Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother's a Wizard? ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Still don't own them.
Well, so far no one's killed me for the last chapter although I have been told off for the evil cliffhanger. Figured if I left it any longer you guys might decide to pull a page from Heero's book and shoot me so here it is.
Chapter 8
Wufei held onto Harry's limp body, checking for a pulse every few minutes. It had been half an hour since he had passed out and while his pulse wasn't getting weaker it wasn't getting stronger either. What was taking them so long to dig them out? He didn't want to admit it but he knew he had to face the possibility that they wouldn't be getting out, there could be too much damage to the building for anyone to reach them or there could be no one left inside to do so. He had the feeling that if Harry hadn't been delirious then he was the only reason they were still alive, what would have happened to everyone else who didn't have a Wizard with them? Was the building even still standing? He pushed those thoughts away, they wouldn't help them survive. He had to find a way to shore up there little bubble so that if Harry woke again maybe he could shrink his shield a bit or something, hopefully that would buy them more time. Wufei gently lowered Harry to the ground, removing his own jacket and using it as a pillow for him. Gritting his teeth against the pain in his leg he began his search.
Trowa carefully dug through the debris. He had refused to leave, as had the others so they had been allowed to help dig. He knew Quatre was still trying to sense Wufei even as he dug and the exertion was beginning to take its toll on the smaller agent. He turned to the blond as he gasped and watched as a small smile broke free.
“Wufei's alive! He's hurt and worried but alive.” With that excited statement the diggers redoubled their efforts to break through.
“Can you let him know we're coming?” Duo called from where he was digging and Quatre nodded.
Wufei looked up and frowned slightly before smiling and continuing to try to staunch the blood from Harry's side.
“Hold on a bit longer Harry, they're coming.” Wufei focused on that tentative brush and focused on his love for Quatre but also his fear for Harry.
Trowa smiled slightly as he saw Quatre blush slightly, Wufei must have felt him. The sudden frown was worrying.
“Dig faster! Harry's hurt badly.” Trowa felt his blood freeze from fear. No, not Harry. He turned back to his work, ripping through the mess, desperate to reach his brother in time.
“Harry? You waking up?” Wufei looked down, trying to make out Harry's face in the darkness. He'd managed to reinforce the sections of rubble closest too them so hopefully they would be okay till the others got through.
“No…Sirius…Remus…. Please come back. Draco…don't leave…” Harry was tossing his head slightly as he spoke. Worried, Wufei felt his forehead and swore. Harry was burning up.
“Shh Harry. It's going to be okay. Just hold on a little longer, please.” Wufei shut his eyes and focused all of his thoughts on his lover, praying that Quatre would realise what he needed to say.
Quatre tore at the rubble desperately. The brief stab of fear he'd felt from his lover earlier had scared him. They couldn't lose Harry now, not when he'd fitted so well into their odd little family. It would kill Trowa to loose his little brother like this. He didn't know if even Duo would be able to keep him with them if that happened. He paused as he felt a slight tickle in his heart and then closed his eyes. He smiled at the warmth of Wufei's feelings but swallowed hard as he felt the near panic for Harry's condition. They had to hurry.
Wufei flinched as the debris to his side suddenly shifted. He instantly moved to cover Harry's prone form with his own body. He knew it wouldn't change anything if they were about to be crushed but it was instinctive to protect his partner, especially since he couldn't protect himself. He froze, straining his ears. Could it be?
“HELP! WE'RE IN HERE!” He yelled. He watched as the debris shifted again.
“DUO HURRY.” He smiled as he yelled back.
“You hear that Harry? We're almost out, just hang on.” Harry didn't respond to him, lost in delirium and talking to people that weren't there and that Wufei had the feeling were dead.
Trowa stood beside the bed, staring down at its still occupant. He hesitantly reached down and brushed his brothers hair from his face. Wufei had been discharged into Quatre's care earlier that day but Harry had yet to wake up and it had already been three days.
“This is all my fault. I'm so sorry Harry.”
“You shouldn't blame yourself.” Trowa made no move to acknowledge the young man in the doorway as he continued to stroke his brothers hair.
“Harry made his own choice to join the Preventers. You heard Wufei, if not for Harry he'd be dead.” Heero moved further into the room as he spoke.
“If he hadn't met me he would never have been there to get hurt.”
“You don't know that. Harry is the type to never walk away from someone who needs him. How can you know that he wouldn't have joined up anyway?” Heero placed what he hoped was a comforting hand on Trowa's shoulder.
“What did the doctors say?”
“The debris missed his organs but he lost a lot of blood. Two broken ribs and three cracked, concussion.”
“That explains why my head feels like its going to fall off.” They looked down in shock to see Harry's eyes were open but squinting against the light. He coughed slightly and Trowa had a straw to his lips in seconds.
“Sip slowly.” Harry obeyed, gratefully moistening his parched throat.
“Thanks. Wufei?”
“He's fine, just a broken leg. Quatre took him home today.”
“Good.” Harry murmured sleepily. Trowa smiled softly.
“Go back to sleep Harry, we're here.” Harry smiled slightly as his eyes drifted shut and his breathing evened out. The two ex-pilots exchanged amused looks.
“I'll let the doctors know.” Heero left the room and Trowa perched on the edge of the bed, still smiling. Harry had woken up And would be fine in time.
I know, very short. Just thought I'd get rid of the cliffhanger for you.