrassment and muttered another apology. Heero nodded in acceptance but moved so that he blocked the way to the door.
“What is it?” He asked, more gently this time. Harry finally looked up and Heero was shocked to see the tears falling silently down from eyes full of grief and pain. Without really thinking about it he did what Duo sometimes did for him when it got too much, he drew Harry into a hug. To his surprise the younger man all but collapsed in his arms, gripping onto his shirt and finally releasing harsh sobs. Heero held him somewhat awkwardly until he finished and pulled back.
“Better?” Harry smiled slightly and nodded.
“Sorry.” Heero shrugged slightly.
“Did you lose anyone in the war? Anyone really close to you?” Heero shook his head.
“Before the other pilots I was taught not to make friends, that they were a liability.”
“They'll be holding a late night service right about now. Mourning those that died in the Hogwarts attack.” So that explained Harry's mood.
“Do you want to go?” Harry shook his head.
“Can't stand to watch the farce they make out of what happened. Don't really want to let them know I'm around because I lost my temper and accidentally blew something up.” Heero struggled to find the words he needed to help the younger soldier.
“We can't replace them but…” Harry gave him a suddenly brilliant smile and Heero returned it, if smaller.
“I know. Thanks.” Harry brushed his cheek with a kiss and was gone, leaving Heero standing frozen in shock.
“Where's Potter?” Heero whispered. Wufei just shrugged.
“Said he wanted a birds eye view before we move in.” The cry of a hawk made them look up and then duck as the bird dive-bombed them. They stared in shock as it changed shape until Harry was standing in front of them, grinning at their shocked looks.
“How?” Wufei stuttered and Harry laughed softly.
“Magic.” Both muggles glared at him.
“Place is more heavily fortified then we thought.” That got their attention. They listened as Harry explained what he had observed, each coming up with plans and discarding many.
“Hey Hee-chan! What's wrong?” Heero turned to his partner but didn't answer. Duo frowned, worried but Heero didn't seem to notice.
“Is this about that prank?”
“Harry…he kissed me.” Duo blinked and hit the mental rewind button on that sentence. Yep, he'd heard right.
“Harry kissed you? When?”
“When we were on Earth.”
“That was two months ago! What sort of kiss was it?” Heero simply brushed his hand over where Harry had kissed him.
“He was upset so I did what you do and hugged him. He said thanks and kissed me.”
“Okay, and?” Heero shrugged. Duo watched him carefully.
“Heero how do you feel about Harry?”
“He's an excellent fighter with reflexes that match ours. He can follow orders.”
“Not what I mean. I don't want you to analyse him like that. Ignore all that and what do you feel when you think about him?” Trust Heero to think of that stuff first.
“I…don't know.” Heero frowned as he thought about it.
“Kind, protective, brave…I enjoy spending time with him. He understands.” Duo smiled slightly.
“No offence but I think you have a crush on our resident wizard.” Heero stared at him blankly.
“Actually…very likely. You and Har are really similar in a lot of ways when you think about it. And we already know Harry likes guys.” Duo's grin faded and he hugged his best friend.
“I know you still have trouble with emotions but I'll help. You don't have to act on a crush. We'll watch Harry, see if he feels anything like that. Okay?” Heero was still staring at him like he was out of his mind and Duo chuckled nervously.
“You are crazy.”
“I've never denied it.” Duo grinned and Heero smiled at him.
Very short I know but hey, its an update at least!