Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother's a Wizard? ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Still not mine.
What should Harry's animagus form be? Something with really good eyesight since he saw the explosive.
Chapter 9
“Would you stop with the mother hen routine!” Heero bit back a smile as he watched from the doorway as Quatre fussed over Harry. The younger man had been released from the hospital just that morning and was obviously sick of being treated like an invalid. After a week and a half Heero wasn't surprised, he knew he would have escaped days ago, as would the others. Duo had offered to help Harry escape until he saw the look on his lover's face, after that he offered to tie Harry to the bed. Harry hadn't been amused.
“The lot of you are worse then Madam Pomphrey ever was and I thought that was impossible.” Harry complained as Quatre finally stepped back from the bed. Feeling some pity for Harry Heero stepped into the room.
“Wufei's calling for you.” He stated and Quatre nodded.
“Don't even think of trying to move Harry.” With that the blond was gone.
“Finally.” Harry moaned, letting his head fall back onto the pillows.
“You can't really blame us Harry, you nearly died. Much longer and you would have.” Harry glared at Heero before giving up.
“I know, I know. Guess I'm not used to this any more.” Harry's smile was sad and wistful.
“Do you know what happened yet?”
“A small but powerful explosive set in the ventilation grate. If Wufei had still been at his desk he would be dead. Three dead, forty injured plus you and Wufei. Wufei said you saw it?”
“Not really. I saw something and every instinct I have was screaming danger. Would have felt like an idiot if I'd been wrong but better to look like an idiot than be dead.”
“Agreed. The way the debris fell, you were lucky. You should have been crushed.” Heero frowned as Harry looked down.
“Yeah…is Trowa around?” Heero nodded.
“There's something I haven't told you guys. Well, I kind of blurted some out to Fei while we were trapped but its time I told you everything. But Trowa has the right to hear it all first.” Heero nodded.
“I'll get him.”
Harry looked up and smiled shakily as his brother stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him. He patted the bed beside him and Trowa silently took a seat.
“Heero said you need to talk to me.” Harry nodded, playing with the quilt until a hand covered his. He looked up into concerned green eyes.
“What is it?”
“Remember when you told me about being a pilot and then you asked if I'd fought in the war and I said I'd tell you later?” Trowa nodded.
“It's later.”
“Harry you don't have to.”
“Yes I do, you have a right to know about why our parents died and everything that happened after.”
“You know why I was taken?” Trowa stared at Harry in disbelief; he couldn't have kept that from him, could he?
“No. I looked for years whenever I could but never found anything.” Trowa nodded, relieved.
“I…I don't know how to do this.” Harry whispered. Trowa leant forward and hugged Harry gently, mindful of the fact that his brother was still healing.
“Start at the beginning and take as much time as you need.” Harry nodded and took a deep breath.
“Mum and Dad met at school and married straight after graduating. You were born rather soon after that so I figure Mum must have already been pregnant. I was born in…”
Trowa sat staring out the window, silently going over everything he'd learnt.
“Tro? Are you okay?” He turned to Duo and the braided man drew him into a hug, kissing him softly. Duo felt his heart clench at the lost look on his lovers face.
“Trowa what is it?”
“Harry. He told me everything.”
“He was in the war? What happened?” Trowa shook his head.
“Wrong war. There was another one and none of us ever knew. He saved the world Duo, and hardly anyone even knows. He lost everyone he's ever loved and he kept fighting.” Duo paled slightly. Sure, he'd figured Harry's life hadn't been all happiness but he hadn't imagined it was that bad.
“The things he's seen and had to do… I wish we hadn't been separated, I could have protected him!” Duo tightened his grip, trying to comfort his distraught lover. Trowa didn't show a lot of emotion outside of their little group but amongst them he had gotten better, as had Heero. Duo ignored the flash of pain that Trowa's statement caused, if he had stayed with Harry they may ever have met. But he must have betrayed himself somehow because Trowa's grip suddenly tightened and he was pulled into a desperate kiss.
“I love you Duo. I wish I could have been there for Harry but I would never give you up.” Duo relaxed and kissed him back.
“Sorry. So what was the war about?” Trowa relaxed as Duo asked.

”Harry wants to tell you guys himself. I know it's hard to believe but hear him out, he is telling the truth.”
“Okay. I'll go get the others!” Duo rushed off and Trowa headed back to Harry's room. His brother looked up nervously as he entered and Trowa smiled at him. He watched as Harry relaxed.
“I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner.” Harry said softly.
“No. You are still grieving Harry. You had every right to stay quiet.” Harry smiled.
“Thanks. How do you thinks the others will take it?”
“Duo will no doubt find it `cool'. Heero and Wufei will demand proof. Quatre has his own gifts so he should accept yours fairly easily.”
Harry finally looked up as he finished speaking. Heero was staring at him in disbelief, well at least as much as he would let show. Duo looked shocked before he started babbling excitedly, Quatre just smiled softly at him in understanding and Wufei nodded. After all he'd already been told about the Wizard portion of the story and had been saved by magic.
“That is so cool! Okay, so the whole psycho mass murder after you and the war isn't but the rest is.”
“Your odd skills.” Heero stated and Harry nodded.
“I was pulled form normal schooling when I was eleven. From sixteen I was trained solely for fighting. I only just finished high school and I still haven't technically finished my Wizarding education even though I know more than most Aurors.”
“You guys are okay with this?” The ex-pilots all shared a look and Harry held his breath. Then Duo grinned again and jumped on the bed, hugging Harry.
“You're part of the family Har and you're not getting away. So what if you're a super powerful Wizard, we're Gundam pilots. You fit into our weird group.”
“Thanks, I think. Well, now that you know I can do this.” Harry focused his magic into his body and smiled as it finished healing his injuries. Stretching he slid out of bed, grinning at the shocked looks.
“What? It's magic.” With that he bolted from the room before they could recover.
Another short one I know. Don't think this fic will go for all that much longer, sorry if you wanted another really long one.